Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Pitermach,Having splash damage on more ships was another thing that was discussed. Originally it was something Aaron added in on the sly to mess with me lol. We kept it cause it made a lot of sense. Thanks for the suggestions. Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

One of the things I enjoy in the game was how you got splash damage when fighting the tanker. Maybe this could also happen with other ships as well, Say if youre under 2000 meters, any damage to the rocket pod which would cause rockets to be ejected could potentially cause said rocket to explode and damage both yourself and the enemy. This could also happen if the whole ship explodes to encourage keeping your distance somewhat.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

I was a curious how far I could go without using any repairs. The first few levels actually went quite well until the command and control one. It had a 3 fighter escort and the first one managed to hit me with a rocket which did a few fun things, and the last fighter finished it off with a computer assisted shot. Still, I actually did pretty well I think. Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode)The game lasted 32 minutes and 48 seconds and ended on Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 0:42 AM - The player lost!5 epsilon, 5 delta, 5 gamma, 0 beta, 2 alpha, 1 tanker, 0 command and control and 0 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of18.The interceptor destroyed 10 vessels with just one attack, and 5 with two. It fired 25 shots and 11 rockets.The interceptor took 33 turns, traveled 90 meters, consumed 2309 energy and its reactors produced 907 energy. Opponents took 14 turns.Final level reached: 7, final sc
 ore: 97000!


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : themadviolinist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Just bought the game yesterday and have played two games on normal mode. I have some thoughts here.First of all, the purchase process was lovely; I was up and playing in a couple of minutes without even having to type in an activation code. Kudos, this was among the nicest installation experiences ever. Nice job to the creators of Guide Dog for that.Now to the game. I think the most important and often underappreciated principle of game design is that every decision the player makes should have consequences, and the reasons to make each choice should be clear to the player. This doesnt mean that the player should possess all information as outguessing the opponent is certainly an important piece of the enjoyment of game play.I think I see elements of this philosophy in Interceptor, though it would be helpful if some of the ideas were a bit more spelled out in the user guide. For instance, rockets seem to ignore deflectors
 , or at least most of the time, which is useful for softening up opponents before using the direct fire weaponry, but I had to figure this out by trial and error.Its not clear to me that there is any other successful tactic then to get in close, wipe out the deflector, then target one of the critical systems and punch it out till you win or die. I played two games and experimented with different strategies and the get in and slug it out strategy was clearly superior. This reduces the replay value of the game significantly as the only real tactical choice is whether or not to send a flight of rockets first.Other than deflectors, its hard to see the effect of degraded systems on the opponent ships. Im not sure how youd convey that more effectively. I suspect it affects the probability of success for various actions, but of course we the players dont know what those probabilities are to start with, so its hard to s
 ee the decrease in effectiveness.Im also not seeing a large difference in the challenge of the various opponent types. There is obviously a difference between those ships with or without deflectors, but an alpha doesnt appear all that much more deadly than a beta. The larger ships, particularly the mother ship are certainly harder.Now to some feature suggestions.How about implementing an ECM/ECCM set of choices. ECM makes you harder to hit, ECCM increases your ability to hit. You have to dynamically set the balance between offense and defense.Id love a hard mode where the opponents appear simultaneously, rather than in serial fashion. The biggest difficulty here would be in maneuvering. Im guessing youre tracking distance as a simple one-dimensional quantity rather than in two or more dimensions, since you dont report a bearing as combat goes on. Ive noodled a way about how yo
 u could still do this, giving the player the choice of which ship to maneuver against and secondary preferences for distances to other ships. For instance, on a given level, Im fighting an alpha and two betas which are 20,000 m, 40,000 m and 15,000 m away respectively. I decide that Id like to close the alpha while maintaining distance from the betas. You would use the various statistics of the ships to determine whether I am successful in this maneuver. I could see a combination of navigation computer, cockpit, engines, and maybe a pilot rating (which you havent implemented yet) as being involved in this calculation.Is it a bug or a feature that there are times when I can hit enter and countermaneuver against the opponent approaching or evading, and there are times when I cannot? Is it a bug or feature that the mother ship repairs systems without having to disengage from combat, so that a deflector I knock down in one shot is ba
 ck at 100% when Igo to hit it again?There should be a cost to using computer-controlled shots, otherwise there is no incentive to ever do anything else. Perhaps computer control takes more time than a snap shot, so you get fewer of them?All in all, Im fine with having purchased this game. Im hoping that there will be some additional complexity added to it, or that it will be integrated into a larger game over time. The strategic management aspects are definitely well done, though rockets were the only quantity I ever felt short of, having had to go up against level 9 only using two since I knew I wanted at least four for the mother ship on level 10. The strategic choices about whether to use repairs are a nice optimization problem. You might consider adding a catastrophic repair failure mode for in-combat repairs that wipes out the system being repaired, the likelihood of which increases as your repair droid is damaged.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

@Violinist, one thing I will say is that the differences between ship types become more apparent the more actions you give a ship. Alphas can be deadly if you dont get them quick. The problem of course is as you said, optimum stratogy is to get in close ko the deflector and then wail away so you dont often see what they can do, but try combatting one at long range and see what happens.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here,Themadviolinist,Darks suggestion about how much more of the differences can be seen in longer duration and longer range combat with higher class ships is valid; the obvious counterpoint of well yeah, but they need to die right now is also valid.Concerning your remarks about the user guide being more specific: that is quite probably a good observation. You are not the only person who has noticed shortfalls in this area, and as I am the half of the team responsible for our documentation I am currently whipping myself with an old USB cable until I learn better. In all seriousness, Ill have a look at it again, and see where I can tighten it up; the nice thing about using online documentation is I can update it and everyone has the same documentation immediately.Rockets do ignore deflectors in all cases except one, and this point is brought up in an oblique way in the documentation. Rockets do not arm until after app
 roximately 10,000 meters. Thus, if you fire a rocket too close its just a big hunk of metal that the deflector then intercepts. As to the optimal strategy discussion: There is a post I made earlier in this same thread about a strategy I tried of using a rocket to damage opponents, then pot shot them with the particle beam from farther out. This worked well enough, except when ships were too close for whatever reason. In those cases, I defaulted to the smash the deflector and blow them up strategy. I think there are other ways to play it, but I agree that unfortunately, its appearing more and more, as we hear from a larger group of players, that this was a place where the code could have been better designed. This is a definite place well revisit if we update Interceptor.As to telegraphing to the player more of the difficulties the opponent is having from damaged systems: Im not sure how to really t
 elegraph this either without more descriptive text. Their systems impact them exactly the same as the players systems impact them; for an example that is easier to track, destroy a ships waste disposal system, then give it time to take damage from it. Youll see cockpit integrity, life support, and the reactors all suffer gradual damage. Some other examples are damaging rocket pods cause them to eject disabled rockets, etc. Some of the effects are very subtle and difficult to see, even if you know they are there. For instance, I have a good idea of how damaged targeting computers have to be before fighters start missing significant amounts of time, but that was a matter of trial and error and playing hundreds of games in the beta testing. If anyone has good suggestions on this, Im all ears.There are differences between the different classes of ships, both in system layout and in complexity of AI. This is not at 
 all very obvious to the player however, and some of it comes from playing a lot of games, and some of it comes in seeing a fighter use more intelligent tactics. In beta testing I came to loathe betas. I always had the most trouble with them, Im not sure why. As to the ECM suggestion, we actually have played with adding this, and its one of the features in our if/when we update/do another Interceptor style game file.As to simultaneous pops of ships, I agree. When we first designed the game, frankly, we had no ideas on how to manage this. Now that we have done more, we have some ideas on how to tackle this, and intend to try it out when we get a chance. Itll be a ways down the road though. Theres still technical issues to work out.As to your surmise about how we are tracking distance you are correct. Again, a limitation of the state of our abilities at the time we started on the game. By
  the time we could have fixed this, the game was too far in development to really make changing it viable.As to how to handle the maneuvering, that would obviously require some combination of the factors you suggested. This is doable, and its something that we will definitely revisit.The Mad Violinist:Is it a bug or a feature that there are times when I can hit enter and countermaneuver against the opponent approaching or evading, and there are times when I cannot? Jeremy: It is a feature. If the ship is merely maneuvering, you are not given a chance to cut it off. In a perfect world, you could have done so; but again, our state of knowledge did not equal our desires at this point. The only time you can cut it off is when the game announces name of ship evading. This is the signal that the enemy ship is trying to gain distance to repair.The Mad Violinist: Is it a bug or feature that the mother ship repairs systems
  without having to disengage from combat, so that a deflector I knock down in one shot is back at 100% when Igo to hit it again?Jeremy: That is a feature, and a very annoying but fun one. As to the computer assisted shot issue. I agree except for one thing. If you factor in smart sights, smart weapons, and greater

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy Here:Dark, All good suggestions. Im not really happy with the scan costing a move as it does now. I chalk it up to the it was a good idea at the time syndrome.As to the other suggestions, all are worth exploring. I have a couple of ideas on how to tackle this as well. One thing, that is not as obvious to the player generally, is that weapon effectiveness drops fairly rapidly after certain points. If the particle beams drop was even more gradual than it already is, and the neutrino cannons drop steeper, this would also help ranged combat. Ill be more than happy to hear other suggestions as well. I find that with this game, as with many deceptively simple games, everything is great until either I mess up, or the computer gets lucky or smart. In one of the games I posted here as an example, I had an epsilon hit my deflector first shot of the game. That heightened tension q
 uite a bit. Having been struck by three rockets in one game, I can assure you it changes your priorities quite rapidly. That said, the game can stand quite a bit of improvement, and I suspect that this will be an ongoing project for us. We are making notes as per usual. Thanks again,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

@Vga, one way to track efficiency in the oncoming fighter would be to add information to the scan optioon in the main menu. right now, I dont use the scan option sinse computer assisted shots give me a free scan so why would i waste an action, however seeing what sort of condition an enemy fighter was in in more detail could make that option worth using. Im thinking here things like electric systems at %30, ship losing power or cockpit at %50, pilots life signs eratic, just like when scans are used in series like startrek to determine various details of another ships condition. Of course the problem at the moment is that your still in the well whats the point sinse its better to just get in their face and blow them up teretory, and I would suggest this is an aspect of gameplay that needs altering to make situations where long range combat was actually a better option like closing and doing damage
 ,  for example maybe give gamma or beta class that made closing with them far more difficult and necessitated long range fights (though the repare droid would need tweaking sinse otherwise a fight against a faster ship would be impossible to win), or maybe some of those battle conditions mentioned earlier.Another option might be to reduce the amount of distance ships can travel in a turn, sinse right now you can go from 2000 meters distance right up to over a hundred thousand, ie, from right in your opponents face to outside of weapon range in one move. if ships were limited to thirty thousand meters a move however,this would make range play far more part in the game, sinse you would actually need to fight at long range some of the time, and if you wanted to retreat and repare would need to take time disengaging rather than just flailing away.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

You are welcome jeremy?


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Luis, good to see that you managed to purchase the game. Im glad that you managed to make the system work. Thank you for buying the game, and we hope you have a lot of enjoyment from it.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Luis,De nada about the language. I wish my Spanish extended further than that and yo no recuerdo mucho Espanol. That said, that gives me a lot more information to work with. Ill let Dentin know about this issue, and well see whats going on. Im sorry that youre having this issue. Take care,Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Luis,De nada about the language. I wish my Spanish extended further than that and yo no recuerdo mucho Espanol. That said, that gives me a lot more information to work with. Ill let Dentin know about this issue, and well see whats going on. Im sorry that youre having this issue. Im also sorry, that I didnt see Aarons response until after I wrote this, however, its still important to emphasize that we are committed to working out issues that anyone is having who want to purchase the game. We have spoken to Dentin about the Paypal support issue. As Aaron noted, Dentin is having a major set of rl issues right now. That said, this problem is known about. If there are more issues with credit cards being refused or odd behavior such as Luis called our attention to, please let us know. Thank you,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

hello, I tryed the game a second time, and now I must say I like my score much better!Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode)The game lasted 34 minutes and 4 seconds and ended on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 2:57 PM - The player beat the game! woohoo!6 epsilon, 4 delta, 7 gamma, 1 beta, 2 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 1 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of23.The interceptor destroyed 10 vessels with just one attack, and 12 with two. It fired 40 shots and 0 rockets.The interceptor took 39 turns, traveled 881325 meters, consumed 3174 energy and its reactors produced 1248 energy. Opponents took 17 turns.Final level reached: 10, final score: 281000!


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Luis, it sounds like you might be hitting the MSIE 10 _javascript_ bug. Theres apparently one version of Internet Explorer 10 which doesnt process _javascript_ properly, and it blows up on the credit card page. Id recommend trying with Firefox or Chrome instead. If that is whats happening, seriously consider upgrading your internet explorer - 10 is very, very old.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Re post 45:Thank you very much for explaining this. I was wandering what those computer scans were used for. It would be very useful if youll make this more clear in the documentation. Time to play this game a lot more. Time to destruction. 


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:SLJ,In the attack submenu there is 7 options:Fire port rocket podFire Starboard rocket podFire Particle BeamFire Nutrino CannonFire Particle Beam Computer AssistedFire Nutrino Cannon Computer AssistedRamThe two options that you want in this case are fire particle beam computer assisted and fire neutrino cannon computer assisted. When you select one of these youll hear the scanner operate, then either the message scan failed, or a beep and then a menu with enemy systems and energy listed. Select the system you wish to target by scrolling to it and hitting enter. If a fighter has a deflector, destroying the deflector first makes a huge difference. I should probably make this clearer in the documentation, since it has come up several times, and you are not the only person to have asked.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

@luiscarlosgm, hello from Aaron.Ive emailed you at the email address you have at the bottom of your forum messages. Please post here and let us know if you dont receive that email.For the record, were committed to working this out. We were unable to really do much today because Dennis is going through some life changes. Well post again here on the forum when weve got things sorted out.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

This is the place where I was going to post my stats, but the VMware fusion clipboard sharing thing broke. So, I beat the game and got around 26 points, which is not my highest, that would be around 28 IIRC.Something I was thinking of, the command and control ship and the motherships are kind of underpowered. Dont get me wrong, if you get an unlucky rocket in your face, or go into the fight damaged, it could get more interesting. But just now during this game, I had only a single Epsilon on level 9 so went in mostly OK, pretty much everything in the 90s and a full load of rockets. out of all of those only 1 actually connected, which really didnt mean much because I moved in, and 4 neutrino shots later it was over. For a ship that the manual describes as something you should never come in contact with in a small fighter, its quite wimpy. The main gun mostly gets deflected and does minimal damage, while you can knock out its deflectors in one sh
 ot. If you want to keep this kind of mothership in the game, perhaps make it longer, maybe 12 or 15 levels longer and add a super mothership which could either have more health, so you couldnt just one shot the deflectors, or have it generate a jamming field of some kind that would make computer assisted shots near impossible.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

OK VGA, my ackount name is luiscarlos2000, so you can help me.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

hello, I agree with peters suggestion about the mothership and command and control vestles being nderpowered. I simply had to disable both deflecters and both life support systems and I was done with it. Thats how I did it with most ships after level 5 or so, when i figured out that I could just blow up the deflecters and then life support. Life support seems to be a system that damages more easally than the electronics, at least in my experience. Anyway, here are my game stats. They probably would have been better if that emergancy repair option wouldnt have been so tempting...Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode)The game lasted 1 hours, 11 minutes and 46 seconds and ended on Monday, July 13, 2015 at 10:37 PM - The player beat the game! woohoo!8 epsilon, 2 delta, 4 gamma, 3 beta, 1 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 1 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of21.The interceptor destroyed
  4 vessels with just one attack, and 9 with two. It fired 43 shots and 20 rockets.The interceptor took 64 turns, traveled 2171200 meters, consumed 4433 energy and its reactors produced 1892 energy. Opponents took 40 turns.Final level reached: 10, final score: 233000!


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy Here some more:Thanks for the input on the mother ship.While it can be a cake walk, as you both described, Ive had those other experiences That said, we worked really hard to make the mother ship difficult, but not impossible. If you ever get hit by one of those gun batteries without a deflector youll appreciate the power of the ships more. Aaron and I are discussing ways to possibly change this up.I know several people have suggested a longer game with more levels. This might be a possibility for an expansion later down the road. We wanted the game to be completable in roughly half an hour to an hour. Right now were hitting that goal with the ten level version. However, if enough of our customers ask for deadlier mother ships and more enemy fighters to risk getting killed by, who are we to argue?:)Interceptor updates are right now a way off. We have two projects that were working on right now, and we havent decided which one to take up first after we release version 6 of the free game Traders of Known Space. This new version will not be that different in terms of game play, but it will include some nice additions from Yellowbonnet such as keyboard hooking, ability to reset scores, ability to name your ship, etc. Theres also some infrastructure changes we made that are invisible to the player, but makes the code happier. Once thats put to bed, we have a large scale project and one that at least plan wise looks smaller. After that, we might revisit Interceptor. As Ive mentioned elsewhere, we have 3-6 Science fiction games in note or outline form, another 9 or 10 in rough notes form, and a number of games for other genres kicking around. A lot of the process tends to be whats good for the company,
  as well as moving into more challenging territory. One of our projects might become a sidescroller. This is something Aarons wanted to do from the beginning, and were studying the issues with it now to see that we make the best game we can.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy Here:Luis,Can you give us any more details? I get that youre hitting purchase, but after that Guidedog gives you only a blank page?Sorry for asking again, but any information that you can give us about what exactly took place will help us to troubleshoot what happened. Thanks, and sorry youre having a hard time with the service,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Yes, VGA, when I sayed to my mother called Jennifer, I tolled her that I want to purchase interseptor. I have putted the card number of her, and all the imformation such as her real name, its Jenny Dennice. I put the direction or street, then I put the province and country, such as Panama. And, when I presed done with card imformation, it just send me a blank page. or I did something wrong or theres no Email for activation or my mothers card didnt accept the request, or it didnt support my country?Im sorry for my english, Im to scared for writing in a language that I dont no, since in Panama the official language is Spanish.Thanks and gracias.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Yes, VGA, when I sayed to my mother called Jennifer, I tolled her that I want to purchase interseptor, since I was born the 20th of november 2000. I have putted the card number of her, and all the imformation such as her real name, its Jenny Dennice. I put the direction or street, then I put the province and country, such as Panama. And, when I presed done with card imformation, it just send me a blank page. or I did something wrong or theres no Email for activation or my mothers card didnt accept the request, or it didnt support my country?Im sorry for my english, Im to scared for writing in a language that I dont no, since in Panama the official language is Spanish.Thanks and gracias.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.Yeah I have read the documentation and the tips and Im flying as close to the enemies as possible. But, how do you aim for a spicific target like the deflectors? Ive only played the quick mode so far, but I dont remember having read anything about aiming in the documentation.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

@Audiogamesnetfan, nice going, indeed your using the same tactics as me, namely the best defense is a good offense so get up close and offensive! . I just need to work out how to deal with the mother ship.@Vga, regarding the shortcut keys, Supernova doesnt interfere with keys at all or do the hooking thing (indeed I think its only Jaws that does that), I experimented with turning on and off the keyboard hooking options in the program but it made no difference. The F keys such as f2 and f3 to change volume worked fine, it was just the letter keys such as d for distance and m for moves that didnt, Ill check again this morning. That also makes sense about turns, it did seem a little weerd what actions the enemy got sometimes. Im afraid I disagree about adding the second level not adding to the demo. One of the interesti
 ng things about interceptor to me is that the level markers are more like stages in a progressing combat rather than entirely new scenarios. Thus far, yes, someone can repeat the demo and play a couple of times getting one, sometimes two fights, but that doesnt show the progression from level to level,the need to manage replacements or the chances of different occurences which are all strengths of interceptor. Even if practically speaking the second level is! just like the first,its the fact that you progress from one to another and need to manage that progress that would make a significant change to the demo and give people a clearer idea of what the game is about. I bought the thing streight off, but on the other hand Im a bit of a nut for complex combat, settings with backstory and for space battles, so I probably wouldve done even if there had been no demo at all, and not everybody has my preferences. Still, it is your game after all. B
 tw, I have a suggestion. I know missions have been mentioned and mixing up the ship types would be nice, as would some customization of your own vessel, eg, weapons with different range and hit chance, or different abilities or systems to play with your range or defenses. One change however Id love to see are special battle conditions. Stuff like your fighting in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant so both you and the enemy have slower movements, or your fighting in an asteroid belt so intermitantly you or the enemy will end up shooting asteroids instead, or your fighting in a battle zone with many other fighters meaning occasionally you both get hit with stray shots, or your fighting near a pulsar so every so often pulses of energy affect your targeting. The combat system is a really interesting one, and there are lots of ways you could expand it however the more random factors you throw into the mix, the more types of mission, ship types, the more random b
 attle conditions, the more ship customizations, the more fun itll be, and youve already got an awesome setting with a lot of possibilities for different ships and missions.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Dark,I think the problem youre experiencing sort of ties ins with a suggestion I want to make. Right now, pressing control pauses speech, but doesnt actually flush the speech buffer. What makes this annoying is that the only thing that does after that are menu movements, but not pressing information keys. So, when the combat menu comes up and it starts reading the first item, I interrupt `speech with control, press D to get the distance, nothing happens, I press control and it continues rattling on, interceptor status sub menu, 99% this, 98% that, etc, until finally it gets to the distance that I requested. Maybe this behaviour should be changed to how this is handled in NVDA, where pressing shift pauses and resumes speech, just like how the game behaves now, while control stops speech and flushes the buffer.The other thing I wanted to suggest is an endless/surviver mode. This could work by making subsequent levels longer and longer, possibly even having on
 ly the bigger command and motherships in the later levels, or making the refuelling and rearming sequences happen less and less. I think this would add to the replay value quite a bit.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Sneak, Im responding here too as well as in private message, in case other people are trying to reach us.We are apparently experiencing a server side mail issue. I responded to Sneaks email, but the message was never sent. Aaron has been alerted to the problem, and well try to get it straightened out as soon as possible. My apologies to anyone getting frustrated at a nonresponse. Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hello VGA,Sorry im the one that didnt purchase this game, but I dont see the email after the purchase.I press the button called done with card imfo, but a blank page appears. Im from Panama, and I like to play this game but fully.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

I am really enjoying the game though. I do feel it would benefit greatly from expansion such as missions etc, Great work guys . This is the closest to feeling like an X-Wing pilot Ive ever gotten.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

I kind of forgot that if the tanker explodes too close to you, it can really mess you up . Eek! Just a word of warning in case the game places you really close to it and your first thought is this will be simple


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Dan,That is very high praise. That was what I originally strove for with the original game when I first programmed it in high school. My favorite bit of Starwars when I was a kid was the big X-wing battle at the end. Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Luis,We are looking into the issue with the purchase page. Thank you for letting us know about it, and I hope we can clear this up so you can get the game.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

@luiscarlosgm this is Aaron from VGA.Would you tell me what your account name is? Send it in a pm or an email if you prefer to keep that private. Well get you straightened out as soon as we can figure out what went wrong. By account name, I mean the user name you use to log into guidedog, probably should send that privately Id guess.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hmm, I sent it around 3 AM eastern time, and I copied and pasted the address and got no failed delivery. No matter Ill just send it to you in a PM.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy Here:Dark,Special conditions were something that were originally included into the game design, but were abandoned due to difficulty of development. Although Interceptor is our third game released, it was actually our first game in design and development. A number of things we wanted to do initially we did not have the expertise to manage. Since Interceptor, weve worked on three other games (one of which is temporarily shelved for those of you counting and trying to figure out where the third game is) but each one has taught us more about how to overcome some of these difficulties. The mission levels that we originally tried to integrate into Interceptor were going to introduce a lot of complicating conditions such as environmental concerns. That said, we havent abandoned that notion. We are contemplating, further down the road, either an expansion, or a whole new game that uses the Interceptors combat mech
 anics, and possibly TKS map mode. If we do this, several of the ideas that were abandoned in previous iterations of the game will also find the light of day again. We never throw anything away: you never know when a blind alley will end up being a great idea later.Im not sure what your hot key issue is, unless it is indeed what Pitermach suggested.Pitermach, thanks for the critique of the speech buffer issues and the suggestion for later levels. When we first designed the game this was the best speech buffer system we could come up with. Were working on improving it, and if that happens, Interceptor could see an update similar to those weve done for Yellowbonnet and Traders of Known Space. Again, you hit the issue of were still learning the best way to cope with a problem. Dark,As to the demo mode: I see your argument, and well continue discussing it; its possible our position o
 n this might change. There was a lot of debate between ourselves and our beta testers on this issue as well, and so it was never as set in stone a decision as it might appear. However, the games only been out three days, well four now, and we want to see if there are more issues. If we change things, wed like to change enough things at once to make it worth it. Any day were updating code is a day were not working on a new project. Thank you all for the suggestions and critiques,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.I have played the game like 20 times or so, and hasnt managed to beat the game yet. I feel this game is a madder of luck if you manage to beat it.4 times, I managed to destroy a ship with one hit, and it all went very wel until levle 7. Then, the ship destroyed me in one hit with a rocketI still enjoy the game, but if youre unlucky like me, a random ship will just destroy the whole ship in one hit.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:SLJ,There is some luck involved. Having a look at the tips and tricks portion of the documentation might help as well. The strategy that many on the forum have already noted of flying in as close as you can, aim for deflectors (assuming the ship has any) and then attacking a vital system works well. There are a few exceptions to this rule, most notably the tanker ship. However, this might help a lot. If youre already doing this, and still having issues, my suggestion is to fly out from the enemy and repair some when you need to. HTH,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Just to give a counterpoint to the conversation thus far, I just played a game where I tried, as much as was practical and possible, to depend on rockets and the particle beam. I had a bit of a scare when the first epsilon of the game blew my deflector up, but I survived. This is unusual for me, I usually use the up close and personal approach many of you have been discussing. Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode)The game lasted 1 hours, 7 minutes and 14 seconds and ended on Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 9:41 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!5 epsilon, 10 delta, 4 gamma, 2 beta, 3 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 1 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of27.The interceptor destroyed 7 vessels with just one attack, and 10 with two. It fired 47 shots and 30 rockets.The interceptor took 85 turns, traveled 1194125 meters, consumed 3318 energy and its reactors pro
 duced 1881 energy. Opponents took 46 turns.Final level reached: 10, final score: 285000!I got very lucky in several particulars. Level 9 was composed of 3 deltas and a gamma for instance, and though I had 3 alphas on level 7, two of them were cowardly and gave me a chance to repair. Im not sure I would adopt this as a primary strategy, but it was a different game playing this way. One immediately noticeable thing is that I was forced to give up a lot of the bonus points associated with quick kills. However, I did gain a number of bonus points from needing less replacements. It looks like it balanced out, though the bonuses for number of ships destroyed probably contributed far more.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

hi. Yep I read the tips and tricks section of the manual, I was just surprised that the particle beam was less damaging than I thought. That game was whacky, everything was going very well until a hit from a gamma meant my droid went boom, and the delta pilots then did exactly what I wouldve done in that situation, taking pot shots and running away to repare, the Douchemongers!  when I do it its clever, when they do it its scummy . Still game was fun, and I got to see some gammas that time as well . Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode)The game lasted 37 minutes and 4 seconds and ended on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 10:47 AM - The player lost!3 epsilon, 2 delta, 5 g
 amma, 0 beta, 0 alpha, 1 tanker, 0 command and control and 0 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of11.The interceptor destroyed 4 vessels with just one attack, and 2 with two. It fired 36 shots and 7 rockets.The interceptor took 44 turns, traveled 296350 meters, consumed 1871 energy and its reactors produced 1297 energy. Opponents took 32 turns.Final level reached: 6, final score: 63000!


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (quick mode)The game lasted 26 minutes and 2 seconds and ended on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 7:32 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!5 epsilon, 4 delta, 2 gamma, 1 beta, 2 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 1 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of17.The interceptor destroyed 9 vessels with just one attack, and 6 with two. It fired 28 shots and 0 rockets.The interceptor took 20 turns, traveled 456450 meters, consumed 1903 energy and its reactors produced 640 energy. Opponents took 7 turns.Final level reached: 10, final score: 279000! Is this good? Hard to really tell.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy Here:Hi Dark,The particle beam is the longer range weapon, and it is somewhat weaker than the neutrino cannon. Further, range impacts all weapon systems damage output (except for rockets obviously). As a rule, I use the particle beam on badly damaged systems at range if the deflector on an enemy fighter is destroyed or nearly destroyed. That said, the particle beam can be a good chip away weapon, especially if you want to keep your distance.Alphas are significantly nastier than most of the other fighters, one reason why level 7 is sometimes more challenging at first. Its often the first time a player encounters an alpha, and so provides a rather steep learning curve. That said, I suspect you got very very unlucky. Enemy rocket fire is the thing that always makes me clench up personally. However, with the manned fighters they can occasionally take more intelligent computer assisted shots, and those ar
 e nasty, especially when ones deflector gets knocked out.The manual does have a tips and tricks section that has some info, but I dont recall if I put a weapons comparison anywhere in the manual specifically. Theres some discussion scattered through, but thats not the same thing. Might be something to remedy.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Yep, well it only took me one round to decide I fancied the game :d. An alpha got me in basically one hit where all of my systems were at %80 or higher, which was irritating, indeed I think Ill need to check the docs and think about stratogy sinse I didnt seem to do much good against the alpha. Btw, is it me or is the particle beam really weak? I assumed it was there for if you were too far away for the neutrino cannon, but it never seemed to do much by way of damage.Either way, I got a couple of one hit kills and I did a tanker which isnt bad for a first go: Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (quick mode)The game lasted 47 minutes and 8 seconds and ended on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 9:49 AM - The player lost!7 epsilon, 1 delta, 0 gamma, 0 beta, 0 alpha, 1 tanker, 0 command and control and 0 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of9.The interceptor destroyed 3 vessels with just one at
 tack, and 2 with two. It fired 33 shots and 2 rockets.The interceptor took 35 turns, traveled 476850 meters, consumed 1722 energy and its reactors produced 1035 energy. Opponents took 23 turns.Final level reached: 7, final score: 48000!


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here,Sneak,Its good to have finished the game. I didnt look at the mode you were in but im guessing from the low number of ships you probably were in quick mode. Either that, or just got extremely lucky/unlucky depending on your point of view.Generally for a successful game scores Ive seen have ranged from about 250,000 points to around 330,000 points. A lot of it depends on ships destroyed, what sorts of ships they are, how many bonuses you get, etc.The more manned fighters one faces, obviously the score increases. The number of one attack or two attack kills can run up bonus points as well. If you can get away without repairing your ship you can get bonus points at the end of even numbered levels by refusing replacements. There is a large bonus for a high number of ships destroyed. If you can destroy the tanker, command and control vessel, and mother ship in the fewest shots poss
 ible you get large bonuses as well. I know this is rather vague, but I dont want to completely rob the fun of other people in discovering where and how to rack up bonuses. However, Id say 279,000 is good, but not the best you could probably manage.Further, for those of you who have tried quick mode, normal mode is a slightly different experience:) Theres a lot more possible ships for instance. HTH,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Im guessing the normal mode is a lot more strategic . The enemies definitely see morne dangerous. Right now Ive basically been taking down the electronics , which seems to be the quickest to destroy .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

@Jeremy, Yeah, normal mode is tougher but imho more fun, albeit that last game was a doozy, sinse again it was going rather well until that great mother put the mockers on it . Im going to have to think out stratogy for that thing, sins I tried getting in close and personal, then I ran away and did some quick repares and tried to chuck rockets at it, but they didnt seem to hit very much while the mothership had lots of long range weaponry. On the plus side, Ive found how to deal with alphas now, though admitedly that is mostly due to me getting how the evasion business works and not letting them run away . Still, Im pretty pleased with the score, especially the number of one and two hit kills.Statistics for Playthroug
 h of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode)The game lasted 1 hours, 49 seconds and ended on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 3:58 PM - The player lost!8 epsilon, 4 delta, 4 gamma, 4 beta, 4 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 0 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of26.The interceptor destroyed 8 vessels with just one attack, and 12 with two. It fired 56 shots and 5 rockets.The interceptor took 53 turns, traveled 989225 meters, consumed 4189 energy and its reactors produced 1655 energy. Opponents took 34 turns.Final level reached: 10, final score: 203000!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

@Jeremy, Yeah, normal mode is tougher but imho more fun, albeit that last game was a doozy, sinse again it was going rather well until that great mother put the mockers on it . Im going to have to think out stratogy for that thing, sins I tried getting in close and personal, then I ran away and did some quick repares and tried to chuck rockets at it, but they didnt seem to hit very much while the mothership had lots of long range weaponry. On the plus side, Ive found how to deal with alphas now, though admitedly that is mostly due to me getting how the evasion business works and not letting them run away . Btw, firstly does it say in the stats what mode you were playing? if not perhaps it should. Secondly, the shortcut keys 
 dont work at all, which is a pain sinse I keep having to go and look at the distance menue to see how far away the enemy is, also I cant check number of moves left. Still, Im pretty pleased with the score, especially the number of one and two hit kills, though it seems that getting a one hit kill on any ship with a defelector is impossible, indeed you always seem to need to destroy the deflector directly first before doing any even vaguely sygnificant damage to other systems. I usually go for electrical, but that is because if I dont destroy the enemy in one hit its more likely theyll attack less effectively next turn, going for refelctors doesnt seem to hurt them ata ll, likewise Ive not noticed they take significant hassle from less than pers perfect cocpit, waste or life support systems either.btw, sometimes it seems the enemy get more actions or less, which is odd, 
 particularly on higher levels, also sometimes I seem to get fewer, which is why Id like to check the number of actions Ive got if possible. Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode)The game lasted 1 hours, 49 seconds and ended on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 3:58 PM - The player lost!8 epsilon, 4 delta, 4 gamma, 4 beta, 4 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 0 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of26.The interceptor destroyed 8 vessels with just one attack, and 12 with two. It fired 56 shots and 5 rockets.The interceptor took 53 turns, traveled 989225 meters, consumed 4189 energy and its reactors produced 1655 energy. Opponents took 34 turns.Final level reached: 10, final score: 203000!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

@Jeremy, Yeah, normal mode is tougher but imho more fun, albeit that last game was a doozy, sinse again it was going rather well until that great mother put the mockers on it . Im going to have to think out stratogy for that thing, sins I tried getting in close and personal, then I ran away and did some quick repares and tried to chuck rockets at it, but they didnt seem to hit very much while the mothership had lots of long range weaponry. On the plus side, Ive found how to deal with alphas now, though admitedly that is mostly due to me getting how the evasion business works and not letting them run away . Btw, the shortcut keys dont work at all, which is a pain sinse I keep having to go and look at the distance menue to see
  how far away the enemy is, also I cant check number of moves left. Still, Im pretty pleased with the score, especially the number of one and two hit kills, though it seems that getting a one hit kill on any ship with a deflector is impossible to one shot, indeed you always seem to need to destroy the deflector directly first before doing any even vaguely sygnificant damage to other systems. I usually go for electrical, but that is because if I dont destroy the enemy in one hit its more likely theyll attack less effectively next turn, going for reactors doesnt seem to hurt their abilities at all, likewise Ive not noticed they take significant hassle from less than perfect cocpit, waste or life support systems either.btw, sometimes it seems the enemy get more actions or less, which is odd, particularly on higher levels, also sometimes I seem to get fewer, which is why Id
  like to check the number of actions Ive got if possible to know more easily what is happening. Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode)The game lasted 1 hours, 49 seconds and ended on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 3:58 PM - The player lost!8 epsilon, 4 delta, 4 gamma, 4 beta, 4 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 0 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of26.The interceptor destroyed 8 vessels with just one attack, and 12 with two. It fired 56 shots and 5 rockets.The interceptor took 53 turns, traveled 989225 meters, consumed 4189 energy and its reactors produced 1655 energy. Opponents took 34 turns.Final level reached: 10, final score: 203000!


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

I must admit that while Ive tried the game and enjoyed it, the demo is severely limiting and subjectively speaking not going to sell the game that well. This is simply because you can get the first level, in normal mode or otherwise, completed in roughly a minute. I think adding the second level, which Ive heard is harder and takes significantly longer to complete, would allow more of the resource management aspects to be taken in during normal mode and the fun factor to be driven home in quick mode.Additionally, I believe that if you can add paypal support it would be of great benefit to those who cant (for whatever reason) use a credit card with your system. I mean having a credit card is fine and all, but Paypal and other equivalent systems will probably be a better alternative to offer to people.I do like the game, but implementing the above suggestions if possible I think would convince me to buy it outright, whereas Im 
 currently sitting on the fence.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

That is a good point Sightless combat, particularly sinse there is a good chance someone will finish the first level just fighting one epsilon ship which is a pretty easy kill and thus the game as you said be over in seconds. The second level would at least introduce the possibility of more fights, indeed I believe deltas have a chance of showing up at that point though I could well be wrong.I think adding of paypal will be up to Dentin with the guide dog client, though I agree itd be far better to have, indeed Id probably have used paypal rather than my credit card just because paypal already has my credit card details and its easier to just enter my very long paypal password than all my card details into the form even if the funding source is the same .


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : avidgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

also guys is it possible to target certain areas of the opponents to destroy them or is it pot luck what i hit when? i agree level 1 not showing nothing regarding resource management; indeed i cant even see at the moment although it has been explained on here of course, what the difference is pertaining to the 2 modes


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

You can target with computer assisted shots. Indeed I wondered this myself at first


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

As I said with Tks, I personaly like the fact a game actually speaks a lot of info for once, its a nice change as opposed to listening to another synth voice and anyone who wants can always speed the speech up or play with the speech delay options to customize things, indeed as with when Im reading fiction Id personally always take a human over synth speech any day of the week. @Avidgamer, the difference between quick mode and normal mode is explained in the manual. Basically in quick mode you dont actually get the effects of different systems destroyed, so if the enemy damages your targeting computer it wont make your weapons less accurate or similar. I also believe there is a more varied selection of ships on quick mode, though Im not sure sinse Ive spent most of my time on the normal game.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : avidgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

i love the game but can i use NVDA to ... keep  hearing  the  voice  read  like  that lol can get annoying when hearing stats though great job on the voicework


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi,@arron: The funny thing is, it wasnt even that hard. I mean. all you really have to do is own the deflecter of most ships and then blow up one of their vidle components such as the bridge, reacter, etc. Although I might have just had a lucky game, Im not sure.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi,@arron: The funny thing is, it wasnt even that hard. I mean. all you really have to do is own the deflecter of most ships and then blow up one of their vidle components such as the bridge, reacter, etc. Although I might have just had a lucky game, Im not sure.Edit:I also like to get up close and personal with the enemies, like a couple thousand or a couple hundred metres away or so.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

VGA, I sent an email to the address listed on your profile, I wasnt really sure if that was the best way to contact you, but if it isnt let me know in a PM what the best way would be. Thanks.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi, Jeremy here.Sneak,We havent seen anything new other than automated mail since late last night. Ill check again tomorrow morning. If it hasnt gone through by then, try again. is the correct address though.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here one last time for today:Thank you all for your feedback, critiques, suggestions, questions, and comments. We appreciate it, and often they spark evil ideas in our pointy little heads. You guys give a lot of thoughtful and awesome feedback, and even when you have negative things to say, they usually have a very good reason behind them. Thanks again, for both the support and the critique. Theres a reason we credit you guys in two if not all three games documentation files:)Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here some more:Avidgamer said:i love the game but can i use NVDAThe best bet is to play with the speech settings as Dark suggested. We dont plan to add SAPI or other screen reader support any time soon, but that might find its way into an update. Hth,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Here are my stats:Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode)The game lasted 48 minutes and 32 seconds and ended on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 6:59 PM - The player beat the game! woohoo!14 epsilon, 3 delta, 3 gamma, 2 beta, 4 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 1 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of29.The interceptor destroyed 17 vessels with just one attack, and 10 with two. It fired 45 shots and 1 rockets.The interceptor took 46 turns, traveled 738475 meters, consumed 3396 energy and its reactors produced 1403 energy. Opponents took 21 turns.Final level reached: 10, final score: 311000!


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hello,@audiogames net fan: thats an awesome score!


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here,Dark said:Btw, the shortcut keys dont work at all, which is a pain sinse I keep having to go and look at the distance menue to see how far away the enemy is, also I cant check number of moves left. Jeremy:Im not sure why this is Dark. It might be something to do with your screen reader. Have you tried turning off the keyboard hooking? That might fix your problem. If it doesnt, you can turn it back on with f8.Dark said:it seems that getting a one hit kill on any ship with a deflector is impossible to one shot, indeed you always seem to need to destroy the deflector directly first before doing any even vaguely sygnificant damage to other systems. Jeremy:With energy weapons it is virtually impossible unless you encounter a damaged fighter whose deflector is already down to next to nothing. Rockets can do it sometimes with a lucky hit. That was why we
  included bonuses for two attack kills in the first place. Our beta testers got annoyed with us:)Dark said:btw, sometimes it seems the enemy get more actions or less, which is odd, particularly on higher levels, also sometimes I seem to get fewer, which is why Id like to check the number of actions Ive got if possible to know more easily what is happening. Jeremy:The initiative system depends heavily on engines, cockpit integrity, life support, and I hope thats everything. If any of those three systems are damaged you are less likely to get initiative on the enemy and get say two turns in a row. However, sometimes you just get lucky, or they do. Each turn consists of 3 moves. Its easy to sometimes lose track of the enemys turns as sometimes the AI tries to do something the fighter cant do and it has to retry. If it is forced to do this too often, the AI skips that mo
 ve. I suspect thats why you have trouble tracking their turns as easily. Even with two turns of 3 moves each, I often get lost in my count and am like is that their fourth maneuver, or their fifth? HTH,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here again:Sightless Kombat SaidI must admit that while Ive tried the game and enjoyed it, the demo is severely limiting and subjectively speaking not going to sell the game that well. This is simply because you can get the first level, in normal mode or otherwise, completed in roughly a minute. I think adding the second level, which Ive heard is harder and takes significantly longer to complete, would allow more of the resource management aspects to be taken in during normal mode and the fun factor to be driven home in quick mode.Additionally, I believe that if you can add paypal support it would be of great benefit to those who cant (for whatever reason) use a credit card with your system. I mean having a credit card is fine and all, but Paypal and other equivalent systems will probably be a better alternative to offer to people.I do like the game, but implementing the above suggestions if possible I think would
  convince me to buy it outright, whereas Im currently sitting on the fence.As to the demo mode question, were not planning on expanding it right now. We might revisit that decision in a month or two. Darks point about getting lucky or having fewer ships on level 1 is valid, but since you can restart the game and replay a number of times, its not insurmountable. Also too, the 2nd level, while you can encounter Delta class fighters is much like the first. Aaron and I just didnt feel it would add significantly to the experience of the demo.As to the Paypal issue, it is currently being worked on by Dentin. Its apparently very complicated, and involving a lot of work on his part. We hope to have that ability soon, but how soon soon is, were not sure. Dentins in the midst of real life changes that may disrupt things for a while.HTH,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

I was going to buy this last night, however online services appear to hate my new card.  I also really hope this client takes has fantastic potential. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Im very glad that people are enjoying the game. Dan, if you continue to have problems let us know, if its something that is GDG specific well try and figure out whats going on.As a teaser and goal to strive for, I am including a game stat block sent to me by someone who bought the game. This person and I had a friendly rivalry going, and his subject line to me was I own you. He does indeed:)Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 20 (normal mode) The game lasted 2 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds and ended on Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 9:17 PM - The player beat the game! woohoo!7 epsilon, 5 delta, 6 gamma, 2 beta, 3 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 1 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of26.The interceptor destroyed 12 vessels with just one attack, and 10 with two. It fired 46 shots and 8 rockets.The interceptor took 48 turns, traveled 956400 meters, co
 nsumed 3547 energy and its reactors produced 1324 energy. Opponents took 23 turns.Final level reached: 10, final score: 307000!Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

I was going to buy this last night, however online services appear to hate my new card.  I also really hope this client takes has fantastic potential . Also for those of you worrying about having to be online to play any game, steam does have a feature where if you register your games you can play with them off-line . So this could in theory be added in future .


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

[[wow]]... Sounds so cool. Ill check this out later today. Comments will come. 


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Ive been waiting for this one for over a year ever since Tks appeared last year. I probably wont be trying it until tomorrow evening when I get back to my desktop, but Ill definitely be looking forward to that, and unless the game is hugely horribler than its documentation suggestions Ill likely be buying it as well .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy Here:The major difference between quick mode and normal mode is that quick mode does not integrate as many of the system interactions that occur when a system is damaged. In quick mode, damage is more a matter of concern primarily with weapons systems and critical systems. A few systems, if damaged, have obvious negative impacts: engines for instance. However, overall, quick mode is much more forgiving than normal mode. I just played a game in normal mode where my deflector, port engine, and particle beam were all destroyed in the same level. The deflector being destroyed meant all damage was directly applied to the system aimed at. The port engine not only impaired my chances of evasion for repair, but also impaired my chances at gaining the initiative. The particle beam being destroyed was worrying because I was low on rockets, and my nutrino cannon was also damaged. Before I could replace destroyed systems and repair
  I had I believe 8% on my electrical system which impacted weapons strength for the energy weapons, 3% on the navigational computers which impacted how well I could maneuver toward or away from the enemy, my targeting computer was damaged which impacted my accuracy, and my reactors were damaged which impacted my energy output. The point defense was at 2% which meant rocket attacks became even more dangerous. Overall, it was scary:) In quick mode, most of that would have been scary, but less so; the reactors, electrical system, and navigation computer would all have ben critically damaged critical systems. The other systems would not have impacted play as much as they did in the normal mode. I hope this helps to explain the difference. For those of you who wonder how the game turned out, I managed to replace all destroyed systems, repair to almost new condition, and survived long enough to beat the game. I ended with a score of 275,000 points
 . The randomness comes in four major places:First off on each level, except for levels with special ships, there are random numbers of fighters. This is actually also true of the level including the command and control vessel.Second, except on some levels early in the game, there are random chances to get different types of fighters. Once you reach higher levels of the game, the chances are weighted more heavily toward manned fighters; early on it is weighted more heavily toward drone fighters. Third, any ship in the game can appear with damage already inflicted, presumably by other interceptors in your fighter wing. These sometimes present opportunities for quick victories.Fourth, the damage to systems changes from game to game. While the basic factors of the game are always the same, those four random factors make each game quite different. Ive been play testing the game for three years, and 
 have worked out, what is to my mind, an optimal strategy, and I still routinely die playing the game due to random chance. I also routinely beat the game, due to my knowledge of how to minimize the randomness. I still find it an enjoyable game though, and it has a lot of potential to grow. One long term plan, mind you we have no date for this, is to introduce mission based interceptor or perhaps mission levels into a revamped interceptor. We have notes for the missions, information about rewards, perks, and other things to make the missions worth while. Thats a ways down the road though. We want to update our free game TKS this summer, and then begin work on a larger project.Hope this helps to clarify, if not, continue asking questions, well be happy to respond.Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : avidgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

hi are the ten levels the ones in the arcade-style mode then and normal mode is a story? i assume each time play either mode everything random so decisions change each time?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.I have just played the game twice in quick mode, and Im really enjoying it so much. [[wow]] this game is great, simple to master and very addicting. Ive only managed to come to level 4 once, and then I got my ass kicked so badly by a rocket, so it exploded the whole ship in one hit...I look forward to play the game some more, and hopefully beat it. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Valiant Galaxy Associates is proud to announce the release of our first commercial science fiction game Interceptor. Interceptor puts the player in command of a space fighter in a do or die mission to save its mother ship. As waves of alien fighters attack, the player must battle them, level by level. On certain levels the player will gain other targets such as alien supply vessels, alien command and control vessels, and possibly even their own mother ship.   Interceptor has two modes: normal in which you must play strategically and worry about resource management, and quick mode which takes out many of the complicating factors and can act as a practice mode. In normal mode, not only do you need to worry about fuel consumption and ammunition levels but also about how damage negatively impacts your fighter. A hit to a vital system might destroy your fighter, a critical hit to a nonvital system might make your fighter a sitting duck. All systems interact, and choosing when, and how much, to repair is as important as where and who to shoot.   Interceptor is completely self-voicing. The game is menu-driven, and there is no need to worry about being able to place your mouse in an exact position. Documentation is included with the game itself, and you can access our online documentation from inside the game. The game is forgiving, and if you must take a phone call or step away from your computer, your space battle will be waiting. With ten levels of regular play, and a high level of random chance, the game is extremely replayable. The game takes 30-60 minutes to play and costs $10.00 U.S. Like Yellowbonnet, our first game, Interceptor utilizes the GuideDog Games service. GuideDog is a revolutionary games distribution service designed to act as an interface between game developers and visually impaired players (similar to Steam). The service is operated by Dennis Towne, owner and operator of Alter Aeon, and uses the same credit card encryption and account management system that Alter Aeon uses. Once you have an account with GuideDog, you can purchase any of our future games through it with no trouble. Account creation is quick and easy, and purchasing a game from start to finish takes about five minutes. WARNING!!! Gray fighters incoming—are you ready to face them?Check out the documentation here … ation.htmlDownload the game here … taller.exePurchase the game here


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