Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-13 Thread Forum — New releases room: PTruscott

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

dd wrote:a suggestion, will it be possible to turn the radars on and off surver wide? for the people who dont want it and want the game to have more of a mainstream FPS feel to itI say server wide so that everyone will be on equal footing, so nobody with the radar on will have an advantage over someone with it offThat will definitely be an option.Rory wrote:Hi. Oh crap this sounds cool! Will there be a chat feature so we can sware at the people who just keep killin us? Lol. Also can you make it output to jaws if possible? I have horrible problems with rtr, and cant get any speech to play. Also when do you think this will be finished? Thanks, rory.Talking isnt planned to be implemented any time soon and will definitely be togglable because it will be a severe distraction. Right now it is a fairly long 
 way off due to it being a side project for a truly tiny team. I plan closed beta by July, open beta by August, and full release just before Christmas. This is a bit in the air though depending on if things come up.wlomas wrote:Hi will this game be for mac osx?It should be able to run on it.burak wrote:Hi, sorry for interrupting but this thread odes not belong to the new releases room because you dont have a public beta yet.Apologies, I am new to these forums. Can you suggest which one it should be in and how to move it please? Sebby wrote:snip for spaceThanks for your feedback. Im hoping the wall sounds wont be too in your face to be irritating, Ive played SoD, and it took me far to
 o long to get the grasps of that wall sound systems, the footstep sounds were too subtle and the sounds of bumping into the wall was not only annoying, but pretty unhelpful as to which direction to turn. Hopefully my system wont cause that, but if it does Ill likely change it. Im not sure what you mean by the movement grid. Could you clarify a bit? Or did I miss a trick when playing SoD...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: dd

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

the thing with the radar though is that if it was a local option that would mean everyone with it on would have an advantage over everyone who had it off, simply because of the distinct beeping sound it makesthats why I suggest it be made a server side toggle, instead of localURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

I agree with the radar. All mainstream FPS games have a minimap. It shows team mates in green or yellow or what ever color and enemy in red. It helps them locate the enemy quicker. and when they aim there guns, some have a scope which allows them to see through certain objects for example windows or even walls with an upgrade.I dont no how hard something like that would be to impliment but I dont like the idea of a constant beaping radar. but I dont no.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: PTruscott

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

dd wrote:a suggestion, will it be possible to turn the radars on and off surver wide? for the people who dont want it and want the game to have more of a mainstream FPS feel to itI say server wide so that everyone will be on equal footing, so nobody with the radar on will have an advantage over someone with it offThat will definitely be an option.Rory wrote:Hi. Oh crap this sounds cool! Will there be a chat feature so we can sware at the people who just keep killin us? Lol. Also can you make it output to jaws if possible? I have horrible problems with rtr, and cant get any speech to play. Also when do you think this will be finished? Thanks, rory.Talking isnt planned to be implemented any time soon and will definitely be togglable because it will be a severe distraction. Right now it is a fairly long 
 way off due to it being a side project for a truly tiny team. I plan closed beta by July, open beta by August, and full release just before Christmas. This is a bit in the air though depending on if things come up.wlomas wrote:Hi will this game be for mac osx?It should be able to run on it.burak wrote:Hi, sorry for interrupting but this thread odes not belong to the new releases room because you dont have a public beta yet.Apologies, I am new to these forums. Can you suggest which one it should be in and how to move it please? Sebby wrote:snip for spaceThanks for your feedback. Im hoping the wall sounds wont be too in your face to be irritating, Ive played SoD, and it took me far to
 o long to get the grasps of that wall sound systems, the footstep sounds were too subtle and the sounds of bumping into the wall was not only annoying, but pretty unhelpful as to which direction to turn. Hopefully my system wont cause that, but if it does Ill likely change it. Im not sure what you mean by the movement grid. Could you clarify a bit? Or did I miss a trick when playing SoD...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: fatih

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

hi,Id certainly play this game. Itd be cool.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

I think Ive successfully moved this topic into General game discussion. Its the first time Ive ever moved a topic, so well see if I did it right. PTruscott, this game sounds like a lot of fun! I wish you and your team luck on the project, and I hope it turns out how youve planned. Have you written any other games that people can check out? Im not sure if other people here already know you, but since youre newly registered to the forums it might be cool to have a little background info on you. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: Sebby

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

[[wow]], another FPS coming, cool! Here are my thoughts and opinions based on what Ive read in this thread so far. Im quite sure youll find others too. Experience with AudioQuake tells us that some people appreciate vertical aiming and some do not. I was decidedly among those who did not. However, Quake requires it, more or less. Your audio game doesnt, of course.Walls giving off sound, as Dark says, has tended to frustrate. You might like to use a contact sound that is played directionally as the player touches and scrapes along the walls, one time for every footstep, or as the player comes close to them, rather than a constant sound. This gives the player immediate feedback and also causes the Distraction to be eliminated triviall
 y while maintaining the environmental effect.Radars are controversial. The most obvious way in which they are controversial is that some players seem to believe that the vibe of an accessible FPS should be as of a mainstream one, where your ears are a substitute for your eyes. Personally, and without wishing to stir up this stinky marsh again, I think that radars are a pragmatic recognition that sight gives, inherently, more complete feedback, more quickly, than the environmental sound of an object. I would truly, truly loved to be proved wrong, but it is how it seems to me. I co-authored AudioQuake and while of course Quake was not designed for the blind, the fact is that even on the horizontal plane people were struggling to aim straight. About the best we could do was limit the angle of the radar, to make things a little bit challenging; even then the rapid beeping was difficult to centre for some people who struggle to orient a high-frequency sound. Still, mak
 e it an option to please both camps.Navigation has been handled in lots of ways, but I think the Easiest of these ways so far has been the earliest, as implemented in Shades Of Doom. Here the maps can be navigated on a 2D grid aligned to the compass directions. You provide controls that snap you to the compass points, and a command to give the facing direction. This of course limits the geometry of the maps and causes freeform movement to be essentially unnecessary except in battles, but if battles are what this is about, then sure, it could work. You can use environmental effects to make the game varied, rather than map geometry. Personally, again, I would very much like to advance the state of play by moving to a freeform model of navigation where the need for explicit What is in the room? and Scan for interesting objects commands are no longer necessary because they inherently limit the map dimensions and what can actually be described, 
 but I accept that this is challenging.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: bradp

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

I agree with the radar. All mainstream FPS games have a minimap. It shows team mates in green or yellow or what ever color and enemy in red. It helps them locate the enemy quicker. and when they aim there guns, some have a scope which allows them to see through certain objects for example windows or even walls with an upgrade.I dont no how hard something like that would be to impliment but I dont like the idea of a constant beaping radar. but I dont no.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: fatih

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

hi,Id certainly play this game. Itd be cool.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: dd

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

the thing with the radar though is that if it was a local option that would mean everyone with it on would have an advantage over everyone who had it off, simply because of the distinct beeping sound it makesthats why I suggest it be made a server side toggle, instead of localURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-11 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

Hi. Interesting thoughts on the game, however I wonder if you have perhaps considdered what has already been done in this area and specifically what sound kews etc have been used. For example, constant environmental wall sounds have tended to be a little more confusing in most games and somewhat irritating, what has been used previously have been a combination of echo sounds and directional sonar. Similarly, enemy detection as Rory said doesnt tend to have to work by a constant sonar which can often make aiming in the game rather too easy. In Swamp for example (probably the most extensive online fps done in sound), you need to hear by enemy footsteps and zombi grunts, Road to rage (which is a pvp focused game), has a similar feature.While ambient noise objects are very useful for environment cluses it is usually better to have these in a corner or similar, as was shown in the game Shades of doom
  by Gma games. Of course there arent that many audio fps games, (I can think of about 5 thus far), however the ones we have have developed some pretty stable methods for audio navigation, especially in Swamp. Perhaps you could considder looking at some of those and the way they work and then going from there to create a unique game.Certainly there is a need for more fps games in audio (heck there is a need for most everything in audio other than space invader clones), however itd obviously be better to build on what has been tried before and thus expand the genre rather than going over old ground again as regards audio detection etc.I really hope development goes well and I look forward to trying the game.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-11 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

Hi.[[wow]], this sounds fantastic! I look forward to hear more about the game.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-11 Thread Forum — New releases room: vlad25

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

hello can you post a link to download this game?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-11 Thread Forum — New releases room: burak

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

Hi, sorry for interrupting but this thread odes not belong to the new releases room because you dont have a public beta yet.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-11 Thread Forum — New releases room: Jonnyboy1991

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

Hello all, I do like the ideas for this game. and I would just like to offer my hosting business to the dev who is thinking about hosting a site for this game. I would be happy, (if you want) to host a server for you for the game, 24/7. and Im not talking about just a server where some people can play, Im talking about, a testing server for all testers or, when the game comes out, a central server for the game. note, my server is up 24/7 so you will not have to worry about it having to go down. let me know what you think about this and if you want to use my services. if you have any questions, add me to skype at (toney1991.)URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Haramir

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

Hey there. I woud try the game for sure. I can not give suggestions though since I dont know what is done and how is the current stuff working besides your description. Ill give you feed back as soon as you direct us to a testing client of some sort.Best regards, Haramir.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Rory

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

Hi. Oh crap this sounds cool! Will there be a chat feature so we can sware at the people who just keep killin us? Lol. Also can you make it output to jaws if possible? I have horrible problems with rtr, and cant get any speech to play. Also when do you think this will be finished? Thanks, rory.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: dd

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

a suggestion, will it be possible to turn the radars on and off surver wide? for the people who dont want it and want the game to have more of a mainstream FPS feel to itI say server wide so that everyone will be on equal footing, so nobody with the radar on will have an advantage over someone with it offURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title Nightfall

2014-04-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: connor142

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

well in my opinian I like having Radars on, I usually work with them in most games which have a Radar. maby just a toggle Setting for the Radar.URL:

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