Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

@Grryf the cog e-mail notifications are very wonky, sinse sometimes they will tell you about hosted games, but not always, Samurai of Hyuga is a hosted title but there was an e-mail just mentioning that game and not others, yet for some odd reason the possessed game and vs the lost ones weren't notified in e-mail. Oh well, now the cog/hg website has stopped being stupid there won't be an issue sinse I can always check there, heck I did so previously on Ios it's just that net browsing on the Iphone is not entirely my favourite method.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

ahoy allDark, vs the lost ones is a cog title not a hosted game title. Besides that there have been a few more releases mainly in the hosted games catogryOne is So you are possessed, funnily enough I have played the thing but can't remember why I didn't post about the game on here? oh well,shrugsIts quite good, just like samurai, and just like it its a part of a trilogy, oh wait I don't really know about a trilogy as such but at least a sequel is in the worksThere's also double cross but that, I haven't tried so couldn't say as to how good/ bad that is.Sebby, running away doesn't matter at least not from the government. If you play and kill the guy, you'll see what I mean :da slight hint for you in the spoiler if you want to take a peekPlay to your strength when fighting him, and sometimes its better to convince him not to fight. There are place
 s where convincing won't just do,though. you'll figure it out when you get at that point.As for checking their games, I always just go and have a peek in the forums a topic lists all the upcoming releases and if I am too lazy to do that, I just visit their website,look quickly in both the sections and that's thatCOG do have a e-mail service where they send you e-mails when ever a new release comes out but for whatever wierd reason they don't announce games released under hosted games if that game is the only one being released at that point of time. I find that strange,but eh.grryf


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

@Dark you're not, but you're definitely in the minority at this point. Not suggesting that's bad or wrong, of course, but it's true, all the same. Most holdouts have moved, per force, to Win7 at minimum; the others went to Linux or investigated Mac, much as you are.I don't visit the CoG website much; everything I need from there is in the iOS App Store, which is how I check for new apps (oh how I wish they'd send email notifications or even download new purchases from them!) or GitHub, where they published their interpreter and documentation. The BrailleNote is, I fear, too far obsolete to be of any use as a web-surfing device, but I still valiantly attempt it every so often, nonetheless.@Grryf: ooh! You ran away, but you also got Barmy Barny or whatever his name is? I need to play again--didn't really feel like running away, but if it's a winning move ...  Think I'll spy on people more this time.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

@Sebby apparently I'm not the only person very dissatisfied with modern windows, hopefully microsoft will take the hint and just make a new xp instead of all their other crap. Anyway that's not a debate it's worth having. I do still plan on the mac for net access albeit my xp box will still be my main media and games machine, however  to be honest everything is a bit woosily at the moment in terms of my life, for the reason why check the Monthly chat topic. Getting back on topic, someone on the audeasy list recently tried games with a braillenote and the cog website didn't work. In fairness I can't say much more sinse I have no experience of the device. One thing which I do like about the fact I can now check the cog site is that it'll make tracking new games and new blog posts much easier, I noticed there were a few new releases I'd missed, like soemthing called vs the lost ones from the hosted games. No worries, I just 
 picked the things up and will play them in time, however it's nice to not be dependent upon the e-mails or ap store.  I actually want to try matter of time, sinse with me being a whovian I of course rather like time travel stories.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

Ahoy allI bought the game yesterday and just finished it.Wonderful! is the word I'd use although I don't believe that word does justice to the game, but aye, its excellently done,well written and from what I've seen quite replayable tooin My first playthrough itself I did pretty good, killed the guy who had it against me, found out what happened to my father and while I wasn't  great in my career, I was good enough.Ended up running away from the government,though so something or the other had to lead me to lead a life of a Fugitive,eh? guess we can't have it allWorth paying for,so it isAs to your question, mata. its farely long, not as huge as tinstar,but not on the mid/ short lenghth of the scales,either.If I had to take a guess I'd estimate it was somewhere around the length of slammed, if you have played that one.grryf


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

finally got a wise use of time! thank you someone for providing me the access (I didn't cheat this time, which is great).How long is this game anyway?


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

It works on IE8 on XP? That's surprising, though a good thing where you're concerned. Of course you have iOS, so it doesn't have to matter.I still have a BrailleNote I wouldn't mind seeing play these. Then again, I think that's asking a bit much nowadays; it's just about good enough to browse non-_javascript_ pages and FTP sites, so about the level of compatibility of IE6.Check the refurb store.  Your Mac could be a few hundred quid cheaper if you catch a lucky break.At this stage I'd say your odds of being happy on Windows are fairly close to zero, but I'd be lacking in objectivity if I didn't point out that it has, in various versions, by far the biggest share of computer users. Windows 7 is the minimum, the prompted upgrades to the data-slurping Windows 10 (for "Free") the maximum. I would settle for 8.1 with Classic Shell, myself.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

It works on IE8 on XP? That's surprising, though a good thing where you're concerned. Of course you have iOS, so it doesn't have to matter.I still have a BrailleNote I wouldn't mind seeing play these. Then again, I think that's asking a bit much nowadays; it's just about good enough to browse non-_javascript_ pages and FTP sites, so about the level of compatibility of IE6.Check the refurb store.  Your Mac could be a few hundred quid cheaper if you catch a lucky break.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

I do know CoG are trying to promote their stuff on steam, but really if that was the only way to play them it'd be a shame given steams lack of access, and after all as Sebby said the website has the advantage of being playable everywhere! I probably would use the website if I didn't have an Iphone, indeed I do recall playing choice of the dragon on there, however I like the portability with gamebooks and the save status, they're great for trains etc. Btw, their website now works with internet explorer on xp again which is nice! the games do work, or at least the demos do. I'm guessing lots of people aren't bothering with silly modern Windows, and I do like being able to look at their site on another device than my Iphone.I will probably still get the mac at some point for modern browser access without the idiocy of microsoft despite this, though my current plans life wise are a bit busy, actually I might just wait until christmas or t
 hat silly black friday thing and get discounts.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

I do know CoG are trying to promote their stuff on steam, but really if that was the only way to play them it'd be a shame given steams lack of access, and after all as Sebby said the website has the advantage of being playable everywhere! I probably would use the website if I didn't have an Iphone, indeed I do recall playing choice of the dragon on there, however I like the portability with gamebooks and the save status, they're great for trains etc. Btw, their website now works with internet explorer on xp again which is nice! the games do work, or at least the demos do. I'm guessing lots of people aren't bothering with silly modern Windows, and I do like being able to look at their site on another device than my Iphone.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

I realise times have changed, but I'd actually be tempted to buy from the CoG website if the game stored your state and allowed you to play connected with the server doing the processing, so you could play from devices with limited or no _javascript_ support. I know, running applications in the browser is just the in thing to do, but it seems counterintuitive to me that one requires access to a web page if one is not then going to stay connected. In fact the game data is loaded and interpreted, so you can disconnect and then continue playing, but you need _javascript_ and a modern browser to do it. Might as well just buy the packaged app if that's going to be what you get anyway. Still, kudos to CoG for making use of _javascript_ in a way that doesn't make me want to puke.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

Hi,Actually I just checked and it works again. For some reason before this it just redirected me to steme.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

Hi@Lucas, strange that. I just tried to be sure and their online system is just working fine? I don't get redirected to steam or anything, after logging in be It after having created a new account or using a existing account to do so, I'm shown the game I want to buy, a few fields to enter credit card details and that's it.Here is what I do. I visit the game page press enter on the button that says buy it now for $2.99, it asks me for a email, after I enter that a new page loads asking me if I already have a choice of game password, or I don't or have I forgotten. chooseing the second radio button which says new account or some such will allow you to create a account with a password,after which a page like the one I get should appear for you to make the purchasegrryf


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

Same here @Tiffany; died at the end, rather than on the mission. Is there actually a way to beat the boss? Kinda reluctant to pursue alternative endings that are, shall we say, more self-motivated. I like to think that my choices were "Responsible" and that I never did the dishonest thing. I'd never violate anybody's privacy with this power, for instance, not even the sweetheart. Having said this, have fun in the casino. Lots and lots of fun. The bastards deserve it. Though as usual, my char warped as the game proceeded, chiefly I think due to a lack of appropriate choices in places. The game seems to correctly assign motives most times, but yeah, fundamental issue with CYOA.It was a great game, better even than ZE in the writing department IMO. If
  you read Jim's ZE blog there's a probable explanation for that. Really moving.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

Same here @Tiffany; died at the end, rather than on the mission. Is there actually a way to beat the boss? Kinda reluctant to pursue alternative endings that are, shall we say, more self-motivated. Have fun in the casino. Lots and lots of fun. Though as usual, my char warped as the game proceeded, chiefly I think due to a lack of appropriate choices in places. The game seems to correctly assign motives most times, but yeah, fundamental issue with CYOA.It was a great game, better even than ZE in the writing department IMO. If you read Jim's ZE blog there's a probable explanation for that. Really moving.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

Hi,But, the thing is, when I go to the game and I press the buy now button on the first page which usually takes me to a screen where I can enter my username and password, it just takes me to steme.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

@ogomez92, Grryf is correct. Steam is not required at all. You can buy the games on Ios, Android or whatever, but if nothing else you can also go to and buy them to play online on the site.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : tjkim1121 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

I really enjoyed this game. It was one of the first that I've played where I actually died and didn't reach a happy ending. I'm not sure how to beat Barney, but I hope that I can figure this out soon! Best Regards, Tiffany Kim


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

sadly, i can't get it because of so many restrictions i have. ah well, wait til i have another chance then.:(


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

Ahoy all @ogomez92, you can play these games natively on ios,android by buying the titles as apps, if you have none of that however, you can play them on any platform as long as you can use a browser on that specific platform.So you can either buy them from any of the app stores that are available I.E google play,app store etc, or you can just buy them online where you enter a password and a username to access your bought titles and play them on your browserSlight spoilerish talk for a wise use of time.@sebby, sad to heare that you died I'm thinking it was because you used too much of your abilities? that is what I thought at first but then I read level up your ability, which left me undecided as to weather using it was a good idea or trying to use it only when you felt it was needed most...End of spoilerish stuff although I don't think it should really be counted as a spoil
 er as its eazy to figure out even when you are playing a demo. but ehI still haven't been able to buy the game, alas.   although I'm planning on it before the sale ends, which reminds me, does the sale last til 11?grryf


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

Finished. I feel burned out and unsatisfied (probably because I died). 8/10.


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Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

I can't buy the game because I don't have steam and I don't want to install steam for an interactive game And I want to play it on windows. sniff


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New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

2015-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


New from choiceofgames, a wise use of time

This just turned up today, and of course me being a whovian this one definitely sounds interesting, albeit my brain isn't really on games at the moment.We’re proud to announce that A Wise Use of Time, the latest in our popular “Choice of Games” line of multiple-choice interactive-fiction games, is now available for Steam, iOS, and Android. It’s 25% off until September 11th.With the power to freeze time, you can ransack a casino, rescue a celebrity, or cheat death itself!“A Wise Use of Time” is a thrilling 260,000-word interactive sci-fi novel by Jim Dattilo, author of “Zombie Exodus,” winner of the 2011 XYZZY “Special Recognition” award for interactive fiction. Your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based–without graphics or sound effects–and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.When you freeze time, no one can see you, hear you, or stop you, except, perhaps, a handful of mysterious time controllers like yourself. Every second you steal puts more stress on your body and mind.Will you bring justice to the mobsters who run rampant in your city? Will you steal from them to provide for those in need? Will you share your power with friends and family? Will you destroy your own powers, or will your powers destroy you first?Play as male or female; gay, straight, or bisexual. Develop relationships with one of four main romantic options (or a secret one). Track your relationships and moral stats as they change. Level up your time-control powers, or nullify them to protect yourself and others.


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