Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

Yep that's Flight for ya. I'd say try every synth in the install and pick which ya like best.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black and white via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

No I've got VMWare PRO version.But If I get the sound to work inside that Arch Linux everything will be fine.For a newbie like me who doesn't know how to run OpenSSH server inside linux it's out of the question.Also I've tried NVDA's OCR on Win10 but the result wasn't very understandable. It works flawlessly everywhere else (Like VSTI) but it's not very good here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

If installing linux, you can also install it using ssh. With ssh, you can connect to a terminal, so to speak, remotely. So you have a console open on windows, and connect over the network to your archlinux vm. THe archlinux handbook probably has something on this. Also, you can ocr the vm ware window in order to get the modt of the live cd, if using windows 10 and nvda. If you don't know what to use, use vm ware workstation. If a specific feature is not available in vm ware workstation and you know virtualbox has it, you can switch. Virtualbox is slower though and sound support can be buggy at times. I'm assuming you have vmware workstation player, not workstation pro. If you have workstation pro then you can leave virtualbox behind entirely


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black and white via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

@queenslight: Thanks for your suggestions.Well, If VB is so much trouble, Is there, per chance, any advantages for switching to VB like better performance or such? Or it's better to stick to VMWare for someone like me who's got VMWare workstation?*And I'm still stuck why I still do not have sound (or speakup don't know which one really) after doing what @hacker said.Edit: Well, I can confirm that speakup is installed and is indeed running. When I did those steps mentioned above, I pressed "Numpad7" repeatedly and I could hear a beep which indicates that speakup is running. I think the issue is with the sound or something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black and white via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

@queenslight: Thanks for your suggestions.Well, If VB is so much trouble, Is there, per chance, any advantages for switching to VB like better performance or such? Or it's better to stick to VMWare for someone like me who's got VMWare workstation?*And I'm still stuck why I still do not have sound (or speakup don't know which one really) after doing what @hacker said.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

In addition, another terminal screen reader to check out alternatively, is TDSR which also works on "Macintosh" systems.As for VirtualBox, the last "true" blind-friendly version of the product was the v5.1 series , with final update being in May of 2018.With that being said, there's been an 11 year long Ticket (629)  , which was last updated 16 hours ago (as of this writing.)You "can" use "later' versions of the product (if either using "VBox command line" switches or "memorizing" keyboard shortcuts if you wish, though that may be a mess/frustration for some.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

In addition, another terminal screen reader to check out alternatively, is TDSR which also works on "Macintosh" systems.As for VirtualBox, the last "true" blind-friendly version of the product was the v5.1 series , with final update being in May of 2018.With that being said, there's been an 11 year long Ticket (629)  , which ws last updated 16 hours ago (as of this writing.)You "can" use "later' versions of the product (if either using "VBox command line" switches or "memorizing" keyboard shortcuts if you wish, though that may be a mes for some.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black and white via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

Thank you very much, You answered all of my questions. I did what you said but didn't hear speakup after the last command.Should I install alsa-utils or something like that or does it have sound or something?Note: Because I've got a bit of sight I made sure the download was complete before issuing other commands.Another question: Is vmware better or virtual box? Last time I checked vb wasn't very accessible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

If using the official arch linux iso, you can make it behave like talking arch by doing the following, assuming you are connected using a wired connection. Note: If you're using a vm, you are automatically connected with a wired connection:1: boot into the iso by pressing enter once you hear started or similar from your host's screen reader2: wait anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes to ensure you're at the archiso prompt.3: type: pacman --noconfirm -Sy espeakupand wait around 1 to 2 minutes depending on the speed of your host's connection4: type:modprobe speakup_softto load speakup into the kernel5: type:systemctl start espeakupto start espeakup, which acts as a bridge between speakup, a kernel-space screen review package originally written for hardware synthesizers and espeak, a user-space tts system, to initialize.After this, you should hear espeak say:root@archisowhich indicates that you now have speech using the espeak software synthesizer.You can then follow the official arch linux installation guide. To get speech on your new system, add espeakup to the pacstrap part when you get to the install the base system section. To have software speech on boot, while chrooted, run: systemctl enable espeakupA few other console screen readers exist, such as fenrir and yasr. Fenrir, like speakup, can come up as soon as the system boots, is more extensible, is not built into the kernel, so arch can't update the kernel and take it out for whatever reason, leaving you with out speech, but takes a little more work to get going. Yasr is another console screen reader, but you must be logged into the system to use it. It does take a little bit of work to get set up, if you're using speech-dispatcher, the linux equivalent of sapi, you need to write a wrapper script, but if you do get it working, it will make using curses apps a lot less painful. Orca only works in GUI environments, but if you want a command line based system with support for running the oddball gui web browser here and there, have a look at ratpoison, a keyboard-driven window manager and stick mate terminal on top of it for an accessible terminal. Hth


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Linux / Arch Linux Questions

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black and white via Audiogames-reflector


Linux / Arch Linux Questions

Hi guys!So, I've got a few questions about Arch Linux and Linux in general and seeing there are many experienced Linux users here, decided to ask here:I wanted to learn Linux. The obvious choice for everyone is ubuntu or ubuntu-mate. But I need to learn things by putting it together myself.Although I'd probably end up using those distros for their ease of use but at this stage where I'm a total beginner in linux, The ease of use is a kind of hindrance for learning.I decided to install Arch Linux on a VM and go from there.1. Although there is Talking Arch, Is there any way to use the official ISO from the Arch Linux website?I mean is it possible to make it speak myself?2. Is it possible to get the Arch ISO and with the help of sighted assistance install it and enable some sort of screen reader later after installation?In other words, Is it possible to install and run speakup after installation?3. The screen reader that is built into Talking Arch is speakup. During installation we need to install espeakup.What is the difference between those two? Is espeakup a variant of speakup with the ESpeak TTS built into it?4. Is there any other Screen Reader that works inside the shell or whatever that's called in Arch Linux similar to speakup?Does Orca work there or it only works inside a GUI?5. Which other lightweight linux distros would you recommend that I can use to learn like the Arch Linux?I might ask other things later but that is enough for now 


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