Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Hi Guys.I have started playing epitaph online and cant figure out to get out of the apartment please help!@Dentin thanks for the help I love alter aeon its an excellent mud.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Guitarman, go south out of the Gnomian village until you see a sign post. Look at the sign, and itll tell you to go eastward to find Naphtali and the Haunted Highway. Once you get to the head of the haunted highway, go south.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Hi Guys.Im playing alter aeon and cant figure out where to find the haunted highway. It says its to the east of the village of gnomian but Ive had no luck finding it.Thanks in advance.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

I understand completely Nocturnus. Youll never have a perfect day, or a perfect character - but every imperfection is character and history, an experience, and a story you can tell others later. Plus, theres always the off chance you can actually succeed at something like your level 28 area, then thumb your nose at me! *grin*


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Guitarman: it looks like the description for the area is actually wrong. The holy grove used to be in that location, but got moved quite a while ago and the description was never updated. Ill fix that, and see about adding automatically generated locations to make it easier for you guys to find stuff. Thanks!


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Hi Nocturnus.Well I finished the holy grove quest and went into the stone dragon. The quest says to go into the dragons stomach to find the cult but when I go there I cant find the woman Im supposed to kill. Ive been across the bridge and through the east door into the other parts of the stomach like the acid forest but I cant find anything help please?


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Toughy. That one I cant quite remember off the top of my head but Ill see what I can do. Theres a fissure to the south youre supposed to be going to instead of heading all the way east. I dont precisely know where its located, but I do know that once you go through it youll find an undead garden, some zombies, some necromancers, wraith knights, and finally, Morticia herself. Its a fairly crazy place in there, so if you find yourself struggling too much with it I would be more than happy to group with you to help out further. Set a date and time and, provided its not taken up by anything else, you have my word that I will be there to assist as much as I can if you like. Beyond that, all I can say is that every single detail seems to count in muds, which is why paying very close attention makes all the difference between success and failure. I know; its not always easy because half 
 the time youre wondering just how much youre supposed to filter out, but you find out with time and patience that all that attention is worth it if you can muster it. I remember not too long ago the orc encampment received some changes and I spent almost three hours trying to complete a quest I would normally have completed within 10 minutes before the changes occurred, all because I was missing the new bit that was added to it. Assume at all times that you dont know anything of importance, that you need to learn at all times, that you wont always get it right, that its ok to run when the chips are down, but that its also just as ok to die trying if you feel up to it.Think of it like a military rescue operation. Youre rescuing a father or uncle or close relative or friend you know to be male. You need to know where the building is in which theyre keeping him, how many entrances there are to that bui
 lding, what is the weakest point of entry, how well it is guarded, what kind of attack you should expect and from who, how much ammunition and what kind of weaponry they possess, how long you actually have before they are given reenforcements, and if there are any other defense systems or procedures in place you should be aware of. Sound like enough information? Believe me, it isnt. You still need to know weather male and female prisoners are kept in the same building or separate ones and at the very least, a rough layout of said building and its surroundings. Is it a single or multi story building? What kind of overall structure? How many doors can you force open if necessary. If females and males are kept in that one building do they at least separate them by different floors or different rooms? Assuming the building or compound is quickly reinforced and establishing youve gone through the weakest point of entry, what is 
 the quickest and safest way out? How long will the entire operation take and what kind of supplies will you need? Whos going with you and what are their capabilities? Who will be given what part of the operation and will they be ready for it physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically once they are confronted with the reality of the situation, the chances, the statistics of survival? Do you see what Im getting at? there are times when you just never really know. You weigh your options and pull the trigger, and thats about the long and short of it.Alter aeon is like that; perhaps not in the same sense, but every detail counts for something, even the ones that dont. is that door there for decoration or does it actually lead to something? is this an entrance/exit, or is it simply a description I can ignore? What do these signs mean? could this hill have any true significance? Migh
 t these stairs double as something else and be hiding something else? Can this item be moved or pushed aside or opened or taken and used on something else in this room or in some other location?And then theres the creatures and beings themselves. do they respond to melee combat or are they impervious to it? if they do respond to melee combat, what is the quickest way to deal with them? Should I pierce them or slash and slice them, or even simply pound and smash and kick and punch them? If they dont, do you use magical or elemental attacks? is the room were fighting going to cause an issue with the spells Im casting? Do they outrank me in some area like intelligence or wisdom? What kind of damage can they cause me or anyone else in my group?Sound like a lot? Thats because it is, but thats part of what makes these games so interesting. While you can certainly play 
 without all of these underlying details, just as you can do pretty much anything in life without really having to seek out all of the knowledge involved in the activity, your success is guaranteed not by how much you want to accomplish whatever it is you set out to do, but by how seriously you approach the matter. Knowledge is power, after all, and every drop of it counts for something, even when it doesnt seem to count for anything

Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Hi Nocturnus.Thanks I really had it wrong because the quest said it was on the north side of indira no wonder I couldnt find it. I really should write some quest guides because there arent enough of them out there.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

From a guy whos been playing on and off for three years, part of the greatness of alter for me is that there arent very many quest guides out there, actually. Some of the fun lies in the frustration of having to figure things out, of having to get your hands dirty, dying a few times, losing some experience and slapping yourself silly for having done something you probably knew ahead of time you shouldnt have done but did anyway, and being able to laugh about it later.One of the dumbest things I did was try to breeze through a level 28 area because Im a powerful necromancer that can do anything and to the wolves with you if you dont believe me, because I have all these great minnions and an awesome tank and power and glory and shut up! The end result is that I got hit twice, very hard, by things my tank didnt protect me from because it couldnt get there fast enough, though I doubt it would have made much of a difference a
 t any rate, given that necros are physically weak anyway, so getting hit at level 27 when your constitution is not exactly something youve been focusing on is a nightmare. The end result is that I lost close to a million XP, and to add insult to injury, my undead crew were all unharmed, and I had to sheepishly admit to myself that I probably know at least one 5 year old kid who wouldnt have done what I did. Thats still nothing though; I went into an area where I knew there was a killer mob with the ability to backstab for somewhere in between the 500 and 700 hitpoint range without armor, without a sanctuary spell, or anything else that truly provided any sort of protection. Did I survive? figure it out for yourself.There are a bunch of great players, but I doubt even they ever truly learn the ropes in a way that says Theres nothing left for me to rediscover. Every time I see level 36 players die, Im
  reminded anew that this game is never truly won, never truly over, because Dentin. I blame him for the insanity Ive suffered and the sleepless nights of wondering if I went wrong once again and I should restart my char and focus on something else. I finally said whatever and progressed onward, figuring that if I messed up one more time, its part of life; you cant win em all.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Interesting... Im always going this way, from the room with the guard and mage student,:3e, n, ne, e, 2n, enter web, w, nw, w, nw, ne, e, and up.From there you can get to the queen by going either:1. w, s, 2e2. n, e, 2sLately Ive found myself using the latter option... No idea why...


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Hi.Thanks nocturnus and alex. I just finished the spider quest and now I have to go somewhere called the holy grove. There is no information about this place on the alteraeon website it just says that the grove is on the northern edge of indira. Ive been all around indira in the junk yard the forest and I always end up going in circles help please?


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Head east out of Indira, but this time, instead of making for the center of the forest, youll keep heading east until you find The road to Naphtali. You may have to head slightly south at certain points before you get there. Once you hit that road, youll keep heading east until you can head east no longer, at which point you should turn north. Reach The Village of Gnomian and head northwest.Remember that when youre lost you can always use the near command to gain some sense of directionand a general idea of where things are located.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Hi Everyone.Well once again Im stuck on alteraeon. I am on the quest where you have to go into the endura forest and destroy the spiders nest. For some reason I cant find it. Ive been into the web tunnels and it doesnt seem to be there and Ive been just about all over the forest and cant find the right tree. Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Head east out of Indira and turn north east when the opportunity presents itself. From that point on you want to go as far north as possible, even if it means going west once or twice, until you get to the hole in the webbing. Enter the hole and go northeast once, then north twice. Go northwest twice, southwest once, west once, and youll find the tree. This might be slightly wrong since Im doing it off the top of my head, but if you follow that general course perhaps with some slight variation you should be able to reach the tree.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Thanks nocturnus the one word that I didnt use is the right one.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Hi Everyone.Well Ive got another quest question. I have to find the needle in the haystack for the general store owner. Ive tried searching the hay but cant find anything Ive even tried to search by number like typing search hay 1 or 2. Help please!


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

I have an Alter Aeon quest question as well: where can I find the shaman in the town with all the fields on the east side of the first island? Im sorry I dont remember any of the names. Im doing the quest where you have to find the name badge, the coin, stopp the bullying and retrieve the key to the church lockbox.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

This one is a bit tricky. Im not sure if what Im going to write is 100% accurate but here it goes:From the village square, keep going south untill you find the fields. Now head west and try to find a passage to the north, you should arrive in a park. Head all north, all west and one south, then all you have to do is to go one east and one north to enter the shamans house. If it is not accurate let me know and Ill enter the game and check it out to post the step by step guide for this quest.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Hey Guitarman, youre welcome Best regards, Haramir.


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Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Mud Quests Help Topic

Hi Guys.Last week I created a help topic for alteraeon quests but now Im playing so many different muds that Ill probably get stuck a lot in the future. Also I hope this topic will help other people who are having trouble with muds.Right now Im on the forest quest in alteraeon where you have to get honey for the baker but I cant find it and I want to be done with this quest so I can get on to more interesting stuff. Please help me!


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Guitarman, here goes the spoilers:To complete that one you should head northwest upon leaving Indira through the eastern gate. Keep going this way, not exactly straight, because sometimes youll have to go north or west separately. You should be able to find a special exit called clearing. Enter there and kill the mobs, some of them will drop honey.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

2014-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mud Quests Help Topic

Hi Haramir.Thanks so much its no wonder I couldnt find it I was going way out of the way. Thanks so much!


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