Re: Project Bob game review

2014-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Project Bob game review

Well, this sounds bad. Banning people and randomly change their passwords is just not the way to go. Dont think Ill ever touch this mud. URL:

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Project Bob game review

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector

Project Bob game review

Hello:Im reposting this here because Ive had a lot of similar treatment in the past. Im glad it isnt just me, but this really caught me off because its the same sort of attitude I was seeing. The player was banned, but he made another char, pasted the URL to this (since PB isnt accepting reviews) and left again.Please do us all a favor and make sure this review circulates.I started playing projectbob a few years ago; the first thing that struck me was the vast amount of character customization available. I started getting into the game and noticing bugs, which I reported, but which were never actually fixed. it is 2-3 years on from when I started playing, and PB has experienced downtime for months on end at times and has not seen anything new since Ive played.Ive asked if the admins would let me help out through coding or building or anything and was basically told they werent interested. I was critic
 ised for requesting changes or anything, rather than a game thats just left up to make them feel better. At one point, I lost the ability to speak to anyone in the game for ~4-5 months. I noted the admins a few times, even asking when she was around if it could be fixed. I was told that the more I asked, the longer it would take and that she was to busy. As multiplay is allowed if you are using a solo character (bot) and a non-solo character (and the bot cant interact with the non-solo character), I was running a bot anyway and decided that he could talk for me. I set up an alias that would send all my ooc messages through to the bot and hed just say them for me. It didnt hurt the mud, but eventually suddenly both accounts (and all created chars) couldnt use any channels. The messages would look like they went through, but nothing would happen and they wouldnt appear in history.Ive taken to logging on, chatting some, and logging off w
 hen I didnt see any changes because Ive hit a point in the game where everything else I could gain would just require a ton of grinding. My biggest fear was that this game is going to go down, or something else is going to happen as a passive-aggressive measure against my character and I wont be able to play.Today, it seems that my concerns were well founded. I tried to log in, to find out that I cant. I logged in from a shell account I have, messaged the admins and left a note. When I went to log back in, my accounts password no longer worked and my note had been deleted, along with the note of someone else remarking on noone being around to answer questions and the mud not really being newbie friendly. As I write this, another characters password was randomly changed and he was booted off. I created another char to ask what was going on, since usually you would possibly get a notice that you were being banned. Eventually Ariana revoked my
  OOC priviledges, and the only tell Im getting is this: Ariana tells you Im saying something now  Weve had enough. Time to move on. She didnt bother responding to any of my tells and just booted me after I tried asking why I was getting this treatment. I do want to reiterate this fact: I was perfectly willing to go with glitch, as weird as it may seem, because I assumed that anyone running a mud would at least have the decency to say Im banning you, heres why, peace. Instead she just played games with me all day, changing passwords and booting my character; couldnt that time have been spent say, fixing bugs?I really like the amount of customization that comes with a mud. I do, however refuse to play a mud in which the admin takes a vendictive pleasure in disabling my characters and removing notes they don
 9;t agree with. I was never rude, mean or did anything that would harm the mud; I just spoke out about the broken bugs and lack of changes. The admins (ariana mostly, Ive not seen matrim in ages) views this mud as her kingdom; if you dont like it, you can leave. She seems to feel that shes doing the world a service by hosting the mud itself and anyone who disagrees with anything she might say or thinks anything should happen is in the wrong. I believe this is a two way street: I am incredibly greatful for the time I have had on PB and I have also really enjoyed it, but without the players the mud would be nothing; just as without the admins the mud would be nothing. Below is a log Ive posted of our last conversation on this matter.[10:06:28] Ethanol OOC: saw your note. not sure what to make of it[10:06:38] Sneak OOC: what do you mean?[10:07:08] Ethanol OOC: what the admins are thinking[10:07:2
 9] Sneak OOC: yeah, Im honestly not sure. Im glad they leave this up, but its a ghost town.[10:07:41] Sneak OOC: and we really cant expect new people to want to play if nothing gets fixed.[10:07:51] Ethanol OOC: its mostly me afk-ing these days[15:42:26] Fury OOC: hello everyone[22:23:20] Sneak OOC: I see admins! hii![22:27:07] Ariana OOC: hello Sneak[22:27:13] Sneak OOC: hows it going? its been a while. [22:27:20

Re: Project Bob game review

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Project Bob game review

Hi.I played the game but cant log in anymore.And if this is happening, then I will not be playing anymore.This woman needs to learn that deleting peoples passwords and usernames and chars and notes, is not part of a hobby its ruining someone elses life.Theres no point in playing a mud like that.URL:

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Re: Project Bob game review

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Project Bob game review

I dont really know that it ruened someones life. it took a game away from them certainly, but its more the response to criticism I complain about. If youre going to ban someone for speaking out or having discussions, great. If you want your MUD to be the great wall of China, great. But theres no sense in passive-aggressively changing passwords and deleting notes; I dont know what that gained anyone.URL:

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Re: Project Bob game review

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bladestorm360 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Project Bob game review

Honestly, Ive seen worse. I know of at least one mud where theyd make anyone a coder who asked for it. It ended up to where this one lady was basically made head admin while the coders who had started the project just dropped it and went off to do other things. This lead to her balancing the game toward her characters and making sure that noone could catch up to her characters. It was perfectly OK for her to exploit bugs and shortcuts, but if anyone else started doing it, shed immediately close that hole and either go find a new one, or make a new loophole for herself.When PB was down for a while, I ended up emailing Matrim. As far as I know, its exactly as Ariana was saying, they got extremely busy and have no time to work on the mud anymore. In one of his emails, Matrim said he was thinking about open sourcing it, but he was checking out a lead on a cheap server first. So basically, right now, the mud really is up strictly for nestalgic value and f
 or people to play if they feel like it. They made it pretty clear when they brought it back up that the mud was stagnant, and I was told the same in email contact with Matrim. So I dont really see any need in kicking a dead horse this way, or even giving the mud bad publicity. If the admin have basically said up front, well put the game up for those that want to play, but we wont do any work on the game for the foreseeable future, how can you expect any different?Having said that, I dont know whats going on with changing passwords. My account still works fine, but that doesnt mean anything. Sounds like either theres some kind of account bug if random passwords are being changed, or someone was made a coder who shouldnt be one. Granted I dont know Ariana at all, but youd think if she were the type of dictator admin that think they can do whatever they want with their playerbase, the mud would have crashed long, long a
 go, just like the previously mensioned mud did.URL:

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