Re: Fantasy book recommendations

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantasy  book recommendations

Virtually anything by Joe Abercrombie will fit what you're asking for. But for my money's worth, try Best Served Cold.Some others though:Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series. I haven't read anywhere near all these books, but this one is tough for some people because a good deal of the violence is of the BDSM persuasion.Sandman Slim is Richard Kadrey; can confirm, it's gory. Fast, vicious and pulls few punches.R.S. Belcher's Brotherhood of the Wheel and Nightwise are slightly less gory, but they're plenty dark, and some of the violence is nasty.The Axe and the Throne is pretty brutal as well. This one is by M.D. Ireman.Apparently Peter V. Brett's Demon Cycle gets pretty ugly in places as well. I only ever read the first book, which has moments but doesn't go crazy on the violence.Alex Marshall's Crimson Empire series is also pretty grimdark. As, I believe, is Richard Morgan's Steel Remains series. That latter, though, don't take my word on it entirely, as again, I've only read the first book.


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Re: Fantasy book recommendations

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantasy  book recommendations

Most violent book?  Almost nothing wins over the Demonata series by Darren Shan.  Seriously, almost nothing.  This thread may now be considered closed.But more seriously: Night Angel series by Brent Weaks, Sandman Slim by I-forget-who, the later Dresden Files all go in that direction.  I didn't personally like it, but there's Malazn Book of the Fallen, which does such things as binding people to the god of death forever.


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Fantasy book recommendations

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vablus via Audiogames-reflector


Fantasy  book recommendations

Hi there.I'm  looking  for  a  fantasy  book out  there  with  violence, gore, and  all that  stuff.  I  like  a  good healthy  bit  of  ass kicking. I  read  the  entirety  of the  Sword  of  Truth  series, the First Law series, and  all  of those  books  were  plenty  of what I enjoy.  So  anything  in that  vein  as  long as it has magic involved in it.  Also,  I  already  read  Game  of Thrones,  so  something  different. Find  me  the  most  violent  book  out  there.  I  wanna  read  some  realistic  scenes  of old-time  and  wizardly combat.Thanks


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Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

2016-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

I recommend Dennis L McKiernan's Mithgar series. There are about a dozen books in the series, each book is a stand alone story so there's no need to read them in any particular order. They are similar to Tolkien, especially in character types, also, "The Iron Tower" trilogy has many parallels to "Lord of the Rings".


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Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

2016-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

Jim Butcher also has another fantasy series, Codex Alera which I highly recommend.


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Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

2016-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

Dark, his Forgotten Realms books are amazing. I will post the chronological list according to the book jacket here later, because it is a multi series project.


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Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

2016-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

If you like the salvatore stuff, brandon sanderson would be a good move onwards, his stuff is easy going but clever and very well paced with quite a bit of action. David Eddings writes very fun fantasy with a slightly ironic twist that you might enjoy, rather light in places and where you know the good guys are going to win, but still hugely good fun with lots of action and danger on the line, I think you'd enjoy them. By him I'd particularly recommend The elenium trilogy, ie, the Diamond throne, the ruby night and the saphire rose, and his Belgariad, pawn of prophecy, queen of sorcery, magician's gambit, castle of wizardry and enchanter's endgame.David Gemmell is someone you would like if you enjoy action. His books are often about warriors, usually in dark settings or times of war. In particular I'd recommend waylander by him, the story of an assassin seaking redemption, and Legend, his very first novel, though he has written a 
 lot of stuff not all of which I've read.If you want something much darker but also more adult and complex (with lots of violence slaughter and nastiness), I love! george R R Martin's game of thrones series. Not your stadnard D, but very compelling if you can get into things and unlike someone such as robbert jordan or robbin hobb doesn't require too much by way of reader investment. Tad williams I'd highly recommend, again, a little more character rich and complex than feist or salvatore, but extremely good stuff and not too hard to read, also not as long or complex as game of thrones, especially his memory sorrow and thorn series. Jim Butcher's dresden files isn't actually high fantasy, it's a noire private eye detective (called harry Dresden), who is a wizard in modern day chicago who encounters various cases involving demons, the fae, vampires etc. Silly, and harry himself can be a right winjer, but good fun if y
 ou want some fluff with big explosions and lots of magic, though for that urban fantasy genre I'd recommend tad williams bobby dollar series, (though I didn't personally enjoy bobby dollar as much as some of his high fantasy or sf stuff).Generally the sort of fantasy I like best personally tends to be the deep, character based introspective stuff (I'm about to start the malason book of the fallen by steven ericson), though I don't mind a bit of fun sometimes. Right now I'm having a break from fantasy and sf and reading Phantoms by Dean koontz on my lady's recommendation. I've disliked the Koontz I've read previously, but according to my lady those were his worst so I'm trying phantoms which is much more your creepy abandoned town and lots of corpses style horror. But that's definitely modern day horror rather than fantasy. Btw, I have written book reviews for lots of stuff, as have others, so you might want
  to check out You will find reviewews there of all the authors and books mentioned here, as well as recommendations, so if you went onto the pages for R A Salvatore you could probably see what people recommend that is similar and then try to get it.You can find my reviews under dark.Hth.Btw, the only Salvatore I read was his novelization of Attack of the clones. Any others you'd particularly recommend?


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Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

2016-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

look at Brandon Sanderson and Simon R Green on goodreads, I especially like Mistborn, The Demon Cycle, and The Forest Kingdom Saga; All of which are in Graphic Audio if you can find them!I've also heard good things about Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files.


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Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

2016-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

look at Brandon Sanderson and Simon R Green on goodreads, I especially like Mistborn, The Demon Cycle, and The Forest Kingdom Saga; All of which are in Graphic Audio if you can find them!


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Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

2016-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

You would probably like the  Finder's Stone trilogy. The books are  The Azure bonds, The Wyvern's Spur, and Song of the Saurials. These are also set in the Forgotten Realms setting like most of Salvatore's stuff. If you are a fan of his sort of magic heavy high fantasy you might like Raymond E. Feist's work. His Midkemia  books take place in a D ^&  D inspired setting beginning with Magician. The series is now complete and I believe that it is at least 20 books long. If you would want something darker and heavier, I highly recommend  Steven Erikson's  Malazan book of the Fallen series beginning with Gardens of the Moon. This series is more philosophical  but is still a magic heavy, heroic high fantasy and is my favorite series of all time. Note that all of these are on Bookshare


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I need fantasy book recommendations

2016-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


I need fantasy book recommendations

Hello there. I'm trying to find more fantasy titles, but I can not think of where to begin searching. I am a fan of R. A. Salvatore and have almost all of his books. Can anyone give me any recommendations?


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