Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

If I want to play by post.  What is the best way to start doing that and where should I go?


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

there are some notable episodes of "how to be a dungeo Master" and a few blind guests on "Dragontalk" podcast you should look into.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

@16 and 17:Thanks for the advice. I think I have all the creative and organisational stuff down for running a campaign. If you however have any more content regarding accessibility of official modules or experience from blind players doing that I'd still be interested.It is not that I don't have enough information to start. It is just that I think the more information I can gather the better the start will be... Eventually, the last session I had with my current DM wasn't half bad so I think we will stick to that campaign for some more time.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

again, blowing my own horn, and although it is more on the creative side, on we have some articles to help running games and players to begin with. I haven't written any in a couple years but we have many and I should get back to that. Also, the Dragontalk podcast (the official D podcast) has a section sometimes on "How to be a DM" and you also get good advice on rules and ideas from episodes that have a "sage advice" segment. In addition, they have a lot of guests that share their own insight, including a few blind ones over the past few years.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

Well, if running a module makes you feel more comfortable then by all means do it. If you do that, what I do is break the module down, all area descriptions are in separate files. All NPC's are also in separate files. Put them all in their own folder, so you have something like the following.The mine's entrancetunnel and first chamber]/*]koboldkobold leaderMake sure you read through the module twice before you run it and once more before the session.What the person who taught me made me do was read the entire phb front to back, and the entire dmg front to back. He said, "You don't need to know every rule, but you need to know the rule exists, and where to look things up." That is pretty sound advice, and that is with 3.5, so there are a ton of rules.Also another piece of solid advice is to have the rule during the session that if there is an adjudication disagreement, make a ruling on the field, then if need be, look it up after the session. Sometimes we screw things up. Running is not easy, but it is so rewarding.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Berenion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

Some other good sources are Nerdarchy and How to be a great GM on youtube.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

Hi Michael,thanks for your clarifications and recommendations. I've already stumbled upon the Angry GM blog. That dude has a pretty particular style of writing I tend to not agree on his opinions a lot but he definitely sparks some thoughts. And generally his advices are solid.Why I want to run official modules is mainly to get the hang of the more burocratic side of the game. Handling combat, running exploration, playing NPCs while stearing the players in the right direction... I'm afraid I'd lose track of all this when I'd also have to keep my homebrew stuff streight.I'd transition into homebrew more and more though I guess...Also I think reading through some modules could help with finding my own tone and with building more diverse encounters. I've watched a lot of the Dungeon Dude's home campaign lately and their DM already taught me a lot. Still, I want to be the best DM as possible...


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

So, I am currently running four campaigns a week for sighted and blind players alike. Mostly homebrew, but sometimes I throw in a module.I don't like modules in general, except to help springboard my own ideas. Most of them are pretty poorly written, or they don't fit in my world where I want them so I end up redesigning them anyway.That being said, the way I started to run was to run a small three session campaign. My players enjoyed it, and said they would love to play more, so I took that three session campaign, sat on it for a few weeks, and it grew to the almost two year thing that it is today.As The Angry GM says, the best way to get good at running games is to f$ run games." By the way, The Angry GM has a lot of great tips for running. I highly recommend his site.I have a text file template for a 5e character sheet, which I would be more than happy to put in its own post for you to use. Feel free to adapt it as you see fit.As to d, the character creation tool is finicky but accessible enough, but the character sheet layout when it's all said and done is absolutely terrible.Regarding maps, I don't use maps unless it is an extremely chaotic fight and I know I'm going to lose track of positions. If it is one of those, I just use an excel sheet, nothing to terribly fancy, and I can even pass it out to my players. I have also used brush tone to make world maps, but they take a long time, and it is hard to get it to where I would like, so again, very very basic. Just saying that, "Jeck's Crossing is on the northern border of Melkiar and Tiria along the River of the Leaping Trout about fifty miles from the eastern coast," is good enough for most.My life basically revolves around D these days, so feel free to ask questions.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

in regards t to character sheets, just use a document or text file, there is no reason you can't create your own and I have never used a character sheet I didn't make for myself.Remember though if you are a spellcaster to write in shorthand the notes for how your spells work so you can access them more easily.In most play situations, if you need to look up  an obscure rule quickly, people at the table will help.You can also order dice from the dots rpg project or whatever it is called or use digital dice.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Berenion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

Here is the link to the forum I used to play on. I moved on to their unofficial discord server now, but it's a good place to start. use this site for character sheets mostly: beyond has it's own character creator, but I'm not sure how accessible that is.On how to start playing: Look at some videos, there are tonns on youtube. Also join one of these sites, there'll probably be people who'd run a beginner game for you.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Warcat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

oh yeah, and you need the character sheet. don't know where to get an accessible one. all the pdfs I've come across are either not readable or only have edit boxes with no labeling, si I think you'll have to create one yourself based on the chapters on how to generate a char.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Warcat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

want to know this as well. I have the player handbook which is required for players. All the rules are in there I think. Reading through all the rules and memorizing them is quite hard though...


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : claudiogaranzini via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

Hi guys! One simple and maybe stupid question but... How to start playing D for a blind person who wants to understand the game mechanics? I wolud like to play these kinds of games. Thanks a lot.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

hay, i'm a player in the forgotten roles and about to start DMing the Curse of Strahd module.My one issue with it is that some resources, like exerpts from in game books are pictures.does anyone know how i could get those so i can read them.Other wise, i'll probobly just post the picture for the players and let the player that finds it read it.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

Hello,I run two D podcasts, one of which with all blind people and we are called "The Forgotten Roles" and are available on several platforms and I also am part of "The Companions of the Perception Check." Where a friend and I alternate campaign and adventures but I am the DM half of the time and am the DM for many sighted players.In many ways, going homebrew and making your own stuff up is easier, just make the stuff as you need it, as for monster encounters, there's a table in the DMG and another one that can help you build stuff that is balanced. I've mostly been straight homebrew from the start, but if you do want to run a module, luckily most room descriptions tell you what other rooms they open into and you can work it out that way. In addition, there is no reason in most cases why you can't play fast and loose with the size of a room. As for tactical battles, minis can help but with The Forgotten Roles, we pull off some pretty big battles, world travel, and exploration without any visual aids or tactical ones at all. for world travel, often the description of a larger area tells you what it is near. This does not allow you to really tell distance, but just use your best judgment. Make any likely random encounters ahead of time and don't scramble to create them on the fly, even if they are random. Have a stock ready.If you are going to run a module, I'd advise reading the parts of it you plan on using in a session somewhat thoroughly, and also getting yourself ready access, such as by copying and pasting in to a file, of the monsters you will probably need.  Have little notes if there are spells or abilities that are likely to come up, and you can largely expect your players to know their own skills. You never need to know an entire module, just stick with knowing what you need immediately relatively well, feel free to fudge if you forget something, and know the basic premise of the adventure in general to guide you though you don't need to know it all at any time.and just if you do voices, and this is a "do as I say, not as I do," instance, practice ahead of time.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

Hey Berenion,sounds interesting. If you want you can give me the links. I however probably wouldn't play myself. Written roleplay doesn't interest me that much anymore. Also my English is probably not good enough for flavorful descriptions...But if your community also has an exchange about roleplay topics in general it might be helpful. isn't quite the right place for that type of game anyway.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Berenion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

Your welcome.BTW If you feel like joining a D community, I'm part of a forum and a discord server. We play by post and have a couple of games running.


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

@Berenion:Great! Thanks for sharing your experiences and also thanks for the recommendation! Will look into that to get a feeling on how modules are written. I have to admit that I haven't looked into any of them yet because I didn't want to potentially waste money on something that doesn't work. Good to know that there are recommendable free ones out there.


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