Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

From what I've seen, the "Select all" option does only exist in Gmail standard view only. The "Select all" option is not the check box. It's kinda like the drop down menu. I've used it on my Mac here with VoiceOver and it works fine.


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

@Ryok, thanks for the advice I have actually used windows 10 mail client myself, but this isn't realy about a mail client as such. my lady's past stuff is all saved as  pst files, so she's a trifle stuck, even though outlook is a pain in the arse, though this specific problem is with Gmail. @Grryf, I'll have another look for that select button. Poking around the standard view with Nvda and chrome I couldn't find anything that seemed to be a select button, just the default check boxes on each mail, and even with those the applications menu seemed weird as I said. the hole thing is going to have to wait for a little while though since we're at my parents for the weekend and my lady's laptop is at our house, and while I could certainly access her  account on my laptop, it'd be better if she was on hand to see if outlook does actually download the messages once I've told gmail to relable them as inbox (god this Gmail labelling system is stupid).


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

Hi,I have been using the gmail standard view,hopefully anyway  for quite a while now, and there is a select button that is indeed able to select all that is all the 50 messages if there are that many in a label.The button is located right above the refresh button, using nvda and jaws with firefox,no clue about internet explorer,sorry.Dark, if I understand your issue correctly, you are wanting to move all mails from a particular label/ folder to the inbox,yes?Here is something that may help, as long as I am indeed using the standard view and not some other view...I know for a fact that I am not using the basic html layout the search box on the gmail webpage, type is:the exactNameOfTheFolder , and click on search mail button.Everything included in that label ought to come up in search results, alternatively just navigate to the label/folder whatever you prefer to call it.Find the select button,press enter on it and at that point nvda should pop up with a menu, arrow up and down and press enter on all.If there are more than 50 emails/conversations matching the searched Criteria, you should have a select all link after you have successfully clicked on the all option.After that,move them to inbox,Ok on a dialogue that would probably come up and you should be good.This is what I do to empty my unread emails that I cant be bothered to read. hthGrryf


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ryok via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

Hey dark. Did you try using the mail app on windows?1. Go to your gmail account.2. Go to the folder that you want to move your emails from.3. tab around till you find a button labeled: enter selection mode. pres enter on it.4. Shift tab till you find the select all checkbox.5. Go to the message list. Press the applications key and you'll find the move option there.I'd advice you to Do that after applying the settings that Chris suggested.I hope this helps.Best regards.Ahmad.


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

Thanks Aaron. move to inbox is in the dropdown after each message. I assumed you had to use the combo box for each message next to it and didn't know you could check multiple entries and then move them, but if you can use the dropdown for multiple checked items I can just hammer the x and space keys as you describe..


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

Hi Dark,Each message has a checkbox near it, so you have to select the first, move down to the second. Or, an easier method that I use:Look at the links that say what the messages are, look at a few, and then go back up to the first checkbox, press space, then press x to jump to the next checkbox, then you can select two or three at a time, or however many. I once selecetd 10 checkboxes one after the other because I knew I wanted to move them all, or make them not spam. NOw, I can't quite remember how to move to inbox, unless it's in the labels dropdown.


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

@Aaron part of the problem seemed to be that in the basic view you could only select messages one at a time, unless I have that wrong. the stadnard view would let you do more, but with how unreliable the applications menu seemed to be and how messages randomly decided to unselect themselves I couldn't get the damn thing to cooperate as I said. if you can select multiple messages in the basic view and move them to inbox that might be the best bet, just abusing the spacebar.H Chris, outlook settings hadn't occurred to me. I personally hate Outlook with a passion, and 2016 seems worse than usual what with the tabs etc, (it was hard enough to find the folder tree).  Any idea where that setting is?


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

Check your IMAP settings in Gmail. Make sure it is set to not limit the number of items in a folder. The problem might also be Outlook. Check to see if there is a setting to download all messages from the server. It might be downloading recent messages from a year, month, or what ever time frame is specified.


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

Hi Dark,You are right, there doesn't seem to be a checkbox to select all but you can select a good fiew at a time in the basic view, and then archive or delete or whatever. Of course, that'll take time, on my end I have a fair view messages that I forgot to keep on top of.


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

Please understand that this from before I lost my vision almost six years ago and things may have changed since then, but as I recall, it was always at the very left end of the header row with the column titles. It's possible they have moved it to under the "Moree..." button on the right end of the button bar just about and below the message list.


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

I didn't find a checkbox to select all mails, even all the mails on one page  in either the basic or standard html view, but I will have a look, indeed if someone has a tip on where it is I'd apprecaite that.bYes Orko, the labels get converted to folders in whatever mail client you use, but the problem is those messages that aren't in a folder, such as my lady's back catalogue then get hung up in limbo rather than downloading to her inbox in outlook where she can deal with them. i am still on the fense about outlook express for myself since I am getting more spam which is annoying and a couple of mails haven't worked with the client so I probably will investigate thunderbird at some stage, especially because I know for a fact outlook express and Gmail won't cooperate and I will want to set myself up a private gmail address as opposed to my public one when I have time, but it's my lady's mail account I want to fix at the second hence why I'm hunting for a way to select all messages.


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vaibhavbhandari via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

They can go upto 100 also! 


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

As I recall from before I lost my vision, there isn't a button labeled "Select All", but instead is a check box in the row with the other column headers that selects or unselects all the messages.But then it get worse, the select or unselect all only affects the messages currently displayed in the list, which is usually 30 or 50 messages at a time.And, yes, GMail does use labels instead of folders, but from every email client I've tried, the labels look like folders to them. Email clients I've used are Outlook Express, Outlook 2007, and Thunderbird.I am currently using Thunderbird, I'd be using Outlook Express if I had found the version that is installable on Windows 7 before I got used to Thunderbird.


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

I think its like * then A, its weird, but yes, it exists.


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Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gmail is really annoying me!

I wish there was.  I swear there used to be a select all button, but of course when I needed to perform a mass clearout of about a thousand, was it there? no sir!


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Gmail is really annoying me!

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Gmail is really annoying me!

Okay my lady has a gmail account, but is using microsoft outlook 2016. When upgrading to windows 10 a lot of her old messages from gmail didn't get transfered to outlook. We've got outlook configured for the gmail account with Imap, but only those messages that immediately came turn up, none  the older ones which she'd like to manage. The reason for this is simple, for some crazy reason Gmail doesn't us folders but labels. New messages get labeled "inbox" but older ones just sort of hang around in limbo. This is fine accept that having to manually check over 800 messages and move them to inbox with the dropdown for each is a bloody pain in the neck and google in their infinite stupidity don't have a select all button. Fortunately the standard view as opposed to the basic html view lets you use the applications key so theoretically I should be able to select all the messages and hit that the way I would move messages in a mail client, accept that guess what? when I hit the applications key sometimes the option appears, sometimes it doesn't, and never when I have selected multiple messages. This is why mail clients are your friend! So firstly in either basic view or standard view is there a way to select all messages and have them moved  the inbox so my lady can deal with them herself?


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