Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Moderation!  A couple of people have engaged in offtopic posting here, ie, just asking an unrelated question. Remember, if your post has nothing to do with what was previously in the topic and reads like a new question, it probably needs its own thread, I know we were discussing Ios games here but I feel some of the shifts in discussion have been a bit abrupt to warrent being in the same topic,  really there is no reason not to start a new one. @Rori, Im afraid I cant help you on Ios 8. I specifically have waited to upgrade until several bugs are fixed, Ive heard of this vo bug you mention and am waiting until it is solved myself. Im still running Ios 7, and intend to do so until I can be sure most or all of the kinks are worked out of 8, and on 7 all the Choiceof games Ive played have been fine.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Hi. This has to do with voiceover and choice of games games. I downloaded ios 8, but i play zombie exihus and choice of the rock star and neighbourhood necromencer. But in ios 8, double tapping the radio buttons worked checked or unchecked them if i remember right it unchecked them, or you clicked another one to do that. Anyway, now, when i double tap them, nothing happens accept for voiceover speaking it again. And the next button doesnt work because of this either. Anyone, proticularely dark, have any answers? The reason i said dark was because you seam to play alot of them.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Ive worked through the first tutorial on that Looktell app and it definitely looks like it will be useful. Thanks again for that.Ive tried KODP and I quite enjoy it but I do find the complexity somewhat daunting. I absolutely love RPGs and I do a very large amount of tabletop roleplaying so I think the main block I have with it is more the iPhone interface than the game complexity. Then again, having to learn about all the gods, clans and such like is a pretty steep learning curve.I might check out the ChoiceOfGames stuff next. Im getting pretty good at Sixth Sense now and I was interested in the Nebula game but I think Ill stick to familiarising myself with the screen gestures before getting into games which require tilting. This is the main reason Ive not tried Nightjar and Papa Sangre yet.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

glad you like the tutorial. Yep, kodp is a very complex game both in terms of the information involved and in terms of the interface, although its improved from when I first got my Iphone.If it helps, you can download my podcast intro to Kodp Here on sendspace, which is intended to be a friendly introduction to the game, albeit a long one .Its well worth getting to grips with though, Kodp is one of the most absorbing games Ive ever played. The choiceofgames stuff is indeed good, as are some of the hosted games titles, games done in choice script and published on the ap store, but not written by the choiceofgames staff. Ive not played half of all of these sinse there are many, but Id particularly suggest Zombie exodus which you can find under hosted games, and from the c
 hoiceofgames section Choice of the dragon is a nice one to start on just because of the humour and rather fun story.Nebula is a little strange with the controls and Im not personally certain about the graphics to audio convertion here, but I can highly recommend the somethinelse games, Pappa1 and 2, and The nightjar. As a correction, its actually only Pappa2 that is controled via tilting, and that only as one of a number of control methods. Pappa 1 and The Nightjar have you using a slider at the top of the screen to turn your character, while touching the bottom corners moves your feet. Pappa 2 can function like thise, but you can also choose to tilt to turn, or indeed to use the phone Gyroscope to physically stand and turn in different directions, that is my personal favourite method and I miss it in the other games.. Hth.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Hi,Anyone know if apple have fixed the voiceover focusing bug for the next buttons in choice games on iOS 8? I dont want to upgrade until I know they have been fixed. And yes, its a problem with voiceover itself this time, not the apps.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Youch! Ive been waiting to upgrade to Ios 8 myself sinse I know the first few versions will be buggerous, all the more reason to wait a bit longer.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Thanks for that advice. Im kind of getting the hang of the iPhone now and I do agree that the gestures are fairly intuitive. It is frustratingly slow to text with, even being good at touch typing and coordination. Im not keen to start using a bluetooth keyboard with it since thats yet another thing to carry around and it will be yet another drain on the battery to keep bluetooth running. I think its the terrible battery life of smart phones which gets to me most; my old phone lasted a good week if it wasnt used frequently so having to charge this one every day or 2 is annoying. It also defeats the object of a mobile phone if you can never actually travel more than a short dash from somewhere to charge it up. Oh well, one of the mysteries of life, I suppose.That aside, Ill definitely check that app out. A bit of free practise at phone gestures before I really start paying for games and such is no bad thing.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Myself, I leave my bluetooth keyboard at home and dont carry it, then just use it to put in passwords etc. The on screen keyboard is fine for what it is, and I dont mind using it for the smalll stuff like typing in search boxes at the ap store, entering my name into a choiceofgames title etc, but Id not want to write anything long with it like an e-mail or forum post. Siris dictation mode can also help as well. I dont personally mind the Iphone batteries, indeed if Im just listening to an audio book or drama they go for a pretty long time, especially if I close down any Aps I dont need and also keep the Iphone charged most of the time and only use the battery when Im actually going out somewhere with it. Then again prior to the Iphone my main device for portable entertainment was a laptop with four hours of battery life so I suppose this is a perception thing.As to Vo and games, the
  tutorial is helpful. You might also want to look at getting some general text type games to practice with. I started with King of dragon pass, which was sort of jumping in at the deep end given the complexity of the interface, although such an awsome rpg was a great insentive for me to get good, though I wouldnt recommend trying this unless you have lots of patience and really! love complex rpgs .The choiceofgames titles are great for basic screen navigation, the interface is really easy and mostly all you need to do is read, select radial buttons and hit next to continue. Id also suggest Lost Cities if you fancy an interesting and competitive card game which also has very easy to follow screens, indeed LostCities was the first game that really encouraged me to start exploring the screen with my fingers rather than just relying on constant one fi
 nger flicks,  which would be sort of like using a Windows screen reader and being entirely reliant on the tab key.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Myself, I leave my bluetooth keyboard at home and dont carry it, then just use it to put in passwords etc. The on screen keyboard is fine for what it is, and I dont mind using it for the smalll stuff like typing in search boxes at the ap store, entering my name into a choiceofgames title etc, but Id not want to write anything long with it like an e-mail or forum post. Siris dictation mode can also help as well. I dont personally mind the Iphone batteries, indeed if Im just listening to an audio book or drama they go for a pretty long time, especially if I close down any Aps I dont need and also keep the Iphone charged most of the time and only use the battery when Im actually going out somewhere with it. Then again prior to the Iphone my main device for portable entertainment was a laptop with four hours of battery life so I suppose this is a perception thing.As to Vo and games, the
  tutorial is helpful. You might also want to look at getting some general text type games to practice with. I started with King of dragon pass, which was sort of jumping in at the deep end given the complexity of the interface, although such an awsome rpg was a great insentive for me to get good, though I wouldnt recommend trying this unless you have lots of patience and really! love complex rpgs .The choiceofgames titles are great for basic screen navigation, the interface is really easy and mostly all you need to do is read, select radial buttons and hit next to continue. Id also suggest Lost Cities if you fancy an interesting and competitive card game which also has very easy to follow screens, indeed LostCities was the first game I bought and the first game that really encouraged me to start exploring the screen with my fingers rather than jus
 t relying on constant one finger flicks,  which would be sort of like using a Windows screen reader and being entirely reliant on the tab key.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Thanks for the additional app switcher advice, Dark. I dont have a particularly good relationship with my iPhone, especially because of how poor the battery life is compared to the ancient and venerable phone I had before.Im getting on much better with 6th sense now but it does have a tendency towards sensitivity. There seems to be something you can do which switches you to another ap. 6th Sense pauses but you have to go back to it with Voiceover on. When you start your game up, there still seem to be more zombies than when you left and you get munched. I think this probably has more to do with how bad I am at using touchscreens though, in all fairness.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Well Sixth sense is a game that requires sensative finger work it is true, though to me that was what made things more interesting. I suspect what your doing to switch out of sixth sense is hitting the very top of the screen where the notification center is and then accidently using the gesture to bring up the notification area, that would switch you out of the game, and likely the extra zombies that turned up while the ap court up with the fact youd lost focus on it are probably why you get mangled when returning. All I can say is stay away from the very very top corners with your gestures and try to be a little more precise, short finger swipes in the various directions are all it needs. I personally love the Iphone touch screen, its a great way of accessing a number of things that would not be doable otherwise, although I do not like using it for things like reading e-mail or accessing the net sinse I find interface wise its a bit cl
 unky with those traditionally texty tasks, still for custom made applications or for interface elements that its used to I like the system. If your having trouble with the learning curve you might want to try the look tell voiceover tutorial. This explains Vo and the gestures in a very streight fforward way and has several practice games for you to get the knack of commonly used gestures. Just search for looktell voiceover tutorial in the ap store and youll find it,  oh yes, its also free.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : gamefighter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Hi,When weere on Sixthsense: is there Sixthsense for iPad? Ive looked in the iPad-Appstore but couldnt find it.Thank you!


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Hi Gamefighter.Im not sure but I think you can play sixthsense on either iPhone or iPad without any problems.Hth.


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Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Hi,I downloaded and briefly enjoyed playing the Sixth Sense zombie game on my iPhone but I think I paused it by accident and possibly died at the same time. Now Im stuck on the score screen and it wont let me activate any of the buttons. Please can someone recommend how I can unfreeze it? It still announces the buttons if you select them but just wont activate them. What is the gesture to unpause it so I can try that as well?Thanks in advance!


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Double two finger tap should unpause. If that doesnt work, press the home button twice to bring up the ap switcher, find sixth sense and close it with a three finger upwards swipe, that will reset the game to the main menu.hth.


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Awesome! The app switcher worked. Thats perfect. Thank you very much!


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Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help: I've broken my Sixth Sense game

Glad it worked. I would recommend keeping an eye on the ap switcher. One thing that I find a miner pest in Ios is everytime you close something, the application itself is not actually closed. This is fine if you say want to stop listening to music for a while but save your place in whatever audio you were on (great for long books, ditto for things like the choiceofgames titles), but a pest when you just want to check your notes or play a quick game or whatever, sinse you end up with a hole bunch of things still open in the background which is a recipe for draining your battery. Ive even heard too many can cause slowdown or crashes, though Ive never experienced this myself sinse I try to actually close any aps Im not needing to keep open for some reason.


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