Re: Echo dot assistance

2017-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echo dot assistance

there's a version of 20 questions which I believe is built in.


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Re: Echo dot assistance

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echo dot assistance

Yep Sam I played Fidgit spinner, it's an amusing one, check out my Alexa games list in the articles room  all of the things I've tried, well all of the games anyway .


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Re: Echo dot assistance

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : microsoftsam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echo dot assistance

try the fidget spinner game. it's a great time waster


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Re: Echo dot assistance

2017-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echo dot assistance

on the skills portion, you'll need to say activate "skillname" to use a skill for the first time, it will be a local skill from then on. For example, you can play Code Signus on the Echo, but it isn't a local skill until you say "allexxa, activate Codename Signus." for the first time. I personally like "Jeopardy" which unlike the mobile versions is accessible but short, with 6 clues for each day if you don't have prime or 12 if you do with only one play per day and only on weekdays since it is based on the broadcast for that day.


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Re: Echo dot assistance

2017-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echo dot assistance

Yeah, I know what you mean about the music and mostly just stream a radio station. Prime Music is rather limited in that it only has about 2 million songs included and most of those are more recent tot 40 hits while I'm an oldies person. And then there's Music Unlimited, unfortunately, contrary to it's name it isn't unlimited, when I tried it I was always bumping into tracks that weren't included. So I canceled it before my one month trial ran out.For $25 a year you can upload your entire music library to Amazon so Alexa will have access to it. Not wanting to upload all my music or spend the time it would take to do it. I just connect my Victor Reader Trek to some powered speakers and play my music with that.


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Re: Echo dot assistance

2017-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echo dot assistance

To be honest I've steered clear of the music as I had so little luck actually getting the thing to play anything interesting, last time as most of what it had seemed based on the top 40 etc. besides I'm one of these old fashioned people who believes that if you buy something it should be yours! to play on whatever device you choose.  did buy first a cd, then when I worked out how to do it an mp3 download, but I'd rather buy than stream given that Mrs. Dark and I have rather more specific interests musically speaking.Streaming films or tv series might be nice though, though it's something I'd only look into when i've run out of stuff to watch on disk which at the moment I  haven't, plus of course using vlc one does have the advantage of completely accessible dvd controls. I'm not against the idea of prime, but since I'm trying to save money at the moment it'd have to be pretty exceptional for me to want to invest in the thing. At the moment most of the things I've got the echo to do have been moderately superficial like playing games, , though i will admit I do like the ability to listen to the news on it, since as Mrs. Dark and I don't have a tv, we often do miss the longer national news reports you get on bbc tv. On the games front however there are some pretty interesting ones out there, I do rather like six swords now I've located it, and there is a fairly amusing little game entitled yes sire, plus as Mrs. Dark is a huge fan of trivia games that could be handy. still if anyone has any suggestions for stuff we can do with the thing I'm always up to try things out.


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Re: Echo dot assistance

2017-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echo dot assistance

Things might be different in the UK than here in the US but, Amazon Prime isn't just the priveledge of ordering stuff from them. As a Prime member you get free two day shipping on all orders that are fulfilled by Amazon. Also there is Prime instant video which is Movies and TV shows you can stream at no additional cost. The same goes for Prime Music. And it's an annual subscription, not monthly. But, Prime is also not for everyone, if you don't do a lot of online ordering, then Prime is probably not worth the price.I've been a Prime member for years because I average at least two orders a month, so I more than make up the cost of Prime in shipping costs I no longer have to pay, on top of everything else Prime gives me.


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Re: Echo dot assistance

2017-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echo dot assistance

From what I read on the webpage it seems that you can only place amazon orders firstly if you setup one click payments on amazon itself, and secondly if you buy Amazon prime. Sorry, but the idea of paying a monthly fee for the privilige of being ablen to buy items just seems utterly wrong to me, so I have no fears of that happening .On the pluss side, I have used one of the todo lists and I did see a shoping skill that lets you buy from a Morrisons, which is our local  supermarket, so that could be handy assuming it isn't overly expensive or complex to setup. Amusingly enough all the smart home stuff that should theoretically be useful seemed to take quite a lot of setting up when we looked at buying a smart washing machine, and as I said amazon music options seem no good at all, though at least I have worked out how to download the mp3 files if I buy stuff from amazon themselves rather than using the echo, so that is okay.On the plus side, I have also setup a couple of  games including six swords and dungeon adventure, I actually like games with the speech control, particularly the rpg ones, so that is pretty good.


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Re: Echo dot assistance

2017-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echo dot assistance

That button that seems to turn it off is probably the button that toggles the microphones on and off. It's useful when you want to be sure that Alexa won't respond to her name. I use it whenever I leave to be certain that the Alexa service won't be activated while I'm away. Yeah, call me paranoid, but with Alexa set up to allow Amazon orders to be placed through it, the security of knowing it can't be activated while I'm away is nice.


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Echo dot assistance

2017-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Echo dot assistance

So I decided to brave the beast again and actually see if this expensive plastic  circle can actually do! anything  me as opposed to take up desk space. I configure the thing and set it up and! link with my amazon account okay.Since the amazon music thing didn't work out well last time I wonder if this can do anything else, so to begin I thought I'd try and search for a local business. "alexa where is waterstones?" Alexa says "go to settings in the alexa ap and add address" I go to settings and the only place to add address is under "traffic updates" so I stick my address in there. "Alexa where is waterstones" "you'll need to go to settings to add address" "alexa where! in settings" "I don't know that" "alexa my current address is (says current address)" "I'm sorry I don't understand that. Okay so I think this is wasting my time and decide to try the "things to try" section. "Alexa play a christmas game" "You'll need to go and enable local skills" I go to local skills and m, what the heck?It also doesn't help that I'm not exactly sure what the bloody buttons do anyway, the top one with the bobble on it is the action button I know and the right and left are volume up and down, but the bottom one just seems to turn it off. So, any advice with this thing! can it actually do! anything useful at all?Edit: Okay, it turns out what I thought was a heading was a link,  there was a settings catagory I missed on the webpage, which was a little odd. So on the  plus side I've now  locations and managed to actually use a few local things like weather. On the other hand, Siri would've done this anyway on my mobile phone . Then again I was able to get the thing to play True or false which mrs. Dark was rather amused by .I haven't seen any skills or abilities that really  blew my mind as yet, and the music thing seems a wee bit pointless, still if anyone has any suggestions for things to try I'd appreciate knowing them, though sadly I don't know how much is available in Britain (I didn't see any signs of six swords or starlanes).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Echo dot assistance

2017-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Echo dot assistance

So I decided to brave the beast again and actually see if this expensive plastic  circle can actually do! anything  me as opposed to take up desk space. I configure the thing and set it up and! link with my amazon account okay.Since the amazon music thing didn't work out well last time I wonder if this can do anything else, so to begin I thought I'd try and search for a local business. "alexa where is waterstones?" Alexa says "go to settings in the alexa ap and add address" I go to settings and the only place to add address is under "traffic updates" so I stick my address in there. "Alexa where is waterstones" "you'll need to go to settings to add address" "alexa where! in settings" "I don't know that" "alexa my current address is (says current address)" "I'm sorry I don't understand that. Okay so I think this is wasting my time and decide to try the "things to try" section. "Alexa play a christmas game" "You'll need to go and enable local skills" I go to local skills and m, what the heck?It also doesn't help that I'm not exactly sure what the bloody buttons do anyway, the top one with the bobble on it is the action button I know and the right and left are volume up and down, but the bottom one just seems to turn it off. So, any advice with this thing! can it actually do! anything useful at all?


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