Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

That's what I was going to surpass now that my technotechnotechno destroyer was fucked off by that oreo cookie I don't want to eat in a nec minute.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Ah, good old blind community drama. My generation of this stuff is so 2004. I never even heard of Cookie until today, and I guess a lot of blind people hang on the US/UK public TT servers?


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

I like warm chocolate chip cookies.I am a cold cookie hater. They're just not the same.Cookies should always be served warm.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

The Dwarfer wrote:Oh hmm. I thought all the forking was Distructafuckascrewatron or however you say that, and also Charliemerry. The latter is who forked me one time and I immediately blocked him.Nice nice. First of all, steve, i never had you on skype. Second, the person who did all that was cocky, but that’s for another day.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

ok you were spamming on the UK server and I saw it. I really saw it. You told me that you're a cookie hater until MR. Ramón Salazar uploaded an audio in those comments are... well... Interesting. An other example of faction against faction. An other example of childish act that needs to be destroyed in a da da da.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

He is not friends with harley and quit hosting him


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

well, cockey is lieing i'm not hacked him, guy idk called richard or rich beardsly was controlling me 2 years, so he made everything and blablablabla.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

so charlie forked the first time, and tought cocky how to fork, and cocky forked everyone he hated with the username mobiletechman1, including me, and since i got his name on a group with sighted people, i thought he wasn't cocky but guess he was, and then cuddley forked  and told us that his account was hacked but that's a lie, he forked me and someone else when we took over his gr oup, yes i did that and am proud of it, those guys deserved it, and also if anyone hacked my skype, i definatly wouldn't be friends with him, but cuddley is still best friends with cocky, and i also have messages that proove this, but c an't post them.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Oh hmm. I thought all the forking was Distructafuckascrewatron or however you say that, and also Charliemerry. The latter is who forked me one time and I immediately blocked him.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

at post 36, yeah he is. And for this cockey, i lost my old account and i'm using new skype account.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Guys, I know him many times already. The person who forked Skype wasn't Camerong, it was nothing more and nothing less tan Destructatronic Destructoid Destructive Destructatricius Destructación Destructatron. I know you hate him, me kinda, but that guy along with Dr. Ramón Salazar which I don't want to tell the real name of this "da da da", is making me nervous.Heck, I need to buy a Casio VL-Tone VL-1 synth keyboard before my nerves start to explode, just to say I'm not a bad person.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Oh my gosh, is he the one that forked Skype groups and now I can't even use Skype because messages come in like every second about a fork? Oh, that guy is definitely not a cookie I like?


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

well, for cockeyguy, i can't open skype cause some guys are leaving fork forkys, and i got 8887 fork groups again and i can't open skype if it will open, it will automatickly closing like in 20  or 30 secs. So, idk what i can to do


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

I had Cookie in a group once, and within an hour he was demanding administrative privileges. I naturally refused him. he claimed that he "had a secret command in Skype". He never got that bit, but I've always been suspicious of him since, and from what I here he hasn't changed.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

All of that is most likely true. I don't know any of these people, since I never go on public Team Talk servers. Not only because I've heard that, not to mention that common sense dictates that a lot of unsavory characters go there, but also because I'm not comfortable in group conversations. The whole buying servers thing did strike me as odd, and I felt bad for the guy because, and I speak from experience on this, if you become known as someone who will give anyone things, whether that's material possessions, advice, time, etc., at the expense of your own well-being, all that will happen is that when you have no more to give, when you inevitably burn out on being known as that person people only come to when they need something, they're going to sense that, and abandon you anyway, in search of untapped springs that they can bleed dry. And yeah, that's demoralizing, both for the giver, but also for the receiver, it has to be. Deep down, the people who are taking advantage have to know that it's not fulfilling.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

I listened to the entire thing, no idea why, just curiosity mostly. The thing is, I started to lean his way, not enough to make me stop seeing the other side, but I did start leaning more and more his way until I started to see his issues. He's got something going on where he needs to factionalize the community. Cookie supporters versus cookie haters, and him saying he was annoyed by supposed cookie supporters talking to cookie haters. But who is this guy to have such a retinue, a king? Surely not. I do think he has some emotional issues, he has a flare for the dramatic, not overly so, but he does. I've seen far more attention seeking behavior in far less amounts of time, so while that is a thing here, it's not the only thing. I see this wanting to help people as more of a cry out for attention, perhaps he's genuinely lonely, but he goes about it the wrong way. He then says he gets taken advantage of, which is probably because he seems so overwhelmingly needy of them in the first place. He said to the one guy even though he hated him, he'd still buy a server for him, to most, that makes no sense. To him, it's justified because he needs something he's not getting. I don't think he would leave the community altogether, or if he did, he'd find another one. I think he needs for people to admire him, etc. I don't know him, I do know the name cookie, but other than that, nothing. I don't get involved with this stuff because it's kid shit, and I'm too old for it. I also know some of the people he mentioned to be less than desirable characters. So I don't know if he did the stuff they're trying to pin on him or not.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Greetings all.Thank you Jayde and the dwarfer for your replies. I did not take offence to the dwarfer as I knew the dwarfer was only joking. Thank you Jayde for agreeing with me. I'll just add a few things more then to my earlier post. Do wrong and you'll be tempted to do wrong until you lose your sanity. If that happens, you'll have no choice but to do wrong. That isn't what we want to happen. Better to do right and good to one another, even to those who do us wrong. In that way, you become happier on your journey of life and you'll find that all the bad feelings you feel become weaker over time until you cannot feel them anymore.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

One of the fundimental mistakes people make when wondering why they are disliked and hated is assuming that other people are all the problem, or assuming themselves to be the complete problem, when in fact neither are true in most cases.I've seen very people on this forum make that mistake - I saw Danny in his goodbye rant thing a few weeks ago put off a lot of his issue on the community; I've seen people dis the community because they're not liked, and assume that somehow things will be better in the sighted community. The thing is, why is Cookie hated supposedly? I don't know, because I didn't want to listen to 37 minutes of "um um um", but I have a few ideas. All I'll say though is this: if you're hated, especially by a lot of people? Either A, disassociate with them, B, change yourself, or C, do both A and B. I'd recommend C. Also:No, I wasn't attacking Bashew for his post or attacking him at all. I just came on a topic I didn't take seriously, and added a bit of humor. 


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

No, I wasn't attacking Bashew for his post or attacking him at all. I just came on a topic I didn't take seriously, and added a bit of humor. 


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

I entirely disagree with the heavy-handedness of religious viewpoints being superimposed over a topic like this. I am certainly not a religious fan myself, being more of a "show me the evidence" kind of guy than the "I believe" kind of guy (sorry, trying not to offend). When I read the first post I saw Bashue post on here I got through the second sentence and just skipped it. And skipped the next one out of the thought that "oh, its probably more of the same". I suppose this is exactly what Jade was talking about -- alienation of others. I'd be the last person to quote religious scripture at someone because I personally believe that if someone hurts someone else, I could quote religious scripture at them all day until I was blue in the face and yet it wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't change the fact that they hurt someone. It wouldn't change the consequences, or lesson them. It wouldn't make them "feel bad". It is the consequences of peoples actions that do the teaching, not the bible, or any religious text.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mahdi-abedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

whats this


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

And see, you could've said all of that, or half of it, in a prior post, instead of summarizing after quoting great whacks of a religious tract. You didn't. Okay fine. You weren't breaking rules and I didn't bust out the mod hat. But there is such a thing as reading your audience, I'm afraid, and I strongly suspect most who read your previous posts (before the latest one) will see them as excessively long-winded and preachy. And coming from me - I'm long-winded, have you noticed? - that's saying something.If I'm talking to a ten-year-old about not hitting his sister, I'm not going to quote scripture at him. I'm going to say, "When your sister hits you, how do you feel?", and then when he says he doesn't like it, I'm going to explain how that whole thing works, and try to get him to apologize. If I'm talking to a sixteen-year-old whose first language isn't English about sociology, I'm not going to go out of my way to pepper my speech with jargon. If I do it badly, I'm going to alienate the people I'm trying to reach. And believe me, I know I still do it; hell, maybe I'm doing it right now. But your previous posts were pretty epic, Bashue, because you absolutely, categorically lost me. And if you lost me, you likely lost Cameron too.That said, I agree with the general thrust of what you're getting at.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Greetings Jayde and the dwarfer and others.An explanation I see is in order for my earlier posts. The reason why I put forth my message in such a manor is because since the very beginning, we've been attacking and hurting each other for no good reason. Kooky is Cameron; Cameron is Kooky. He was guilty of the very same thing I was guilty of and since I've embraced the path of peace, I've had to take grater care to not cause harm to any with my words and actions. Cameron does wish to help even those he hates and those who hate him. The purpose of my earlier posts were to try to aid him into not hating those who hate him and to give him the understanding of why it's in his best interest for him to aid those who he chooses to aid and why it is not in his best interest to insult those who persecute him. This I did in the only way I know how because it was the only way I could learn not to be a jerk to people around me or to those I interact with. The other ways that people tried to teach me didn't work and I continued to be offensive to many people and thus caused much sorrow because I couldn't stand being surrounded by people who had one standard for people who thought as they did and another standard for those who did not. I went so far down the wrong path that I had to be rescued by someone the majority of the global population who had read what he wrote hate and fear him to this very day. Only I and those who truly know me don't think of him as a terrorist or occult leader and any who speak to me wonder why I'm always wanting to counsel those who society rejects.Is Cameron a good man? Without a doubt he is. Yes he's a little in the dark about why he ought not reject some people outright because if he rejects, he'll also continue to be rejected and that is not good for anyone; it is never good to be rejected by anyone. I don't like that he is being persecuted either and the purpose of my earlier posts were to try to give Cameron the tools to deal with his persecution until the persecution stops. So if we cannot stop peace with war, if we cannot fight fire with fire, if we cannot wash blood with blood, what are we to do? What are we to do when our methods of dealing with conflict fail time and time again? Only the water of forgiveness can wash away all blood and douse all negative fires while enhancing the positive ones. We must also accept spirit as part of our natures and stop being afraid of sp because it sounds too religious. We need to go back to our grass roots and love one another. That is the only counsel I can give to Cameron/Kooky.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Bashue, Imma Bash you, with a cashew that I found in ma'h shoe.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Yeah and the glass thing in your signature just makes it better for me.Also, post 11 proving that you can get plenty of people agreeing with your opinion by keeping it short and sweet, rather than using a patent pending Defender Corp wall o text LOL.At least something useful came out of this complete waste of time.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Yeah and the glass thing in your signature just makes it better for me.Also, post 11 proving that you can get plenty of people agreeing with your opinion by keeping it short and sweet, rather than using a patent pending Defender Corp wall o text LOL.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

I just burst out laughing myself there, good catch. I didn't even think about that as I posted it. No pun was intended, but that was great.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Not an official moderation but...Uh, this is really, really treading close to the line of thread hijacking. We were talking about the cookie guy and the topic was forcibly turned into something rather religious. Not cool, especially given the heavy-handedness of it all.Turtlepower, I can't help it.We're talking about Cameron, aka cookie guy, and you said you didn't want to milk it. I burst out laughing. That tells you how emotionally invested I am, I suppose.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

English - page  1 of 12 This is an insight into and brief Summary only, of the 278 page book The Testament of Truth.This Testament is the living Word of God, being the "Correction of the Truth" on earth, it is God's Final message to humanity.All spirits (Souls) that inhabit the fleshly material bodies of this level of consciousness (world) are to undergo a swift spiritual cleansing within. Being the purging-out of the energy essence of their negative emotions (the sin) to a greater or lesser degree. During this process, all souls will have to face their past, and REAP what they SOWED, meaning, whatever pain we caused to others, will now be done to us.Souls will all show God by their DEEDS, as to their truth. During this time of separation, those that continue sinning (cause pain to others) will be confined to a cold dark place (Hell). Those who have heard the call to love and do not retaliate in any confrontation, thus following Jesus' call of PEACE, will go to heaven. All souls are to now be separated, the Just from the Wicked, each soul choosing its own individual destination through its deeds.GOD SAYS - I will now intensify the outpouring of my Holy Spirit essence to more quickly draw out the negative energy essence of your sin. Each time you abuse others, you draw in this negativity, that enlarges your sin (negative emotions) and counteracts my cleansing of your soul.GOD SAYS - During this time of inner cleansing, you will all Reap what you Sowed at a faster pace. Whatever pain you have caused others to suffer, will be felt by you, at the hands of others. In God's eyes, all are sister and brother, and what you have done and continue to do unto others, will return to you quicker and more frequently at the hands of others.GOD SAYS -Any of you who continue to deny my call of Peace and Love will be confined in hell for a very long time. Bless all who abuse you, showing ME your forgiveness of THEM. NOW IS THE TIME to follow Jesus, and be prepared to die "as a Lamb," if confronted by destructive forces. Thus abiding in MY CALL of non-retaliation and thus, PASSING your test, in SHOWING ME your belief in My WORD.2 of 12GOD SAYS - Any heeding this call will be cleansed of all inner sin, and as Jesus, will become a CHRISTED SOUL. Meaning, of inner evil free, and will return to ME at the time that your fleshly body becomes uninhabitable (death) in earthly sense. ALL who believe in ME must be prepared to help all who come to their door with food, shelter and love. (Care and God's wisdom)GOD SAYS - To abide in MY Word, evil thoughts must be kept OUT of your mind. This is done by building the ARK of the MIND, that is a barrier of love between the negative emotions and the mind. ANY who do not build this barrier will become overpowered by demonic thoughts and thus you will become a puppet for the dark side, and used by them to destroy others, and thus as you die your spirit will FALL into the dark fearful destructive pit.GOD SAYS - As your Sin rises up within your soul before it is cleared out by MY Grace, it shows its full power and becomes very strong for a time and it is of the UTMOST importance to fortify your minds before this happens with My WISDOM, and also, keep daily cleansing the mind of negative thoughts by calling on ME in building the ARK of the MIND. For when your emotions become very strong, it is THE TIME that invisible demonic forces can broach your mind easily. REMEMBER - to be able to abide in MY Call of non-retaliation, and be Compassionate, Understanding, Forgiving and Merciful, you MUST try to keep evil thoughts OUT ! For if you heed evil thoughts you are LOST. GOD SAYS - The ONLY WAY to fortify the mind and keep sane is by building the ARK of the MIND, daily, with LOVE that flows when saying the Morning Star prayer. It is activated, by saying or thinking the following:Jesus - I see your shining Star Jesus - be with meJesus - please help me and save meThose who believe not, that Jesus was God's earthly messenger, may either say the above or:Creator of the heavens - Mother of love (or father of love) I see your Star - shining above please cleanse my mind with all your loveso I may heed your call of Peace from aboveGOD SAYS - These prayers are to be said three times a day. MY Star shines for all, ALL are MY children.3 of 12 GOD SAYS - The destination of each soul is at stake. YOU choose YOUR destiny, being your spiritual destination, by YOUR ACTIONS. Any who are arrogant, and who fail through not heeding, will fall into icy cold darkness for endless time. This intense cleansing of the soul only takes place once every million years and thus, the open window into heaven will be closed to those who fail for this time span.GOD SAYS - IF you believe that MY WORD as brought to earth by Jesus and other brothers and sisters over time, as indeed THE REQUIREMENT BY ME, then you MUST SHOW ME of your belief through your D

Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Greetings all.I've listened to the message in its entirety and I immediately recognised that it is not what people do unto us that is the danger or problem but what we do unto them. I actually had to correct Charles Woody on facebook just as he had to correct me and I do consider him as my spiritual brother. It isn't nice and it does not feel good to do so and I sincerely wish to never do that again. I'd much rather counsel than to truly correct and the next time this happens, I won't use any kind of authority. I hate putting on the ring of power; such power is poisonous to the one wielding it. It doesn't look like our brother Cameron is putting on the ring of power but he is criticising others and praising others to. That means that he is being both the dark and the light in action.I recommend that instead of doing what I did and instead of being the dark in action, only be the light in action and love one another. The singular command of Allah Jehovah God is that one must be loving, kind, compassionate, merciful and forgiving at all times and in all situations; to always show respect unto all at all times and in all situations, regardless whether or not they respect or disrespect you and to respect everyone's entire beings including your own and to never cause harm unto anyone nor retaliate in the face of adversity. The singular law of Allah Jehovah God which is immutable and cannot be broken is, what so ever you do will be done unto you; what goes around comes around; with every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. What does that mean for us, God's creations? It means that we must never do unto any that which is bad or bad will return to us. Only do good and good will be done unto us. The eye for an eye law applies to the good as well as the bad and Cameron and all who he refers to need to go to the testament of truth and read the wisdom contained therein so that they can attain infinite peace and love by adhering to God's single command. Better to be ruled by just one restriction/rule/command than a zillion restrictions that are all designed to rob one of their liberty and freedom of choice to be kind and good. The one restriction/rule/command is: only be loving, kind and good and never harm anyone for any reason what so ever. Yes I keep repeating myself and I do so to reinforce the message.In my next post, I will post the brief summary of the testament of truth. This will give you the context you need in order to click the link. I hope this post has been of some assistance and I definitely recommend the  feeling easy seminar and the star prayer. Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Greetings all.I've listened to the message in its entirety and I immediately recognised that it is not what people do unto us that is the danger or problem but what we do unto them. I actually had to correct Charles Woody on facebook just as he had to correct me and I do consider him as my spiritual brother. It isn't nice and it does not feel good to do so and I sincerely wish to never do that again. I'd much rather counsel than to truly correct and the next time this happens, I won't use any kind of authority. I hate putting on the ring of power; such power is poisonous to the one wielding it. It doesn't look like our brother Cameron is putting on the ring of power but he is criticising others and praising others to. That means that he is being both the dark and the light in action.I recommend that instead of doing what I did and instead of being the dark in action, only be the light in action and love one another. The singular command of Allah Jehovah God is that one must be loving, kind, compassionate, merciful and forgiving at all times and in all situations; to always show respect unto all at all times and in all situations, regardless whether or not they respect or disrespect you and to respect everyone's entire beings including your own and to never cause harm unto anyone nor retaliate in the face of adversity. The singular law of Allah Jehovah God which is immutable and cannot be broken is, what so ever you do will be done unto you; what goes around comes around; with every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. What does that mean for us, God's creations? It means that we must never do unto any that which is bad or bad will return to us. Only do good and good will be done unto us. The eye for an eye law applies to the good as well as the bad and Cameron and all who he refers to need to go to the testament of truth and read the wisdom contained therein so that they can attain infinite peace and love by adhering to God's single command. Better to be ruled by just one restriction than a zillion restrictions that are all designed to rob one of their liberty and freedom of choice to be kind and good.In my next post, I will post the brief summary of the testament of truth. This will give you the context you need in order to click the link. I hope this post has been of some assistance and I definitely recommend the  feeling easy seminar and the star prayer. Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Am I the only person who hears cookie hater used in such a context and imagines a war between factions of those who like Oreos and those who like Chips Ahoy or something? It's just more sensationalism, made all the more silly when you have no context. I'm sorry, I usually don't make light of situations that are causing someone distress, but I'm not even sure that this is. Having listened to the whole thing now, I don't have a lot to say, although I could. I could rant about what it's really like to screw up so badly that things you do online have real life consequences for someone, so this sort of attention seeking does actually strike a nerve with me, but I'm not going to do that, tempting as it is. I do wonder though why the person who made this recording couldn't come out from behind the keyboard, so to speak, and post this himself? The fact that someone else posted it on his behalf, most likely to try and milk the drama even further, is pretty dumb, if you ask me.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

veh ree veh ree beeg forks


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

well really many and big forks from cookey, and it is not cleared finally. So, i nothing have to say


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

well really great forks from cookey, and it is not cleared finally. So, i nothing have to say


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Quite apart from all of that, the content of the video - which I listened to for about eight minutes, by the way - tells me a few things:1. The creator of the video doesn't know what he actually wants. He oscillates from wanting to leave, claiming he has no choice, to wanting advice. He wobbles back and forth on other things as well, such as saying how he's losing support, and then acknowledging that he still has support. He doesn't know, quite clearly, where he stands at all.2. For a newbie, this video is impenetrable. I have no idea who he is, what cookie is all about, why anyone should or shouldn't be a cookie supporter...none of it is explained. If you're going to make a thirty-something-minute video, that is...not a good impression to leave.3. The style of language used, and the tone of voice used, definitely combine to suggest that this man has some histrionic issues. I am not diagnosing - that's quite a ways above my so-called pay grade as an SSW - but if you don't believe me or don't know what I'm talking about, look up histrionic personality disorder. All the hallmarks are there. Even if he doesn't have a straight-up personality disorder - and those are tricky to talk about to begin with, so I'm treading a little thin ice here - there is definitely a problem with self-esteem, motivation and fact vs. reality. for one thing, you are never going to please everyone all the time. For another, claiming you have no choice when, in fact, the choice is entirely yours is just a way to get people to soften their stance. Next time, video guy, if you've done things that should get people to change their opinion of you, present the proof instead of just explaining how everybody hates you.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

My opinion:I actually knew him personally when he went to my school for about a year in middle school, and ... that sounds like him. It seems that hehas not changed since he was a middle schooler. He was seeking attention a lot, and most of the people at school didn't give it to him, or called him out for it. Also, I agree with Ironcross and Jayde about clickbait. I don't think that it accomplishes anything, and people really shouldn't do that. If you see more than one exclamation mark after a sentence, it's probably clickbait.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

Ok, I clicked on this in a VM because, you know, why not when you have nothing to do these days?I listenned to what, 3 mins of the thing and recognized Kookie, I had nothing against him untill 2 months ago when forks apeared and when people tried to put him in a bad position, I tried to stay on his side, but after I have seen every opinion, I became sure that he did alot of things.No, I don't want to spread roomors or anything, I don't want to become anyone's enemy, but when you do all of this to the comunity, you can't have alot of suporters, really, can you?


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

+1 IronCross and Jade. Posts that have links with no context irritate me, and I never click, but this is clearly been left vague for click bait's sake. Like all those youtube clips that have must see and shocking in the title. If you click them you soon find out it's always just some trivial crap that's been sensationalised.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

+1 IronCross. Posts that have links with no context irritate me, and I never click, but this is clearly been left vague for click bait's sake. Like all those youtube clips that have must see and shocking in the title. If you click them you soon find out it's always just some trivial crap that's been sensationalised.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

from what I've seen and heard of the guy, he has asked to be treated the way he has been traeted.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

I am not moderating this topic, or locking it, and not going to put on a mod hatt and start dishing out cautions and warnings. What follows is Jayde's opinion as a user of the forum, not a staff opinion.This is absolutely, no-doubt-about-it click bait and attention seeking. Now, as for the reason for said attention seeking? I am not prepared to speculate. What I do know is that it failed miserably. This is precisely the -wrong kind of attention.I don't even know what's up with this whole cookie thing, and already I just don't want to bother. I'm also not really big on someone being impolite or straight-up harassing other people then getting whiny when people hate on them.News flash: if you treat a community like dirt, they're going to abandon you. When I stomped around for a couple of days, you folks got mad and had every right to. We learned about each other and figured out stuff that worked. If I had kept stomping around making messes, you'd have ridden me out of town on a rail. and I daresay that's what is going to happen to the maker of the video if it hasn't already.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

to the original poster:then you should change your subject title, or help your friend privately, or create a support group, whatever. But putting this out there like that, both from your friend and you, is definitely not the better way to handle or solve your problems. You will probably get nothing out of this. I definitely did not, and I guess I was one of the people who needed to hear it.Unfortunately, the only ones who can truly prove who they are and make people think differently are themselves. If you want people to respect you, show some respect. If you want people to love you, show some love. Honestly the audio sounded like a rant without a guide, without a true point to it, it sounded like it was done thirty seconds after something had happened and the person felt really hurt or strongly about it, without leveling their head first. Unplanned, winy, purposeless. I think we have had enough of that especially in the past months (go look at the site feedback for a hint).I don't know the full story and probably am not interested, either. As I said before, there are bigger and far more important real world things to worry about, I am probably too old I guess.and @2 and @4,file is totally safe,though you can always check with 215094682 different protection solutions if that gives you peace of mind. Still, there isn't really much significant or life changing stuff going on in that speech.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

to the original poster:then you should change your subject title, or help your friend privately, or create a support group, whatever. But putting this out there like that, both from your friend and you, is definitely not the better way to handle or solve your problems. You will probably get nothing out of this. Unfortunately, the only ones who can truly prove who they are and make people think differently are themselves. If you want people to respect you, show some respect. If you want people to love you, show some love. Honestly the audio sounded like a rant without a guide, without a true point to it, it sounded like it was done thirty seconds after something had happened and the person felt really hurt or strongly about it, without leveling their head first. Unplanned, winy, purposeless. I think we have had enough of that especially in the past months (go look at the site feedback for a hint).I don't know the full story and probably am not interested, either. As I said before, there are bigger and far more important real world things to worry about, I am probably too old I guess.and @2 and @4,file is totally safe,though you can always check with 215094682 different protection solutions if that gives you peace of mind. Still, there isn't really much significant or life changing stuff going on in that speech.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

to the original poster:then you should change your subject title, or help your friend privately, or create a support group, whatever. But putting this out there like that, both from your friend and you, is definitely not the better way to handle or solve your problems. You will probably get nothing out of this. Unfortunately, the only ones who can truly prove who they are and make people think differently are themselves. If you want people to respect you, show some respect. If you want people to love you, show some love. Honestly the audio sounded like a rant without a guide, without a true point to it, it sounded like it was done thirty seconds after something had happened and the person felt really hurt or strongly about it, without leveling their head first. Unplanned, winy, purposeless. I think we have had enough of that especially in the past months (go look at the site feedback for a hint).I don't know the full story and probably am not interested, either. As I said before, there are bigger and far more important real world things to worry about, I am probably too old I guess.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

to the original poster:then you should change your subject title, or help your friend privately, or create a group. But putting this out there like that, both from your friend and you, is definitely not the better way to handle or solve your problems. You will probably get nothing out of this. Unfortunately, the only ones who can truly prove who they are and make people think differently are themselves. If you want people to respect you, show some respect. If you want people to love you, show some love. Honestly the audio sounded like a rant without a guide, without a true point to it, it sounded like it was done thirty seconds after something had happened and the person felt really hurt or strongly about it, without leveling their head first. Unplanned, winy, purposeless. I think we have had enough of that especially in the past months (go look at the site feedback for a hint).I don't know the full story and probably am not interested, either. As I said before, there are bigger and far more important real world things to worry about, I am probably too old I guess.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

oh but he did all that in 2018, in fact i was on a tt server  about a week ago and he and his friends spammed the fuck out of me, that's why we were forced to get a private server and stay there he is the reason that i don't like going to public servers because of the impersonations he has done he impersonates me and talks bullshit about people, spams them and etc.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

@6The thing people don’t understand is that he wasn’t behind those things. Yes he did do some things in the past, but that is not him today. I want to prove to people that the person they knew back in 2017 is not the same person in 2019. People change over time. Here’s a prime example of that


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

@5 i know the full story, cookie likes seeing others in pain.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

hello, please seek attention elsewhere, i know your parents didn't give you enough of that but t here's no reason to do it here.i'll be happy if you get the fuck out from the community cameron, after all, you are behind all those forks, hacks, and the attacks that i've received. and a part of my reputation being fucked is because of you, so i have all the reasons to hate you and will be happy if you get out of the c ommunity, thanks for trying to help us by leaving.sorry for the words i use but i've had enough of this guy doing everything and seeking attention getting new friends hurting them and laughing at their faces.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

The thing people don’t understand is that he wasn’t behind those things. Yes he did do some things in the past, but that is not him today. I want to prove to people that the person they knew back in 2017 is not the same person in 2019. People change over time. Here’s a prime example of that


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

hello, please seek attention elsewhere, i know your parents didn't give you enough of that but t here's no reason to do it here.i'll be happy if you get the fuck out from the community cameron, after all, you are behind all those forks, hacks, and the attacks that i've received. and a part of my reputation being fucked is because of you, so i have all the reasons to hate you and will be happy if you get out of the c ommunity, thanks for trying to help us by leaving.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

If you people knew the full story you would understand why it has to be put out


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

First of all, I agree with Ironcross. I've said as much in several topics on here, no one should be clicking on links whose purpose is not made explicitly clear. About the only thing going for this poster is that at least they didn't try to disguise the link, it definitely leads to Dropbox. This is clickbait, plain and simple, and were it not for the next post essentially saying he listened to the file and nothing adverse happened, I would strongly advise that no one click on that link. That said, if someone really did rant for 35 minutes about a community they want to leave, I'd call the voracity of such a claim into question, seeing as how people don't normally launch into passionate discourse about a subject they don't care about. My curiosity may or may not get the better of me, and I may or may not run that file through Virus Total first, depending on whether or not I actually have the energy to deal with drama that isn't going to go anywhere, but I thought I'd give my initial thoughts upon seeing this topic.


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

its too narrow of a context, however, not having even the slightest idea of who the heck this is, I can say a few things after hearing:1. If your quote friends, unquote are so mean and unreasonable, vengeful or whatever, take a good ahrd look at yourself first, your actions, your words, the way you treat people, the way you respond to tough comments and situations and ask if you would like that to be done back to you, whatever that might be.2. Distributing a 35 minute audio in hopes that people will hear it all through an unofficial platform is probably not the best way to get something across, you will lose credibility instantly, and more so if you get proxies to do it. 3. Leaving a community just because there were some itchy people makes no sense, where will you go next? there are many gratitude messages all over the audio, I still cannot compute the point. If you get too many haters, instead of blaming everyone and find faults everywhere, keep in mind what I have said over and over in this forum... learnt that you cannot please everyone, and not everyone can please you as well. I do not think the blind community is that small and concentrated, it keeps on expanding with people from other countries and backgrounds. You need to examine your friendships and just get away for a while, or completely distance those people by forgiving them first (this is very important and necessary) and then find something that gives you peace of mind, find something that makes you grow. Helping everyone is sure a noble and nice thing and looks good even on paper, but its not an obligation, its something you should do which is void of any interests. If people take it, fine. If they do not like it, its just their problem, no matter how much they complain and swear over things or how bad they criticize stuff.Its funny how you said you were definitely leaving, but then asked for advice, but then you definitely leave again.  Troubling you talk about god and so on but then you even go as far as asking someone to "freak off", insult as you please and then come back and thank a select, elite exclusive few, what happens if they too, back stab you all of a sudden? they saying that you will never meet people completely is certainly a wise one that will be there for the rest of your life. Learn to pick out and stay with the good folks, lifestyles and attitudes (including your own) and throw out the rest. Life is just too short for such drama, I am sure there are bigger and more important things to worry about.


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People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


People need to hear this!

Just like the subject of the Post says. Click the link to access it.  It is a message to everybody in the Blind community that a friend of mine wants out there … e.m4a?dl=0


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Re: People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People need to hear this!

who clicks links these days without absolutely any context at all, I certainly don't.


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People need to hear this!!!!!

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


People need to hear this!

Just like the subject of the Post says. Click the link to access it … e.m4a?dl=0


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