Re: I am scared

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Being clear that I'm not saying "go get a dog" or something, it is very much possible to get a dog that's very sedate and just wants to cuddle and snore the day away.  Also, lab breaks finger by pulling on leash says a lot of things about the owner, I'm afraid, not the dog.  Can only make that happen if you don't hold the leash well.  They can pull like that, but if you learned how to get a good grip on the leash, which you should have been maintaining at all times for exactly this reason, worst that happens is you get pulled over.Worsed that can happen? Let's not talk about how I got pulled over and smashed face first into the ground. Blood everywhere.Personally I am stupidly scared of spiders. Why, I don't know.


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

No what the sad thing is?  I can't even hear the stupid things anymore, not even with hearing aids on.  I'm screwed!


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

and the thing for me with bugs, like if i no what it is, because i can tell if it's a wosp, or a bee or a fly.   the fly sounds like abit smaller the bea wing sound has abit of a deeper pich and the wosp the same,   but wen i no it's a fly  then i'm like, meh what ever, i'm just gonna get out of this room as soon as i can because some times they kinda fly in to you and omg lol. but an other thing is, if it doesn't make a sound,  i don't care, if it doesn't make a sound i don't no it's there so yay.


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I heard a thing, dunno if its true or not but every time a fly lands, it pisses, shits and pukes on the surface it lands on... so... bleh.


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Subdragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

oh my god flying buggies. i hate them. i was efrayed of even scwashing a fly because i thought they were beas, but now i have a general fealing of what flies do, and what beas do. so basicly flies come around and touch you and stuff, while beas don't do these strange behaviors. but i am still efrayed of these things


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@36Actually iirc cockroaches are pretty clean, or at least not more dirty than other bugs.  And grasshoppers are considered food (I tried it, it was good).@38Being clear that I'm not saying "go get a dog" or something, it is very much possible to get a dog that's very sedate and just wants to cuddle and snore the day away.  Also, lab breaks finger by pulling on leash says a lot of things about the owner, I'm afraid, not the dog.  Can only make that happen if you don't hold the leash well.  They can pull like that, but if you learned how to get a good grip on the leash, which you should have been maintaining at all times for exactly this reason, worst that happens is you get pulled over.I see a lot of people in this thread saying that they're afraid of dogs but this is irrational.  You shouldn't be afraid of them as such, but you shouldn't ever trust a strange dog unless you know what you're doing and have had a lot of experiences with dogs before.  I don't mind strange dogs, but I've had that experience, in general I know what I'm doing.  Don't necessarily put strange dogs in the fear category, but definitely put them in the respect category, if that makes sense.  They're really usually more afraid of you than you are of them, believe it or not, but at the end of the day all they really know how to do with fear is run away or strike out at you.  And most people screw it up so badly: dogs don't read eye contact and a smile as "he's friendly", they read it as "my, what big teeth he has, and he's challenging me, o no".I guess my point is that people who are afraid of dogs look at those of us who are like "wolfhound, must have" and get this funny idea that they're safe and the fear is irrational, and those of us who have dogs and know what we're doing are more like it's safe because he's trained and I've put work into making sure he's a good boy.  They certainly don't tear your throat out or anything and most instances are definitely instigated by something obvious that should have been stopped before the dog attacked, but it's very easy to screw this up and end up with what's basically an overexcited, under socialized coward with teeth.


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I used to have the dog phobia thing too. Kind of still do, though it's gotten a lot less bad over the years, mostly because I've been trying to control it. Ironically enough, when I was younger, it was very much the fear of the unknown that scared me. E.G, I might just be sitting relaxing or on my phone or whatever, when suddenly I feel this wet thing touching me. Or this dog running over to me, but I have no idea what it might do. I've mostly fixed this by effectively telling myself to trust it unless I have a solid reason not to, and that's helped to a degree. I want to get this fixed all the way, parcially because I've been considering getting a guidedog, though I doubt that'll happen given how rarely I'll likely go out when I get my own place, and I've also been considering getting a pet dog, though I'd have to, like, get one that doesn't always have to be walked once a week or whatever, or at least 1 that doesn't have a problem just being walked a few times around the block. Also one that won't get too excitable / difficult to control when around other animals / things in general that peak it's interest, my aunt has a lab that is pretty infamous for this sort of thing, she's even gotten dragged a couple times when the dog pulled on his lead, one of which ended in a broken finger.


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Wow... for a bunch of hardcore gamers, we are a bunch of wimps, aren't we?Jade: You're mostly right about plants, but have you ever seen Rosemary? I'm te worst gardener in the world, and my Rosemary is so out of control it grew through the pot it was planted in, down through gravel, and a thick plastic mesh, to embed itself in the ground. They can absolutely explode given the right conditions.FWIW, my fears are dark water and seaweed, although I suspect this last is more generically: "Slimy shit".As a child, there was a toilet we used to have to use at a campsite we stayed in. It would regularly leek and flood, and in addition to not being able to use the toilet for a while, it would make everything smell of damp, and leave a big dark stain all over the floor which I could still see.When I was about 10 I fell in a canal. Reflexes kicked in and I shut my eyes as I fell... luckily closed my mouth too or I'd likely be dead given the state of Coventry's canal.Anyways, when I opened my eyes again I was up to my neck in dark water, with my feet slowly sinking into slimy shit at the bottom. Turn 180, there's a tall dark wall in front of me. I got out and didn't die, but still, even reading about underground caves, the sea near cliffs, all of that makes my pulse rise.Let's face it: We're all fucked. We just need to decide how bothered we are about it haha.Also, moths can go infest the underwear of my enemies when I get some. Bloody horrible vicious things. They make cats seem placid and predictable.


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

And I'm pretty sure everyone that is human, is creeped out by cockroaches.  Those friggin things come in so many  different shapes and sizes and some of them are like little armored creepy crawly tanks after decomposing filth; you just don't want them on you, ever!


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I was sure my fear of insects got to do with blindness and this topic proved it.Well actually I could agree with most people here, I am not afraid of all insects but rather the stings. In fact I am afraid of much more things because of the unknown factor. I mean if I am sure it's a fly, then I am not afraid but I am rather annoyed like any human in the world. But the thing is you are never sure what is it, interestingly enough though I never had a bad experience or something, at least not yet and I hope I don't, lol.But that brings other fears or phobias or whatever you wanna call it, so I am also afraid of plants and of sitting on the grass, only because plants and grass have insects, not that I fear the plants themselves.Same goes with any other animal or moving thing, I can simply put it, I am afraid of the unknown and specially that I can't see whether it's coming towards me or not, although it is easier to tell that in case of animals.Don't get me wrong though, I actually own a dog, and I probably tried all domestic animals people could keep at home before, Cats, turtles, fish, birds and forgot what else. So not really sure if my fears aren't logical since for me they seem so justified, so it's hard to overcome them.


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I think the point with these sorts of fears is that they're irrational. Sometimes, we don't understand the root cause, and even if we do, it still doesn't make logical sense. If a firm grounding in logic is all that is required to squash these fears, I suspect it would have been done for most of us long before now.I don't understand the plant thing either, but I know that sighted people don't understand my bug thing. Maybe the fear of insects is more common among the blind because of not being able to see what is making the sound.


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

For the ceiling fan I could say that it's happened because of an accident happened to me with a ceiling fan when I was 3 years old. Which still left some traces of it on my hed


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mahedee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

hello,When I was a child, I remember one of those insects that sound like those plastic things that you shake and are for very young children, I don't remember the word for eather, flue and slamd to my eye. Just imagine, or don't. something big with fast moving wings. from then until a few years ago, it was one of my worst nightmares.also, the only thing I can imagine of a butterfly, is a fast turning ball of yarn because whenever I managed to find one and touch it without it flying away, like on a window glass, it was constantly moving. The reason I don't have that image of a moth is because once I found a really big one. it was about 2 and half inches wingtip to wingtip and I could easily isolate it's different parts even while it moved.what I afraid of most of all is, unfamiliar, or unexpected insect. more if it can fly. once I fell down of a staircase in my rush to flee from, a wet fly. because I didn't recognize it's wing sound. 


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@30Ah, see, that's the thing though.  Everyone loves to say how mathematical biology is, and I'm sure that if we try really hard we can find plants where they all have 4 leaves and a stem and it's all very nice.  But that's not actually how this works out with plants, that only works with animals, really.  Plants do all sorts of stuff all the time, hell you can even control when/where they'll grow new branches if you try.  Your dog's not going to suddenly have the start of a 5th leg in the middle of its chest because it got a small cut, or something.  Grab the dog's paw or whatever and you can estimate with a high degree of accuracy where the rest of the dog is, how big it is, etc etc etc. and these will be accurate.  I suspect that some people aren't wired to notice those sorts of irregularities and just sort of push differences down into a category called "huh" or "irrelevant" or something and that's the end of it for them and plants, fungi, etc. are suddenly these cool things where isn't biology so regular and mathematical because I'm ignoring the 90% right now.  I suspect that if I could suddenly see tomorrow, this would mostly correct itself because at that point you always know what's coming up, for lack of a better way to put it.But to be on point, maybe knowing that I'm not even going as far as "plants are poisonous! O god" and would not, in fact, like to stick my hand in your run-of-the-mill garden shrub is helpful to Meatbag.  I'm fine with them, same room no problem, sure, but given the choice I'm sure as hell not interacting with it.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Yeah, I'm just not fully grasping it I guess.If you get a puppy, it's small, it has really insanely sharp little teeth (or maybe it has no teeth if it's very, very young). Its ears are big and floppy. Its paws are out of sync with its body. Then it grows into its ears and paws; coat thickens and usually coarsens. Teeth fall out, replaced by bigger, slightly blunter, stronger teeth. The overall shape remains the basically the same thing. If you look into this, there is biology and chemistry at work determining how a plant starts as a seed and then goes from there. If you have a spider plant in the corner of your apartment, at home in its pot, and you forget about it from one week to the next, it may grow a little bit bigger, but it also might die on you. Basically plants just grow bigger, grow more. It's not like you have three leaves around a base one week, and masses of vines the next. The chances are not large, as I understand it. I mean, between seed and full-grown plant, sure, but that's the same as a fertilized egg turning into a full-grown dog if you want to be straight about it.I just don't understand, I guess. I wouldn't want someone telling me there are random ropes dangling around my apartment, but I also wouldn't want someone saying they let seven dogs loose in there either. Because sure, those seven dogs might be friendly, but what if they aren't? Or what if I'm spooked by them? With the dogs, I'm accounting for active free will and personality; with the ropes, I'm dealing with physics and a bit of the unknown.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I used to have that plant thing.  Thanks for reminding me.  Oh and technically it is possible for a ceeling fan's paddle to break off and harpoon you.  Of course, the motor would need to be warn out and vibrate the housing so much so that it could act sort of like a marteeny shaker.  That's this forums punishment for reminding me of the plant thing.  lol!


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@27Prove that plants don't do stuff, though, is kind of the point, I guess?  It makes it sound like I'm saying I think plants do stuff and that's not it at all, I totally know and fully accept that they don't, but as a good first approximation, that's not a bad one I guess.  There's a sort of lower level piece going "it's a living thing. Did it move? What's it doing? Where is it? O no!" and nothing for it to grab onto.  And that's before we even talk about roots, which are just, kind of under the ground tentacley things that move around really slowly.If you came into my apartment and hung ropes from the ceiling in random places and were all go run around and find them all, I'd find that anxiety provoking too.  It's a thing that hits my face that isn't in the lexicon.  Even though you've just told me there's now random ropes hanging from the ceiling, the machinery underneath isn't so easily talked to and will have to spend a lot of time learning that this is rope-in-the-face, nothing to see here (hah), move on.  It puts holes in the world that are somewhat hard to fill, if that makes sense?  maybe it doesn't.  If plants were like "I am here right now and I look like this" it wouldn't be a hole in the world, it wouldn't have that baseline creepy aspect in addition to my parents who usually got it but somehow really dropped the ball on this one, and it'd be fine, and maybe I'd even have a garden or something.  But plants aren't just holes, they're holes where if you fill them in and wait a week, haha oops it changed unpredictably again, and sadly my parents did manage to drop the ball in this specific instance in several ways at an impressionable age, thus upgrading mildly unsettling to something that's not exactly fear in the same way that you're using the word fear, but where we don't have a better English equivalent (maybe unsettling plus? I dunno, but it's not a fear of plants, it's unsettling plus and then that provokes anxiety).


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Animals of virtually all stripes have minds and personalities of their own. My cat is perfectly friendly 99.4% of the time, but every so often he will bite my feet or swat at my legs if I pass him. He doesn't ever chase me to do it and he's not growling, hissing or upset - in fact, I can often reach down and pick him up, and he's placid - but yeah, I don't get it. I know that my cat's unpredictable, but it doesn't bother me because the vast majority of the things my cat might do aren't harmful. Modelling behaviour by repetition, so to speak. That's probably not a great term, but it's ultimately down to trust. You know the cat is capable of slashing your face wide open while you sleep, or shitting on your pillow, but if you've had him for six and a half years and he's never done it, chances are good that he never will.And for me, plants...just don't do stuff. A spiny plant has spines, a leafy one has leaves, a pitcher plant has fluid inside it to trap and digest tiny insects. Your explanation is enlightening, but I confess that I still don't get it. Again though, I'm not dismissing it or attempting to denigrate it. If I knew you in real life I wouldn't ask you to help me with my yardwork or invite you on a nature walk. lol


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Oh yeah moths are a big one for me. Fuck I hate them, and I avoid situations that might draw them in like standing in pools of light or too near a light source outside. They leave this fucking dusty shit too, I call it wing butter. Bleh fucking moths... uuugh!I feel like people who are afraid of dogs could learn to tell the difference between a friendly dog and an unfriendly one if they could get a grip on their anxiety of the situation. Obviously easier said than done, but if you think about it, there's quite a difference. Of course, dogs can be unpredictable and you have to watch it.My neighbor has a bunch of dogs, and one of them was just weird in that way. I always had to be reserved in my approach to him because sometimes he'd be fine and others it seemed like he wanted to bite me.Cats are much harder to interpret.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@23Let me start off by saying, for those who need to hear it, that if any of the following sounds like I believe in spiritual mystic psychic blindness powers, I don't.  It's just hard to talk about this properly because most people never need to, so we never invented good words for it.We hack around our blindness in different ways, there almost seems to be a taxonomy to it even, though that's a different discussion.  Mine is by modeling everything.  If something can't be modeled at all, it's not necessarily causing fear, but it's at least causing unease.  A dog can be modeled: you know the general shape, you know that a given dog stays the same shape, you know certain things about it like if you give it food it will eat the food or if you get all aggressive it might bite you.  Both in the aspect of the pure physical world and in the aspect of the higher order mental/philosophical/whatever world, you can concretely say and predict useful things about a dog.  This is orders of magnitude more true about inanimate, fixed objects.  I never had full vision, but as I lost what I had, this modeling became linked to sight: I still "see" the world, in that I process information and my surroundings visually, based off these models of what should be there.  It links into everything: I can close my physical eyes, but if I close my mental eyes I can't function.  How I chop stuff in the kitchen links up to this, for instance.  I never actually had enough vision to know what chopping stuff really looked like, but I had enough that the visual cortex was online and could just generally learn to do things a visual cortex does, then somewhere along the way that plus whatever else turned into this thing where I always have and function off a 3-dimensional map of my surroundings to some level of accuracy.  Then, because that was what I was already doing, that general "model the thing" approach went out and said "this kind of works for figuring out what people are feeling without seeing them", and though I don't use visual metaphors for that, it's the same idea: there's a model of them and their mental state in my head, a reflection of what they might/should be feeling/reacting to what I'm saying, that's perpetually re calibrating to physical reality in order to make up for the lack.  Repeat ad infinitum over the years for basically everything.This isn't unique to me.  I have other blind friends who are like this to some extent or another, and that day I confessed that I realized I was "seeing" the tv even though it was off and also I shouldn't be able to do that anymore, and "seeing" people in the dark, I expected to get "huh that's weird" but mostly just got "yeah, me too".  SO maybe unique to lebers? I dunno.  But nonetheless.But what's the point?  Well, I don't like flying insects: you don't know what they are.  I don't worry about earthquakes because of the earthquake--though that part is really scary too--but because after, there's literally no rule that can be applied to the environment.  Now go out on a nature walk sometime, you never, ever know what's going to touch you when.  Grab a branch and run your hand along it, likewise.  Take a plant and wave it around, it's not going to make the same sound.  It's a big blank.  If you gave me a shapeshifting blob and a shrub, perceptually and through models, they're actually mostly the same.  Sort of, holes in the world.Effectively, lots and lots of other things are perceptually the same and I deal with them, but couple it with a bad childhood experience of being dragged through a bunch of plants for a couple hours when they're all taller than you and it's thick enough that the adults were taking turns clearing a path, and you're not really old enough to understand, and they won't let you go back--there you go.  Standard phobia.  Then add a dose of "let's give our child exposure therapy" while I was, likewise, not really old enough to understand, and certainly not old enough that it was voluntary, yeah, great plan.  Exposure therapy can work, but not when it's involuntary, I promise.It's not "this is going to kill me fuck fuck fuck" fear, though.  I don't think about plants and go "wow that's dangerous".  it's just very, very unsettling sensations, plus the fact that they definitely change unpredictably over time, and then add a bad experience and my parents' great ideas on how to "help", and you end at nature walks or whatever being this really apprehensive thing I will never do voluntarily, and forget yardwork.  If this sounds like autism, I know: it's on my "am I autistic or just blind" list.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@CamlornSounds similar to the problem I have with insects, especially moths.  I don't know what they will do next or why, I can't predict them and I don't know what they look like, how big they are, their exact location ETC.So it's both a fear of the unknown and the anticipation of what they may do next, like flying into me.  I think of them, and many other creatures as well, as being almost like robots with orders I'm not privy to.  I just don't get how they think.But with dogs and cats, even though they do things I don't understand sometimes, they have enough reactions to stimuli that are similar to mine on a base level that I can sorta parse it, and it's much easier to form a two way bond of familiarity and trust with them.@JadeFor me at least, it's that the plant is very much obviously alive, and yet I can't make any meaningful connection with it, and I think that's why I get a form of this with insects, reptiles, birds, sea creatures ETC.  A lack of control over the situation.  Sure for the briefist instant my mind probably screams at me subconsciously that it could move, but that's not the root of the fear for me.It's also much worse when I don't expect to come in contact with it.  It sorta dominates my awareness with it's presents when I touch it without knowing, particularly big plants.  It's existence is just, too alien, like an extreme form of the uncanny valley effect.I'm still perfectly willing to talk and learn about plants and animals, and I actually think snakes are pretty cool, but I don't think I could ever own one.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@CamlornSounds similar to the problem I have with insects, especially moths.  I don't know what they will do next or why, I can't predict them and I don't know what they look like, how big they are, their exact location ETC.So it's both a fear of the unknown and the anticipation of them flying at me and touching me.  I think of them, and many other creatures like robots with orders I don't know kind of, I just don't get how they think.But with dogs and cats, even though they do things I don't understand sometimes, they have enough reactions to stimuli that are similar to mine on a base level that I can sorta parse it, and it's much easier to form a two way bond of familiarity and trust with them.@JadeFor me at least, it's that the plant is very much obviously alive, and yet I can't make any meaningful connection with it, and I think that's why I get a form of this with insects, reptiles, birds, sea creatures ETC.  A lack of control over the situation.  Sure for the briefist instant my mind probably screams at me subconsciously that it could move, but that's not the root of the fear for me.It's also much worse when I don't expect to come in contact with it.  It sorta dominates my awareness with it's presents when I touch it without knowing, particularly big plants.  It's existence is just, too alien, like an extreme form of the uncanny valley effect.I'm still perfectly willing to talk and learn about plants and animals, and I actually think snakes are pretty cool, but I don't think I could ever own one.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@CamlornSounds similar to the problem I have with insects, especially moths.  I don't know what they will do next or why, I can't predict them and I don't know what they look like, how big they are, their exact location ETC.So it's both a fear of the unknown and the anticipation of them flying at me and touching me.  I think of them, and many other creatures like robots with orders I don't know kind of, I just don't get how they think.But with dogs and cats, even though they do things I don't understand sometimes, they have enough reactions to stimuli that are similar to mine on a base level that I can sorta parse it, and it's much easier to form a two way bond of familiarity and trust with them.@JadeFor me at least, it's that the plant is very much obviously alive, and yet I can't make any meaningful connection with it, and I think that's why I get a lesser form of this with insects, reptiles, sea creatures ETC.  A lack of control over the situation.  Sure for the briefist instant my mind probably screams at me subconsciously that it could move, but that's not the root of the fear for me.It's also much worse when I don't expect to come in contact with it.  It sorta dominates my awareness with it's presents when I touch it without knowing, particularly big plants.  It's existence is just, too alien, like an extreme form of the uncanny valley effect.I'm still perfectly willing to talk and learn about plants and animals, and I actually think snakes are pretty cool, but I don't think I could ever own one.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@CamlornSounds similar to the problem I have with insects, especially moths.  I don't know what they will do next or why, I can't predict them and I don't know what they look like, how big they are, their exact location ETC.So it's both a fear of the unknown and the anticipation of them flying at me and touching me.  I think of them, and many other creatures like robots with orders I don't know kind of, I just don't get how they think.But with dogs and cats, even though they do things I don't understand sometimes, they have enough reactions to stimuli that are similar to mine on a base level that I can sorta parse it, and it's much easier to form a two way bond of familiarity and trust with them.@JadeFor me at least, it's that the plant is very much obviously alive, and yet I can't make any connection with it.  A lack of control over the situation.  Sure for the briefist instant my mind probably screams at me subconsciously that it could move, but that's not the root of the fear for me.It's also much worse when I don't expect to come in contact with it.  It sorta dominates my awareness with it's presents when I touch it without knowing, particularly big plants.  It's existence is just, too alien, like an extreme form of the uncanny valley effect.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@CamlornSounds similar to the problem I have with insects, especially moths.  I don't know what they will do next or why, I can't predict them and I don't know what they look like, how big they are, their exact location ETC.So it's both a fear of the unknown and the anticipation of them flying at me and touching me.  I think of them, and many other creatures like robots with orders I don't know kind of, I just don't get how they think.But with dogs and cats, even though they do things I don't understand sometimes, they have enough reactions to stimuli that are similar to mine on a base level that I can sorta parse it, and it's much easier to form a two way bond of familiarity and trust with them.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Sounds similar to the problem I have with insects, especially moths.  I don't know what they will do next or why, I can't predict them and I don't know what they look like, how big they are, their exact location ETC.So it's both a fear of the unknown and the anticipation of them flying at me and touching me.  I think of them, and many other creatures like robots with orders I don't know kind of, I just don't get how they think.But with dogs and cats, even though they do things I don't understand sometimes, they have enough reactions to stimuli that are similar to mine on a base level that I can sorta parse it, and it's much easier to form a two way bond of familiarity and trust with them.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Interesting that you say that about dogs, Canlorn, because while you're right about the dog's form, I feel like you're dead wrong about the dog's behaviour, and it's behaviour that's problematic.I am absolutely not mocking your fear, by the way, I'm just really at a loss to explain it.For instance, I know some people who are afraid of dogs. Not in the abstract - a picture of a dog isn't scary - but in the here and now. If a big dog comes bounding toward them, they worry they might be bitten or tackled, and some dogs are big and strong enough to straight-up kill you.There is no plant in the world, I don't think, that can straight-up kill you just by touching it. I mean, if you ran full-tilt boogie into a saguaro cactus and got impaled in the throat or something, that would be extremely messy and you'd probably die, but just brushing most plants isn't enough to cause serious harm in most cases.So yeah, as far as shape and size and what to expect, I get it. Dogs have four legs, fur of some variety, a snout, usually a tail of some kind. Plants are all over the place. But in the behavioural sense, plants just sit there, absorb nutrients and grow. Some of them move slowly to catch bugs, but they can't hurt people. Some have spines and could poke you, and some may have poisonous sap or berries or whatever, so eating them is a bad idea...but a plant isn't ever going to hop out of its pot to strangle you. Not unless you're reading a John Wyndham novel. Pro-tip: really, really don't do that.When I was stung the other week, by the way, I think the only thing I did was sort of suck in a sharp breath and then mutter, "Ow! Son of a bitch!"


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@20there's sighted people with the phobia, I forget the name of it.  Plants are just kind of creepy when you think about it some. But a lot of that comes from really just in general not being so great at upredictable things: my adaptation to stimuli is that there's like a 1 second window or less where it needs to be identified, otherwise anxiety.  Run your hand along a plant and you can't identify what's coming up.  People love to say o biology is very mathematical and, well, yes, but not mathematical enough that there can be a plant-model like I have a dog-model or a spoon-model or whatever.The knock-on effect being that I can't convince myself they don't move, down at some lizard brain level.  Obviously it doesn't, we all know that, but it's a thing that makes unpredictable noises and has unpredictable textures and if you lave it alone for a week it's entirely different.  I know what a dog is going to do, or a bug, or whatever: they have constrained shapes and behaviors.  So whatever I've got running all the time, if the dog sticks its nose on me, it just goes "yay, dog, pet" in the stimulus identification window and it's all good, I know where the rest of the dog is at, etc.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I have a problem with plants as well actually, especially big waxy leaves near my face.Haven't found anyone else with this problem before Camlorn even in the blind community, so that's interesting.I've mostly learned to tamp down on the sudden, visceral cringe I get when running into certain plants I don't expect, but it's like I just touched a giant insect, incredibly alien and very much alive, or if it's a dead leaf, as if I touched an unexpected animal skeleton or a big scab or something, incredibly dead.I'm not exactly sure why this is (maybe it has to do with over active empathy?) and while I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable enough to walk barefoot in the grass or on dead leaves (since even now the thought makes my toes curl and my whole body shudder and not in a good way either) I can now detach enough to examine the types of plants that gave me the worst reactions as a kid for a time before having to step away at least...


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Perhaps this is just me, or the fact that I'm total unlike a lot of people on here, but I've never been able to tell, say, a fly apart from a bee from a wasp. They all just sound the same to me. I really don't know until or unless the sting comes.As for me, I've always, for as long as I can remember, though it intensified when I learned to cook, had a fear of burning. It would even trigger itself in the most random of situations, I remember when I was about 11 / 12, in the bath, I had this constant, irrational feeling that the water would just, turn into flames and I'd be effectively stuck, since getting out with half my body on fire would be a miracle and a half. This was of course made all the worse when the water was hot, all I could ever think to myself was, just a little more heat, just a little more.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I have a problem with plants as well actually, especially big waxy leaves near my face.Haven't found anyone else with this problem before Camlorn even in the blind community, so that's interesting.I've mostly learned to tamp down on the sudden, visceral cringe I get when running into certain plants I don't expect, but it's like I just touched a giant insect, incredibly alien and very much alive, or if it's a dead leaf, as if I touched an unexpected animal skeleton or a big scab or something, incredibly dead.I'm not exactly sure why this is (maybe it has to do with over active empathy?) and while I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable enough to walk barefoot in the grass or on dead leaves (since even now the thought makes my toes curl and my whole body shudder) I can now detach enough to examine the types of plants that gave me the worst reactions as a kid for a time before having to step away at least...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I have a problem with plants as well actually, especially big waxy leaves near my face.Haven't found anyone else with this problem before Camlorn even in the blind community, so that's interesting.I've mostly learned to tamp down on the sudden, visceral cringe I get when running into certain plants I don't expect, but it's like I just touched a giant insect, incredibly alien and very much alive, or if it's a dead leaf, as if I touched an unexpected animal skeleton or a big scab or something.I'm not exactly sure why this is (maybe it has to do with over active empathy?) and while I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable enough to walk barefoot in the grass or on dead leaves (since even now the thought makes my toes curl and my whole body shudder) I can now detach enough to examine the types of plants that gave me the worst reactions as a kid for a time before having to step away at least...


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I'm not nervous around fans except ceiling fans when they are old and start wobbling because I feel like they could let loose and fall on me. Statistically not likely, especially because not only would the fan have to break loose, the entire fixture would have to rip from its wiring as well.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : fredd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

for some reason, i can just see jayde in my head, walking down from his house, opening up his garbig cans to smash a insect, and then start screaming and cursing as the insect bites him, no offence or anything, but this just popped into my head


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

It is normal to have fears.  For quite a while I was a little afraid of being left alone with fans and stuff like that.  I think one day I just showed myself that it's just a fan.  I'm not sure what caused the fear or for that matter what stopped it.  What might help is take some calming breaths which will lower anxiety.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

lol,   my family doesn't understand why i am scared of buzzing bugs, like i take out the trash and there would be flys or what ever, and i don't even no what it is. and i no   there just flys, or something  i no there not dangerous, but that, buzzing is just lol.     the low sounding wons wen they fly past your head, omg lol, and then wen flys  fly into your hear, lol.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Jayde wrote:I'm not super fond of buzzing insects either, though for me it's a risk of harm. If I know the buzzing insect is a fly, can be absolutely certain of it, I'm just annoyed. The anxiety comes from not knowing what it is.A couple of weeks back, I went downstairs to put a bag of trash out back in the dumpster, which has a closed lid. It was warm outside, and as I approached, I heard a couple of buzzing insects. Thought nothing of it. Reached up to open the dumpster's lid, sorta slammed my hand down on it to grab it, and bang@! Yellow-jacket nailed me just below my right thumb. Fucker got me good, too, and I probably crushed it. That stinger drove in pretty deep. Needless to say, I wasn't happy.Nocturnis, two things.First, a beesting is less painful than a hornet or wasp sting, by and large. It's a hot, sharp, bright pain that settles into a throb eventually. You can help ease it by various means. My hornet sting didn't go away, pain-wise, for hours, but it wasn't debilitating.Second, if you ever want to get stung, make absolutely sure you're not, just this part, grab it, and bang@! Yellow-jacket nailed me just below my right thumb. Fucker got me good,lool fucker got me good,never herd that,lol'l'l'l'l'l'l


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Jayde wrote:I'm not super fond of buzzing insects either, though for me it's a risk of harm. If I know the buzzing insect is a fly, can be absolutely certain of it, I'm just annoyed. The anxiety comes from not knowing what it is.A couple of weeks back, I went downstairs to put a bag of trash out back in the dumpster, which has a closed lid. It was warm outside, and as I approached, I heard a couple of buzzing insects. Thought nothing of it. Reached up to open the dumpster's lid, sorta slammed my hand down on it to grab it, and bang@! Yellow-jacket nailed me just below my right thumb. Fucker got me good, too, and I probably crushed it. That stinger drove in pretty deep. Needless to say, I wasn't happy.Nocturnis, two things.First, a beesting is less painful than a hornet or wasp sting, by and large. It's a hot, sharp, bright pain that settles into a throb eventually. You can help ease it by various means. My hornet sting didn't go away, pain-wise, for hours, but it wasn't debilitating.Second, if you ever want to get stung, make absolutely sure you're not, just this part grab it, and bang@! Yellow-jacket nailed me just below my right thumb. Fucker got me good,lool fucker got me good,never herd that,lol'l'l'l'l'l'l


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Mine is potted plants. Fake onesWhy?Well, when I was about 4 or 5, I loved playing with trains. I had this little train table next to this fake potted plant. I still to this day have no fucking idea what caused this, but it would shake. Constantly, back and forth. And it scared the living hell out of me. Someone had also lifted me up because I wanted to feel the top of it once, and the stem at the top actually felt like a straw, and I was afraid it was going to swallow me. I even gave it a name. It was Nick. . It would even give me nightmares.Aaah, even thinking about it is making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I still do fear them, but it's pretty easy to hide for me, it's not something you come across very offen.Edit: Apparently, I can't type.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Mine is potted plants. Fake onesWhy?Well, when I was about 4 or 5, I loved playing with trains. I had this little train table next to this fake potted plant. I still to this day have no fucking idea what caused this, but it would shake. Constantly, back and forth. And it scared the living hell out of me. Someone had also lifted me up because I wanted to feel the top of it once, and the stem at the top actually felt like a straw, and I was afraid it was going to swallow me. I even gave it a name. It was Nick. .Aaa, even thinking about it is making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I still do fear them, but it's pretty easy to hide for me, it's not something you come across very offen.Edit: Apparently, I can't type.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Mine is potted plants. Fake onesWhy?Well, when I was about 4 or 5, I loved playing with trains. I had this little train table next to this fake potted plant. I still to this day have no fucking idea what caused this, but it would shake. Constantly, back and forth. And it scared the living hell out of me. Someone had also lifted me up because I wanted to feel the top of it once, and the stem at the top actually felt like a strawm abd u was afraid it was going to swallow me. I even gave it a name. It was Nick. .Aaa, even thinking about it is making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I still do fear them, but it's pretty easy to hide for me, it's not something you come across very offen.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

lol @12, guess I won't know until it happens, and knowing me, it'll happen and I won't even know it was any of the above, so if I end up feeling funny or whatever I'll just assume it was something I ate or something else altogether.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I'm not super fond of buzzing insects either, though for me it's a risk of harm. If I know the buzzing insect is a fly, can be absolutely certain of it, I'm just annoyed. The anxiety comes from not knowing what it is.A couple of weeks back, I went downstairs to put a bag of trash out back in the dumpster, which has a closed lid. It was warm outside, and as I approached, I heard a couple of buzzing insects. Thought nothing of it. Reached up to open the dumpster's lid, sorta slammed my hand down on it to grab it, and bang@! Yellow-jacket nailed me just below my right thumb. Fucker got me good, too, and I probably crushed it. That stinger drove in pretty deep. Needless to say, I wasn't happy.Nocturnis, two things.First, a beesting is less painful than a hornet or wasp sting, by and large. It's a hot, sharp, bright pain that settles into a throb eventually. You can help ease it by various means. My hornet sting didn't go away, pain-wise, for hours, but it wasn't debilitating.Second, if you ever want to get stung, make absolutely sure you're not allergic.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

@10I have been, as someone who is very much qualified to rate pain, it is bad.  You get over it pretty quickly, few hours later and it's okay, but...


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

One of these days I'm gonna have to go deliberately get stung by a bee, or a wasp, or a hornet, or something.  Reason?  It has yet to happen to me, and while I don't exactly want it to happen to me, I honestly believe the reality is not as bad as what I'm imagining.  Like my cousins used to try to freak me out when I was four or five years old... "It's a bee!  It's a bee!"  Being blind, I think we're all prone to be at least a little concerned about flying objects we can't see... I still flinch when people start throwing around anything as big as, or bigger than a tenis ball.  Something that flys and has a mind of it's own though, and sounds menacing on top of that?  Like a little biplane getting ready to dive bomb you and... Yeah, I'm not in to all that, but I think if I could feel that at least once in my life it won't be as bad as imagining it happen anymore.And the sad thing is, I've been super, super close!  So close, in fact, that the stupid things have flown right underneath my hands, touched my feet, into my hair, around a can of coke I was holding... I've been so close it's not funny!


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Same as ironcross, though I particularly think there's a special place in hell for those tiny mosquito things that you don't hear until they're almost literally in your ear. I hated them way more when I was tiny though.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I'm fucking terrified of any buzzing insects. I think this comes from a time I stepped on a bee in the grass barefoot when I was young... I'm not sure though, and I've not really gotten over it, just learned to hide it. Which is close enough for the general public, so...


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I hate flies. They're annoying. BUZZZ and coming at you every 10 seconds.Also yeah maybe it envolves an old memory of somethintg happening you don't remember. agree with other advice


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Insects, all but mostly flying ones. But everyone says, "Oh they won't hurt you", Bro that isn't the issue. I've taken bee stings and hornet stings. I don't care about that. I care about the fact that they are in my fucking house, buzzing around my head. I don't like them outside either but I can deal with them. Especially big ones or ones that make a really low buzz  like beetles, cicadas, and locusts. I don't like it when bees circle around my head either. It has nothing to do with a sting though. Bees are mostly chill and won't bother you unless you're coming at them. Wasps and hornets though are a different matter.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Hey, mine's jellyfish.Advice given so far is good. If they are specific fears and can be traced back to something weird/scary that happened to you, maybe try and take that apart. But yeah, if it's just a generalized anxiety about stuff that might fall on you? That might need the help of a psychiatrist.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

any insect, bird on my shoulder(I freaked out one once sort of clamped onto my right shoulder. Not a good time) and animals, though I'm petting cats and all that so Not all anymore. I was really skittish because all of the cats here are not housecats but streetcats We havent taken one in thoughedit, technically not street cats since they don't live in the street. they live on rooves and make small houses for themselves occasionaly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

any insect, bird on my shoulder(I freaked out one once sort of clamped onto my right shoulder. Not a good time) and animals, though I'm petting cats and all that so Not all anymore. I was really skittish because all of the cats here are not housecats but streetcats We havent taken one in though


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

If it's not specific phobias, at the risk of slowly developing the "but there's a doctor for that" reputation(though that ship has already sailed) see a qualified physician or psychiatrist or something.If it's specific phobias then you can probably work on them, and to be honest it's not unreasonable to just avoid the thing you're afraid of, but judging from the first post this is general fear, not fear of a specific thing, and if that comes from life experiences then it's going to be some damned complicated ones and if it comes from an actual psychiatric problems no one here is equipped to make that judgement.Also, for what it's worth: mine is plants.  Any plant.  Grass is kinda okay.  Trees are kinda...less so.  I don't do well with objects that can't be modeled or predicted, and plants literally change every day, and that's unsettling to say the least.  Plus that time when I was 5 when the family thought it'd be an amazing idea to drag the blind kid through a nature trail that was more of a nature tangle taller than I was for hours, which definitely didn't help.  I think everyone has at least one weird one.


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Re: I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

Fear is a healthy sign that you're alive and properly feeling; it's when that fear becomes fright and controls you that you have an issue.  You're going to get a lot of posts on here that will tell you to get help... I will not discount that advice, and you probably need it, but that's not for me to say.  What I do know is that when it's me I always try to trace back anything that concerns me to its roots if and when I can.For instance... I have a secret fear of cold, running water.  I guess that's not so secret anymore.  why do I fear cold running water?  Because I have a frightful memory of being in a bathtub at the age of 4.  The water was running cold and things were fun.  I was playing with the intensity of the water and was fascinated by how I could change it with the knob.  Then, I noticed a little piece on the top you could obviously pull out and wondered what it did.  Being the curious child that I was, I pulled it, and water was suddenly falling on me from above; COLD WATER!Had I known there was such a thing as showerheads and that people used them all the time, I never would have given it a second thought.  As it is, being blind, not knowing that was even a possibility, and the fact that the water was cold which would startle anyone... I'm sure you get the point.  Obviously, I've faced it and owned it for what it is.  I go swimming, fishing, have ridden a few boats and so on.  That having been said, I do not like turning my back on the ocean, and I also dislike walking in the rain.So, has a light fixture ever fallen on you?  Does your ceiling fan make funny noises that are possibly upseting you?  Have you ever touched the thing?  does it seem unstable for some odd reason?  Perhaps none of these are true, but these are all things I'd be asking myself if it were me in your shoes.


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I am scared

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


I am scared

Hi all. This was happening for years now but thought posting it here so maybe I could get help or something. I am scared of everything that has even if a little possibility to hurt me or kill me. I never sleep directly under a ceiling fan or in a reach of  ceiling fan. I never stay in a room like a kitchen or any room that has a gas canister or more inside it without freaking out and staying at the Farist distance from the canister as possible. I rarely enter a room in my house because it have things hangd all over the ceiling like fans and light bulbs. I am not scared of light bulbs but the room have a massive number of them and they are kind of heavy because they are hanged on a secondary ceiling or whatever you call it, That plastic decoration that hangs from the ceiling all over the room. And lots of other things. I don't know if this is even a phobia or something that has a name. I am getting rather tired of this and if anyone could direct me to something to get rid of this it will be amazing


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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: I am scared

Lol violinist was preparing for were alive ...Cooking is one of the things that are on my mind, well Ive kinda tried to decrease it since my mom is a foodomaniac or something, but its something you cant avoid. Well seems like you people handle it pretty nicely, Ill take that when it comes ...Ive Always said that yeah, well. Food is food, if I need it I make it, but its not gonna be something exotic.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: I am scared

I always think if I actually had someone else to cook for besides myself, id spend more time doing it, since then there would be more people to bennifit. As it is however truegamer,there are things which dont take time, but can be relatively decent. Microwave stuff can be okay provided you get good quality, for example I have a cajon chicken with turreso in my fridge, but I ot it from Marks and spensor which is a relatively up market supermarket and do reasonable stuff, so I can guarantee that it actually contains chicken and decent vedgitables, as opposed to if I went to somewhere like tesco since a similar thing from there would be %90 liquid. Im also a big fan of the good old George forman, indeed I treated myself to some burgers this week, which were nice. Then Im a huge fan of my slow cooker. this is a large pot in an insert that is great for making stew, chilly, curry and the like, heck you can even roast ham or joints of meet if 
 you like as well. I made a chilly on Wednesday and Ive got the rest of that for this evening. For this I used minced beef and some cook in sauce, though I grated in some %100 coco chocolate, and threw in some kidney beans and onion as well (I bought ready done onion because Im a lazy person). In terms of cooking my chilly took five and a half hours to do, though in terms of actual time taken it was about 5 minutes most of which involved opening packeages and chucking things in the slow cooker,:D.So, even if you dont want to take hours cooking there are some pretty good things to do, though generally this is another thing you pick up when living on your own. About the only thing cooking wise I tend to absolutely avoid is frying, indeed I rarely use the top rings of my oven for anything beside pasta, and pealing certain vedge can be quite fiddly, particularly if you use fresh vedge and need to wash off mud and bugs etc.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: turtlepower17

Re: I am scared

Oh, that had to be nasty, and Im sure your cat wasnt happy with you, lol.Either way, I imagine that cat food cant be that bad for you; its probably pretty rich in nutrients, actually, what with all the organs and stuff thats included in it.Of course, depending on the brand, Ive also heard theres a lot of filler in it thats not too good for cats. But yeah, Im sure that experience sucked.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: I am scared

Viloinist, thats amusing, though at least you got something out of it. I have had occasions where Ive ended up being given the wrong thing in shops which is a right royal pain when I come to open the tin. Fortunately all Reevers dog food is dried so theres little chance of me eating it by mistake .URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: I am scared

Dont feel too bad anyway. About twenty years ago or so, (that is before the availability of all the nifty keen gadgets for product identification,) I got out some tuna and made an excellent tuna salad for sandwiches. I ate some and was puzzled by the odd texture of the tuna. I washed out the cans and put them on the counter to recycle later. My then sweetheart came home about this time and asked me why there were four empty cans of cat food on the counter? i was so very sad.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: I am scared

Hi.Im sorry to say that, but first then I read this, I really had a good laugh, but I understand why you was pretty scared. No, you are not going to die, not even if you ate the meet raw without cooking it first. If something was going to happen, you would had feel it in your stomic 12 hours later. Its great people dont know how much Ive messed up food in my kitchen and learned the hard way, ate what could be eten and throw the rest in the trash. And Im still alive. I hope the chicken tasted you well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: I am scared

Well if you microwaved for 10 minutes I dont really see the problem as Violinist said. Eating actually raw, uncooked meat wont kill you, but you could get a stomach bug such as salmonella. This would not be fatal but unless you enjoy spending lots of time in the toilet you probably want to avoid it. Generally speaking if you cook things for long enough youll be okay, indeed Chicken is fairly easy to handle since the longer you cook it the softer it gets, so you can always tell whether it is cooked by stabbing with a fork, if it feels like stabbing cooked meat then your okay, if it feels rubbery then it needs more time.  Of course  other meat works differently to this (particularly if your like me and you enjoy rare steaks), but thats something you learn through experience.the major thing to worry about with meat, and indeed the only time I managed to make
  myself ill was by getting some chicken out of the freezer, then leaving it in my fridge for about four days before cooking. Generally when meat defrosts you have to eat it pretty quickly (within about two days), or otherwise the rising temperatures will cause some nasty organisms to start growing that will give you food poisoning. i certainly learnt my lesson on this one, which was unpleasant but hardly fatal. Of course that only counts frozen stuff, if stuff is refrigerated to begin with you can usually keep it for longer, indeed if you have a good sense of smell its always possible to tell if something is dodgy or not fairly easily.Either way, none of this will cause immediate death so no need for panic on the subject, its just a case of experience which youll get when you start doing your own cooking.Funnily enough, I have some frozen chicken breast fillits in my freezer which Im going to make
  curry with later this week, though thats another nice thing with doing it in a slow cooker over about 6 hours, there is almost zero possibility of it being under cooked .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: king gamer222

Re: I am scared

No, you wont croka. And Dark, he ate some before he found out that it was raw.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: I am scared

King gamer, he also apparently microwaved it, so it wasnt exactly raw. I think most people would notice if they ate something actually raw, hence my liking for rare steaks .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ghost rider

I am scared

Hi all. So today, I was feeling a snack, so I went to the garage to find something in the freezer. I found what I thought were chicken filets and ate some. But I didnt finish eating, so I put them in the microwave. My sister told me to show her the bag, and it was raw product. I cooked it in the microwave for like 10 minutes. Am I going to die? thanks,The Ghost RiderURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ghost rider

Re: I am scared

good. Im not gonna start a zombie epidemic.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: harrylst

Re: I am scared

it all depends on the product.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ghost rider

Re: I am scared

its been a while and I feel nothingURL:

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