Re: A game of heart and art

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

He’s got a point


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Re: A game of heart and art

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

No you don't, because you would be dead.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

. I would finish it, but I feel like a drunkard that drank 25 gallons of raw alchahol and 3 litres of liquid nitrogen.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@55 that's not really how this works...But yes, @mata, please more, I really enjoyed these.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2020-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

One day a little boy was walking down the street. He was going to the store to get supplies for his mum.   While on his way to the store, he encountered several boys who looked a year or 2 older. They look completely baffled and confused when they saw him. Looking at him as if he was an alien.One of the boys looked in the little boy's direction, then to his friends and asked why does his skin look like mud?      Continue it from here.I'll finish it up nicely tomorrow.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A game of heart and art

2020-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

One day a little boy was walking down the street. He was going to the store to get supplies for his mum.   While on his way to the store, he encountered several boys who looked a year or 2 older. They look completely baffled and confused when they saw him. Looking at him as if he was an alien.One of the boys looked in the little boy's direction, then to his friends and asked why does his skin look like mud?      Continue it from here.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2020-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

Can we have more rounds please? This topic is absolutely awesome. They should never end


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@Mata, I am working on my submition, it will be a bit longer, but probably no less sad.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@Dark: I really have no idea. I've never heard of the story before until you mentioned it. The rest I know though. And that troll thing you said sounds interesting to me. Definitely gonna check it out. And the thing about billy and nanny is interesting too. I've never been close to any goat farm so I don't know, +there aren't many goat farms in Thailand anyway  since we don't use them much except for milk. (Goat milk becomes a trend now for some reason). Even if there are, cultural differences may make it appear differently. So it's pretty much a new knowledge to me.@Ironcross: indeed the first thing I thought of when I saw trigger warning was that this thing of yours must have been mentally disturbing. And it was. But it's hell of a good emotionally stimulating story. I love dark stuff man, especially this kind (and Dark's first story).@everyone else: round 2 is still going. Feel free to come stimulate your brain and give everyone the window of your creative heart.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

yeah I knew it might be disturbing, that's why I put the trigger warning at the top. I wanted to make sure people would skip over that if they didn't want memories brought to the surface.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

Okay, I've slightly rewritten some of the final section and modified the ending a little. If people want to know where to read from, the stuff just after william  is found is mostly either new or rewritten, the story does what I want a bit better now. @Mataa I did wonder if the three billy goats gruff hadn't made it to Thailand. It's usually a story for very young children, like goldylocks and the three bears, three little pigs  or little red riding hood. As to the goat being a billy,  the gender of William's goat was contingent on the way stud fees work. Generally with farm animals, at least with horses goats and cattle (not sure about pigs), its the owner of the mare or  nanny goat or the cow who has to bring their animals to the owner of the stallian, ram or bull, and then pay a fee for the use of the male. Sometimes, they will agree that the owner of the male animal gets one of the young, sometimes its a financial fee, all this assuming of course that the breeder doesn't have any male animals of their own, or wants to use someone else's to improve the blood line. So, William's goat had to be a nanny, even though the story is about three billy goats, since only a nanny goat would be taken to market to find a billy and then bought home again.As for trolls, well if you want to read awesome trolls, I can highly recommend terry prachett, also in quite another sense Tad Williams memory sorrow and thorn trilogy, though Tad Williams' trolls are more like hobbits.In this case when you said "Hulking appearance" the first thing I thought of was "troll", which obviously then let me to the billy goats gruff .


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

Okay, I've slightly rewritten some of the final section and modified the ending a little. If people want to know where to read from, the stuff just after william  is found is mostly either new or rewritten, the story does what I want a bit better now. @Mataa I did wonder if the three billy goats gruff hadn't made it to Thailand. It's usually a story for very young children, like goldylocks and the three bears, three little pigs  or little red riding hood. As to the goat being a billy,  the gender of William's goat was contingent on the way stud fees work. Generally with farm animals, at least with horses goats and cattle (not sure about pigs), its the owner of the mare or  nanny goat or the cow who has to bring their animals to the owner of the stallian, ram or bull, and then pay a fee for the use of the male. Sometimes, they will agree that the owner of the male animal gets one of the young, sometimes its a financial fee, all this assuming of course that the breeder doesn't have any male animals of their own, or wants to use someone else's to improve the blood line. So, William's goat had to be a nanny, even though the story is about three billy goats, since only a nanny goat would be taken to market to find a billy and then bought home again.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

See? That's why I had quite an assumption that Ironcross had to experience some of that himself...the way he did it was just...of course anyone could come up with that. But to make it as deep as that piece takes more than just the assumption of feelings. It's very, very heartfelt.@Dark: I didn't know about that fairy tale. Need to check it out at some point. I do wonder though. Would the story turn upside down if the goat was actually a billy? And I indeed failed to figure out the merchant's son was Isaac (I forgot his mentioning of his father). But man, one thing you successfully did with this piece was making me like trolls more, lol.You guys are awesome. I wanna see more of these. Anyone who missed the first round and wanna join in this one, feel free. It's still going as long as you guys want to play. There may even be third, forth or fifth round after this one.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@Mata, glad you liked the story. It is actually a retelling of the three billy goats gruff, see The article on wikipedia, though in my version I thought of turning things around by making the troll a nice troll, and slightly playing with the concept of the three goats. this is how the parts of the story connect. In the first story, William lets slip to the troll that he's looking for a goat to "cover" merry bell, his pleading also mirrors that of the youngest goat in the fairy tale. The troll of course has no intention of eating william so essentially just waves him passed, trying to appear non threatening (not to easy when your eight feet tall with huge tusks). William's playing with the idea of female and male is simply because he's about nine and is curious, as well as providing a little humour to the story, plus of course, one cannot have a gender equal medieval society, its a direct contradiction in terms.In the second part, the troll notices Alice and Jacob passing and sees they have a goat, then realises the goat is a nanny not a billy and so simply leaves the couple in peace. alice's realisation about her father was more a disconnected set of effects put together, since she realises that her father, not unlike the troll is a large gruff fellow of few words  who is kinder than he appears(although in the case of Alice's father this is by choice, not because his jaws are just the wrong shape for speaking). Oh and yes, a friend of mine was pregnant a few years ago and so I based some of Alice's experiences on hers, in particular the experience of everybody! thinking they know what is best for the pregnant lady rather than the lady herself (this drove my friend nuts). In the third story, yess, Isaac is a grade A arsehole. Its likely the troll would have tried to pay for Isaac's billy goat had Isaac not been such a git, indeed Isaac attempting to bargain his own life for first Rachel, and then his guards really pissed the troll off, since obviously the troll has no intention of hurting anybody as witness his treatment of rachel.In the fourth part, things come full circle indeed, poor william is tired and has had an awful time and the troll is nice to him, not only providing the stud  merry bell needs, but also treating him kindly and then taking him home. It is also in this story we see the troll has only a herd of nanny goats, so was looking for a billy goat all along, which ties back to William's conversation with Sarah at the beginning of the story.The rich merchant's son mentioned as joining the army was Isaac (remember he kept talking about his father the rich cattle merchant). Isaac wanted to go and blow up the bridge, but when that was not happening, joined the army in a fit of peak.the one mistake I have made in this part, and the thing I want to clarify is that the Troll is actually lonely, and william's friendship with the troll continues later. I'm thinking of adding an extra scene towards the end to make this absolutely clear.As to symbols, well obviously my intention here, apart from reversing an old fairy tale, was not specifically about the literally "hulking" appearance, but to play with the old idea that both beauty and ugliness are skin deep. Everyone is afraid of the troll because of how fiersome it appears, yet animals sense that the troll is really kind. Likewise, alice's parents belief that Jacob is a bad lot because of his profession as a travelling minstrel, when actually he is a man who loves his wife and will do right by her. Lastly, poor rachel has learned that handsome is as handsome does and has got a second chance to rethink her life, if she takes it. Isac might have learned that he's not the dashing man he believes himself to be, and is in fact just as big a thug as the two guards he despises, however he rejects the lesson and just continues on as he is. That is about where symbology and deeper meanings go. To be honest with this one I was more just trying to have fun repurposing an original fairy tale in a new guise, as well as adding some more original characters and writing about a really medieval society.@moaddye glad you liked the story. I'm afraid I'm not really interested in creating Hp or other fanfiction. I did at one point try novelizing the playstation rpg Xenogears, but these days I'm more interested in creating original work than playing in someone else's universe. As I said, I'd love to try and publish professionally, though I want to practice writing short fiction before I try a full scale novel.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@Mata, glad you liked the story. It is actually a retelling of the three billy goats gruff, see The article on wikipedia, though in my version I thought of turning things around by making the troll a nice troll, and slightly playing with the concept of the three goats. this is how the parts of the story connect. In the first story, William lets slip to the troll that he's looking for a goat to "cover" merry bell, his pleading also mirrors that of the youngest goat in the fairy tale. The troll of course has no intention of eating william so essentially just waves him passed, trying to appear non threatening (not to easy when your eight feet tall with huge tusks). William's playing with the idea of female and male is simply because he's about nine and is curious, as well as providing a little humour to the story.In the second, the troll notices Alice and Jacob passing and sees they have a goat, then realises the goat is a nanny not a billy and so simply leaves the couple in peace. alice's realisation about her father was more a disconnected set of effects put together, since she realises that her father, not unlike the troll is a large gruff fellow of few words (although in the case of Alice's father this is by choice, not because his jaws are just the wrong shape for speaking). Oh and yes, a friend of mine was pregnant a few years ago and so I based some of Alice's experiences on hers, in particular the experience of everybody! thinking they know what is best for the pregnant lady rather than the lady herself (this drove my friend nuts). In the third story, yess, Isaac is a grade A arsehole. Its likely the troll would have tried to pay for Isaac's billy goat had Isaac not been such a git, indeed Isaac attempting to bargain his own life for first Rachel, and then his guards really pissed the troll off, since obviously the troll has no intention of hurting anybody as witness his treatment of rachel.In the fourth part, things come full circle indeed, poor william is tired and has had an aweful time and the troll is kind to him, not only providing the stud  merry bell needs, but also treating him kindly and then taking him home. It is also in this story we see the troll has only a herd of nanny goats, so was looking for a billy goat all along, which ties back to William's conversation with Sarah at the beginning of the story.The rich merchant's son mentioned as joining the army was Isaac (remember he kept talking about his father the rich cattle merchant). Isaac wanted to go and blow up the bridge, but when that was not happening, joined the army in a fit of peak.the one mistake I have made in this part, and the thing I want to clarify is that the Troll is actually lonely, and william's friendship with the troll continues later. I'm thinking of adding an extra scene towards the end to make this absolutely clear.As to symbols, well obviously my intention here, apart from reversing an old fairy tale, was not specifically about the literally "hulking" appearance, but to play with the old idea that both beauty and ugliness are skin deep. Everyone is afraid of the troll because of how fiersome it appears, yet animals sense that the troll is really kind. Likewise, alice's parents belief that Jacob is a bad lot because of his profession as a travelling minstrel, when actually he is a man who loves his wife and will do right by her. Lastly, poor rachel has learned that handsome is as handsome does and has got a second chance to rethink her life, if she takes it. Isac might have learned that he's not the dashing man he believes himself to be, and is in fact just as big a thug as the two guards he despises, however he rejects the lesson and just continues on as he is. That is about where symbology and deeper meanings go. To be honest with this one I was more just trying to have fun repurposing an original fairy tale in a new guise, as well as adding some more original characters.@moaddye glad you liked the story. I'm afraid I'm not really interested in creating Hp or other fanfiction. I did at one point try novelizing the playstation rpg Xenogears, but these days I'm more interested in creating original work than playing in someone else's universe. As I said, I'd love to try and publish professionally, though I want to practice writing short fiction before I try a full scale novel.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@Ironcross, glad you like. Btw, I'm afraid I found your offering quite disturbing, I know someone who had experiences literally like that with much the same effects you describe.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@Mata, glad you liked the story. It is actually a retelling of the three billy goats gruff, see The article on wikipedia, though in my version I thought of turning things around by making the troll a nice troll, and slightly playing with the concept of the three goats. this is how the parts of the story connect. In the first story, William lets slip to the troll that he's looking for a goat to "cover" merry bell, his pleading also mirrors that of the youngest goat in the fairy tale. The troll of course has no intention of eating william so essentially just waves him passed, trying to appear non threatening (not to easy when your eight feet tall with huge tusks). William's playing with the idea of female and male is simply because he's about nine and is curious, as well as providing a little humour to the story.In the second, the troll notices Alice and Jacob passing and sees they have a goat, then realises the goat is a nanny not a billy and so simply leaves the couple in peace. alice's realisation about her father was more a disconnected set of effects put together, since she realises that her father, not unlike the troll is a large gruff fellow of few words (although in the case of Alice's father this is by choice, not because his jaws are just the wrong shape for speaking). Oh and yes, a friend of mine was pregnant a few years ago and so I based some of Alice's experiences on hers, in particular the experience of everybody! thinking they know what is best for the pregnant lady rather than the lady herself (this drove my friend nuts). In the third story, yess, Isaac is a grade A arsehole. Its likely the troll would have tried to pay for Isaac's billy goat had Isaac not been such a git, indeed Isaac attempting to bargain his own life for first Rachel, and then his guards really pissed the troll off, since obviously the troll has no intention of hurting anybody as witness his treatment of rachel.In the fourth part, things come full circle indeed, poor william is tired and has had an aweful time and the troll is kind to him, not only providing the stud  merry bell needs, but also treating him kindly and then taking him home. It is also in this story we see the troll has only a herd of nanny goats, so was looking for a billy goat all along, which ties back to William's conversation with Sarah at the beginning of the story.William's The rich merchant's son mentioned as joining the army was Isaac (remember he kept talking about his father the rich cattle merchant). Isaac wanted to go and blow up the bridge, but when that was not happening, joined the army in a fit of peak.the one mistake I have made in this part, and the thing I want to clarify is that the Troll is actually lonely, and william's friendship with the troll continues later. I'm thinking of adding an extra scene towards the end to make this absolutely clear.As to symbols, well obviously my intention here, apart from reversing an old fairy tale, was not specifically about the literally "hulking" appearance, but to play with the old idea that both beauty and ugliness are skin deep. Everyone is afraid of the troll because of how fiersome it appears, yet animals sense that the troll is really kind. Likewise, alice's parents belief that Jacob is a bad lot because of his profession as a travelling minstrel, when actually he is a man who loves his wife and will do right by her. Lastly, poor rachel has learned that handsome is as handsome does and has got a second chance to rethink her life, if she takes it. Isac might have learned that he's not the dashing man he believes himself to be, and is in fact just as big a thug as the two guards he despises, however he rejects the lesson and just continues on as he is. That is about where symbology and deeper meanings go. To be honest with this one I was more just trying to have fun repurposing an original fairy tale in a new guise, as well as adding some more original characters.@moaddye glad you liked the story. I'm afraid I'm not really interested in creating Hp or other fanfiction. I did at one point try novelizing the playstation rpg Xenogears, but these days I'm more interested in creating original work than playing in someone else's universe. As I said, I'd love to try and publish professionally, though I want to practice writing short fiction before I try a full scale novel.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@dark epic. What else to say really.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@Mata, glad you liked the story. It is actually a retelling of the three billy goats gruff, see The article on wikipedia, though in my version I thought of turning things around by making the troll a nice troll, and slightly playing with the concept of the three goats. this is how the parts of the story connect. In the first story, William lets slip to the troll that he's looking for a goat to "cover" merry bell, his pleading also mirrors that of the youngest goat in the fairy tale. The troll of course has no intention of eating william so essentially just waves him passed, trying to appear non threatening (not to easy when your eight feet tall with huge tusks). William's playing with the idea of female and male is simply because he's about nine and is curious, as well as providing a little humour to the story.In the second, the troll notices Alice and Jacob passing and sees they have a goat, then realises the goat is a nanny not a billy and so simply leaves the couple in peace. alice's realisation about her father was more a disconnected set of effects put together, since she realises that her father, not unlike the troll is a large gruff fellow of few words (although in the case of Alice's father this is by choice, not because his jaws are just the wrong shape for speaking). Oh and yes, a friend of mine was pregnant a few years ago and so I based some of Alice's experiences on hers, in particular the experience of everybody! thinking they know what is best for the pregnant lady rather than the lady herself (this drove my friend nuts). In the third story, yess, Isaac is a grade A arsehole. Its likely the troll would have tried to pay for Isaac's billy goat had Isaac not been such a git, indeed Isaac attempting to bargain his own life for first Rachel, and then his guards really pissed the troll off, since obviously the troll has no intention of hurting anybody as witness his treatment of rachel.In the fourth part, things come full circle indeed, poor william is tired and has had an aweful time and the troll is kind to him, not only providing the stud  merry bell needs, but also treating him kindly and then taking him home The merchant's son mentioned as joining the army was Isaac (remember he kept talking about his father the rich cattle merchant). Isaac wanted to go and blow up the bridge, but when that was not happening, joined the army in a fit of peak.the one mistake I have made in this part, and the thing I want to clarify is that the Troll is actually lonely, and william's friendship with the troll continues later.As to symbols, well obviously my intention here, apart from reversing an old fairy tale, was not specifically about the "hulking" appearence, but to play with the old idea that beauty is skin deep. Everyone is afraid of the troll because of how fiersome it appears, yet animals sense that the troll is really kind. likewise, alice's parents belief that Jacob is a bad lot because of his profession as a travelling minstrel, when actually he is a man who loves his wife and will do right by her. Lastly, poor rachel has learned that handsome is as handsome does and has got a second chance to rethink her life, if she takes it. Isac might have learned that he's not the dashing man he believes himself to be, and is in fact just as big a thug as the two guards he despises, however he rejects the lesson and just continues on as he is. That is about where symbology and deeper meanings go. To be honest with this one I was more just trying to have fun repurposing an original fairy tale in a new guise, as well as adding some characters and locations. @moaddye glad you liked the story. I'm afraid I'm not really interested in creating Hp or other fanfiction. I did at one point try novelizing the playstation rpg Xenogears, but these days I'm more interested in creating original work than playing in someone else's universe. As I said, I'd love to try and publish professionally, though I want to practice writing short fiction before I try a full scale novel.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

No, I actually haven't experienced anything like that or know anyone who has.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

Alright, this is gonna be quite a long comment, given how long the story was:@dark:All I have to say is, this is one hell of an incredible lighthearted fairy tale, connected in a way I myself could never imagine at first glance.Here's the comment, written story after story just so you can see how I struggled to connect the pieces:The first:Oh god dark, I love how you made the character try to define "banging" and "female" at the beginning of the first story. It's interesting. There's also something that, again, reminds me of female expectation in most of the society. You sure like this kinda stuff huh. And the way you play with "noble, un-noble" is something that got me smiling too. Nice one there.But you know what's the best? You got me nailed right at the last few paragraphs. You demonstrated quite a strong point of when people are pushed over the edge because of fear and just give up everything for the sake of survival. It's something I personally don't like, but it does happen. And the ending...oh my god the ending! While I expected something like that, I didn't expect to see only a mere gesture from a small troll clarify the entire story. That's one assumption I got wrong there. It left me wonder though:Would william stop being afraid of trolls after all this?For the second story:Man, I like how you describe the sick feeling following pregnancy. You're not a female, but you nailed it quite well there. The concept of "the hulking" in this one sounds a bit weird though. Or may be I just didn't fully get it. It sounds kinda similar to the first one. I just have no idea why Alice wants to write to her father after it happened? It has to have something to do with the ungreatful marriage at the beginning of the story, but I can't figure out what. This one gives me the creep though, for real. I was reading til the part of the figure approaching and was like, "Omg wth's gonna happen now!?" Well, you got readers following you right there. Good writer's quality.For the third:By now, I think I'm starting to get what you meant in the second story. It somehow relates to this one, all symbolic, but symbolize differently. Never mind the question above. I think I got it. This one is...sick, not in a sense of blood and gore but the way it's tied to how much of a jerk Isaac is, something I see embedded deeply in the story but can't really explain.For the forth:Boom! So that's how it's connected. I'd been wondering if it'd move on and on and on to new characters, but aparrently no. It ended right where it the same bridge too, answering my question of why the same town was refered to so many times when it wasn't connected, and if William would stop being afraid of trolls at all...This particular troll hides so, so many symbols in it, beneath the obvious "hulking" appearance. And here are some of what I could catch:In the first story, he comes to say there's no need to fear just because he looks like that.In the second story, he comes as a symbol to tell Alice there's nothing to fear or worry, not even her father or mother's insult, for the most hideous can be something far better.In the third, he comes, again, as a symbol, to tell Isaac how much of a jerk he was, which reflected how Isaac saw himself at the beginning of the story. But Isaac's definition of hulking has nothing to do with the troll. The troll, however, turns it upside down by saying in his action, "I don't have to be a brute just because I look like a brute". And there goes Rachel.And in the last one, he comes to sum up the first three and to say, "As long as you're not a jerk, no need to fear", though I bet he wouldn't like William's coward act when he tried to feed his goat to him (but probably backed down because William told him they'd taste like cabbage, probably amused instead).. Man, if only I could have that kind of troll near my house somewhere, I'd probably be the happiest person on earth, lol.I do have one question I couldn't find answer though, and it still leaves me puzzled. If the merchant's son means Alice's son, given how many years have passed, did Jacob change his job or something? What did Alice do after that? How did they become rich? There may be a connection or clue I miss somewhere. But so far, I still can't stop asking.All in all, you combined medieval England and fairy tale uniquely, and your concept of "beneath the hulking" seems similar to what I'd think of in my own novel too. But nothing impresses me as much as how you connected the story. It started full of puzzles and made me ask "what?" until the last chapter. Well done!If you're on your way to publishing, I have no doubt your piece will be picked. You can make something in a way readers just can't stop reading.@Everyone:I myself didn't even expect such good pieces when I first started the game. It was more of a brain squeezing moment to see if anyone could come up with something cool. But look at how many good stories have 

Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@42, loved the story. Hey, Maybe You'd consider creating some hp stories on but anyways. The story is cool, and like the characters tuns.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

Okay, here's my contribution for round 2. this one is a little longer and took me most of the night, but I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out. Its  first attempt at a twisted Neil Gayman style offbeat fairy tale, and it seemed to work fairly well Btw, as before, not looked at anyone else's posts following Mata's suggestion for the subject of this round in post 35, so if I've stood on any toes with this one, my appologies. "What exactly is deep beneath that intimidating, hulking appearance?” 1: William. William was afraid of the troll. Not in the same way he was afraid of James or Daniel, or what his mother would say if he tracked mud onto her newly washed floor, not even the way he was afraid when he saw the thieves bones hanging on the gibbet by the road side, not even the way he was afraid of thunder storms, or of the wolves howling in the winter forest when he was out in the meadow watching merry bell. Trolls were something different, little pieces of the dark beneath the world, well  eight foot tall pieces with razor sharp tusks. Daniel said there was no troll, that it was just some story cooked up to keep the children away from the river, and away from the wild blackberry bushes that grew there, but when William asked Daniel if he’d ever gone down to the old stone bridge and actually looked for the troll, Daniel had just taken a swing at William and told him to shut his gob. Sarah had told him though, he’d been sitting at her feet by the broad stone hearth as she spun, idly weaving reeds into a basket, banned from the evening’s haymaking for some crime or other. She’d taken time off from her usual recitation of the merits of the local boys to tell him how she and Rebecca had once snuck right down to the bridge’s opening, down the steep and slimy river bank beside the wall of pitted and weather worn stones, down to where the bridge’s dark maw opened wet and black, wreathed in straggling grasses and long creepers. “did you see him?” “No, but we heard it, a sort of snuffling, whiffling sound, like a pig snoring, but much deeper and louder.” “And you really think it was him, not the wind.” Sarah tossed her head, nearly dislodging her flowered kerchief and sending her dark plat bobbing. “Why do you say him.” “well, he’s a troll, trolls are always boys.” “don’t be stupid.” Sarah said snippily. “where would little trolls come from.” William frowned down at his half completed basket, poking a thumb through one of the larger holes. “What does that have to do with anything.” “never you mind.” Sarah’s face suddenly flushed pink and she sank into an offended silence punctuated only by the click clack of her spinning wheel.He’d tried asking more questions, but Sarah wouldn’t say anything else, either about the troll, or why having only boy trolls meant there wouldn’t be any more trolls. Of course, that had been last year, and he’d figured out the answer, or rather had overheard Daniel in the barn discussing the matter in detail with James whilst they  watched the antics of the cockerel among the few scrawny hens. He also knew why Sarah had blushed, the whole thing sounded absolutely disgusting to him. He wondered why Daniel and James, and for that matter Rebecca; and even Sarah at times these days, seemed to make so many jokes about it, especially since if his mother or father heard any of them the result was usually a clip round the ear. But that of course brought him back to merry bell, and the troll, and the reason he was now trudging down the long muddy track passed yellowing early autumn hedgerows towards the squat stone shape of the bridge, the glow of a dawn sun not high enough to warm him peering redly across the hills. Merry bell bent her neck to crop at something by the hedge, her shaggy brown white coat trailing on the ground like the hem of an ill-fitting cloak. “don’t do that.” William tugged impatiently on the rope halter, but the goat ignored him, snuffling happily as her jaws worked. William sighed. Stupid goat. Then again he  couldn’t blame her, if he were a nanny goat he certainly wouldn’t want somebody to drag him  to the next town to be,  now what had his father called it, “covered” that was it, by strange goat he didn’t know. “covered.” That was what they called it with goats and horses, Daniel of course had lots of other names for it. The one that disturbed William was “banged.” “Banging” sounded like someone punching something, or hitting with a stick. Wasn’t that what knights were supposed to do with their swords, bang on each other’s armour?But knights didn’t bang girls with their swords, only other knights, and monsters of course. Maybe it was called “banging” when knights killed girl monsters? Idly William scanned the ground, looking for a stick he could turn into a convenient sword as he thought about girl monsters. Did the girl trolls hit people with brooms instead of clubs? Or maybe they were the giants, the ones people said ground 

Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@Ironcross:Your submission had me race my mind all the way back to one of my novel scenes. It's pretty much similar to what you described in yours, though it had nothing to do with sexual assault. (It dealt with another kind of abuse). Man, from your two submissions, I can really say you have a knack for writing something otherworldly, dark or both. You always include either or all of those elements in your pieces, and that' what makes them unique. You see things below the surface, such quality good writers have. Then you make something cool out of it, add your unique elements to it and give it life. All those things can only be found in fine pieces readers say worth reading.Anyway, since we're at the topic of psychological trauma, sexual assault and nightclub life, it makes me kinda wonder if you've witnessed or at least had experience with something related to this yourself, or at least through someone you know. The description in your story is pretty much what a post traumatic stress disorder patient would describe, something I personally do feel and can relate to thanks to my past scars. The way you write gives me the impression that it must be based on something somewhere, and it has to be significant to you too. Heck, even the trauma feels real. You may say it's supposed to be surreal since it's intended that way. But even the best writers have hard time drawing feelings to narrate something they've never felt. Only those who once felt it or something similar to it don't struggle to bring it to light. You seem to have one heck of an interesting life as far as I know. I bet you can go even way, way deeper if need be.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

Trigger Warning! Post begins below this line.___What exactly is deep beneath that intimidating, hulking appearance? I'll tell you, a scared young man, scared witless every single day. Even though it's been 3 years now. You see, back in college, I did what a lot of people do when they get out from underneath their parents' influence for the first time. I went a little nuts with the whole drinking and partying thing. That came to a grinding halt though, and I'll tell you why. I got pretty wasted one night at a bar off campus. There were a group of girls and they were sitting with me at a table. I was having a great time. We'd take turns dancing to the shitty music, but we were so blasted we didn't even realize it was so bad. Anyway, one of them bought me a drink. Hell, who was I to complain? I was a student, I didn't have a lot of money. but yeah, I slammed it back, then started to feel weird. I felt floaty and detached, like I wasn't just drunk anymore, but something else. Alarm bells started ringing in the back of my mind, but my body was so slowed down by the booze that it was just a faint nattering.They said they were going to take me home, which I wasn't about to disagree with, because at that moment, I don't think I could have made it there myself. We go out to the parking lot and pile into one of their cars. I remember blacking out several times on the way, then the streets were wrong. It hit me then that they never even asked me where I lived. Those alarm bells I was talking about earlier? They just got a hell of a lot louder. The only trouble is, I couldn't seem to really move all that well. I tried to talk, but I couldn't even understand myself, it just came out like a murmur. I tried to fight off the panic, and thought that maybe they were just going to take me to their place to sleep things off since I seemed really out of it.We arrive in a small parking lot and pile out, they help carry me, because I can't walk on my own at this point. I am wondering why this feels so wrong, and I'm starting to really panic, which is burning away the inebriation, but not whatever else is going on, which has me very concerned. We make it up three flights of steps, where one of the girls unlocks a door and we all head in. They walk me back a hall into this bedroom, and things become a whole lot less friendly.One of them, a green-eyed brunette ripped my coat off and yanked my shirt up over my head, throwing both on the floor behind me. Another brunette, this one looking kind of butch with short hair, a long nose, brown eyes and gapped front teeth grabs me and throws me on the bed. The third one, a green-eyed dirty blonde undoes my  belt and starts pulling off my pants.My mind is starting to race now, but I really don't feel like myself at all. I'm really starting to panic, and I feel sweat start on my brow and slowly work its way down my cheeks. Now the three women are giggling and taking off all their clothes. God, if I was actually in control of my faculties and got into this situation voluntarily, I would have loved it. I will admit to having the occasional fantasy, but this was no kind of fun.two of them jumped on me, and the toothy brunette started playing with me. No matter what I did though, I couldn't move, I couldn't scream out, I couldn't do anything. I was trapped inside my own mind, but conscious of it all. Then the worst thing happened. My own body betrayed me. She was stroking me, changing up from long, slow strokes to furious fast ones, and I was becoming erect. God only knows I wanted no part of this, so why the hell had my body betrayed me like this?It wasn't long before she had me inside her. I don't wish to become too graphic, but after that, all three of them took turns on me while the other two held me down and laughed. I couldn't even begin to describe what I felt in that moment. It felt like time had slowed down and I was enduring this for far longer than it really took for them to grow tired of me.I remember waking up in an alley somewhere and hailing a taxi home. I was back on campus and in my apartment and it was hard to act like nothing had happened. My room mates slapped me on the back and congratulated me for scoring, while inside, I felt like a piece of me was dead and I was becoming more and more numb.I felt like an empty shell. It was as if the person I was became trapped behind this layer of ice, which is what was acting as I would. I felt myself withdrawing from the world, from my friends and family, the academic process, all of it. Basically I was curling up inside myself, like a turtle into its shell.It wasn't long before people started to notice, but what would I tell them? Could I even tell them? That was the question, and I wasn't sure about the answer.I eventually hit a point where even I knew that I was in bad shape, so I tried to get help for myself in therapy; 

Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@dark: Hey, that''s something I have never thought of before, not until you pointed out that is. I'm kinda use to novel length stuff since I write novels for the most part, but true that about shortstories, or else there wouldn't be billions of creepypastas out there.On to Moaddye's comment:Hey, I didn't expect to see anyone take the prompt and turn it into this without straying far from the surface of the prompt! This is creative. And of course, as with good stories in general, yours is full of puzzles for readers as well. Whether you make it clear or prefer to leave it that way, it depends on how much of the story you want to reveal. But should you do, I can see this being focused on:When did his brother die? It had to be before his mom since she already knew he was made. Or may be he just didn't die at all. He was born and twisted. His existence was only a mere impersonation of someone his family didn't want to count has part of, or even as human. How close with his brother the main character is? It has to be srrained being with a mindless machine, does it?And, if the way he was made is the case...when and why did that happen?There are lots of things to ask in such a short but well narrated paragraph. You're great man. Your usual English on the forum surprised me with this piece. It may be because you had a chance to focus and think things through, which is way different from when you pop on just to post something quick. It's brilliant.


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

"What exactly is deep beneath that intimidating, hulking appearance?" Fred muttered as he glanced at his tall, hulking brother who was hammering at a punching bag with his large, fat fists.His brother was not normal, was not human. His eyes were dull and lifeless, barely blinking. His face was always expressionless. He barely eight, barely spoke. On the rare times he would, his voice would be rusty and grinding, deep and harsh, cold and mercyless. The answer came to him so suddenly, projected into his mind with the voice of his long lost mother, that soft, soothing voice. He remembered nights next to the fire with his mother, playing and laughing. Yet, these days were over. They could no longer play with their mother, not talk to her, not see her face again.'You have to remember, my son. Your brother, he is not human.' His mother had  whispered to him one day. 'He was not born, but made. He is a mindless machine inside a human's dead body.' Even remembering this thought he shivvered, and as he pictured his mother's face staring at him with efection and love a tear fell out of his eye and trickled down his face.He knew nothing. He knew nothing that could be done, nothing that he can do, Livving through this fake seeming reality with no escape but suicide, suicide which people resorted to. Yet he would not fall to that level. He did not want to be judged by anyone, dead or alive. He wanted to destroy, no remove his existance from this world, make everyone forget that he had ever lived, breathed. He stood up from the small bench and ran out of the gym, ran through the streats and around moving cars and people who yelled for him to do something, stop. Yet he would not. He ran and ran until he reached his house, he ran to his bedroom and collapsed onto the bed, howling in rage at everything that had happend to him.EndMy storywriting is very bad and I can't write a good enough story to save my live. unless it's so short and easy that a baby can write it. Quickly written because I gotta go to school. IHS!


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

"What exactly is deep beneath that intimidating, hulking appearance?" Fred muttered as he glanced at his tall, hulking brother who was hammering at a punching bag with his large, fat fists.The answer came to him so suddenly, projected into his mind with the voice of his long lost mother, that soft, soothing voice. He remembered nights next to the fire with his mother, playing and laughing. Yet, these days were over. They could no longer play with their mother, not talk to her, not see her face again.'You have to remember, my son. Your brother, he is not human.' His mother had  whispered to him one day. 'He was not born, but made. He is a mindless machine inside a human's dead body.' Even remembering this thought he shivvered, and as he pictured his mother's face staring at him with efection and love a tear fell out of his eye and trickled down his face.He knew nothing. He knew nothing that could be done, nothing that he can do, Livving through this fake seeming reality with no escape but suicide, suicide which people resorted to. Yet he would not fall to that level. He did not want to be judged by anyone, dead or alive. He wanted to destroy, no remove his existance from this world, make everyone forget that he had ever lived, breathed. He stood up from the small bench and ran out of the gym, ran through the streats and around moving cars and people who yelled for him to do something, stop. Yet he would not. He ran and ran until he reached his house, he ran to his bedroom and collapsed onto the bed, howling in rage at everything that had happend to him.EndMy storywriting is very bad and I can't write a good enough story to save my live. unless it's so short and easy that a baby can write it. Quickly written because I gotta go to school. IHS!


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

Hi.@everyone. I'm going to back out and focus on other things but I just wanted to say this is tuns of fun and deffenetly got me thinking.Have fun 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

@Mata,a the story was never intended to be any longer than planned, As stephen King and others have said, the short story is the purest form of horror, and that especially holds true for kalmic horror, when somebody unpleasant middles in things they can't understand and gets what they deserve. the gender angle was partly there for a bit of humour, but also to prove that women are just as capable of being corporate power hungry scumbags as men, indeed I partly based Kelso on one very unpleasant woman I saw on a program called dragons den, in which people would bring creative projects to some high ranking business financiers for input. speaking of ideas though, I've got your second prompt and have had a thought of a short story to write, a very different one to last time, so thanks for the suggestion, this is fun .


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Re: A game of heart and art

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A game of heart and art

I've updated some rules and details in the first post to clarify some unclear stuff. The second round is opened, and the prompt for this one is:"What exactly is deep beneath that intimidating, hulking appearance?"As always, good luck. The floor is open for any and every who want to comment this time, so it's not just me. One reader's voice can never be enough to make it better, so let's learn and share together.


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