Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

That is a idea Amineel, alternative methods for doing the same thing are always welcome, that way people could use whichever they preferd.URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

Hello,1 - About dragdrop vs flick up/down:I think, in fact, that you should implement both.For the flick up/down thing, the ideal setup would be to have an actions position in the rotor, flick up/down to select the desired option, and double tap to execute it. This way it conforms to iOS UI, and its no different than other apps we are used to.You should still keep dd for sighted and partially sighted users. If you implement your dd well, I think there are just a few additional API so that VO reads the destination as you are moving your finger.The best power ever is to ahve choice !2 - About listening descriptions / triple click to move / etc.I think you should again conform mostly to other apps UI. When you touch something, remove the finger and do nothing in the next few seconds, hints are read at many places, e.g. touch twice quickly to activate this element.I think you should do
  the same. If you put your finger on a monster, it first give just basic information, but if you do nothing, it can read more info as an hints. A double tab should always trigger some action, e.g. go to that place, engage battle, etc. again use actions in the rotor if there are more than one possible action.URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zkline via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

I must agree that drag and drop could work well. Theta Poker does a much better job of implementing it than Kings Corner, because it does announce where your cards are going. I really think we should give Peter some time to work and then do testing before we pass judgement. URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

Well it is true Ive not tried this poker game so well see how it works out in testing.URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

Hi Astral. I dont disagree drag and drop is doable, but everytime Ive seen it on an Iphone its been clunky as hell. Yes, you could get used to it, but why should a vi player need to get used to something and risk discarding a card you want or putting something in the wrong place when a basic double tap can work as well? this seems one of those cases where a mechanic that for sighted people makes a lot of sense just doesnt seem desirable for a Vi user. After all the idea is to have the game accessible, ie, give people equal access and use of the interface, not merely have the same actions. Having tried cardgames like kings corner that used rag and rop and lost cities which used double tap I know which was easier, sinse after all once a card is double tapped the player can freely explore the screen and find where it goes, without having to memorize the layout in advance and decide where to drag it and hope they
 9;ve calculated that correctly,  something which I always eem to fail at, heck Ive had icons wandering all around page after page even if I just want to move them to a folder on the same page.URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

Personally, Im more than willing to give drag and drop a chance to work in this instance, especially as it helps a player visualise the layout of the field, which is what having a touchscreen on an IPhone helps with anyway.Im not sure why exactly, I just prefer it to double tapping in this instance, though that might change depending on how testing goes.URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

Hmmm, I never really had a problem getting the screen layout with double tap (after all the quickest way to find what to tap is find it on screen), my usual issue with drag and drop is one of space sinse I always find things going all over the place when ive tried it.Id give it a go if its already there, but if the developer is still deciding which way with the interface Id vote for double tap on cards ala lost cities as I said, rather than insert a drag option then have to back peddle.URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AstralAudio via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

It will depend on the layout. @Dark, you will have to pick up the specific poker game to understand how drag works in that instance. It works in the sense of pushing your cards to the middle of the table or your chips ... to do the same when you are folding/going all in. As I said earlier, it is a game testing issue. All options should be wide open because as Dan pointed out, some users may like the change. If the proposed change helps the game play experience, then try it. Ill report back more when Peter has more of a foundation built.URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bladestorm360 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

Ive got no problem with drag and drop and do not find it clunky, especially not moving icons on the home screen. I think itd be perfectly viable as long as what youre dragging cards over is announced. Either option sounds very usable to me.URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AstralAudio via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

@Dark,Drag and drop is doable. I site the Theta Poker game as proof. You drag cards in and out of the middle of the screen ... double tap and hold before doing so. Peter can do that in this situation. It would take getting used to but should be something to consider; this is one of those, let the play testers decide opportunities once that phase begins in the development.Speaking of peter, hes already working on a text to speech interface to see how that might work.URL:

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Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

Moderation! Sinse this isnt actually a playable new release yet I dont think it belongs in this part of the forum, though when access features are added to the game a topic in new releases would certainly be needed.As for me,I agree with Grrryf, the description sounds down right awsome and I really do hope the game gets access features sinse its definitely my sort of thing. Id suggest the developer either players A dark room or talks to Amir rajin, sinse one thing Amir did in dark room that was awsome was find ways to have auto appearing text read and even handle timed events. As regards the developers comments, I wonder how familiar he is with voiceovers functions. For example, if the long bits of text he describes appear on screen, well there is no reason a vo user couldnt just scroll through it with the standard commands. Likewise i wonder if he realizes that double tap in vo is activate and simply moving your fing
 er reads what is going on. Also I wonder if he realizes the power of the hints. For example there would be no need to display cards in the graveyard or in your hand if a hint could read them, likewise hints could be used to have long text on short buttons.I wouldnt suggest drag and drop for card operations, sinse dragging with vo can be a rather clunky business. Either the game needs to work like lost cities where you double tap a card to select it (remember touching te card simply reads it), then double tap where you want it, ie, played, discarded to the grave yard etc. Either that or Grryfs suggestion about finger flicking through actions for an active card. One other thing to pass on to the developer is that I think people would absolutely love this game! there has been very little by way of access to modern cardgames and ccgs, or reasonable rpgs with good mechanics, thus hed get a lot of people buying the game, including 

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Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : AstralAudio via Audiogames-reflector

Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

A lot of what Im posting is noted on the AppleVis forums. Im posting it here so you all know what is going on. Im not the developer of this iOS title but want to spread the word. The game description is below with my thoughts afterwards.Play cards! Kill monsters! Level Up!Dream Quest is a roguelike deckbuilding game inspired by the likes of Ascension, Magic: the Gathering, and Shandalar. Explore randomly generated levelsas one of 13 classes in short, 30 minute, sessions. One floor might find your wizard in the crypt, another your warrior underwater, and a third, your assassinstalking a volcanic wasteland. As you progress, your characters earn achievements, each making your future runs a little easier or more interesting.Combat is a card game. Your abilities are a deck of cards that you develop as you gain power. For example, a thief starts with a handful of Slice cardsand a Backstab, but can learn defensive moves like Dodge or powerful finishing moves like Coup de Grace. Carefully choosing which cards to add to yourdeck is the heart of the game: wise choices will find you slicing through monsters while poor ones will leave you tripping over your own two feet.Features:‧13 different classes, with wildly different play styles‧Over 300 cards, ranging from the defensive Kick and Armor to the devastating Meteor and Curse of Doom‧More than 70 monsters carefully catalogued in the Bestiary as you encounter them‧Infinite replayability – easily 50 hours to see the majority of the content‧No In App Purchases – the price of the game is the price of the game. Everything is unlocked only by playing.Reviews of Version 1.0 have been fantastic! Examples include:Dont be fooled by its simplistic stick-figure art – Dream Quest brings together roguelike dungeon-crawling and deckbuilding to create a truly uniquechallenge-IGNThis game is really one of a kind. The mix between rogue-like and cards is really well done...Kudos to the dev for such an innovative and challenginggame-Mike32, TouchArcadeIf you can get past the simplistic graphics, youre looking at a very interesting, strategic game. Ive already lost a few hours to it - the kind of hourswhere you wonder where the time went. Outstanding game!-CitronautFirst, if you are excited about this game and think you can simply play it after purchasing, the developer suggests you do not buy at this time. I tested this game myself when I first heard about it. VoiceOver isnt playing nice with the game engine used to make the game.Second, he isnt experienced with doing something like this; turning something from inaccessible to accessible. However, he is enthusiastic about trying to make this work. Here are some thoughts for what he has in mind (taken from his post on AppleVis).Most of the interactable UI objects are just buttons. It seems like the right thing here is one-touch reads the text (or a short description I create forimaged buttons) and double-tap presses it.There are large swathes of text, a number of which are very long and completely irrelevant to the game play. Id like them to be available, but if youhad the treasure chest description read to you 100 times, youd go crazy. Is the best thing here tap to read by paragraph? By whole text? Or single-clickto say You found a treasure chest, double-click to read the whole thing?For interacting with the dungeon, my proposal is to have single-click read the things there with the same level of information the visual UI gives (soclicking on a monster that youre next to says Level 7 Faerie Rogue, but one far away is just Faerie Rogue) and double-clicking moves you to that place(as if youd single-clicked in the current UI). Moving to a place would then again read the information, confirming that youd successfully gotten there(since you can get ambushed on the way).For things that happen with a visual cue, just read the text out loud - it happens infrequently and the text is short.For combat, click on a card to get its name, double click to read the full text, and drag to the center to play, drag to the graveyard to discard (sameas the standard UI, kind of). Clicking on things that usually pop up text just reads the text instead. Whenever the enemy plays a card, read the name ofthe card it played. When the enemy is done with its turn and its your turn again, say so. Expanding the discard pile and equipment pile works as normal except that closing it has to be done by clicking the same place rather than anywhere sothat you can actually examine the cards that come up. Alternatively, it could read the names of those cards as it pops them up.Off the top of my head, thats most things. The hardest for me is the text since it doesnt really work in a way thats conducive to clicking right now.How does this sound? Are there aspects of this that are actually horrible or clever things (or obvious things) I havent thought about?Thanks a lot!Peter

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Getting Dream Quest accessible. Leave your feedback.

Hi,One floor might find your wizard in the crypt, another your warrior underwater, and a third, your assassinstalking a volcanic wastelandyou got me by the start of the line and had me drooling and all excited to try it out by the end of this sentence! Seriously though,this is really interesting,totally my type of game,and quite exciteing,too!I havent tryed it out but here are a few suggestions based on what I have read above.instead of dragging a card to place it in the center,perhaps a tripple tap could play it,or to place it in the graveyard a double tap of 2 fingers could be used?or actions just flick up and down with one finger to change the actions. I.E the default would be play,so if I were to double tap it,it would play,if I were to flick my finger once upwards or dow
 nwards it could change to say,read description,place in graveyard ,and so on. then double tapping may perform the selected action.I look forward to see this one become fully accessible!grryfURL:

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