Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hi.While this is not really my kind of thing, Ill say thanks a lot for such an awesome description of the website and system in the first post. I really enjoy reading great descriptions of things. A big thumbs up for that. URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

@zkline: I would think using a third party system would be kind of limiting, wouldnt it? I mean, when you start the game, you honestly have no idea if youre going to be playing a fantasy with elves and superheroes, or a space game with ninjas and pirates, or what. So either you would have to decide what RPG system youre going to use after starting the game, or limit your options by pre-deciding your genre and setting, to make it fit the system youre using.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hi all,So Ive done some more with this little adventure thing.Where we last left off, our nameless hero found himself falling, with an arachnid landing on him! He was bitten, but did he survive?Yes.This pain is still shooting through my body. Could this paracite also infect Humans?No, but...from what Ive read, the pain could last quite some time.Great. It would seem that things are as I feared. Perhaps I am, indeed, dispensable. This backpack, provided to me back at home office, only containing ammoe suitable for the most basic of foe. Could there be a conspiracy going on here?Yes.It would stand to reason that an infiltration may have occured. I must get help!Did my backpack land nearby?No, but...It would seem the backpack would be around here somewhere.Can I stand?Yes.Somehow, I manage to clamber to my feet. Taking a look around, I see no sign of the Arachnid that bit m
 e.I feel relief wash over me. But then I see something.Get Thing: Confidential files.Just my luck! All of my paperwork, in a jumbled heap!However, I realize this could work to my advantage.I rummage through the paperwork. Do I notice something that wasnt there before?No, but...I see the familiar shape of my rifle, and my radio! I deftly pik them up.Get Subject: Bureaucracy.I also see a small slip of paper. From the looks of it, it seems to be the writing of someone important. I stash it, as right now I must get help.Placing the radio to my ear, I try to contact the home office.Do I get a response?Yes, and...It is someone familiar, asking to report my status.I tell them everything that has transpired so far. Does this include my worries?Yes.Including the fact that an infiltration of their office may be on the cards. Do they believe me?No.Just my luck. It turns
  out I must simply continue my mission.I decide to search the ground. Do I find anything useful?No, and...It seems this room is abandoned. There are no spoils of which I can find.Get Focus: NPC Action.Get Action: Increase.I quicken my step, as for some strange reason, I feel a sudden fear. Something which I can not explain.Spotting a door on the other side of the long, metallic chamber, I broke into a run.Do I make it through?No, turns out the door was closed anyway, and I took the full force of it! Does the door have any special properties?Yes.Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.The force of the electric field overwhelms me. I feel nothing but absolute pain!Get Place: Aesthetic factory.I slowly awaken, my mind groggy. As it slowly starts to subside, I see a white room come into focus.Looking around, I see a shape that appears to be movi
 ng. What or who is it?Get NPC: Innocent outlaw.C.D: Majestically / Damaged.Someone whos clothes have most likely seen better days, but who was moving around fluidly, quickly, they were skilled. Looking closer, I could see that there is lab equipment here...To be continued...URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hi,How can I do a dice roll properly? If I type 1d6, it sometimes says 2d6 and such, rather than 1d6 all the time. Im a little confused by it.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hey folks! Im currently using the site to aid me on writing some short stories. Im working on a classic fantasy one that has about 3000 line so far.  We should create a topic for showing our creations with the help of this site. What do you think?Best regards, Haramir.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Ill add another part to my adventure, but this time Ill actually list how I got to the choices, such as choosing likely, unlikely, etc.Heres a tease: remember the lab equipment? Itll come into play, but thats all Im saying. I dont actually know the exact outcome as Im in the process, but Im really liking this sytem for imagative purposes.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Im thinking that a BTSync or Dropbox folder might honestly work better if we want to share our completed games. On a forum topic, everyones updates are going to get mixed up with each other. Though I did put up the first part of an adventure in the general forum if other people want to continue it and do a collaborative Solo RPG type thing. I have no idea how well that would even work, so I really didnt devote my best creative juices to it, though.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hi,@fastfinge: whats a 4e game? I know, perhaps a sort of silly question.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hey folks! So, can anyone create a dropbox folder please? Id use btsink, but I dont know how to use it very well.Best regards, Haramir.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

@aaron: 4e stands for 4th edition. It refers to The Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition system, and/or any game using the GSL 4e Gaming System License.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hi,Thanks for this! I will give this a try, as it could help with writing as well.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

@aaron: Yeah, it could prompt you with some ideas. But if you want to write a convincing story, you probably dont want to do what I do, and play it like a game where you have to role for everything, and accept everything exactly as it comes up. Nobody is monitoring how you play or anything, so if you already have the answers to some of those questions, you dont need to role for them, or you can just decide what happens sometimes without ever asking, and so on. When you play it like a game as I was in this example, you tend to get unsatisfying story arcs. For example, the adventure I was chronicling went on for another hour or so, before the entire party got killed by a herd of 11 angry zombie centaurs. So the ambush never got constructed, and the pyramid was never robbed. So if I made that into a story, it would be totally unsatisfying.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

@aaron: Yeah, it could prompt you with some ideas. But if you want to write a convincing story, you probably dont want to do what I do, and play it like a game where you have to role for everything, and accept everything exactly as it comes up. Nobody is monitoring how you play or anything, so if you already have the answers to some of those questions, you dont need to role for them, or you can just decide what happens sometimes without ever asking, and so on. When you play it like a game as I was, you tend to get unsatisfying story arcs. For example, the adventure I was chronicling went on for another hour or so, before the entire party got killed by a herd of 11 angry zombie centaurs. So the ambush never got constructed, and the pyramid was never robbed. So if I made that into a story, it would be totally unsatisfying.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

@aaron: Yeah, it could prompt you with some ideas. But if you want to write a convincing story, you probably dont want to do what I do, and play it like a game where you have to role for everything, and accept everything exactly as it comes up. Nobody is monitoring how you play or anything, so if you already have the answers to some of those questions, you dont need to role for them, or you can just decide what happens sometimes without ever asking, and so on. When you play it like a game as I was, you tend to get unsatisfying story arcs. For example, the adventure I was chronicling went on for another hour or so, before the entire party got killed by a herd of 11 angry zombie centaurs. So the ambush never got constructed, the pyramid was never robbed, and the doppelgangers are still running around. So if I made that into a story, it would be totally unsatisfying.URL: http://forum

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hi,So, heres the first part of my adventure so far, played a bit like a random gamebook type thing. Im making decisions and sort of prompting, a bit like imaginative play.The setting is insignificant hidden fortress involving VTOL aircraft and arachnid storage room. Your quest is to negotiate with the sith chauffeur at the dyson sphere. Trying to stop you is the illusionist skilled in mountaineering. You are currently at the platform.Of course, I am nameless, or rather I do not wish for my name to be revealed at this time. However, this illusionist... could he already know my name?No, stands to reason that he knows who Im working for. After all, he is the one who is known to use aHigh quality alien parasite.From what I understand, this Alien paracite may also be the one behind the arachnid invasion. Thus, I must be prepared for combat. Do I have some weapons?Yes.I check my rugged backpack. A h
 a, a sub-issue rifle,6 = 6[d6]Six clips containing six lasers, strong enough for your basic thug, but nothing more. This mission is not going to be easy.I decide to investigate the platform. I see another platform above me, a and an air duct leading below. I hope I remembered my grappling hook.Yes.OOC: Is this detective/marine focused?No, and...Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly.I had no time to ponder anything else. My clumsyness and wonderings had caused me to step on uneven ground. Sent spiraling downward, my stomach churning. Once I landed, I felt a hot, burning pain which would not stop. I noticed that it was not due to the floor, which was cold. I looked up. It was an arachnid! It had bit me, strengthened by the illusionists paracite. One thought entered my mind: will I survive this?To be continued...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hi,So, heres the first part of my adventure so far, played a bit like a random gamebook type thing. Im making decisions and sort of prompting, a bit like imaginative play.The setting is insignificant hidden fortress involving VTOL aircraft and arachnid storage room. Your quest is to negotiate with the sith chauffeur at the dyson sphere. Trying to stop you is the illusionist skilled in mountaineering. You are currently at the platform.Of course, I am nameless, or rather I do not wish for my name to be revealed at this time. However, this illusionist... could he already know my name?No, stands to reason that he knows who Im working for. After all, he is the one who is known to use aHigh quality alien parasite.From what I understand, this Alien paracite may also be the one behind the arachnid invasion. Thus, I must be prepared for combat. Do I have some weapons?Yes.I check my rugged backpack. A h
 a, a sub-issue rifle,6 = 6[d6]Six clips containing six lasers, strong enough for your basic thug, but nothing more. This mission is not going to be easy.I decide to investigate the platform. I see another platform above me, a and an air duct leading below. I hope I remembered my grappling hook.Yes.OOC: Is this detective/marine focused?No, and...Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly.I had no time to ponder anything else. My clumsyness and wonderings had caused me to step on uneven ground. Sent spiraling downward, my stomach churning. Once I landed, I felt a hot, burning pain which would not stop. I noticed that it was not due to the floor, which was cold. I looked up. It was an arachnid! It had bit me, strengthened by the illusionists paracite. One thought entered my mind: will I survive this?To be continued...Oh, before I forget: if you register at t
 he forums, which uses a re-captcha (audio captcha for the win!), you will be able to save and load your stories/adventures. Unfortunately, you cant seem to name them, unless theres something Im doing wrong. Im also wondering how I would clear the story and start over when Im done.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

There is a clear log button. You only get one save slot. If you want to save your completed adventure, click the code link at the top, and it will give you BBCode for the log of your adventure that you can post on the forum, or keep in a text file, or what ever. Its fascinating how different our styles are, and how different our adventures go! It would never have occurred to me to role for an out of character question. Also, I dont like using that get started button, because I find those settings way too vague and mixed. So thats why I use the questions to get me started like I documented in my first post. On the other hand, you get to the adventure much quicker than I do.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

Hey folks! While setting the adventure I decided to write what my options told me in a form of a test. Much like a book. So, Ill post what I have here so far for you to check it out.  They say I am a boastfull prophet. But I really saw it, I know I saw it. Well, sometimes I use my influence to get some extra meals, but they believe in tales from the newspaper, why are my words less acceptable than theirs?  So I needed another place to go. Other streets to roam untill they got me again trying to survive. But I never imagined myself ending up on a ghost town. I had no choice but to spend some time exploring the surroundings. My skill in Fire-building kept me alive during those chilling winter nights. With luck I found some basic thing to help in case I get hurt due to my Chemistry ability.  I tryed to hide myself into a house located in the middle of the town. It was all silent when I arrived, this place must have a good re
 ason to become like this. I didnt want to show myself, that is for sure. Before nightfall, I was able to find some lighter fluid and a pistol with only 4 bullets. I couldnt sleep, but I had at least a rest. In the middle of the night, I suddenly felt like being pulled through space and time. All became dark for a moment and them I found myself somewhere else...  I have seen that place before. And that man... It was a great hall, like a dining room of a mansion or something similar. The man... He is tall, gray hair. Not muscular nor frail, his body seems capable to do what pleases him. His deep black eyes staring at all presents in that sinister event. He got up from a chair near the table, the bluish light of the room giving him a ghostly appearance due to his pale skin.-Finally my brothers and sisters, the time has come. The Moon shall rise once again. The only one who can break our marvelous plan is being tagged as a mad man. So fortunately for 
 us.- Said him in a soft and cold voice.  The Moon... The Moon. This was the name I heard in my last vision. So is he the leader of The Moon? Am I the only one who knows about the said plan? I suddenly felt an inner desire to assassinate that man, but why... What is his plan about?Best regards, Haramir.URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

@haramir: Good start!URL:

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Re: RPG Solo

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector

Re: RPG Solo

This is a great little game/tool/something. I was surprised to see mention of it here, I never thought to post a thread about it, but Ive known about it since it first came out. If you combine it with a more formal tabletop RPG you can have lots of fun, but it works great on its own too.If theres an area I struggle a lot its interpreting what it gives me. Sometimes what it means is fairly obvious, but otherwise I take things too literally or just go huh? I guess its an acquired skill like anything else.Looking forward to seeing what people do with it.URL:

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