Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

99% of the time the job is going to tell you how to set up lamp.  If they're saying docker, they're probably going to hand you a docker compose file and you're going to set up docker and type something to the effect of compose up at a shell.  It is rare that setting up your development environment is completely on you.  Most sighted devs don't know how to run a LAMP stack themselves, and most software is complicated enough that knowing how to run a LAMP stack isn't enough anyway.  Also keep in mind that your employer is interested in your success.  I think you're planning ahead too much.  You have enough options to make this work that the best way forward is to find out more and then work it out, at least in my opinion.In the event that you *do* actually have to set up your own development environment entirely from scratch then Docker will possibly be your friend, as you can get MySQl running pretty easily.  But WSl really does run all of this fine as well.  It just won't start it automatically, so you'll have to i.e. use tmux and run Apache and MySQL in other windows.Tmux is useful because it's tabs for the terminal, yes.  I have my own little workflows around it so that I can have one terminal with test output and one for running the compiler and etc.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

@28: talking about Bitbucket and Jira, I'll be using these tools as they say, so it's nice to hear that at least I will be able to do so. Bitbucket as they say will be used to pull, push and other ways to work with repositories. I use Virtual Desktops quite a long time so far by pressing win+ctrl+left/right and adding them by pressing ctrl+win+d, closing by ctrl+win+f4 and so managing my desktops this way. My desktops are set up quite differently, but as well there is my own order still and it as you say really helps to avoid alt tabbing all the time and get mad very quickly. Although I had never used tmuks on Linux, I guess now is the time to do so and the problem it solves is that I can have multiple instances of windows like tabs in browser? That way I can have only 1 terminal window and work by debugging at one point, manageing the system on the other and so on? As for SFTP, I use WinSCP quite usually to access my remote / rented Apache server so I'm familiour with that. So you suggest just to connect to my VM through SFTP and browse through it as it would be a regular File Explorer? SCP is good stuff and as far as I understand it, it uses SSH to connect to remote server and handles copying that way. Tryed Filezilla long time ago and then it wasn't as good as WinSCP for me.OK so now I bring one more question to get it right:I still need LAMP and as far as I'll still use Docker in my new job, I need to set up things straightforward at least till I have no idea what's the best way to do stuff here. I mean just to experiment a bit. For instance I still didn't get if there is a logical sence to create my dev environment based on Docker on the top of WSL, or use Docker containers only with some microsystems that are used in company and install LAMP on a regular WSL Linux Ubuntu? I imagine that's possible that they could have a Docker images that bring up all the environment, CMS and other stuff shipped out with that and LAMP would be a part of it, can it be organized that way?


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

@29, that they do, that they do! Like I said I chose docker because it seemed far more sensible to me than using an entire VM. Plus with a VM I have to set up extra infrastructure tools to get inbound connections to work so it shows the real IP address instead of the default gateway, which is somethign I'm not willing to do when docker works.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

@27You can't use docker wrong.  It either works for your situation or it doesn't.  Shoving some config files into a docker image and then extracting the logs is a typical case anyhow, just usually abstracted by a higher level piece.  I don't suggest it for dev envs because it's hard enough to get right, and do you really want to get it wrong and lose a week of work.There's probably an escape hatch for NixOS for cases like Teamtalk but it's probably as much effort to make it work as it is to just use Docker.  NixOS has been on my maybe to use one day list for a while.  They do some neat stuff.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

So, notes, in no particular order:Bitbucket and Jira work fine where fine means that a screen reader power user will find it inconvenient but drivable for most cases.  There are some limited CLI tools for interacting with it.  I haven't used any of these in a bit over a year however, so it's possible that it's improved since.  There were some things like comments on wiki articles that were basically inaccessible but you'll be able to comment on and create issues and most of the time that's all that's needed.Docker-compose works fine with Windows even over WSL I believe.  As with vanilla docker, my understanding is that the docker-compose CLI will connect to any docker daemon.The environment variable to export is DOCKER_HOST.  Mine is DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2375.  This may just work as-is with docker-compose, and to be honest I'd be surprised if it didn't, but you can find more details on that with googlin.  When WSL2 comes out my understanding is that Docker for Windows will become obsolete, but that may not be true.  You can make this environment variable automatically set itself when you start bash by adding it to ~/.bashrc.My SSH terminal is WSL 's bash as well.  This lets you use standard ssh configuration stuff that the other terminal options don't support (i.e. my current job has a big ssh configuration file that everyone gets handed when they start).  This just works as well, same as for any regular Linux user.  Everything else--PuTTY for example--requires fiddling to set up by comparison.You will need a normal SFTP client to browse through all the files in a VM.  Use Windows 10 virtual desktops to avoid the alt tabbing horror.  I suggest a dedicated desktop for devtools: mine is desktop 2, it only ever has 3 windows open.  But if you can just use WSL you avoid even that.You will find that the need to edit a file outside your project is rare.  If it happens frequently you're probably doing things where the IDE can't help.For an SFTP client, I use WinSCP.  I have heard that Filezilla is also accessible.  Learning scp (the command line tool) to copy files around is also very helpful.My daily setup by virtual desktop:Desktop 1: Firefox for docs/other web stuff.Desktop 2: Shell, usually running tmux; WinSCP for SFTP; open code file in Notepad++ (which is where you'd put your IDE).Desktop 3: Slack, any audio/video conference app (zoom for instance), and Chrome for my calendar and issue trackers (usually about 4 or 5 tabs, and I don't remember why I started using two browsers other than that there was a good reason).Desktop 4: music, personal chat clients.A setup like this gives you a nice hierarchical tree that you can build reflexes around instead of getting stuck in the alt tab cycle of doom.  I feel like perhaps part of your problem here is that you're afraid to just use more tools, but a good setup can let you juggle 10 to 15 windows without a real problem once you practice with it.  If you're not on Windows 10 Virtuawin can give you virtual desktops--in the days of Windows 7 that's what I used.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

My situation for using docker is rather unique, and I'm probably using it incorrectly. It does work, though.At the current time I'm migrating over toNixOS for my server. Many of the applications (for example, TeamTalk) have dynamic linker paths set in the executable that NixOS doesn't symlink, and so various applications just don't start because they can't find either the dynamic linker that the binary wants or they can't find a library they need to load. (Before you rail against NixOS for this, there's a good reason for it.) Instead of wasting system resources and suffering a huge amount of overhead just to launch a VM, I just threw what can't run natively in docker containers with bind volumes so I could keep logs around even after the container was shut down. It works great and is very lightweight.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

My situation for using docker is rather unique, and I'm probably using it incorrectly. It does work, though.At the current time I'm migrating over toNixOS for my server. Many of the applications (for example, TeamTalk) have dynamic linker paths set in the executable that NixOS doesn't symlink, and so various applications just don't start because they can't find either the dynamic linker that the binary wants or they can't find a library they need to load. (Before you rail against NixOS for this, there's a good reason for it.) Instead of wasting system resources and suffering a huge amount of overhead just to launch a VM, I just threw what can't run natively in docker containers with bind volumes so I could keep logs around even after the container was shut down. It works great and is very lightweight.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

As one of the examples, let me explain my situation.The service I'm working on at my company is separated into multiple microservices as well as the main program. They made a series of docker containers by which required microservices could be ran with a single docker-compose command. I decided to work on VM with Vagrant since I had to monitor docker-compose, rails server, npm watch and other asynchronous workers. If someone wants to build an docker based web server or db, docker for windows would just be fine as Hijacker pointed out that it's fully compatible.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

Nice to hear, you really up my confidence guys 


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

BitBucket is fine as well.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

@18, My PHPStorm supports connection through SFTP, FTP, so I guess I could edit remote files if that is the case. I just doubt that it has an ability to SSH into VM to browse through all the files in it as VSCode does. Thanks about the Docker advices, probably I'll be able to set it up, but I guess an explanation would be nice. You mean I should set an environment variable in my guest system as a path to the Windows Docker or vice versa? More specification would be cool, because that might really help.@20: From your mentioned list I didn't see anything about Bitbucket. Perhaps you know if it's accessible? Maybe others will know as well? @21: thanks for an advice about GNU Screen and Vagrant. Since I'm familior with VM and how it works, I am confident enough to think that's the way to go if WSL suggestion will fail. Perhaps there's the only way to go with it. However is it really that important to use Docker if I already use Vagrant? Or it's is used if for instance I need to start some particular software that my company ships whith the process, for instance to deal with an XML files in certain way so I can't avoid Docker anyway?@22: You suggest to use WSL right?


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

Docker for Windows works just the same as for Linux, as long as Hyper-V and VTX is enabled, so all the tutorials should apply to that as well. Adding an additional VM in-between will just slow down the entire process even more.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

Please ignore me if this doesn't apply to your current situation, but I recommend running VM and using docker, docker-compose or whatever on top of that. Most of the information we can get by googling  are written for unix-based systems. You might have to translate it for your own environment or you might experience compatibility issues. I don't know how compatible docker for Windows is, so this might be something we don't have to worry at all though.Also, I would like to add that I have never experienced vagrant's bugs. It is working just fine. VSCode is accessible for remote use. I use Teraterm for terminal and connecting GNU Screen to handle multiple tabs.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

Please ignore me if this doesn't apply to your current situation, but I recommend running VM and using docker, docker-compose or whatever on top of that. Most of the information we can get by googling  are written for unix-based systems. You might have to translate it for your own environment or you might experience compatibility issues. I don't know how compatible docker for Windows is, so this might be something we don't have to worry at all though.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

Just a short notice here: Atlassian is ok, but not great. JIRA works quite fine, Confluence too, as long as you don't need to write wiki articles, then confluence might end up doing nonsense, but I found that they did a bit about that during their last releases. Jenkins should be fine as well. Its not perfect and there are far more accessible solutions out there, but i've also seen much worse tools out there.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

I'll try things that you mentioned here definitely, but perhaps you can tell me if I on your opinion will be able to survive with that Atlassian stuff? Keep in mind I'm totally blind, so click with a mouse or point somewhere with it is not an option.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

I know that VSCode has at least some support for connecting to and browsing remote servers over SFTP, and I believe Eclipse does as well.  Additionally VSCode has some ability to work with WSL as well.  In sighted developer land it's not at all uncommon that you have to edit projects on remote servers, and some companies actually mandate it for security, so lots of tools for this sort of thing offer some sort of support for this case.  Whether yours do is of course the important question.If you're thinking that "will this IDE be accessible on Linux" is an important question, it's not: you have lots of options to exhaust before anyone is at time to use Orca every day.WSL can be installed in about 5 minutes, then you open a normal command prompt and type bash.  This will run most things that are typically found in a PHP stack, up to and including databases, Apache, and Nginx, with the only downside being that you won't be able to get things to auto-start with your machine.  Docker is actually a client-server architecture where the server (by default) runs on a Linux socket, so you can then install Docker for Windows, go into its settings and enable network access, then install the normal Linux Docker CLI and export an environment variable to get it to use Docker for Windows's daemon instead.  You won't be able to tell the difference between this and running Docker on an actual Linux host.If you actually want to learn Docker itself, first keep in mind that in all likelihood someone else at the job is responsible for it and you won't actually need to do anything but run containers other people hand you.  And secondly, don't focus on how/why it works, just learn how to use it.Last time I had to use Atlassian, it was not very accessible from the screen reader perspective.  It's livable, but by livable I mean that as a very much empowered power user I still had trouble.  WCAG and all that cover a lot of ground and sadly blindness typically means needing to have hit 100% of it before it really matters and often "we have WCAG" is really just code for "you can change the font" or whatever.  Makes great PR though.Finally a quick note that tmux is a lifesaver if you learn it, with respect to needing to manage multiple shells at once.  It's like screen but easier to learn, so if you already know screen disregard it, but if you don't know about those sorts of tools it's a really great way to avoid the alt-tab has 15 things in it problem.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

OK, so as I read your answers, I did a bit of studying about the Docker itself and the Googles Coobernetes a bit.Now I am in a situation, that I still do not know how my coleagues use the system in which I will work for a year or 2. It is a shop in its biggest, with many services and so on, but I was transfered to XML team of 6 or 8 devs who are responsible for writing some fixes of bugs / inconveniences that is related to different XML / XSLT transformations when suppliers ship their XMLs to us. We then need to fix them and push all the records into our database on the top of that. As for transforms, they use .sh / shell scripts to do some dirty work and I definitely need to run them on my local environment. I guess that is where Docker kicks in. By utilising run command I can invoke specified container to do the job and exit at its latest. Now I explored and discovered that Docker on the top of everything uses Linux Kernel to work and since Windows has no Linux kernel to use, it should use Hyper-V to access hardware stuff and by doing so boots up a virtual machine to simulate that kernel for us. Then on the top of that we can pull an image of OS for instance Ubuntu, and that image is just like a class in oop / blueprint of all the binaries and libraries that are involved in the given project / app / serious of apps that depend on one another. If we want to create images, we use dockerfile to instruct where to put things, which OS to use and so on, but after pulling an image from Dockerhub, we run an instance of that image, or in OOP consepts - object / instance of a class. That instance is container, which is like collection of those binaries, but now currently running by the help of Docker that manages them. Now if I wish my Docker container to be a local development environment, I can create an image of Ubuntu with PHP, MySQL, Apache and the other stuff I need. That would let me to build the website / project as well, or am I missing something here. I imagine if I would instruct that volume / directory on my Windows machine is marked as a volume for particular container, I could put my www stuff here and config the httpd.conf on Apache server to use it as a public html directory and serve the pages for mE. That way I could use different containers as an instances from deployed images of the suitable development environment and those containers would serve as a projects or am I horribly mistaken here?My current problem, as I already stated in a other post few weeks ago is that I wish to write code in a good IDE like PHPStorm, which has an accessibility included since last year through Java Access Bridge. So there is autocomplete / intellisence, auto indent, quick jumps through methods / other parts of code and other important stuff that good IDE should provide. I could use VSCode which then requires to find Extensions for PHP like XDebug, Autoindent, or Documenter. OK, we might survive, because it is accessible at least and quickly moves on when I need to open it, but problem exists, that it is not accessible in LinuX. Since both are not accessible in Linux, I need a good way to work localy and reflect a production environment at least in most suitable way I can come up with. So I installed Linux machine on my harddrive and started to play with Orca. That showed me if I am sticking with it, I am much slower on surfing on the internet / searching for a documentation and doing other stuff. I can learn commands and stick with Terminal which is fine, but doesnt solve the good IDE problem or at least good PHP Editor. I can use Pluma or how they call it and on cli - Nano, but there are no functions I mentioned that I need to be faster. So I thaught to stay on Windows and as other blind devs adviced on that mentioned post, I took Virtualbox and Vagrant. Installed that Ubuntu by utilising Vagrant and had VM on the top of my host OS / particulary Windows where I can access IDE, WinSCP, GIT Bash and other stuff Including trusted NVDA as my SR. Now the way I can access that machine is through SSH and even IDE can be configured to use SŠH Remote to let me to browse the VM files and save my sourcecode. It leads me to a close-to-production environment an I can localy write scripts.They use Atlassian products which I did not use before, but I checked and the documentation says that everything is accessible via browser, because of ARIA and WCAG 2.0 that they are following, so I am positive that will work for me. But since they mentioned Docker for some tasks, I didnt know what it can bring to me as a new thing and what are the problems I will face in the job. So my idea was to use Docker on my VM and manage it through Vagrant so I can avoid all the different memory management, everything just goes on vagrantfile which is configuration for VagranT so I could access Linux through my GIT Bash CLI and use familiour commands to read the STD-out or console output And input stuff. Well since Vagrant

Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

Agreed on using docker for shared environments--it's effective, as long as you're not the one responsible for setting it up in the first place.  once you've bought into docker, one of the things you do indeed get is very easy local development environments.It's actually very easy to go from "here are a list of commands I ran at a shell" to "Here is a Dockerfile": for the most part you copy/paste them and put the word run before every line.  But it's hard to actually make this super useful without buying into the whole ecosystem, and the big cost of doing docker outweighs the much smaller cost of hand-administering one server yourself.Some tools have very large up front costs then are mostly free thereafter.  Docker and the surrounding ecosystem is a perfect example of that sort of thing--once you have your docker container and your hundred or so lines of Kubernetes config you can update things with one line at a shell, scale up and down the number of servers you have with one command, get e-mails if things go wrong, etc.  But until that point what you have is nothing.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

I use docker at work. Most of what I was going to write has already been written. But just to add on, Docker is helpful for quickly setting up a local build of software, as compiled or packaged from source code. As an example, if you just got onboarded to a software engineering job, and you want to get a look at fully built software from a foreign code repository, this is a good way to get developers up to speed with little-to-no effort. I helped set up a docker setup to help new hires on some of the projects I work on, and everyone says it is so much easier than just throwing everybody in the deep end so to speak, and figuring out dependencies, proxy repository settings, etc. Then, beyond Docker, there is Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, etc.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

It's a thing where someone took a Linux kernel trick, probably did a weekend prototype, and turned it into a multi-million dollar business.More seriously, Linux has this thing called cgroups.  They're like a VM, but absurdly light weight.  Docker is a little bit like VMs, but designed for the use case of being able to start and stop them on a dime, and you can have hundreds or thousands per server as opposed to just a few.  When you couple it with other things, you start being able to describe worldwide deployments of your software in very little code, and you can deploy updates to your 500 servers across the world in one line at a shell.That said, for anything anyone here is likely to be doing it's probably overkill.  If you don't also opt into Kubernetes or that ilk you might as well just administer the server with the tried and true ssh/sftp combo.  And Kubernetes is expensive to run (it needs at least 3 servers if I recall correctly).  Go down this rabbit hole at your own risk: it's professionally advantageous, looks great on your resume, and is just about as hard as learning Python unless you already have experience with something similar to this stuff.In other words, the point is my job two jobs ago where we had 30 or 40 different pieces of interacting software and a cluster of 50 or so machines that collectively had 40 terabytes of ram, and where we were also writing stuff that automatically bought new ones and sold them off as needed to meet demand.  These sorts of tools come into their own there, but are very complicated if you're just running a couple things.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : soren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

what is docker exactly


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

So: I do this professionally these days (claim to fame on my resume is a giant docker-powered transcoding cluster) and happened to be looking here this morning for something else.  Docker isn't a vm.  It happens to be in a VM in windows only because they need to run Linux in order to get cgroup support from the Linux kernel (indeed, WSL 2 is going to be able to just run it out of the box, but that's not released yet).What docker is for is the quick provision and management of lightweight microservices.  So for example "run a database", "run my authentication system", "run this bash script until completion then shut down".  If you try to do work inside a docker container and it's not set up right you will be very sad, because as soon as the machine restarts all your work will be gone.  The way that this works is that you create a dockerfile in the root of your repository, and that dockerfile contains instructions like "copy these files into the container" or "run this bash command".  Docker then goes through all of the instructions in the dockerfile, compiles a container (a little bit like hybernating your computer), then uses Linux kernel magic to let you run it later.When people need to get assets in or keep folders around they use Docker volumes.  These work well enough, though I've never used them because for the most part by that point you're probably using something higher level like Kubernetes that abstracts it.  If you want to use Docker as a VM management solution for things like Nginx/Postgres/etc, you can set up a volume for the container, install your favorite SFTP provider, and treat it a little bit like a VM where only one folder in the VM will get saved between restarts.  I believe Docker for Windows *might* have some sort of support for making volumes that you can browse to with explorer, but based off the sheer levels of magic required to make that kind of thing work, don't expect it to work well.Most people don't put web sites in the docker image like you're imagining.  Web sites these days are either content delivery networks (i.e. Fastly),, backed by an object store (GCS/S3), or run on a  normal VM with Cloudflare in front of it.  They only really make it into Docker images when you've got something dynamic going on, i.e. a Django app or somesuch, that needs to render content based on what comes out of a database.As for the point?  Well, when I did my media transcoding cluster, the point was that we could say, literally, "please run 1000 copies of this image, buying new VMS as necessary" and "if you run out of resources, run more copies without bothering us".  Docker doesn't scale for small projects--indeed, it's not really supposed to.  But if you have 3 or 4 microservices and you need to deploy them together or if you need to run multiple copies of the same thing, it comes into its own.vagrant is a little bit like Docker but aimed more at the "give everyone on this devteam the same machine" market and heavier weight.  Also yes, it is much less supported.  Docker has a ton of things that work on top of docker for figuring out where/how to run your containers and stuff that people like to use.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

I think You've found either an old version or the wrong Vagrant. This Vagrant is the vagrant yoru looking for


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

I don't know Vagrand at all, I just googled it and read something about a Linux beta not yet ment for productive use. That information can be outdated though.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

@hijacker, what do you mean Vagrant doesn't have non-beta linux support? Um, yes it indeed does. I have the stable version installed... nto precisely sure what you meanby that.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

It feels like you didn't yet get the grasp of what Docker containers are all about. They are not ment to be used as replacement for VMs, and are not ment to contain file systems which can be browsed in real time. In fact, I doubt you can achieve that with ease, because that is not what they are ment for.I'd recommend you to read about Docker containers, how they are supposed to work and be combined, about swarms / clusters, networks and, regarding your second-last question, volumes. It seems like you're expecting the wrong features from that product.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

OK, so if I for instance have an Apache server on that Virtual machine, how exactly can I browse through that virtual system on my Windows? SSH into it and navigate for instance to my www dir to put my scripts?OK, I'll ask another question as well, can I substitute an usage of Linux by using Docker VS real non-virtual OS? Can I work that way without real issues or need for a real Linux machine?


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

You can run Linux containers on Windows. It is absolutely uninteresting what you actually run in those Linux containers, so yeah, you can do that too.


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

OK, so can I have LAMP on Docker on Windows OS?


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Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

So, thats not actually Docker-related. First of all, there is Docker for Windows which can run Linux containers too, so no need to work with two separate OS'es here. And everything else is up to your personal preference. Developing on Linux directly using file explorers like Total Commander or editors with built-in FTP/SFTP capabilities, or copying things over manually each time you need it, thats totally up to you, although unnecessary in my oppinion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

OK, so how about synced folders and that stuff? I mean if I wish to type my code on Windows and save it on Linux? Maybe some tutorials or something?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Docker usage

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Docker usage

I never used Vagrant. I however use Docker quite frequently, both at work and privately. The fact that I never heard of Vagrant, plus googling it shows that it doesn't even have proper non-beta Linux support yet shows me that docker is much more accepted in the developer world, thus you'll find alot more support out there including pre-built docker images and tutorials etc. I'd thus recommend sticking with docker, especially if you're planning to take the additional step towards Kubernetes and such.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Docker usage

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Docker usage

If there are some developers who use Docker instead of Vagrant on Windows, could you tell the major differences and how to basically start with Docker?I do know it's controlled via command prompt and it's good, although I ant to know the current issues, which is better for the blind to use in your opinion?I took a new job and will go in 2 weeks and only now they told me that it would be good to use Docker.I heard it is possible to use Docker with Vagrant together, what is the benefit of that?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list