Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

Moderation:Given that most people posting in here (although not all) are sort of on thin ice here, I'm not going to officially lodge any warnings or cautions or any other punishment. I am, however, going to lock the thread, with a general warning.Please stop bringing off-forum drama onto the forum. this sort of thread is simply not a good idea. Even if it's true, it's not the sort of thing we should be supporting. If it's true, by the way, it doesn't count as character assassination, per se, but it's still kind of slimy.Let's just let the whole thing go. I don't want to see more AnyAudio drama here though, please. If this persists, we're going to have to start issuing reprisals for that behaviour.Thread locked.


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tmstuff000 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

@5, I don't agree with you. It is right that repeated spam and pretending to be Sam on his own site should be banned, but posting offensive matterial is up to the posters, as it is called "Any Audio", but not "Stupidly Restricted Crap".And everyone who has seen some of my posts know that I think that extracting sounds from a game is perfectly ok and is not the creator's business.And this topic definetly belongs in the Off-topic room.Best regardsT-m


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : oussamabengatrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

this anyaudio network thing doesn't belong  heare, if you want a drama, bring it someware else, and talking with post 11 and 10   about unpacking sounds, i did it most of the time with a lot of games, but  banning    you because you extarcted them is a child ish thing to do, yeah, you could banned me if i posted them but that thing is  ballshit, +1 for post 11


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : oussamabengatrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

this anyaudio network thing doesn't belong  heare, if you want a drama, bring it someware else, and talking with post 11 and 10   about unpacking sounds, i did it most of the time with a lot of games, but  baning    you because you extarcted them is a child ish thing to do, yeah, you could banned me if i posted them but that thing is  ballshit, +1 for post 11


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

While I agree from looking at other topics that Mahdi has not changed much, it is unnecessary to just pop up on the forum to publicly shame someone. I believe that this falls under character assasination, and I do not think this is tolerated. If this is an anyaudio dramafest, this has no place on the forums.


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

I'm sorry, but getting banned for extracting sounds from a game is probably the most bullshit i've ever herd. Looks like sam / his admins need to act a little more there age, as supposed to there shue sizes, ya know.


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

that isn't mahdi.they got banned because of unpacking stw sounds, a bunch of guys got banned because of extracting stw sounds, including me dought if mahdi knows how to extract them.and also this doesn't belong in this forum, but if it does it belongs in off topic room.


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MasterOfDeath via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

Agreed with Simba. And they bring that shit to tt as well.


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

Gotta agree with post 8 here. I saw this topic and couldn't help but facepalm. This kind of topic serves no purpose, whatsoever, apart from causing more drama, instigating gossip about one single person and bouncing circumstancial he-said she-saids back and forth for no purpose or reason whatsoever.Please, for all that is holy, cut this crap out! This, exactly this is why I barely even look at this place anymore. I only skim through the active topics, sigh at the 3 or 4 topics I see about either the killer, redspot or some person or other who either gets shit on or apparently needs an entire topic to  apologize for stuff they did in the past, only to get shit on after that. Just ...why? I've never understood gossip and the purpose it serves and this really isn't any better. And before I get called out for hijacking someone else's topic to voice my complaints, given that that also seems to be a trend these days I really couldn't care less. I'm sure there's more people who think the way I do; the admins certainly seem to do so given that topic the other day about the level of toxicity this place has gotten up to. I just hope a firmer hand in management will at least lower it back down to acceptable parameters. We don't need another zoneBB, but that's where i can see things going at this point.Zersiax


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

This talk does not belong here at all. Don't bring such drama here.


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mahdi-abedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

I think anyaudio needs ristriction moad and user controling: sa,m: we isn't in 2016, we are in 2019: most of people knows hack things, spamms, etc


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

Hi.The only person to blame in this case is Sam himself. It often seams like that Sam isn't able to control the contence which is posted on anyaudio. I also can't find any terms of use, license agreement or anything else which enforces rules of those who post on the website, if there are in fact rooles or license terms, please, someone point me to these.What the site needs is a team of adult, responsible admins who are not related, befriended to Sam or other site creators. The team needs to be neutral and not favoring any posters over others. With the drama and nonsense going on the last few weeks on anyaudio, the site needs admins which enforce rules, delete offensive audio clips and bring back order onto the network.Things like that bobby Winton thing that went on are not acceptable, people who didn't like his content still make fun of the recordings and create audio skits where they just mix together parts of his recordings to make him look stupid.This is not acceptable for a public audio uploading service.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mahdi-abedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

hithis, isn't me: I think this guy is muhammet hurmancy


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

Well, even if it would be Madi doing this, anyaudio is not related to audiogames forum, so noone of the mods can do anything.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

i guess this guy isnt mahdiif anyone remembers, yesturday a guy named Muhammet harmanci or something begged sam to remove his ban from stwi bet he is the one doing it or at least maybe his friends,i dout they are also the ones that keep postinig the tk sources and shiteditand i guess this should be in off-topic room but,


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

i guess this guy isnt mahdiif anyone remembers, yesturday a guy named Muhammet harmanci or something begged sam to remove his ban from stwi bet he is the one doing it or at least maybe his friends,i dout they are also the ones that keep postinig the tk sources and shit


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Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

Holy, shit. I just checked any audio and, wow. Honestly I think this guy should never have been given a second chance on here when he made his new account, just the fact he tryed to make a new account rather than just email dark or one of the other mods at the time seems slimy to me, but wow. This is spam like nothing else i've ever seen.


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If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brooksfrakerbac via Audiogames-reflector


If Mahdi is trying to change he is doing a really bad job.

FOund this in anyaudio. Hi. My name is Mahdi Abedi. I banned from stw 2 years ago. here is stw sounds download. He proceds to spamm 3 pages of the site


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