Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

Hi,I’m a big fan of fantasy books. I agree with others who have mentioned the mist born trilogy and wheel of time. The way of kings is good but as someone mentioned a little slow going to start with. The Name of the wind by Patrick  Rothfuss Is another really good book, it’s very well written and although it’s not a fast paced book, it’s really difficult to put down once you start, although be warned with this one the final book in the trilogy hasn’t been written  yet. A friend recommended the Black magician trilogy to me, I hadn’t heard of the book or the author before but enjoyed the books. Since I’m rubbish at writing descriptions I pinched this from online ‘The Black Magician trilogy is a fantasy novel series written by Australian author Trudi Canavan. The books follow a slum-dwelling girl named Sonea who, although born and raised in the slums of Imardin, discovers that she has natural magical abilities usually restricted to the upper classes.’. thanks to everyone for some of the suggestions which have come in I’ll check them out, I also didn’t realise graphical  audio  did a version of mist born I’ll have to check that out, I’ve heard their version of Brandon Sanderson's Alantris. oh, one last book recommendation for those who have read mist born is  ‘mist born, the secret history’, a must read for any fans of the character kelsier from the mist born series.Paul


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

Dresden Files is pretty cool, and there are some really great moments in the series. But it's got some fairly big flaws that keep it off my list of absolute favourites. Also, the first three novels, as narrated by James Marsters (voice of Spike from Buffy if you're interested) are definitely iffy, and even the fourth is questionable. I mean yes, he does a good job to some extent, but he is still learning how to narrate properly, and as such, there are moments when he mutters and mumbles, even just in regular narration, which I find pretty off-putting. He does get much better, however. Dresden is one of those things that's great for a short binge, then kind of makes you want to wash your mouth out a bit. Not because it's bad, it's not; more because you've just had enough for awhile and want something to refresh your palate.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NortheasternGorilla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

I'll keep that in mind with Way of Kings, I'm guilty of having put some good ones down due to the slow build in the past.  I feel that has happened for me because of the narrator from The Last Wish, Andrzej Sapkowski.  In the beginning I had a hard time following him, but I enjoyed the book as I got further in.  That was a few years ago, and I still have Blood of Elves in the backburner.Song of Ice & Fire, looks like Dotrice does the whole series on Audible.  While I'm not familiar with the series, looks like there are a few standalone ones by the same author but narrated by others: … B006K1QER6Dagon looks like a good one.  In the sample on Amazon, the narrator sounds like Nicolas Cage to me: … 0870540394Darkblade I didn't know that graphic audiobooks existed, the sample I heard sounded awesome.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NortheasternGorilla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

I'll keep that in mind with Way of Kings, I'm guilty of having put some good ones down due to the slow build in the past.  Song of Ice & Fire, looks like Dotrice does the whole series on Audible.  While I'm not familiar with the series, looks like there are a few standalone ones by the same author but narrated by others: … B006K1QER6Dagon looks like a good one.  In the sample on Amazon, the narrator sounds like Nicolas Cage to me: … 0870540394Darkblade I didn't know that graphic audiobooks existed, the sample I heard sounded awesome.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NortheasternGorilla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

I'll keep that in mind with Way of Kings, I'm guilty of having put some good ones down due to the slow build in the past.  Song of Ice & Fire, looks like Dotrice does the whole series on Audible.  While I'm not familiar with the series, looks like there are a few standalone ones by the same author but narrated by others: … B006K1QER6Dagon looks like a good one.  In the sample on Amazon, the narrator sounds like Nicolas Cage to me: … 0870540394


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : darkblade 98 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

Hi.I like my high and epic fantasy so my tastes may be different than yours. I personally quite enjoy the lightbringer saga, but be warned it does have strong language and a fair amount of sexual content in it. But, if you can get past that, then it's excellent.also, elantris , and the mistborn books by Brandon Sanderson. I highly suggest the graphic audio versions of these books, although the audible versions are good too.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

Man, nobody's mentioned The Dresden Files yet? Also H. P. Lovecraft, though I can't recommend narrators. If you're at all signed up for NLS in the US try "Dagon and Other Macabre Tales", narrated by Gordon Gould, he's awesome. Other than that, check out Audible and pick a narrator you like.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

Warhammer is not personally my cup of tea, but I know a lot of people who love that sort of thing.Way of Kings is read by the same husband-and-wife narration team as Wheel of Time. They're older, and you can tell a little (or I can), but they don't sound like they're ninety or anything. Way of Kings has a slow build - some of Sanderson's novels are known for this - and you're going to find yourself yanked from character to character a little bit. This puts some people off. But if you get past that for the first bit, it definitely starts to pick up. Only real down side: there are only three books in this series so far, and it's supposed to be a long series. It gets extremely epic (by which I mean that by the end of the third book, a lot of the main characters are ridiculously strong, so I'm not sure what Sanderson's going to do with it).Incidentally, I have always wanted to read A Song of Ice and Fire, but I absolutely cannot stand Roy Dotrice for longer than about fifteen minutes, and from personal experience I know he gets worse after the first book (which I did manage to finish). Are there any other options for reading this series with a decent narrator, or is it pretty much Dotrice or bust?


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NortheasternGorilla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

A lot of stuff I want to check out here after checking out the samples. I actually have a book by Brandon Sanderson in my library, but have not listened to it yet.  Called Way of Kings, was a recommendation from my brother.  I would like to hear a husband & wife narration team.  Looks like Eye of the World comes with an interview with the author too, and that's cool.Defender I have actually never heard a full cast audiobook, that sounds pretty awesome.Hell Divers and Dragon's Path sound right up my alley too.   I added a bunch of these books to my Audible wishlist.  Has anyone ever checked out any of the Warhammer books?  I've been interested for a while because whenever I see a new Warhammer game come out, I want to understand more of the lore behind this universe.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

I particularly like full cast (Multiple voice actors high quality sound effects and music tracks) audiobooks and audio dramas.I particularly like the DC and Marvel novels done by the company graphic audio, Though they also do some pretty great fantasy and sci-fi titles to… such as the night angel trilogy end The Vatta's war series. they also have some pretty well done Brandon Sanderson titles, Like mistborn or warbreaker. that's just scratching the surface though, they also do a lot of westerns and other fantasy titles by different authors. The nice thing is that they allow you to listen to an excerpt of the book before choosing to for audio dramas (well) there are a lot of good ones to choose from, but I think edict0FIS, ars paradoxica, and we're alive have been my favorite so far.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

I particularly like forecast audiobooks and audio dramas.I particularly like the DC and Marvel novels done by the company graphic audio, Though they also do some pretty great fantasy and sci-fi titles to… such as the night angel trilogy end The Vatta's war series. they also have some pretty well done Brandon Sanderson titles, Like mistborn or warbreaker. that's just scratching the surface though, they also do a lot of westerns and other fantasy titles by different authors. The nice thing is that they allow you to listen to an excerpt of the book before choosing to for audio dramas (well) there are a lot of good ones to choose from, but I think edict0FIS, ars paradoxica, and we're alive have been my favorite so far.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

My favorite book is Ready Player one


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

i usually listen to audio dramas, horer fiction  books,  2 of my favorit books about zombies from audible wich i listened to are the zombie attack series, i listen to some Stephen King  books to but not that much, and i also love  Harry Potter, got in to that last year and i like it,   a cide from audio books i also read science  books  and listen to   film documentaries on the tv


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

I just finnished a series called hell divers by Nicholas Sansbury Smith. I enjoyed them a lot I must say.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

i'm fan of action films for blinds, I don't know how to call them, a group of films that someone tells whats happening inside itwatch taken 1, 2, and 3


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

My tastes may not be your own, but here are a few standouts:1. Tananarive Due - The Good HouseSort of a family story, with a lot of Haitian vodoo tossed in. It's well-written, and the characterization is excellent. Robin Miles, the narrator, is one of my favourites.2. N.K. Jemisin - The Fifth SeasonMostly fantasy, but with a touch of sci-fi tossed in. It's sort of post-apocalyptic. Has great representation, is written extremely well, and has a great story. Robin Miles again.3. Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson - The Wheel of TimeBuckle up, it's a series of fourteen books, and most of them are pretty long. It's more traditional high/epic fantasy, gets wordy in places, but is pretty good at sucking you into the world and its politics. Michael Cramer and Kate Reading are an amazing narration tag-team, and they are (or were, at least) married, so that's neat.4. Stephen King - MiseryThis one is one of King's middle books, and it shows. It's pretty tight, moves quickly, but has a claustrophobic feel that some people have trouble with. It's nearly the worst-case scenario about what would happen to you if a crazy "number 1 fan" saved your life. Lindsey Crouse does an excellent job here; her narration itself is kind of flat, but her character voices are excellent, and really make this one pop.5. Thomas Harris - The Silence of the LambsYou'd be hard pressed to find a better thriller. Harris writes with exquisite detail, and Lechter is straight-up creepy. Harris doesn't lay it on too thick, and the interplay between protagonist Clarice Starling and Lechter, while Starling tries to help solve a different case, definitely jacks up the tension. Better yet, it's read by Frank Muller who, in this stage of his life, had a broody, sort of soft-spoken quality to his narration. He's very detail-oriented and is just generally a fun, easy listen.6. Daniel Abraham - The Dagger and the CoinThis is a five-book series with excellent characterization, solid but slightly slow-ish plot and a good, slow burn. It's fantasy, but the quieter sort; yes, there is magic, but no, it's not center stage for most of the series. Pete Bradbury narrates this, and if you can get past the fact that he sounds like he always has a slight cold - his voice is rather nasal - he is an excellent narrator.7. Dean Koontz - Odd ThomasJust the first book, though, as it can serve as a standalone. If I were you, I'd try very hard to forget that there are other books in the series, as they just go downhill from there. This first book is a first-person account of a man living in southern California who can see and, to some extent, interact with the dead. It's more a thriller than a horror novel, and Koontz's tendency to be overly wordy and clever in places does hurt it a bit. But despite that, this book packs a good punch, and the narrator, David Aaron Baker, is, in my estimation, perfect for Odd, the titular character. Baker's voice is slightly raspy, but he varies his pitch, speed and inflection perfectly; he never feels awkward, and so his voice is very easy to listen to.8. Joe Hill - HornsThis one is a fun, wild ride. It's definitely something of a horror story, but there's a tender streak in it. Ig Parish wakes one morning to discover that he has inexplicably grown horns (don't worry, it's sort of explained later); suddenly, people around him are confessing their deepest, darkest secrets and desires, and around Ig, their inhibitions are such that they often feel compelled to try and act on them. The book is interspersed with flashbacks to catch us up to speed on how we got here. Hill's characters are sometimes enigmatic, often nasty, always flawed; if you're looking for something comfy and easy, this isn't it. It'll make you squirm, and not necessarily in a good way. Fred Burman narrates, and while he's not my absolute favourite, he does a great job here. If you like Joe Hill in general, any of his other novels would probably be worth a listen. Kate Mulgrew (the voice of Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager) narrates two of them (The Fireman and Nos4A2), and while she's loud and sometimes harsh, she's very good at what she does.Okay, that's enough out of me for awhile.


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mechaSkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

I love books like the maze Runner and many Stephen King books. I just finished a Stephen King book called Mr. Mercedes


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Re: Favorite Audiobooks

2020-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Audiobooks

Hi.I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and have both the Stephen Fry and Jim dale versions.


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