Re: I want to create audio games.

2020-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dragons via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I want to create audio games.

Use python.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I want to create audio games.

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I want to create audio games.

Hi.First rool of getting big and well known, don't use a language that is not developed any further and won't receive any more updates. in a nutshell, don't use BGT. Programs created in BGT get flagged by anti virus programs anyway.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: I want to create audio games.

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : supremekiller via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I want to create audio games.

Hi there!The developer has already discontinued bgt, if you already know some bgt and wish to persue it, go ahead, how evre, if your choosing the language your gonna use and you want a recommendation, I recommend you go for something else. You won't be wasting time with bgt if you do this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I want to create audio games.

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I want to create audio games.

explore the forum, you'll get most of your answers.


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I want to create audio games.

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Emanuel_Ion_21 via Audiogames-reflector


I want to create audio games.

Hi all!I thought, and I would like to develop audio games.But for that, I need a team, because the games I want to create, I want to be very, very big and well known.But for that, we have to learn BGT, and the programming language.I know a few more things, but people who already know would help me a lot.Whoever wants to help me in this step, please answer me here.thanks, and i'm sure we'll make a good team!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

I want to create audio games

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Emanuel_Ion_21 via Audiogames-reflector


I want to create audio games

Hi all!I thought, and I would like to develop audio games.But for that, I need a team, because the games I want to create, I want to be very, very big and well known.But for that, we have to learn BGT, and the programming language.I know a few more things, but people who already know would help me a lot.Whoever wants to help me in this step, please answer me here.thanks, and i'm sure we'll make a good team!


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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: CAE_Jones

Re: i want to create audio games

My includes package contains a custom_voice class that works with Sapi and screen readers, and comes with an options menu and the ability to save and load settings. Other than some extra methods, it works very similarly to the tts_voice object.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Rory

Re: i want to create audio games

Do you write like your righting school work? For example, I am creating a zombie shooter game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: CAE_Jones

Re: i want to create audio games

I threw together a simple space invaders clone. I dont think I picked the right sounds, but hopefully I commented it appropriately that it can be understood. I tried to use the least obfuscated code possible, though all the braces and for loops might still be perplexing for beginners.

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: i want to create audio games

I cant get the file to download, Im not a Sendspace member so cant use Wizard. I start the free download, it tells me to wait 0 seconds, but the download just never starts. Sounds interesting though.Ive always maintained that what the BGT community needs is a full-scale, open-source BGT game, where anyone is free to use bits and pieces of the games code as and where appropriate, as long as they give credit where appropriate.And no, programming is nothing like school work. You dont tell the computer what to do in English sentences unless youre using something like the Inform7 text adventure creation system. Even then, you have to use specific words and phrases.Heres a very simple example program in C-like languages.void main () {}If this looks foreign to you, Google it. Now, what does this program do? The answer is, it does absolutely nothing! Its the most pointless program possible to wr
 ite, because nothing whatsoever is accomplished by having run it. It just starts, then immediately exits.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Chris

Re: i want to create audio games

Hi.This topic is interesting.When I look at some of these examples, they seem familiar, probably because Im learning the basics of Java at school and I can recognize some of this stuff.I have a question and Im not sure where this is in the BGT manual so Im going to ask it.Ive noticed tons and tons of examples that use SAPI.How would you make the speech output output to a screen reader like NVDA?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: lukas

Re: i want to create audio games

Look through the help file more carefully. The screen reader functions are described in the foundation layer function reference under user interaction, and then in one of the appendices which is caled screen reader distribution.I admit that some more thorough documentation as to the structure of the reference sections could come in handy to a beginner though.HTH,LukasURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: danny

Re: i want to create audio games

@roary no, not sure where you got that idea from. Programming isnt as simpple as that.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: camlorn

Re: i want to create audio games

@GuitarmanWhy do you edit with idle? Replace notepad with even Edsharp, and then use a command prompt. The only thing you really need is jump to line. Also, note that I use edshar, but wouldnt recommend it; theres Notepad 2, Notepad++, etc. Edsharp has some really, really strange bugs and the only reason I havent left is laziness and familiarity. If something is requiring the jaws cursor, this also removes any cross screen reader ability-youve now limited your programming work to one screen reader without loss of productivity.@rorieYour ideas about programming are way off base. It resembles no humanlike language, and simple things are complex. The computer has no semantic understanding of the world, no intentions, and no understanding of you. Programming languages are used for precision and such, with no ambiguity left in them (even if the documentation does sometimes have it). Ev
 entually, all operations in the computer boil down to four things: reading memory, writing memory, doing math, or communicating with peripherals like the screen. A simple paragraph describing your program can translate into code that is hundreds or thousands of times the size, easily. Sometimes even millions; consider this simple sentence: An online game like world of Warcraft. Consider how you would explain it in great detail to an entity that has no concept of a game in the first place, let alone fun. Consider that you have to explain things like the couple dozen things that happen in the process of hitting a monster-my computer sees me press a, it sends an attack message to the server, it shows me something locally, the server verifies that Im able to attack, sends the attack to other clients, detects that Ive it something, sends that to all the clients including myself, all the clients do stuff about it...etc. And you can bre
 ak each of those down even further. We still have to specify what the attack message looks like and how it is sent. The only reason we dont have to specify how the internet, sound, or graphics work in the process is that someone else has already written the code for it, and given it to us. I tell you this not to scare you away, but to try to convey the difference between English writing and programming.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: i want to create audio games

Good description of programming there! One thing I might add is that computers, along with having absolutely no idea what you want to do and how the world works or even that there is a world, are also literal machines. You can be the most talented programmer in the known universe, and if you make just one tiny typo such as leaving out a semicolon or misspelling a function or variable name, at best some part of your program wont work properly, and at worst the entire program, all the millions and millions of lines of its code, will absolutely refuse to compile or run, all because of that one little typo. Computers have absolutely no concept of, Oh come on, you know what I meant! So just do it! Computers havent the foggiest idea what you mean when they run into problems with your code. Consider this fictional example:prnit(Hello, world!);Any human reading that line of code knows exactly what was intended. But when a computer sees the
  same line, it will look for a function called prnit and, not finding it, report an error and stop processing the program.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: harrylst

Re: i want to create audio games

(trust me Ive told my computer to just take what I meant but it wont listen...)Many Japanese companies, including Sony, spend 80% of their time planning the program, and only 20% of their time actually writing code. This is because the computer has no concept for what its doing. It is blindly following your instructions. You, as the programmer, need to plan and build your code to have no ambiguity in what you want your code to do. It is not like communicating with humans, who can apply previous knowledge and figure out what you are trying to do.As far as BGT screen readers, I recommend you ask around and find a screen reader class. I have one written by ogomez on the forum, but not sure if its ok to use in other projects. There are many floating around various forums, and it would definitely make this easier. If you cant find one, ill throw one together for you.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: pelantas

Re: i want to create audio games

hi everyoneill provide a link to my own website where you can download two packages with bgt code. these packages were my two projects before i toke them down.a version of my your_adventure game and a package wich include the first five questions of the millionair quiz.your_adventure is the easiest to start with and the millionair quiz is a grade higher.grab the packages at this link below: am currently back in business and i am writing a newer version of your_adventure with more freedom than in the version i provide in the package above.good luck and ill hope youll succeed with your coding.greetz mikeURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: i want to create audio games

Kamocheck, I think before you decide on a programming language or a game engine you might want to ask yourself a number of questions like weather or not you want to learn to write other software besides games, do you have any interest in developing software and games for anything other than Windows, how much money are you willing to spend to invest into your language of choice, etc. In other words there are many other considerations to how easy/difficult a programming language is.To give you an example BGT was designed to simplify game programming by wrapping a number of Windows technologies such as SAPI, DirectX, the Windows API, etc with a high level scripting language called Angelscript. Id say if your only interest is games and simplicity BGT is certainly a good place to start. However, if you want to compile your games you will have to spend at least $29 USD for the light version, and more depending on if you want to sell games or include joystick support.
 An acceptable alternative would be the Python programming language. It is fairly simple to learn, there are many modules for beginners, works on any modern platform, and is totally free to use. So it has some advantages over BGT you might want to take into consideration here.In regards to learning to program what the others here have said is all too true. It is not something you can learn over night, and you will have to study many programming tutorials and practice, practice, practice. There is a process all aspiring programmers go through, and they always start out very simple and slowly work there way towards more complex projects. Most tutorials or instructors start out with a simple Hello World program and then various other simple programs to teach the basics such as variables, functions, classes, if statements, while loops, etc. Its only after having written several simple programs can you pull that together to write something very basic like Guess the Number, black ja
 ck, or a dice rolling game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: i want to create audio games

Hi Kamochek.Well I also recommend python because it is fast and easy to learn and use. One thing that helped me learn python quickly is idle. Idle is what is called an interactive development environment which just means you can type test code into it then run it to make sure it works properly. Just like everybody else has said start simply. Dont start by trying to write the next 3d velocity or tank commander but start with a hello world program and then make a program that displays different messages depending what you press on the keyboard by using if statements. At the moment I am also starting to learn java which has an ide called eclipse. You might also want to check out java because although it is not simple like python you can use eclipse like you would use idle in python. Just remember you will get errors a long the way because everybody does. But this is just apart of programming dont get discouraged. You never know you might end up writing the nex
 t swamp or road to rage!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: BlackBird

Re: i want to create audio games

If you already know programming then learning a new programming language is usually fairly easy but learning your first object orientated programming language and getting used to the way of thinking and doing things is definitely comparable to learning a new language like French and may take about the same time. A lot of people think it is possible to learn competent programming with no prior knowledge in about a year but youd have to invest about one to two hours a day to do so. Depending on your age and your aptitude it may very well take you much longer. Think about it. Being a programmer is a job and here in my country the apprenticeship to become one takes four years and this includes 16 hours of school per week and 24 hours of work and practice per week. Sure, this includes a lot of skills and knowledge to become a professional programmer so one year with one to two hours per day sounds about right to become adequately competent in writing your own programs.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: BlackBird

Re: i want to create audio games

If you already know programming then learning a new programming language is usually fairly easy but learning your first object orientated programming language and getting used to the way of thinking and doing things is definitely comparable to learning a new language like French and may take about the same time. A lot of people think it is possible to learn competent programming with no prior knowledge in about a year but youd have to invest about one to two hours a day to do so. Depending on your age and your aptitude it may very well take you much longer. Think about it. Being a programmer is a job and here in my country the apprenticeship to become one takes four years and this includes 16 hours of school per week and 24 hours of work and practice per week. Sure, this includes a lot of skills and knowledge to become a professional programmer so one year with one to two hours per day sounds about right to become adequately competent in writing your own programs.If y
 ou just want to create some games and not actually learn programming then I suggest some alternatives. Story book software is great to create your own adventures without any programming knowledge. Using something like RPG Maker can allow you to create games without programming. There are dozens of game creating software available. Unfortunately most of them are basically inaccessible so it will take some time to find one that works for you.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Rory

Re: i want to create audio games

Hi all. What would be the first thing you write in a notepad window. The title? And also where do you find notepad. In the start menu?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: camlorn

Re: i want to create audio games

@Guitarman:Idle is not the place to start, and Ive heard that it doesnt work on windows. A command prompt is the place to start. Yes, really. IDEs get in the way, mostly, and the supposed advantages have to do with being able to look at multiple windows at once. If one wishes to learn an IDE, best to do eclipse, as the hard-won knowledge of what to do where will transfer to other languages, but even then most of the advantage is gone if youre blind. Open a command prompt to the project directory, open notepad, and thats all youre going to need for python programming. If you are on a mac, and I think you are, Idle might be easier because their terminal has oddities and brokenness on 10.8 at least.@Rorie:Programs do not have titles as such. Go google for programming tutorials. Programs have no real resemblance to essays. The only comparison that can be made is that both are written using 
 a keyboard. The program could care less what its title is, and does not in fact even need to have one. Titles are a human convention, and any support for titles must be written by the programmer-writing it to the screen at program start, or titling the window My Game 1.0 are not automatically done for you.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: i want to create audio games

Hi.Oh know sorry about that yes I did mean the command line. I use both the command line and idle so often I just wrote that without thinking.@camlorn, idle is a little hard to work with on windows but what I usually do is write code in notepad then edit it later with idle. Jaws doesnt like idle but if you use it all the time you get used to it.@Rory, you actually can give your program a title if you really want too by using comments. You could write your name and the title just remember this isnt actually apart of the code or you can display your title in a message box. I dont know what language your using but once you write these comments and whatever else you want then you can start coding. You can pretty much write a program however you like there is no right place to start. Just make sure as your writing it the code makes sense to you. Oh, and never forget to use the main function this is the most important part of a program.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: danny

Re: i want to create audio games

Depends. In bgt and c++ its the main function, but in others like visual basic and pure basic it can be practicly anything else. @roary notepad can be ran with windows r and typing notepad into the edit box. Do note however that, and this is where programming falls flat for most people that it isnt something you can simpply jump onto right away. It all depends on how fast you learn and what you learn by, exampples or tutorials. Myself I learn by exampples but thats besides the point. And this is where careful planning comes into play. If you over plan your more likely just gonna sit and not do anything. If I had to describe it I would say its a balance you must maintain. When do you implement that next system, and when do you plan for that next system. If you get the balance just right, what comes out is a very good program.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kamochek

i want to create audio games

hi.i want to start to learn to create audio games. which language can be for beginers? which of the engines can be for beginer: dragonflame, adrift, bgt, adventure game engine by ian reed.if not all of that, tell me some engine for beginers which i can use.kamochek.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: danny

Re: i want to create audio games

Hi, the importent thing to know is it depends on how payshant and willing you are to learn that makes learning a programming language easy. With that in mined for beginners I would say bgt. But you will need to start small, like create a simpple guess the number game or something like that. Then you can get into bigger projects.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kamochek

Re: i want to create audio games how ill would create that games?please someone teach me the bgt language.kamochek.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: danny

Re: i want to create audio games

Wo, lets not get to hasty here. First creating audio games isnt something you can just pick up. Its not a skill you can learn right away simpply by having someone teach you. If you have bgt, theirs a language tutorial and some exampples. If you use them you should be good to go.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: camlorn

Re: i want to create audio games

Believe it or not, it is in fact true. Its not something that can be taught via forums, and at first Id even go so far as to say its something learned by example. You need to develop basic skills in order to have meaningful conversations about game design and such, which means coding stuff. Guess the number isnt the place to start, hello world is; that is, a program that prints hello world to the console or speaks it through a screen reader or somesuch. Guess the number requires some knowledge. Try the following tasks, and follow a tutorial of your choosing:- Make hello world as described above.- Make a program that prompts the user for a string and prints it. You will need variables for this one.- Make a program that prints the numbers 1 to 10. The file is not allowed to contain the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 anywhere in it. Look at for loops to accomplish this task. Yo
 u will also need variables.- Make a program that prompts the user for a number, and tells them whether or not it is less than 10. You will need the if statement.- Make a program that prompts the user for a number. While the number is less than 10, the program will keep asking them for another number. When the number = 10, the program quits. Look at while loops to accomplish this one.And then try for the guessing game. Rules as follows. Try to implement these in order, adding each as you finish the previous. This introduces random numbers, and requires combining most of the above:- The number is between 1 and 100, inclusive. Put another way, 1 and 100 are both possible answers, as well as everything between them.- The user gets as many guesses as he/she would like.- If the number is the answer, the program quits.- Otherwise, the user is told that it is wrong.- if the number is wrong, 
 the user is told if the number was lower than the answer or higher than the answer.- When the program quits, the number of guesses is printed.And heres the final exercise that will put you on your way to programming.Figure out how to beat the game above in no more than 7 guesses, always. It can be done, and I cant recall if the particular method that lets you always completes in less; it is always no more than 7, however. This is valuable because its a problem with a simple answer that, for many, requires someone to explain it first. It is a good example of algorithm design or what-have-you: being given a problem and solving it. I dont mean that you should program anything here. But the thought process involved and the reasoning is important to work out, because its programmer-type reasoning, if you will. Also, the particular solution that does this is useful in a number of other problems that are a
 ctually programming, if you can learn how to generalize from this game to the wider world.The above problems apply to just about any programming language. Pick a language and go. If it is a programming language with screen reader support but no printing, replace print with speak. Note to the technical: some of those problems are surprisingly hard in pure functional programming languages, but I doubt a programming newbie is going to find those by accident.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Rory

Re: i want to create audio games

Hi. What do i need to do the first time i run bgt. I opened it and it told me to choos a scrip to run. What are some scrips to runURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: danny

Re: i want to create audio games

You dont run bgt like that. You open a notepad window and write your code, and save it as a .bgt extention. Then, you press enter on the file where you saved it and it runs.URL:

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