Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hi.Well today I'm not doing much just at the thrifft store where my mom volunteers'. The people are so nice here!@Tjt1234, yes I've been playing the guitar for nearly twenty years now (maybe 15years I've never actually counted.) But I can also play the traditional dulcimer and someday I hope to learn mandolin and violin. Although at the moment I don't have money to buy one or the other. The only thing that I worry about is that I won't be able to play the violin because they have frets. Frets are what separate notes on guitars and other stringed instruments.@Dark, [[wow]] that's some crazy stuff. It's a good thing you and your lady were there to help out your neighbor. Anyway I checked out kay I'll probably try to read him sometime in the next few days. It's funny ever since we got on the topic of the dark tower series the other day I've been tempted to read them again. I first read them back in high school t
 hat was my first adult fantasy series. I remember day dreaming about them when I would be at track practice lol good times!


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

@Devin, Having thought about it, I believe the problem is the mud sends text in terms of description and doesn't care about your output device.Even in speech it's necessary to use spam filters and to listen at a higher speed to keep up, and in braille this might not work because of the slower reading speed. I also have heard mudrammer is a little impractical in terms of intigration even with speech as compared to clients on Windows though I don't know how true that is. It's likely for muds you'd be better with speech for the speed, though obviously turn based games would be fine in braille.@Guitarman, Yep,  I love coffee. It's good to get out my grinder again and do the thing properly. Having the beans ground in the shop is okay, but there's something satisfying about doing it myself. I have some wonderful columbian hear right now. Well we got a nasty shock today. Both my lady and I were woken at around half past fi
 ve by a huge row from downstairs. It sounded as if things were getting broken and there was massive amounts of yelling from my downstairs neighbor and a guy, in particular I worried because she was telling him to "get out" and he planely wasn't leaving, she was sobbing loudly and there was a massive amount of swaring as well as what sounded like worryingly violent crashes and bangs. We decided ringing the police was a good idea, though things calmed down before the police showed up and I think said guy, apparently her less than pleasant boyfriend left before they arrived. We went down and she planely was not good, the police turned up and we left things to them, indeed we were worried sinse while she told the police she was alright, the chap responded with "no your not there's blood on your face" So, definitely something bad going on, I just hope my downstairs neighbor (who is a really nice lady), is okay, we went down this afternoon
  to see if she was alrightbut she was out, hopefully she's gone to stay with someone (I know she has a sister). other than that today has been very lazy, lots of reading of Kay, though last night I did introduce my lady to the joys of the series being human which I have audio described, which she's liking, and in return we read some random sf together.So, everything okay for us, hopefully it will be for our downstairs neighbor.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Guitarman, you said that you went to your guitar lesson. It makes sense that a person with your username would not generally play another instrument. At least it is nice to know where the word "guitarman" might come from.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hello.Well I've been doing a number of things the past few days. Going to my guitar lesson, going shopping, sounds boring but it was awesome I got some good food and stuff like that. And my sister and I went to electronics and I got to touch the iPhone 6 on display. That was awesome I want one but I've been stalling about getting an upgrade.Something really funny happened the other day. I was helping my sister take a bible quiz and we were almost finished and her phone died. It was so funny and it was even funnier because she got so mad when it happened. I just told her to calm down and do it on the computer. She did but she was still pouting about it for a while lol.@Dark, I've been off coffee for a while but your very lucky to be using beans. I need to get some the next time I go shopping. Right now I'm stuck with ground coffee: why me? lol. I just recently started drinking coffee again I'm addicted to it I think. I really miss the way 
 freshly ground smells in the morning. There used to be a really good coffee brand called tullys. I used to buy it at the grocery store but now it's become some sort of upscale brand. Last I checked it was $28 for 4 ounces.Well that's enough of me rambling on about coffee and everything else.See You Later!


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hmmm I haven't seen that in avalon, but then again I've not got that far, I've not really started practicing skills and what not yet, actually I am finding Alter lots of fun at the momentt.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

I tried Avalon, but there again, depending on people. I had to wait until some city leader was online to continue with becoming a citizen or getting some upgrade or some mission, it was all just something I couldn't be very patient with. And the chunk thing, like, Mudrammer, for iOS, sending things as the MUD sends them, but for a braille display, it's like getting 3 or 4 notifications from voiceover at a time, then I have to press space with N to access voiceover notifications, find the top line I want to read, all that. I'd much rather input my cnmmand, and read the output starting from the top newest incomming line.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Depending upon people is something of a pain, though personally I'm really not a braille fan, indeed I tried reading Salem's lot in braille and gave up sinse I found it too long winded and arythmic for my choice, these days all my reading is audio, sinse I only used braille to get books I couldn't get in audio. As to muds, unfortunately the problem is with the games being real time, I'm not sure how  quickly you could read in braille even if the, however you might try some of the slower timed muds like Avalon, Clok or Wayfare1444, indeed Avalon might sute you very well devin as the writing in that game was gorgious (something I could even tell with a synth). I'm not sure in general what you mean about mud clients sending text in chunks, the two I have experience on windows, vipmudd and mushclient both send text line by line, albeit at the same speed they recieve it from the mud itself. As to names, vipmud has a great search feature
 , that can search back for text and give you spelt words, I also find playing with supernova I can flick on the virtual curser to go through letter by letter anything I need, though also bare in mind most muds are very good with their synonyms anyway, eg if you need to talk to priest bobalyciousmaximus, talk priest will usually do it, or sometimes even talk man (or whatever race he was). Well I'm awake early but hay I'm feeling energetic which is good, so I should get things done. I've started grinding my own coffee again. Previously I got pre ground beens which were okay, accept that they aren't as fresh as doing the thing myself by hand. I thought my grinder was bust, but it actually turns out it wasn't, and the coffee they make is wonderful stuff.Unfortunately I've got work to do today before I think about either Alter or Avalon, but hay that's how things are.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Unfortunately, I'm not in school or college. I'm at a training center, and I'm trying to get them to sign papers for me to have access to Hadley which will give me access to Bookshare as well, I've heard, but shoot, I don't know. I'm so tired of things being so darned complicated. BARD not being about braille much at all, iBooks being so expensive, Bookshare being slightly expensive, people not remembering to do everything they're asked, all that. I hate depending on people sometimes.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hi Devin.You realize that if your in school or a college student and you live in the Us. you can get bookshare for free. You just have to get a doctor or teacher to sign a form saying that your blind or low-vision whatever the case maybe. You can get braille and daisy books to read. They have a huge collection a lot more and a lot better than bard. Bard is just not good enough as far as I'm concerned. Personally, I get all my books from bookshare. I have so much to read sometimes I don't know what to do lol.Hth.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Journey, I meant.Also, I have a love hate relationship with most MUD’s. I love them because they’re text, and that they continue to change and grow, but I hate them because the MUD clients all treat them like audio. MudRammer sends everything in chunks of text, making it hard to work with. I can’t use it work my braille display, and trying to figure out how to spell names and stuff can be down right frustrating. Shoot. I think I’ll just try getting into BRLTTY and see if that treats braille as it deserves to be treated, something more than a afterthought of speech. There aren’t even any maintained clients for the Mac. All the smart young developers are too busy copying each others’ ideas and remaking each others’ games to focus on anything else, so my Mudding days are few and far in between.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Of course I finished the whole book. Yes, it broke my heart, oh discordia. I may take another journal, fore the tower calls to me again. I’ve read the Stand, Insomnia, Carrie, Desperation, The regulators, Salem’s Lot, and am now reading Cycle of the werewolf in Braille. If anyone has the DT series in braille, please contact me somehow. I hate the narrator of the last few DT books on BARD. And no. BARD doesn’t have them in braille either, just audio. It sucks really. Braille is the first initial in that name, and they have mostly audio books instead of braille.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

@Guitarman, Yep, I remember the first time I read the gunslinger very well, sinse even though that was 1995, and the second and third books were out the Rnib didn't have them, indeed I'd read The gunslinger twice before I read drawing of the three, and read the first threee books twice before I read the fourth. Books 5-7 I only read once back in 2008, and even then I had to get them from America which took a lot of politics on my part. Luckily I have them all now and have been thinking of doing a major reread at some point just to see where things went.So yes, I remember The Gunslinger very well, and mentions of The beast as well as the ageless strangerBeware! dark tower spoilage ahoy, read no more lest yee be spoiled by the spoilers!  I didn't think the Crimson King was The Beast, sinse i recall in that original copy it's mentioned that there is one above Walter, The Ageless stranger (who it strongly implies is both Flag and MArtin Broadcloa
 k, the one who had the affair with Rowland's mother and caused the shenanigans in Gilliad), then one above him just called "the beast" and one more above the beast who isn't mentioned accept that he's extremely evil and bound up with The Dark Tower. That I took to be The Crimson King.So yes, I was quite sorry King Compressed things and then retconed and rewrote parts of The Gunslinger to fit. I do agree on The Horn implying though that things would end up differently being a symbol of hope for the future, indeed my friend Sam said if King hadn't included The Horn he'd have been mightily pissed off (sinse Sam is a huge Steven King fan and has been reading King's books even longer than I have).Btw, ever heard the original song "in the court of the crimson King" by the prog rock band King crimson? The song itself is awesome, but has so many references which king obviously used for The Dark Tower, not just the Crimson King 
 himself, but also the firewitch and the black queen.Brent Weeks I'll have to check out, though I've got a lot of stuff to read currently and after Kay I might have a break from fantasy, maybe do some China Meieville as I loved perdido street station.@steve, hope the storms aren't too severe . Actually Bobby dollar is imho Williams worst, though his take on hell is pretty awesome as I said. I'd personally though recommend his Otherland series, indeed if you like long books give those a go. I don't know if Kay is as much people's thing, though one thing Kay does which I really like is manage to combine very epic and poetic writing with very realistic characters and a comparatively fast moving plot. Check out my review of The summer tree he
 re though note that I obviously enjoyed it far more than the other chap who wrote a review for the website. I'm just writing a review for the second book, which wasn't quite as good though very much picked up at the end, indeed i'm into The Darkest road which is the third book of the series right now, and that is proving very awesome indeed! Other than that things are comparatively quiet, albeit lots of stuff going on with sorting out Mrs. Dark's visa and things, also work I have to do. I'm really enjoying playing Altereon when I have time, Druid mage is a good combo I think and so much easier than clerric warrior. I am also thinking about giving Avalon another go, snse I sort of stopped in the middle of what I was doing, though as I can't recall where my character was I might just have to create a new one and go from scratch as there is quite a lot of avalon to get into. I did buy some lessons at the time, but hay never mind.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Just downloaded the Bobby Dollar books, 1 and 2 that is. They're long, and I love long books. I guess we shall see... if their quality matches their length?


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hello Dark. [[wow]] I'm surprised you rmember the beast from the original gunslinger book. I thought I was the only one. I had the audiobook from the library years ago and they had the original. Stephen King actually read it which was awesome. He reads the new version too but I've never listened to the new version. I have the book from bookshare but of course it's the new version. I guess it makes sense though that he removed mention of the beast because there's no mention of it in the other books. Unless you count the crimson king as the beast but personally I don't. Spoilers!I remember when I read the end of the seventh book and you know it skipps roland going into the dark tower and at the end you just get the epilogue. I read the coda where he says don't read past this. I ignored this and I wish I hadn't because I would have been happy with the ending the way it was. I do like the fact that as roland forgets everything that 
 he gets the horn of eld and the message that maybe next time things will be different. Now that I've gotten older I like the ending better because I like the fact that there might be hope of a different outcome sometime. I wonder what would have happened if roland's group had survived? Maybe the tower would spit roland back into the past if he was with his group.End Of Spoilers.You should definitley check out brent weeks both his series night angel, and his new lightbringer series are very good. I like night angel because it's about assassins which I like lol. In some ways night angel reminds me of robin hobb's books especially the politics. The pace of his books is very fast it's a mixture of fantasy and thriller. One thing I like is his magic systems in both series. I won't spoil anything but in lightbringer they use light to do things different colored lights allow you to do different things.I need to check out kay he sounds very in
 teresting. I found some of his books so I'll try to read them soon.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hi all,  Well things are going quite well for me, other than that severe storm outbreak of large hail, damaging winds, and maybe tornadoes coming today. But again, it's the good old Southern Planes. What can I say?  I'm surprised this topic is still going though. I've seen several of these die around the middle of the month... I just figured maybe you guys were keeping the party going in hopes I'd show up. LOL   Thanks for the book recommendations


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

@Guitarman, I didn't know there was a tv series of shanara, though can anyone say lotr cash in? Actually other than game of thrones i've yet to see a decent fantasy tv series, legend of the sseaker was okay but didn't quite work out, and merlin from the bbc was good as far as it went but it didn't go far enough. Thankfully game of thrones is really well done, though I've yet to see season 5, let alone 6 which has just started. I actually didn't like Bobby Dollar much either, all accept the second book which was set in Hell sinse Tad Williams doing hell was awesome, a shame we had to come back to earth for the third book . I think in general the hole modern urban fantasy genre isn't my thing as I've yet to read something in it I really! liked. Jim Butcher's Dresden was good in short bursts but not imho something I'd want 
 to read too much, while I actively found Richard Cadry's sandman annoying, indeed if you want a book with no descriptions and none stop action with people spouting cool lines about how awesome they are all the time that's it. I really need to check out brent weeksk though thus far I'm loving Kay as I said.@Devin, the dark tower is awesome. I actually didn't mind the ending after the coda, but I know some people did, my dad apparenttly threw the book across the room after reading it. In fairness I don't see another way King would've managed to finish the series, and I liked the idea that there would still be a resolution in the end, though I do wish he hadn't retconed parts of the first book such as making Walter and Flag the same person and removing mentions of the beast. Well things are going okay thus far, though yesterday sapi decided to go splirky on me though I managed to fix it with jim's delusalex file. I
 9;m loving alter thus far, though unfortunately I have lots of things to fix involving visas and all sorts of other things today which is a bit of a pain, but hay thats life.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hi.Well I haven't actually posted in one of these topics before but I figure now is a good time.Well lately I've been reading a lot of mystery novels. Plus I watched the new star wars movie and I really liked it except for the fact that J. J. Abrams worked on the movie. He ruined star trek which is why I was worried about star wars but it turned out okay at least so far. I've also been discovering new bands godsmack, megadeth, and some others I'm probably forgetting. So all and all april has been a good month.@Devitprater, I hope you enjoyed the dark tower series it's awesome. If you haven't already don't read past the coda at the end of book 7 it will break your heart. If you enjoyed the dark tower read cell and the stand there awesome apocalyptic stories. A cool thing about the stand is that it has connections to the dark tower series but I can't tell you about those without spoiling the stand. Also if you want more fanta
 sy check out brandon sanderson, tad williams, terry pratchett, and brent weeks.@Kool_Turk, you should really read more books. If you really read descriptions of places and things in books you really get a sense of place and what's going on. If you want fast action stuff try brent weeks he's a mixture of fantasy and thriller. Also check out authors like lee child, david liss, john case, john connolly, J. A. Jance, and stephen hunter.@Dark, I'm going to have to check out doctor who. I've heard about it for years but I've never actually checked it out. It's funny you mentioned tad williams I just found out he has a new book set in the world of memory, sorrow and thorn. That should be good. I read his new bobby doller series which really wasn't my thing. It was good but not up to williams's usual stuff. I agree with you terry brooks's stuff is so stereotypical. I could probably write an exact terry brooks story and pass it off as 
 his, lol actually probably not! What's even worse is that they made shannara into a tv series which my sister loves. I told her stay away from shannar but she loves it lol. I actually watched it with her once it played out just like the books unfortunately.Anyway guys thanks for listening to all my rambling it was a lot of fun posting in this topic. See you later!


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

I've been reading a lot of Stephen King stuff recently. I finished the Dark Tower series.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Not read that one Steve, the premise reminds me of the film Tank girls, which was rather silly but quite cool. Well a sleepless night, but on the plus side I got the db updated which is good, hurray. Also did a review for the summer tree which should be posted soon, though I'll probably crash later, right now I'm at the surprisingly energetic stage of feeling remarkably awake despite lack of sleep.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Has anyone ever read "Not A Drop to Drink" by Mindy Mcginnis? For those who like survival fiction, it's a good one. Basically the world encounters a fresh water shortage, and the book is set in a world where people literally have to find water sources and defend them, rogue bands of people are out doing crime... it's quite dangerous.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Has anyone ever read "Not A Drop to Drink" by Mindy Mcginnis? For those who like survival fiction, it's a good one. Basically the world encounters a water shortage, and the book is set in a world where people literally have to find water sources and defend them, rogue bands of people are out doing crime... it's quite dangerous.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

@Cooltirk, I have the divergent books but haven't read them yet. If by "shanara chronicles" you mean the sword of Shanara, first king of shanara, elfstones of shanara and the other books by Terry Brooks, to be honest I thought those were terrible! Sword was a cheap copy of lotr in pretty much every way, and the books were so generic fantasy with really cardboard characters, heck it was possible to stick a dungeons and class on everyone just from their appearence, eg, a beerded guy with a staff has to be a mage, and a leather armour waring guy with two weapons is going to be a ranger and know all about hunting. Really i can't stand! that series, definitely all the worst of epic fantasy, and no wonder you didn't find they held your interest, sinse it sounds like your looking for something with a bit more go, especially if you liked Martin. Try Sanderson or Williams. Heck if you don't mind flowery language, give Kay a go, i'm really! en
 joying these at the moment, indeed I'm just going off to finish my review of The Summer Tree, which is the first book.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hunger games wasn't too bad with the pace, the divergent series and the Shannara chronicles, from what I read appeared slow.Then again, I only read a few chapters so maybe I just didn't give them a chance.Lately I've been addicted to an app that's currently available on iOS, I believe Android will have it once they improve things on the iOS platform, and that is Vorail.The best way to describe Vorail is, voice forums, only it's set as a question answer format.So, you would record your question, and people would answer.I think it was originally a dating platform, but I think that's well and truly changed now.I think the blind comunity took over, whether or not it's ment for only blind people exclusively or not, I guess only time will tell.There's a podcast available on applevis for those that don't want to download and sign up, not that you sign up, most of the information is linked to your Apple ID.Here's the link to the podcast. … ast979.mp3


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

@Blindncool, the bf audio prices are a bit of a pain, which is why I just stick to the doctor who ones, though it helps to get the back catalogue and be subscribed so you get the new ones. Some of the companion chronicles and early adventures who stories from bf are like audiobooks, though often they ahve a second voice. This is because the actors who played the first three doctors (as well as several companions), are actually not around anymore so they had to find another ay to have them, then again, frazier heins Patric Troughton impression is down right uncanny. Peter Perves does a fairly good first doctor too, though usually they get William Russel who's not bad, but imho Peter Perves is closer to the way heartnal sounds. The unbound series is interesting, but you do generally need the context in some of them to understand where the differences are, particularly the ones that are an alternative take on the first doctor, and He jests at scars, which gets huge amount
 s of hate from the community but I rather liked, then again imho the valyard is awesome (I loved the fact he returned). @Cooltirk, funny you describe hungar games as slow, I found it rather fast paced, though I don't think colins was really there in the second two books. If you like ice and fire though, you should try some Tad Williams or brandon sanderson, indeed Sanderson might suit you sinse he rights fairly fast paced stuff which still has good worlds. Part of the reason though people take a while to explain things is simply to set the scene and atmosphere and not reveal all details at the start, indeed that's one thing I'm admiring in Kay, where he takes his characters, indeed I'm doing a review of the summer tree which I hope to have finished today, though i do also need to write some stuff for the db as well sinse I've played several games which need entries written for them.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

I'm aware of Big Finish Productions, I have quite a few of those episodes.I started listening to the unbound series.I think that guy was meant to play the first doctor but he turned it down, at least, that's what I read somewhere.I guess I should have mentioned the 2005 series, but since they're now refering to the original series as classic, you'd understand which series I was refering to.I'm not sure how many episodes I have from big finish, a few series are more like an audiobook with sound effects.The stargate series I have are like that.I don't mind those, I just wish they wouldn't try and mimic other character's voices.I hear season 3 of the stargate audio series are actual audio dramas, so maybe, I might check those out.I have a bad habit of starting a series and never finishing them.I get distracted by Harry Potter fanfiction.I guess the thing that puts me off book
 s, normal books that is, not crappy fanfiction I seem to be addicted to, is they take forever to explain things.I'm amazed I managed to read the hunger games and the song of ice and fire series.I did try to read the Divergent series, but not really knowing what they're about, couldn't really get into it.The same with the Shannara chronicles.They're just so slow.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

I really wish I had the money to buy some big finish audios, especially since I'm a huge classic Who fan and most of the classic doctors now act in BF audios.@cool_turk, Doctor who is still available on Netflix in Australia? That's cool, however it's no longer available in America, which is why I'm resorting to watching it on DailyMotion. Actually, believe it or not, DailyMotion has more of the classic Who episodes than Netflix used to.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

@Cooltirc,  I assume by "season 2 episode 3" you mean new who? ie, the series that started in 2005. That is actually a continuation of original Dr. Who which was cancelled in 1989, though most of the original doctors and their copanions now do audio dramas for big finish (as indeed do some of the new characters as well these days). I wouldn't say all original who is lovely and all new who is dire, though as you will have gathered Steven moffat who took over as show runner after season 4 is someone I do not like at all and I've been increasingly annoyed with where he took the series. if you really want to experience good doctor who though, try some of the big finish audios if you can get them, sinse they tend to have far more time, far less drama and generally are written in a more grownup style. That being said, the first four seasons of new who had their moments, The Satan pit (in season 2), the conclusion to season 3 with the new master, Midnight 
 in season 4, etc, though most doctor who isn't quite as fluffy as new who tends to be, albeit once Russel T Davies settles down after season 1 you'll get some nice stuff before it all goes down the toilet in season 5 . Thankfully bf are still going and they rock!  though I'm a little irritated ccurrently as my earbuds are bust so I can't listen to audio dramas unless I use my headphones, then again I'm not wanting to stop reading guy gavril kay at the second.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

I don't normally post to these things, but since Doctor Who was mentioned, I'm slowly making my way through the series, I'm up to season 2, episode 3 I think.Netflix here in australia finally has them described so I thought, why not?It'll save me downloading them.I'm not sure if I'll stick with it or not, I tend to start a series and not finish them if I don't watch them after a while.I did that with daredevil.I'll finish them eventually, it's just a matter of when.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Ouch, that could be inconvenient regarding no vertical navigation. As I recall however, for that advanced tutorial the letters are in the order b on b1 (part of your opponent's word bat across b1, c1 and d1), e on b2, (your own letter), and t above on B3. Previously I missed the t on B3 which wasn't clever. I'll probably delete the game now sinse while it's very well designed I don't think it's exactly my thing. Well had a good if very lazy time recently, but hay, it doesn't matter. Unfortunately we're now back to trying to sort my lady's visa for coming to this country, which is quite the nightmare not to mention trying to actually get married and sort out when I'm flying to the states. My parents have agreed to pay the flights as a wedding present which is nice.Guy Gavril Kay continues to rock, indeed I've nearly finished the book mostly because my lady doesn't mind rereading with me. I've
  also e-mailed the people behind another browser game which works well apart from an inaccessible capcha, so we'll see what happens there. I looked it over a few months ago and it looked uninteresting, but I might have acted rashly sinse I think there's more to it than I suspected.Anyway, that's what going on at the moment. I have more work tomorrow, but hopefully without so much panic about time which is nice.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

I have the same problem with that game. However, I'm playing it on Android, which makes it slightly more complicated because android doesn't have a vertical navigation setting. Therefore, if I want to navigate vertically, I have to do it the old fashioned way, which is a bit tedious.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Happiness patrol rocks, it's the evil govenrment who want everyone to be happy or else! plus the audiobook is read by Rula Lensca (the same one who played Lintilla in the h2g2 audio drama series). I'd agree tenant had off moments but he's by far my favourite of the new who doctors. Ecleston was a bit too! anxty  and inneffective, and anyone he was barely around, Capaldy has great potential but unfortunately is too often written as Clara's lapdog and completely ineffective, and poor Mat Smith mostly came off as a cheap copy of Tenant due to the moff's idea that the doctor's personality didn't change during regenerations (yeah I know, what series was he watching?). So, while I don't like some of tenant's episodes, imho he's still the best bits of new who, actually I'm really looking forward to the bf audios with him later this month. They actually managed to do something I thought impossible, make River song a
  compelling and decent character (mostly by getting rid of all the inuendo and self obessession and other moffishness), so what they do with a doctor I for the most part really! liked I can't wait to see. Well I just heard my phd corrections hand in date is later than expected, plus the work I've done thus far is (according to my7 tutor), going amazingly well, so I'm in a great mood today, actually had a nice day off and got some fun stuff done, lots of reading guy gavril Kay, writing up my review of Arrow's fall for, which you can read here, and playing spellstack. Actually the problem with the level I was stuck on where you had to spell bet was not an issue once I realized two simple things, firstly, there were far more letters than I thought, and secondly, you need to submit a word by selecting the letters in the order you want them, ie, b, t
 hen e, then t. I listened to the guide and tutorial and then kicked myself for it being so obvious, the e and the t are just above the b. That is the advanced tutorial finished which is good, though i lost to the medium computer player I think because I'm not great at the hole spcial location thing. I'll try more of the game out to see where things go, and write a db page though at this stage I don't know whether I'll keep it around on my Iphone or not. Actually one weerd thing, when I looked at the store in the game, vo would read hardly any of it, there were just lots of things siaying "button" with no labeles, which seems quite loopy for a game that has stuff to sell. As I said, I'm not sure if I'll keep the game, I'll have to try it a bit more and see, though I will certainly do a writeup.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

I agree with you; Sylvester McCoy was one of those doctors who were hit and miss. Of course, the same could be said about David Tennant imho. Never seen the happiness patrol. I'll have to watch that one next.I also have the same problem with spell stack.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Ah, rememberance is cool, I love the "who are you calling small!" scene, not to mention the first instance of a flying Dalek and the Doctor finally getting the best of Davros. There is a very silly novel which claims rememberance didn't happen and it wasn't Scaro that got distroyed, but most people forget about that one . Mccoy I always felt was a bit too hit and miss, but stories like rememberance and happiness patrol were definitely hits.Well things continue. My review of Arrow's fall is now submitted and should hopefully appear soon, I've also finished the novelization of V and will probably try out Guy Gavril Kay's Fionavar tapestry as it's one my lady really enjoyed and has been thinking I should read, though things will be a bit busy today.Btw, spellstack is proving most irritating sinse I can't com
 plete the advanced tutorial for some reason.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Mostly stuff from the 70's and 80's. In fact, I just finished watching Remembrance of the Daleks for the first time.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

@Centauri, thanks for that. Fluxworld is cool, unfortunately time and me tend to not cooperate, particularly at the moment, and particularly with a game it takes a while to just plane wander around like fluxworld, but I'd definitely recommend people give it a try. @Mirage, As Ishen said, I'm really sorry to hear about your friend, but the job sounds good. actually I invisage myself doing something like that at some point depending upon what happens with my doctorate.We unfortunately have had a lot of bad luck recently, with my lady's computer going poof, stress involving my thesis and other things, but that's not changed the way things are between us.@Blindncool, which classic who? I haven't seen the new series yet, sinse my parents harddrive packed up in the middle of season 9 and I don't really care for it enough to track it down, though I probably should. ON the other hand, classic who I know well and while I can't claim to
  have seen every episode I have seen a fare few and read a good number of the novelizations too, though right now big finish is my favourite source of who related stuffage, last months peterloo massacre was amazing, although a bit sad given we were quite worried about my dad at the time and it's an episode he would've loved. Well on the one hand my lady and I had a wonderful weekend at aims music school, doing various bits of singing including one hand one heart from westside story and All i ask of you from Phantom. Both were amazing, though it did irritate me I haven't had time to learn any new music. I'm at the moment reading the novelization of V, the miniseries from the late eighties which is pretty awesome, though I'm coming to the end around now and will be changing and writing more reviews. Unfortunately, we seem to have hit a run of rotten luck recently, sinse while we were on the way back, my engagement ring slipped off and is probably
  on the train now!  needless to say I was pretty frantic on the subject, though right now we're having a day crashing and reading stuff. Oh, one good thing however, whilst playing around on my phone on the way back from london I did! see spellstack is back in the ap store so will hopefully be able to create a db entry for it, though I'm not really up to that right now as two days of intensive singing tuition, albeit with much congratulations and an audition was quite tiring enough.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hi mirage! so sad that you have lost your friend. but I am happy that you get a job. by the way in what topics do you write? ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

High Mirage.Congratulations on getting a job, and I'm sorry you lost your friend.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Dark,I am so glad that all is going well with your wedding plans. The logistics can be a pain, but it sounds like the love you have for your lady makes it all worthwhile. I am so happy for you!As for me,I disappeared off this forum for a couple of reasons.I lost my best friend in December.Then my health issues took over.It was a struggle to do anything, because of seizures, and because of low thyroid functioning, but I think it is all getting straightened out.Finally, a good thing happened.I got a job, and it wasn't even one that I applied for! It was offered to me, because someone liked my style of writing.I am writing for a blog for one of the Lighthouses. It's amazing , and I am grateful for the opportunity every day!So that's the last four months for me in a nutshell.I may not have quite as much time to be on here as I used to, but I am going to try to be more active here.I hope everyone 
 is having a great month so far.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Well, it appears that I'm a bit late on adding my 2 cents to this thread, mostly because real life has been getting in the way.At the moment I'm getting back into my two favorite franchises: the Earthsea Series (currently reading book 3 of 6), and Doctor Who (currently watching classic stuff, mostly on sure if anyone noticed, but Netflix no longer carries Doctor Who. You can watch the modern series on Amazon Prime, and the classic series on


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Centauri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Dark: First of all, I'd like to say congrats on the doctorate work, thats a hard thing for anyone. second, congrats or condolences on the Mrs Dark lol (I had no luck in that area, so take it with a grain of salt)I will say I have met some interesting people from this place, and many have come to see me in my VR.  Some liked it, some didnt, to each their own The community here is diverse and interesting, and I keep watching!


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

@Ishen, nope, Swamp won't be free for multiplayer, though sinse the gamer accounts now also covers castaways 1 and the beta of 2 as well as swamp it's well worth it.Towers of war is a nice game but one it takes getting used to. there is a path that runs across the screen down which waves of enemies will come. If the enemies reach your base at the end of the path, bad things will happen, ie, you lose lives. So, you have to build gun towers to shoot at the enemies, freezer towers to slow them down, sniper towers with low rate of fire but high damage, microwave towers that zap anything within a circle etc. The stratogy comes in where you build your towers and which towers you build. it's a cool game, though I do rather wish Aprone hadn't lost the sauce code and we could expand it a little with different maps, tower types etc.@James, I know you. Your name is james and you just introduced yourself now . Feel free to say hello and let us know what's happening in jamestown .While meeting friends you know offline is no bad thing, I will remind you isn't just a social network, we're a bunch of people from places as diverse as England, Canida, Denmark, Tyland, Iran, the united states of America, Italy, Germany, persia, the czech republic, Brazil, India, Egypt, France, and goodness knows where else. The one thing we have in common is that we all like audiogames, so feel free to just jump in and say hello, we're really not that scary,  well okay, I am scary, but most people here aren't quite as scary as I am, or at least they manage to hide their scariness under a mask of niceness, I am the only person who dares to be honestly horrifying . Well things over here continue to be hechtic, still much work on my bloody doctorate to do, preparing for a music school in London this weekend (which I'm totally unprepared for), and still trying to get lots of stuff sorted out with respect to living together.    On the other hand, we have got a very nice first class ticket down to london which means we'll be continually plied with lovely grub, including free tea, coffee, plus alcohol (I might treat myself to a wisky)and likely some nice grubbage as well. Sinse it's a long journey that is going to be a good thing. Annoyingly we're also going to have to fix my lady a computer as hers has gone totally splirky without any possibility of repare, though what and which and how we're not sure currently. She says she'll give supernova a try, so will try mine out online (and sinse she never really used
  many of window eyes more advanced commands she might be okay), still it's a thing to sort which we really could do without. On the plus side, my dad is indeed feeling better which is good.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vgstormlover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

OT I am new here so is there anyone here who I know my real name is James Cheek If anyone knows me please poivate message me thanks.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

dark sir! My congratulation goes to all of your family. Let's hope for the best for your dad also. I personally pray for him. at aprone sir! I like your U mart a business game but never got the concept of towers of war. I like swamp but if it will be free then I will play the multiplayer edition.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

@Aprone, Your right, there is no list of sighted developers of audiogames, sinse it would be a little screwy. there is also no real specific conclusion to draw sinse things have been in a vast range, from developers working for kids, to developers who create stuff that is overly symplistic, to developers who make short play arcade or traditional games like Ian humphries, going right up to developers who make some mega complex stuff such bas Jason Alan's Entombed or Touchmint with Adventure to fate. Sometimes they're experimental things, sometimes they're because the developer is just interested in the idea, sometimes they're a thesis. Likewise, some developers leave, some stick around. The only really major difference is that when sighted developers who are themselves gamers set out to create more involved or mechanically detailed games, they have rather more knolidge of mechanics to draw on. For example,I recall a debate I had with Thomas ward a 
 few years ago where I remarked that all the audiogames that were side scrollers such as superliam had fixed walking speeds, jumping arcs and stopping distances, while in most graphical games, even those made in the days before thumb sticks, touch screens and analogue controlers, walking speeds and jump distances were based on how long you held the button or direction down and what you'd done previously, eg, when you push right in super mario brothers, mario's walking speed increases until he's at top speed, and with his speed increase it'll take him more time to stop, (more so if the run button is held). Obviously blind developers never got to play the original graphical games, so never had the experience, which has a knock on affect on basic game mechanics, then again before I go off on my old rant of "judgement! not reaction is what makes a good game" I'll stop. @Ishen, We don't know at the moment. Getting legally married depen
 ds upon applying for visas and lots of things for my fiance to stay in Britain, indeed it turns out I'll save massive amounts of money by getting married in the states and then applying for my lady to enter the country after we're married, rather than for her trying to apply to enter the country and get married and then have to apply to stay as my wife. It's all a major headache. Besides, sinse neither her parents nor my parents can travel and because we've both got friends on either side of the atlantic we're probably going to have two ceremonies anyway.In terms of the important bit of being married, ie, emotional as opposed to legal, we pretty much both decided that just before christmas, although it was more an acknolidgement of something we both knew than anything else, indeed I didn't ask my lady and she didn't ask me, we both asked each other on a count of three and then went to buy engagement rings next day.As to "unmarrie
 d so far" well actually we've been remarkably quick about it, indeed so quick it's surprising, albeit as I said rather inevitable that it was going to happen. To say we first lived together officially as a couple for a week in November, then my lady's visa ran out and she had to go back to the states, then we met up in december and within the first week we'd got engaged. I don't know if your bit of India is one of the places where it's more common for parents to arrange marriages for their children or for couples to not live together before the wedding, but obviously that's different over here, heck there are some couples who live together in very stable relationships for years but don't feel the spiritual or legal need to have the ceremony, albeit that sinse my lady is a christian and I at least believe in God, I do think there is something to be said for a divine acknolidgement, after all for various weerd reasons it's extrem
 ely odd that my lady and I ended up together at all, chances against it happening were staggering, indeed if you'd told me this time last year that a girl who I'd at that point just had a casual chat with via e-mail and was just preparing to meet at Aims music school in April would a year later be someone I was going to spend the rest of my life with I'd have thought you'd been at the funny mushrooms .@Tjt, all of aprone's games are worth a try, though I'd have to say castaways 1 (and probably soon to be two), as well as Swamp are personal favourites, then again I've had fun with all of them, though sadly not has as much time on swamp as some people or as I would've liked.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Yes, that comment was a compliment, and what a good thing it is that you are aware that you are sighted. Some people like Ian Humphreys and Marty Schultz have stuck around having made over thirty games. My comment was that, for me at least, Aprone's games seem to be very understanding of the preferences of screen-reader users. I've only played three of his games; my favourite is Dog Who Hates Toast. I would love to see that on iOS someday.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Hi dark sir and all! when you will be marrying now. I just wondered that you have unmarried so far. my best wishes with you and your dark lady, though I will be glad if you will invite me and my family with an online card! hahaha. april is very hectic month for me. I got my exams in 7th of april I have to understand hegel, marks and other political thinkers. I am glad that I have to write those papers in hindi not in english! ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Thanks for the kind words Dark.  I hadn't heard of Ian Humphries or Daigonite, so I'm wondering how many other sighted developers are around who I didn't realize were sighted.  Is there maybe a list somewhere, though as I type this question, I hear how silly it sounds.  Why would there be a list of audio game developers based on their ability to see, hahaha!It sounds like many sighted developers haven't stuck around, so that probably explains why they aren't as well known.  Do they typically vanish after releasing a game or two?


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Well Tjt someone with working eyeballs developing audiogames isn't as unusual as you might think, there have  always been several, usually people with some sort of interest in weerd games or acquaintance with visually impared people, Ian Humphries, Daigonite the developer of braillemon, the peopole behind several of the ticonblu inquisitor games etc, indeed even Richard and Sander the actual webmaster of this site are fully endowed in the optics department. Aprone however is noteable for first sticking around and  being such a major  part of the forum and the community, and for making some of the most truly unique games we've seen, indeed if you've not checked out all of what he's done feel free to give them a go, (I've got the new castaways 2 beta running right now). Well today has been, as my lady might put it "blummy!" despite a truly awesome meal involving much seafood starters and an interesting thing with noodles and s
 weet chilly and chinese shredded omlet for me. My friend couldn't fix my lady's computer, which might be a combination of window eyes, windows 7, or just bad luck, so it looks like she'll need a new one which is yet again! something else to fix, grr! Also bad for her not having one, and doubly annoying given her e-mail address is actually now working thanks to my arm wrestling match with google. Still, such I suppose is being married .


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

TJT1234, for years I've known that Jeremy Kaldobsky is fully sighted!    ROFL!I'm not entirely sure what it means that my games seem to be made by a blind person, but I'm assuming it's a compliment.  Thank you for that.  Years back I stumbled upon a link to the website, which was on some other random webpage somewhere.  I clicked it to see what it was all about, and wandered myself onto these forums.  I'm not sure where it started, but I was chatting with Mr. Dark here about something or other.  I enjoyed the conversation so I stuck around for a few days, and decided to put together an audio game of my own, just for the heck of it.  I released Towers of War shortly thereafter, and it caus
 ed me to meet and chat with even more people.  I couldn't tear myself away so I never left, and it brings us to today.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Speaking of Castaways, I only found out a few days ago that the developer, Jeremy Kaldovsky, does not have visual impairment. This struck me as quite interesting as his games are written in such a way that you would think a blind person wrote it. I wonder where he got the idea to try building audiogames from.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Supposedly philosophy, writing a new deffinnition of disability, though I'm getting sick of being told to do more and more corrections and add more stuff, I'd like to move on and do other things now.Hopefully it'll be finished in a few weeks and then Mrs. Dark and I can do fun stuff like plan a wedding, do singing courses etc. Ironically, apart! from the stupid thesis I'm supposed to be writing everything else isn't too bad though there are many things that need dealing with, still I'd so much rather do those things with my lady.Today I have some work to do this morning, then hopefully my lady's computer will get fixed, then we're going to a great asian restaurant for lunch (they have ti, chinese, vietnamese and lots of other weerd things), and finally I'm going to try out castaways, oh, and I still have to review arrow's fall!


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

Supposedly philosophy, writing a new deffinnition of disability, though I'm getting sick of being told to do more and more corrections and add more stuff, I'd like to move on and do other things now.Hopefully it'll be finished in a few weeks and then Mrs. Dark and I can do fun stuff like plan a wedding, do singing courses etc. Ironically, apart! from the stupid thesis I'm supposed to be writing everything else isn't too bad though there are many things that need dealing with, still I'd so much rather do those things with my lady.


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Re: Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat April 2016

It's nice to hear that your dad's condition is improving. What are you getting a doctorate in?


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Monthly chat April 2016

2016-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Monthly chat April 2016

yes, another monthly chat topic. Bet you were expecting it yesterday? well ha! April fool! As usual shoot the breeze, murder a gale, and break wind about anything you fancy and anything going on in your life or your kneck of the woods, or indeed any part of the woods anatomy you happen to be in.Well it's April and things are very hechtic for me. I've got massive work to do to get the hopefully now absolutely last gbit of work done on my doctorate for may, so [[wow]]! On the plus side my dad is fine and doing much better. On the down side, my lady's desktop is not, indeed no sooner had we sorted an e-mail address than the entire windows crashed so badly I can't even run narrator. I'm not sure if it's window eyes, windows 7, or just the computer generally, but we'll hopefuly be getting it looked at tomorrow. There is also innumerable wedding related things and immigration related things to fix, indeed all the stuff that had to be on ho
 ld due to my dad being unwell has avalanched a little. On the plus side, we did have two friends over to stay last night which was lovely, probably our first couples night out, involving an awesome mexican meal at a great restaurant, and then one of the most hilarious phone calls to a pizza place in order to get some coke for my long time random friends' girlfriend (who I have just met for the first time and who is lovely), to mix with her rum. #That was fun, particularly the astonished "just coke!" we got from the poor takeaway man when asking him if we could just order some bottles of pop. So, crazy! indeed. Today however I get a bit of a break, albeit i'm trying to play drakor, talk about drakor on the forums, and! think enough to review mercedes lackey's arrows fall all at once! So yee gods methinks my brains going around. Oh well, at least that'll mean any zombies who go for a gnosh on it end up nice and dizzy
 ! Hope everyone else is having a good 2016.


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