Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

Also, if you're just in it for the money (at least admit it in part, you are specifically talking about paid video lessons here) then I'd give yourself a real, honest to goodness assessment of whether or not you are genuinely invested in this. If you're just in it for the beer money and can't think of at least a few reasons beyond that, then maybe this is not for you. Because this is going to be a serious investment of time and money on your part.


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Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

yeah. @9 is write.


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Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

@Lucas1853: Or they've landed a deal with a provider already. No one usually makes an easy five figures on a video in a month, let alone a crappy one.You also must realize that if you want to even come close to making substantial passive income on one of these, you are going to have to invest in good equipment. You, like, need to, um, uh, realize, yeah need to realize, that an IPhone video that hasn't been properly, like, edited or something, isn't going to cut it. Now now. I'm not implying that your video material is up to no good, so please don't get that impression. What I am doing is de-hyping you because you seem to think that this from teh ground up operation is going to get you reeling in the dough. It won't initially, because the initial income you get will go towards the return on your investment, whether that be gear, studio time, you name it. You do really need to make sure you have a pro quality standard attached, though. There is a very good reason that corporate narration/e-learning is such a high-paying gig in the voiceover space alone, it's that companies who take quality into consideration will pay for good talent, and customers/clients will in turn gravitate towards said content. On the other hand some rando without brand recognition, a list of performance reviews/recommendations, and a portfolio isn't going to suddenly start reeling in residual income.Long story short. Learn the craft first, then invest in websites/infrastructure/elearning platform plans. Lather rinse repeat.


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Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

Also don't expect to make $6 in a month. Your friend is either bullshitting you or very lucky.


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Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

My point was just that if we are talking about video files and you want people to be able to watch it, it will be absolutely impossible to prevent piracy. Impossible. So you can trust that a fraction of your viewers will pay for the files, that is the best you can do. Try to set the file price not too high and make it convenient to buy so maybe people will think why not. If the files are expensive and it's a pain to checkout, people will look at torrents. Learn marketing, produce a lot of content, but then that means it's not really passive. IF you do courses, they will go stale anyway, technology evolves fast, other people will make videos that will get more popular or recent, so you will keep having to update your stuff. Also make sure you respect regulations on refunds and consumer protection. My biggest advice is make it so that people actually feel like they want to pay you. Make it a delightful experience. Don't just throw some files on a server behind a pay wall.


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Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

It’s not a good idea to use Youtube, I’m not sure if I’ll earn the same as selling.I know someone who is not a professional, but he makes courses for beginner developers. These courses are bad, but he has a New Year Sale now and has already made $60,000 in the last month. And this is not much, because he is from Russia, where the cost of goods is many times lower than in Europe or America. I'll never see that kind of money from Youtube.


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Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

yes. agreed with @5there's no way to save videos from torrenting. the one who have lots of money buys it and put it on torrents or on his website or sell it for him self. i am not saying every one do t, i am saying the people who wan't to benifit can do it. and, instead of selling videos, why don't you considure uploading on youtube and let you get views and ern money from that?and, you canmake apps and sell them since your saying you know is best choice for you. if you got 1000 subs, and watch time hrs, you'll start erning by ads. and you can make your youtube video paid as well. but this will not prevent from cracking. so, best choice is on youtube. you will get paid for dis;aying ads as well as your viewers get's it for, continue with your youtube classes only. this  is my strong recomendation


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Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

You will never be able to prevent someone from ripping that course. If they can see it and hear it, they can record it. This is why you see on torrent sites various ripping methods, like dvdripped, webripped, etc. People that don't want to pay will always find a way.Now don't make me say what I didn't. In some cases things cannot be hacked, like the Xbox One for instance, but it's a whole different scenario.So just license your content and hope for the best. If you manage to aim businesses, they will pay, they kinda have to respect licenses. But in that case you would probably need to be on mainstream platforms. How do you plan to distribute the files? And how would you go about collecting the money? And of course, don't forget the tax implications of this.Targeting personal or home might be hard, because there is so much of free resources online. I personally wouldn't pay for learning material. Maybe you could do another format? Like a book?There are other ways of having passive income, like publishing an app, creating content and having something like a patreon etc.


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Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

@bhanuponguruYou didn't understand. You're talking about online courses. I'm talking about video lessons. Just video files that people pay for.@jackHmm. The online option is fine, but I'd like people to have access to the course offline too.This will be a program with a course, most likely. I just don’t know if I should do what I’m doing? Perhaps simple video files are enough...Advertising, promotion, for me it's not important, because I have good sources for distribution.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

i don't have experience much, but for startup, make a website and offer course. say them you charge so and so ammount for so and so course. and, use skype or any tool to online live teaching. i am sure it makes profits to you. mainly, no torrents or any such, i will give you a basic idea herefirst, make a user register through google forms or any other. collect the data and host a meeting on google meet or zoom. just send the meating info to them. and, you will have acces to who are joining.based on that, you let them in to atend a meeting who registered. you simply don't let others to enter the meetingthis prevents most of the cracking and all that.and, while your giving course, create a whatsapp or any group and add the registered users to it. to give notes and all that. and if you wan't share the info directly to the group. meeting info. i am sure they will pay your requested amount, but in case if they din't, remove them from group. and thus they will miss the notes and all that stufbut, if you wan't to teach programming, in internet many of the free alternatives are there to learn. like i, yeah. i gave you basic ideahope this hlps


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

i don't have experience much, but for startup, make a website and offer course. say them you charge so and so ammount for so and so course. and, use skype or any tool to online live teaching. i am sure it makes profits to you. mainly, no torrents or any such things


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid video lessons. How to make?

Um. Ok. First thing first. If you're serious about this. You either need to roll your own secure platform to insure that, as you said, the videos can't be passed around. Then you have to take care of the shopping cart on your own as well, which leaves little to no room for newbie mistakes. Then you have to pay for dededicated hosting. Then you need to market yourself - there is no end to the self-promotion if you are flying solo on this. You should really find out for damn sure if you can come up with at least 10 people who will buy the course right out of the gate before you invest in this. Otherwise you might consider doing a course on skillshare or Thinkific as it will handle security and payments and all that good stuff.Passive income is not set it and forget it might I add.


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Paid video lessons. How to make?

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Paid video lessons. How to make?

Hello.I'm interested in passive income. When I do my job once and it brings me income.I'm interested in video lessons and online courses.I have Russian Youtube channels where I teach programming and foreign languages. And people say that I do it very well.Perhaps someday I will be interested in online courses. I've seen Sinior PHP developer doing some decent online PHP courses for $230 per person.But now I'm interested in selling video lessons.But the question. How to make?Just video files are very insecure. These files will very soon be published on torrent trackers and on other sites, which is not profitable for me.What can you recommend? Perhaps there are people with experience here?Thanks in advance!


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