Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@37, They both seem to have nearly the same meaning. Just written differently


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

The definition I found told me otherwise, that's why I askedAccording to thisArchaic means:" wrote:If you use the adjective archaic you are referring to something outmoded, belonging to an earlier period. The adjective archaic means something that belongs to an earlier or antiquated time. It can also mean something that is outdated but can still be found in the present and therefore could seem out of place. The word comes from archaic (i.e., ancient) Greek, archaikos, and literally means "from Classical Greek culture," though its meaning has broadened as it's been used in English.Perhapps this is what you intended in the first place.  I apologize if so.I swear I was genuinely confused, I didn't mean to go off topic.Thanks.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

The definition I found told me otherwise, that's why I askedAccording to thisArchaic means:" wrote:If you use the adjective archaic you are referring to something outmoded, belonging to an earlier period. The adjective archaic means something that belongs to an earlier or antiquated time. It can also mean something that is outdated but can still be found in the present and therefore could seem out of place. The word comes from archaic (i.e., ancient) Greek, archaikos, and literally means "from Classical Greek culture," though its meaning has broadened as it's been used in English.Perhapps this is what you intended in the first place.  I apologize if not.I swear I was genuinely confused, I didn't mean to go off topic.Thanks.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

The definition I foudn told me otherwise, that's why I askedAccording to thisArchaic means:" wrote wrote:If you use the adjective archaic you are referring to something outmoded, belonging to an earlier period. The adjective archaic means something that belongs to an earlier or antiquated time. It can also mean something that is outdated but can still be found in the present and therefore could seem out of place. The word comes from archaic (i.e., ancient) Greek, archaikos, and literally means "from Classical Greek culture," though its meaning has broadened as it's been used in English.Perhapps this is what you intended in the first place.  I apologize if not.I swear I was genuinely confused, I didn't mean to go off topic.Thanks.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@32Amerikranian wrote:Is it seldom used, known by few, yet still correct -- the definition of archaic?The appositive in this sentence renames the definition to a singular adjective: archaic. As such, everything before the two dashes is the implied description


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

BGT should give you an overview of how limited it is, if to learn it you are forced to either:1. read the manual, which may be an issue for non native english speakers.2. Read Open source projects that weren't meant to be open sourced in the first place and that will just teach you bad habits and wrong practices.3. Read leaked codebases, which will make your life even more difficult since the codebase is big, there's most likely no documentation for it, and the same points that apply for point 2.While in a mainstream language, what you can do is as simple as searching on google.There are lot of books, I'm sure that if one will give you a hard time, you still have other 10 tousands options around.There are lot of questions on stackoverflow or elsewhere that will answer errors which you might encounter. it's simply a matter of copying your error, pasting it in the search box and pressing enter.And of course, there are open source projects, but this time, that are also designed  to be easy for beginners to read and understand.Not to mention that you are not limited to ask questions you have on here because here is the only place that knows the language that you're using, BGT I'm looking at you. I'm sure that people could go on for a day telling you what the advantages to learning a mainstream language is, but I hope you do get the idea.PS:@30 Please define archaic


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@33  the rest of my message wasn't directed at him, but I was probably unclear. I'll edit it.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : masonasons via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

I definitely do not recommend reading any of my old open sourced BGT projects, hell a lot of that stuff was open sourced only for the sake of open sourcing it. Don't ask, my 15 year old brain thought it was an amazing idea. Trust me, even looking at newer, more modern me BGT code in comparison to new modern me Python code makes me cringe.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@32Amerikranian is anti-BGT already. Most people on this thread are. Even blindLightning knows this is a bad idea.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@30 Please define archaicAlso, BGT should give you an overview of how limited it is, if to learn it you are forced to either:1. read the manual, which may be an issue for non native english speakers.2. Read Open source projects that weren't meant to be open sourced in the first place and that will just teach you bad habits and wrong practices.3. Read leaked codebases, which will make your life even more difficult since the codebase is big, there's most likely no documentation for it, and the same points that apply for point 2.While in a mainstream language, what you can do is as simple as searching on google.There are lot of books, I'm sure that if one will give you a hard time, you still have other 10 tousands options around.There are lot of questions on stackoverflow or elsewhere that will answer errors which you might encounter. it's simply a matter of copying your error, pasting it in the search box and pressing enter.And of course, there are open source projects, but this time, that are also designed  to be easy for beginners to read and understand.Not to mention that you are not limited to ask questions you have on here because here is the only place that knows the language that you're using, BGT I'm looking at you. I'm sure that people could go on for a day telling you what the advantages to learning a mainstream language is, but I hope you do get the idea.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@29Strings for directions is fine as long as they're behind constants.  Both the Python and the JS people do the moral equivalent to:const LEFT = "left";@30Archaic implies that the issue is age and that it's otherwise fine, for example how no one knows APL or Cobol anymore.  I'm going to have to go with wrong, if I'm going to try to pick an adjective.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

I wasn't attempting to provide an accurate example from the code (I do not have it anymore), but rather the style in which it was written (I remember it extremely well). In regards to the code being archaic, we will have to disagree on that. Are you correct in saying that such writing illustrates the lack of understanding? Yes. Is it seldom used, known by few, yet still correct -- the definition of archaic? Yes.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

It was actuallyiif(facing=="left"==false)Ever heard of eitherif (!facing == "left")orif (facing != "left")Oh yeah. Also don't use strings for directions. That's... Dangerous.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

If you ever see code like:// This function deletes files
void delete_files(String path)Where the comment says what the obviously named function does, run far away.  The rest of the code will suck, I don't even have to see it to tell you that.  This attachment to comments isn't about good code, it's about not yet having become able to think without translating everything to English, and anyone at that stage isn't going to be able to write good code.  There's nothing wrong with being at that stage, but if you're going around specifically seeking code like that out, you're seeking out bad code.  Good code only comments when things are surprising, for example if the above function creates a file because you're 6 weeks in and there was no choice for some reason.@24If that if statement is a real example, it's not archaic, it's code by a programmer who didn't yet understand how booleans and if statements work.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

It's just a trend for lots of new programmers in general, but it's exacerbated by BGT not teaching you the good practices that other programming books will teach you.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

When even the author himself says the code is messy... . I used to talk to Mason on the daily, and he said to me, multiple times, do, not read that shit. It will make you want to rip your ears off. Although, I could say the same for the ShooterXT source, so... I guess it's a BGT trend .


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

When even the author himself says the code is messy... . I used to talk to Mason on the daily, and he said to me, multiple times, do, not read that shit. It will make you want to rip your ears off. Although, I could say the same for the ShooterXT source, so...


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

Hey there,I am going to both help and backpedal a bit here. Let's start with the former first.A few months ago I published a thing that was aimed at the advanced beginner. It would teach you classes and things. It can be found on this forum page: … me-in-bgt/Now, to backpedal. I do not recommend anyone use bgt these days. Honestly, while I can see just why people still love it, hell even I still like the concept but I'm sorry guys it's really time to move on.There are various security issues in the current version of bgt that, if used, make your game open to attacks. Seriously, if I wanted to, I could decrypt pretty much 60 percent of all the sounds in bgt games in about an hour, without even knowing your 2048 character key. But I won't.Plus there's the hole every antivirus program ever picks it up as malware thing, which is really bad. I'm embarrassed all my current games do it, but there's really nothing I can do about it on the product side apart from recode them.If your really serious about programming bgt makes an ok stepping stone that you should, ideally, move on from once you get the concepts of programming. Because let me tell you, there's a hell of a lot more to programming than bgt will ever teach you. That's not to say I know everything, because I don't.The 18 year old me would be punching the current me for saying this guys but really. Bgt had it's time, it's not aging well, hell it's not even available from it's official source anymore.Do yourself a favor, find a way more mainstream language and run with it. I promise you if you put in the effort, it will be returned beyond immeasurable extremes. Who here can honestly tell me they've been hired because they know bgt alone?


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@monkey999, that is one of the problems with this code. You do not need to tell me that show_game_window shows a game window or that the main function starts the script. There are comments, and there is being excessive. The project is on the latter side of the spectrum.Combine that with the fact of using global variables all over the place and having no clue about what files can modify, and you really have a problem on your hands.Combine that with most of the code being in the main loop and lacking utilization of proper classes (they're more like structs -- glorified bags of data) and you suddenly realize that refactoring code is going to be a pain.Combine that with the fact that the if statements look extremely archaic (if(1+1==2==true)) and the code will most likely confuse a beginner.I'm sure I'm missing things. To be clear, I am not condemning Tunmi's habits, I have some bad practices of my own, but I am cautioning you and saying that you should not learn from such a resource.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@monkey999, that is one of the problems with this code. You do not need to tell me that show_game_window shows a game window or that the main function starts the script. There are comments, and there is being excessive. The project is on the latter side of the spectrum.Combine that with the fact of using global variables all over the place and having no clue about what files can modify, and you really have a problem on your hands.Combine that with most of the code being in the main loop and lacking utilization of proper classes (they're more like structs -- glorified bags of data) and you suddenly realize that refactoring code is going to be a pain.Combine that with the fact that the if statements look extremely archaic (if(1+1==2==true) and the code will most likely confuse a beginner.I'm sure I'm missing things. To be clear, I am not condemning Tunmi's habits, I have some bad practices of my own, but I am cautioning you and saying that you should not learn from such a resource.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

I think this source code is the best for learning bgt we have right now, because he added comments to make you understand everything.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@16thankyou@19, @20, @21yes i do agree with you.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

Save yourself the headache and do not look at the code linked in Post 17. It is archaic and overall messy.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

Good code doesn't need comments, but evne the newer people on here are saying that's bad code, which is probably the real problem.You won't find well-written BGT games that are open source.  Everyone moved on because once you know enough programming to code well, BGT has nothing left to offer you and it's easier to just get out of it.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@17, isn't that hella messy?


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@blindlightning the source is not commented because it was not mend for code learning and only open sourced like 2-3 years later.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

You might want to have a look at the shooter extreme sourcecode made by tunmi.If you use some code in your own project, you will have to credit Tunmi.get it from here: … 4808923042


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@bhanuponguruCool story bro.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

i din't start with bgt. i started with c and c++ a basic knowledge and i wen't to python. then i did bgt but i don't liked it and i hate it. that's why i left and moved back to python again. now i am a python lover


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : blindLightning via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

I have looked at mason’s open source stuff and no commenting. It is horrifying lol


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

The extra crap didn't help, but he made the valid point that Mason's projects suck and optimally shouldn't be used. But there are really none better. *shrugs*


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

@3and where did that help the question or bring the user further?@11 they can be found on


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

I don't know where to get them anymore so if someone links them I'll have a look, but as I remember they also kind of suck and are also pretty simple.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

Nobody ever mentiions the Blastbay opensourced collection of games.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

People have already suggested Masons opensource projects, but others have helped more by saying don't use those because they suck. Back when I was learning BGT, Mason's projects were not opensource, so I did things my own way. They ended up similarly messy, but I think it was for the better that I wrote my own shitty code and realized it was shitty.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

mason's projects are actualy kind of a mess, but i'm sure it has every thing you need in order to program. i'm sure all the games make use of functions, classes or objects to some extent, sounds and so on. try them and let us know if you need any further asistance.Remember, we all use to start from BGT to come to where we are. well not all of us, but the most of us...


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

at everyoneinstead of hitting bgt and its users, help themthis was the way that most of you started with, somason's open source projects can help you at1


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

in my openion i hate, it means i really hate bgt.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : blindLightning via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

alright guys, thanks any way


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

Yeah, you're going to have trouble finding stuff.  BGT was also from a time where the community didn't share much.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

No. Mason's open source things are a mess. So are most BGT projects. BGT teaches bad habits, E.G., no indentation. Plus, it's virtually dead now.


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Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

you have a look at mason's open src games.


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : aryamansingh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

what! python is used in game creation? fantastic! I have been learning python in school for almost a year but I didn't gather up the currage to ask my teachers whether python is used in games or not. I just kept guessing in my mind that it might have been used in the game creation but I was not sure at all. I should have asked my teachers but you know, how difficult it is for a teenager like me to gather the currage to ask anything


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

I can see what you mean, since that was the main problem I had when switching over. I loved the BGT docs and I wanted something that would explain it in very good detail. I finally downloaded think python and I used that one. As for which language is more easier? Well, I can say python is easier but you can't just go somewhere, download a python codebase, and press enter on and expect everything to just click and load. You will have to learn how to collect packages for certain codebases, packages to do differnet things like accessible output2 for speech, soundlib for sounds, and pygame for keyboard handling.


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

Hi Tunmi! As a beginer programmer I can relate to you perfectly. When I first started learning bgt, I was like, what? This is too hard! Then one day, on the day I started roryboxing in fact, the coding just clicked, bang, one day I couldn't do it, the next I was cruising along just fine. Dive right in mate, that's what really helps. Just see a bit of code, try to write some of your own, and see how it works. You'll get it all very soon, I know you will. just keep trying and you'll be rewarded.


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : tunmi13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

Hi,@post 6: All right, I'll give it another go.@post 7: Um, I don't copy and paste...


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

This kind of thing isn't cemented until you practice it. So, instead of reading the manual and saying you don't understand it, write the code out. Write it, do not copy and paste, because then you know it will work and have therefore, learned nothing in the process. You need to go through your trials and tribulations period like everyone else. Yes, it's frustrating in the extreme when nothing seems to work, that's programming. Beginners can't get code to run, professionals though, their code runs but there might be bugs buried way deep down they need to find and eliminate, so while in part it gets easier, it really doesn't. Programming is a very exact and exacting science.The computer is dumb, it really can't make decisions, it does what you tell it, and only what you tell it, and sometimes the beginner programmer doesn't understand what they're telling the computer to do. An example is:int bullets = 7;if (reload_complete){  bullets == 7;}OK, that's not real code or even good code, but it demonstrates a point. Look at the double equal sign, which means test equality of. What that meant to do was set bullets to 7. bullets == 7 is an _expression_ that would evaluate to true or false.


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

The bgt manual is one of the clearest programming introduction guides available. Keep using the code, modify the code, predict what it will do, then run it, compare results. Learning programming is not for everyone and laborious, but for me at least, there was a moment when suddenly things began to click and I understood why things were done the way they were. Also, regarding the choice of programming language, don't bother just yet. Just learn something, and if that's bgt, that's fine. Just know that in the long run you might want to switch to something like python or c# or _javascript_ (electron) or something else completely, since those are also used by mainstream developers and hence have a much wider support comunity. If you need to ask a bgt question, you need to use this forum. If you have a python question, throw it in google and it'll have been asked a hundred times and have good answers.


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : tunmi13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

@ivan_sotoDo you think Python will be easier to learn then BGT? Or are you saying that as a suggestion?@ironcross32What I mean is, I feel like it expects you to know things in quick succession. The details are there, but not the full extent to them. I just feel like the manual starts throwing concepts out at you without laying a good base first before stacking things on top of it.


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

yeah learn python, but seriously, how can you accuse the manual of being vague? Like, that manual is a damn good manual... so, I'm confused. Like, it explains things in very fine detail.


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Nepali gamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

Ok sir, where can i get the tutorial of python. and also, how we can make games from python?


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Re: Learning BGT

2019-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning BGT

Don't learn BGT,learn python python python!


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