Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

As reported by [polygon]:Recent coverage goes more into the various modes and balance of Elite: Dangerous, the challenges of defending the fleet, and more in depth into Iridium Wing. Like the Fuel Rats and Hull Seals, Iridium Wing's goal is to protect explorers, miners, and other players with their comically overpowered blackhole death cannons from hostile NPCs and players. Currently 4 members of Iridium Wing are travelling with the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition, the reasons being that with public and private modes and the size of the fleet, there's only so much coverage they can give, so they focus more on discrete escorts and assistance requests.But as has been suspected, others are taking advantage of the expeditions vulnerability. Calling their co-event [Distant Ganks 2], a rogue band of players have taken it upon themselves to kill as many of the expedition as possible, or as the infamous Commander Harry Potter put it: "to gank where no other ganker has ganked before.”, with a kill count already reaching 1200.


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Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

As reported by [polygon]:The ranks of the expedition have grown to over 13,000 players since launch just a few days ago and after passing through lovely sights like the Lagoon and Cinnabar Moth Nebulas are expected to reach their first waypoint: The Omega Nebula. The Nebula is home to thousands of independant contractors who work at the Omega Mining Factility, the only place your likely to find anything resembling a drink for thousands of lightyears. So far there have been quite a few rough scrapes, with the deathtoll hitting 54 ships in The View, which is unprecedented with the previous record being 11 accidents.The well known Fuel Rats have also been kept busy offering fuel to wayward and stranded pilots, and a new faction is making the scene: The Hull Seals. This new group of fleet mechanics have come along to offer emergency repairs to badly damaged ships in the convoy, with over 120 calls so far.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

As reported by [polygon]:The ranks of the expedition have grown to over 13,000 players since launch just a few days ago and after passing through lovely sights like the Lagoon and Cinnabar Both Nebulas are expected to reach their first waypoint: The Omega Nebula. The Nebula is home to thousands of independant contractors who work at the Omega Mining Factility, the only place your likely to find anything resembling a drink for thousands of lightyears. So far there have been quite a few rough scrapes, with the deathtoll hitting 54 ships in The View, which is unprecedented with the previous record being 11 accidents.The well known Fuel Rats have also been kept busy offering fuel to wayward and stranded pilots, and a new faction is making the scene: The Hull Seals. This new group of fleet mechanics have come along to offer emergency repairs to badly damaged ships in the convoy, with over 120 calls so far.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

As reported by [rockpapershotgun]:First blood! After starting their journey from the Pallaeni system, a number of pilots stopped in the HR 6164 star system, otherwise called "The View" for its stunning vistas. Unfortunately for them it has a gravity well 3 times that of earth, and over 30 pilots selfied themselves to death. A number of players and fleet commanders are coordinating rescue efforts and preventing further casualties, but with a good 10k pilots in the sky, expect more interesting accidents. For additional coverage you can also read Charlie Hall's reporting on the launch [here] on polygon, where he leaves off parking his ship in "The View".


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

As reported by [rockpapershotgun]:First blood! After starting their journey from the Pallaeni system, a number of pilots stopped in the HR 6164 star system, otherwise called "The View" for its stunning vistas. Unfortunately for them it has a gravity well 3 times that of earth, and over 30 pilots selfied themselves to death. A number of players and fleet commanders are coordinating rescue efforts and preventing further casualties, but with a good 10k pilots in the sky, expect more interesting causes of death. For additional coverage you can also read Charlie Hall's reporting on the launch [here] on polygon, where he leaves off parking his ship in "The View".


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

As reported by [rockpapershotgun]:First blood! After starting their journey from the Pallaeni system, a number of pilots stopped in the HR 6164 star system, otherwise called "The View" for its stunning vistas. Unfortunately for them it has a gravity well 3 times that of earth, and over 30 pilots selfied themselves to death. A number of players and fleet commanders are coordinating rescue efforts and preventing further casualties, but with a good 10k pilots in the sky, expect more interesting causes of death. For additional coverage you can also read Charlie Hall's coverage of the launch [here] on polygon, where he leaves off parking his ship in "The View".


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zenothrax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!



Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

As reported by [polygon]:And there off! More than 10,000 players launched into the void this evening on their way to their first destination: Beagle Point, a remote system 64,279 light years from Sol, bringing the games servers to its knee's under the strain. Many lost their connection and are now spreading out to reduce the load. The launch party was covered by Commander Dr. Kaii, which you can watch [here], and if yor interested in more live coverage of the journey the Distant Worlds 2 organizers are maintaining a list of over 30 livestreamers over [here].


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

As reported by [polygon]:And there off! More than 10,000 players launched into the void this evening on their way to their first destination: Beagle Point, a remote system 64,279 light years from Sol, bringing the games servers to its knee's under the strain. Many lost their connection and are now spreading out to reduce the load. The launch party was covered by Commander Dr. Kaii, which you can watch [here], and if yor interested in more live coverage of the journey the Distant Worlds 2 organizers are maintaining a list of over 30 livestreamers over [here].


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