Re: Creating Empires in the Empire games

2020-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating Empires in the Empire games

Hi.Well what about some classics, the Soviet union, the German empire, possibly a scandinavian empire combining Denmark, Norway and Sweeden.Or basically revive the roman empire and start out as italy. A mongolian empire also would be doable.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Creating Empires in the Empire games

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating Empires in the Empire games

So I made a minor error. America wasn't federated bu Englans, it was just some colonies. That didnt happen yet.I'm also finding out Monday last was Momorial Day, so, guys remember those who fell protecting your freedom, o more importantly, those who died who forced to take your freedom. My great grandfather fought in the war, losing his brother. After the war he came here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Creating Empires in the Empire games

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Creating Empires in the Empire games

Hoy ho everyoneSo, recently I got into researching old empires in the modern world, as well as a few really interesting countries like Grand Columbia or West India. Or, WIFI as the cool kids call it.That got me thinking, I could do this in world empire. So, post some suggestions. Here are mines. Yes, I know mines is not a word, I speak broken english, so get of my back. !Canada's 11th Province.Conquer the caribbean as Canada. Background, in 1958, there were talks for the Brittish West Indies to join up with Canada and be their Hawai.West indiaConquer the Caribbean as Trinidad, Jamaica or Barbados.Background. Also in 58, England was doing what they did to America, Austraila and Canada. Making them into a federation then a dominion, then potentially a constitutional monarchy. Then, in 62, Jamaica left, then Trinidad then all we're left with is a cricket team. What Austrailia should have been.Conquer New Zealand, Figi and Somoa.Background. NZ was originally going to be apart of Aus, and it never happened.Bonjour, Churchill. Conquer France as Brittain, as well as Canada, India, Austrailia, the Caribbean and Brittish Africa, as well as the French Empire.Background. Knock knock. Whose there. Hitler who? Hitler gonna kill ya. Its World Wzr 2 and the Nazis invaded France. So, Brittain offered France to become apart of the empire, AKA, Franco-Brittish Union, however the French rather conquest by the Germans over becoming a Brittish dominion. Everything is better when its ran by the Britts or Yanks.Conquer the Commonwealth as Brittain, or the EU as America or Brittian.Background. In years long past, there were talks or sentiments for Brittain to keep close with the commonwealth instead of the EU, but we drank it up to 25. As for America, do I really have to?Okay guys, that's for now cuz my hand hurts. What do u think? I have ideas for some interesting ones, like,Bringing Football, meatpies to all, or Hola Rowley, or gute naght peyton. Etc.


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