Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

2019-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

Since you can post here. Nope. You're unrestricted.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

2019-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Chri79s via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

I’d like to know if I’m still restricted? I don’t know how to check on that i already introduced myself


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Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

2019-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

Hello people. I think I can go a bit simpler than both of you, seeing as my language is Trinidad Creole English.1. You can have 1 account. No more.2. No fighting. Its OK to not like what people are saying, don't fight them. Comment on their post.3. Don't give away code you're not supposed to have. Or..Don't steal code from other people.4. Don't talk about places to get stolen/pirated movies and cracks on this forum.I tried to use proper English, but still be simple. I should ask my friend from the country if he could understand. He's an idiot, so yeah. He talks broken even for Trini English 


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Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

Yeah, I didn't use any sort of official list. I just went for way simpler language than I'm used to. Worked well enough, I think.And was totally not trying to show you up, Liam. But it was early (or late, depending on your perspective) and I sorta went "screw it, I'm gonna try my hand at it".


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

So I started with these. It's harder than you'd think. I originally used the basic English 1000 word list, but apparently there's a larger one, so I need to check that out.1. You may only have one account. You may not have over one account. 2. Please be respectful to all. Do not attack others for any reason. 3. Do not give things to others if you are not the owner.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

For now, we can probably work on a skeleton like this.Rules1. You may only have one account. Don't make more than one account for any reason.2. Try to be kind to other users. Argue with them if you need to, but don't insult or attack them for any reason.3. Don't share things that you don't have the right to share, and please don't help others to do it either. Be careful if you want to talk about how to crack a game, because if it looks like you're trying to steal it, you'll be punished. If you want to pirate things, we can't stop you, but talk about it and do it somewhere else.4. We don't like spam, and we don't want to deal with it, so don't spread it or try and get others to spread it either.5. Please don't come into someone else's topic and totally change the subject. Topics change over time, but if you make a habit of hijacking, we're going to have to step in.6. If staff step into a topic to cool it down, please respect what we're doing and do your best to do what we ask of you. We don't like doing this at all, but when it happens, it would be nice if you helped us keep the forum friendly for everyone.7. If you get banned, don't make new accounts to get around it. If you do this, we will just ban the new account and increase the length of your other ban. Please email a staff member if you want to talk about what happened or have a problem with it.8. Don't share another user's private information for any reason unless you can prove that user said it was okay, or unless the information is public. We take privacy seriously here, and don't want anyone being threatened or feeling unsafe.9. We have something called a community failure clause, which says that if the rules aren't working to stop you doing things we don't want you to do, we can change the way we punish you for the good of the forum. For example, if you keep getting warnings but haven't been banned, and you've been doing this for a long time, we may decide to ban you for a little while in hopes that you change how you're behaving. We won't use this rule unless we agree on it, and we won't use it without good reason. Sometimes we will decide to put a user "on watch" instead of banning right away. Being on watch means that if you get warned during a certain period of time, you'll be banned. The staff can decide to put a player on watch or not, depending on what has been happening.Guidelines1. Remember that this website is public. Don't post anything here that you want to keep private.2. Please post in English. We respect everyone, but the only language that all staff members know is English. If you don't speak English naturally, just do the best you can, and we'll work with you.3. Please try to put your topics in the right forums. Give them titles that make sense and explain a little of what the topic is about. If you put a thread in the wrong place, it will be moved, but you won't be punished.4. If you find a post that you think breaks the rules, and a staff member hasn't gotten to it yet, please feel free to let us know by reporting it. We read all reports to see if they're worth following up on, but may not respond to all of them. If you know that other users have reported something, adding your own report won't make us more likely to act, and may actually slow us down. You won't ever be punished for reporting where there is no need, but please use good judgment when doing so. If you flood us with a lot of pointless reports, we may reach out to you in order to get you to stop what you're doing.5. Please be careful of game spoilers. Some people don't care much about spoilers, but we don't want to ruin anyone's fun. If you have to spoil something, try to mark it somehow so that another person reading your post won't be surprised by information they might not want to read.6. Please don't revive very old topics without a really good reason. We often call this "thread necromancy" (raising threads from the dead), and if you do it often enough, you may get a warning for it. Sometimes old topics come back to life, and that's fine, but don't go digging for old topics just to bring them back to the top of a list. It's totally okay to start a new thread about an old game or topic.7. If you want to leave, you're free to go at any time. If you want to edit posts you've made, you can do this as well. If you're punished for writing something and later get rid of the post, you won't lose the punishment. If you want to have your forum presence removed from the public record, we ask that you get in touch with search providers instead of asking us to do it for you; we are simply not large enough to be able to do this. We don't normally edit or delete posts ourselves unless we have to.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

2019-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

Yep. I've been working on this. you have no idea how hard it is to write a set of rules using only the words laid out by basic English.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

2019-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Forum FAQ and rules in an easier form of English

Hey and good morning everyone.I think it was a post  in the most recent apologies topic which gave me the idea for this topic.As you all probably know, not everyone here is a native English speakerr, people come from different cuntrys and have different mother tongues, so English is not spoken by everyone, at leased not on the same level, we have people who speak perfect English, and those who struggle with the language and possibly use translators to get by.My idea was to take the currently standing rules of the forum and create a copy of these rules, just with simpler language, so no complicated words or writing style which would rival a modern licence agreement. I think that with complicated or specific words, translation software could run into problems and mistranslate certain parts of the rules.While the problems that mostly younger members of the forum often get into quarrels about cloning and what not might mostly relay to their age and imaturity, but for those who have problems with the rules, an easier form would be ideal.i know for a fact that many German news organisations offer their news in traditional professional German, and in a easier to understand type for mentaly challenged people or non native speakers who are still learning the language.What do you guys think about this idea?Greetings Moritz.


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