Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

Uh, didn't really expect my post to bring you guys off topic, sorry.Well, until now, what I'm thankful for after that experience is the strength it immensely gave me. It may not be pleasant, not at all to be honest, but the fact that I endured it sorta build a emotion shield in me. I may have been much weaker and much more of a loser in life without that. However, I never want this sorta thing to happen to anyone.I've always been a troubled child, being bullied, made fun of and rejected until later in my teen years. I'm a crazy sleeper in class, attentionless, dreamy, spent most of my school time writing bs novels instead of focusing. From high school onward, people started to be drawn toward me because of the abilities I possess that they don't have, and later become my friends.I don't deny my parents did break a few things, but I actually have better parents compared to most. They love each other, love the family and love me with hearts and souls. I'm very close to my dad. He was the one encouraging me to study traditional flute and lute. He took me to the blind center often so I could get new books to read. He built up passion to write in me. I was fortunate to find my passion much earlier than kids my age. In a sense, I may have to thank the trauma for leading me to something I was robbed from. Who knows, I would have lost in a crowd of friends or influenced heavily by people, unable to find my sense of self I hold so dear without that painful childhood experience.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

Personally  i'm holding a  Knife with me when i  صاثى ه  ةخرث صهفا فاث busو  Especially like the last time when i was  moving with my sis i got  attacked by someone, they tryed to punch  my sis   , i learned from that event    ,       and If you are studying in  the  High school  or the  Universitythat's My opinion and how  i defend my self          in  Different situations, sometimes not,   if you're under the age  18


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

how can I find the email address of a guy who raped me left my ass bleeding and sent me to the hospital? after, being raped?


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

This is why I think it's important for parents to listen to their kids. At least, listen with an open mind and reserve your judgement until you've heard all. To think that all adults' words carry more weight than a child's is ignorant and foolish. Not only that, but when the child enters their teen years, it's important to try to foster an environment of trust.  I can't offer experiences as a parent, as I'm not one (thankfully), but what I can say is that, as a child who was listened to, it made me grateful for good parents. I get the struggle, get up, get the kids up while you get ready, get them off to school or day care and get yourself off to work. Pick them up, probably run errands, go home, make dinner, clean up, get them to bed, then you may have maybe an hour to yourself before you have to be in bed for the next day. Maybe things lighten up when they're in their teenage years, maybe not though, they could take on sports, or some other type of club or activity that you need to take them to. Such is life though, this is what you signed yourself up for, and it's a full time job on top of your already full time job. But this is your flesh and blood, literally your offspring, so it bothers me immensely when parents can't even listen to their children. Then you have the meat factory which is high school. What a drama fest, and is it any wonder that kids of that age are having issues? So in a time that's more difficult for them than it really ought to be, you, as a parent, need to step the fuck up to the plate and be there no matter what it costs you.If you think about it, even if you never laid a hand on your child, even if you never raised your voice at them, but you sort of built up this wall of unavailability, that in and of itself is a form of abuse. Maybe it's not intentional, and it's done out of ignorance and a sort of complacent inertia, hoping that everything will continue to glide along quite swimmingly, but it really is not a good thing. There's more to raising a child than making sure they shower, brush their teeth, do their homework, stay away from drugs, and get good grades. You have to look after their emotional wellbeing in a time of emotional turbulence. It's more than superficially deep. As someone who grew up with good parents, I want that experience for all children.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

The actually only time I really had to defend myself, and it was by sheer instinct, was the whole two years of torture when I was in kindergarten. The teacher was completely against me, and forced the whole class against me as well despite of the fact that there were two three people wanting to befriend me. She told the class to push me whenever I stand, bully me wherever I go. No other teacher wanted to bother with the problem between me and her so they kept silent. I simply had to crawl instead of walk, except when there was a moment that people form a line to receive milk, lnch or something. I was separated by brute force to sit and have milk/lunch away from others. I couldn't join activities because they just didn't leave me alone or talk to me nicely. The teacher did two good things, however, by sending me to the special teacher who took care of blind students in the school every morning so I could further my braille practice. this made me achieve best braille reader rank as the youngest of the time, at age 7. I'm not as good anymore now though. She also had me enter the school's mother's song contests both of the years I was with her, and I won every of those contests.Back to my story, everyday I'd go to school, stepped in the class waiting for my dad to leave. As soon as he went away, the first student who found me would push me down, beginning my crawling. The rest would make fun of me however they could, and the teacher just kept silent, or yelled at me, came up with issue of the day for me to endure. Being the smallest in the class back then, the only thing I could do was skitter away from them since I'd be beaten if the teacher found out I fought back. I did try to fight, a few times, but there were always more than one waiting to tackle me down. As soon as I started a fight, I would be brutally subdued.It's probably a moment full of shame for me. I had a problem of not daring to tell teacher I wanted to go to the bathroom since when I was at the blind school when I was 4. At 5, the never daring behavior became infused with fear. I wet my skirt and bedroll every single day, was beaten by the teacher and had my behavior reported to dad and mom, with her making it sound like it was my total fault of course. I went back home and was whipped by mom for not behaving good. The teacher shouted at me to never return to school once. I got home and cried pleading not to be taken there the next day, but mom didn't think it was anything serious so she took me to school. The teacher pretended to be nice and stuff. As soon as mom went out of sight, she yelled at me, asking why I came back when she told me to get the hell away from her face. Several things happened after. I was forced to swear to never wet my skirt again, which of course as a fearful child with that teacher controlling the class, I couldn't do as I was forced to swear. She then called my dad at one point later, had me talk to him and promised to behave good. I horribly failed again. Getting to the toilet wasn't as torturous as having to excuse myself in front of that teacher and her assistance who couldn't and never try to do anything to help me. Even though I went to the toilet, that teacher would be somewhere trying to make it as if I peed on myself when I didn't. She accused me of peeing on the bedroll til it dried once. I don't know what logic it was that she have that bedroll stained with urine could be dried completely within two hours of me lying on it. There was a time when I actually went to the toilet, and guess what I got? I got a whole huge bucket of water dumped on me, of course by that teacher since I could smell her perfume. I got back to class where everyone was sleeping. The teacher got there before me, and, of course, accused me of peeing on myself when it was the water she dumped that soaked me from head to toe.She once made a fuss about my walking style. She said I walked "with legs spread apart" so she wanted to "twist my behavior into place" as her words stated, so she tied my legs together and only released me when it was near the time dad would come to pick me up. She did it for a month or two, can't remember exactly how long, and I had to walk like that. I didn't know if my walking style was wrong in any way, or was bothersome to anyone. All I knew was that was all school had for me. The first sense of friendship I learned about was when a boy in class sneakily got to my bedroll and tried to start a conversation with me. He only had five minutes to do so before the teacher came back and caught him, then harshly told him not to befriend or do anything good to me ever again. I knew that boy's intention. He was among those who never did me harm, though he didn't dare helping when people bullied me.The result of the torment, as you may wonder, was my parents being told by, of course, the teacher, that there may be something mentally wrong with me and they should take me to th

Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

what's wrong with glorifying it anyway, I mean, what if some people like to fight.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

@mataAh I understand then.  I thought you were still glorifying it but clearly you aren't any more.Very sorry you got ganged up on that.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

Another Aikido practicioner... never thought I'd see the day! I did have the same thing hapen, someone trying to go for my wallet. The woman was trying to be sneaky and snaked her hand over my wrist in the perfect position for a wrist lock... I didn't cause any injury, but the lock caused enough pain for her to reconsider. No words, no nothing. She let go, I gave her a look and walked away. 10 seconds later, a station attendant offered to help me... oh the irony. lol


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

Aikedo here.So, guy decided to take my (empty) wallet. I said I'd give it him, he reached for it and I sntched my arm back, he was leaning forward and was going for it. I switched it to my other hand and faked throwing it down the he went running down the stairs and fell down them, from what I heard he broke his shoulder and foot. I didn't touch the guy.Though for actual aikedo, I had a guywanting to take my cane (sure why not?) because he thought I had drugs in it or something. I'd come out of a shop, and he said he had a knife and I was going to get stabbed. I went to tell him I was going to show him my cane was empty, so I shook it out, folded it, and he was watching itso I shoved him against a window and he smacked his head on it, nd I walked away, a few minutes later I got talked to by a police officer and explained what happened. I got told it was self defense because I was afraid for my life


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

I was 14 when that happened,and was undeniably a pretty fucked up brat too. I was pretty easily offended at that time. Sure I wouldn't call myself proud for beating someone up when she only attacked me with words, but that happened more than once until I reached my breaking point. Sure I was still an immature kid who, resulted from my past trauma when I was gangged on, insulted and beaten by groups after groups of sighted, even a teacher, since I was 5, I could resort to immature way of solving problem, that was, using brute force. It was unhealthy, and has never been, but at that time, being much less wise than now, since the bitch did it far too many times to the point that she actually made my motivation drop, I just couldn't handle her fowl mouth no more.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

Hi.Well, I got myself into quite a few fights already, not because I am getting mugged all the time, these usually happen when I am visiting political demonstrations and the brown bullshit, aka Nazi scumbags are on the scene trying to put their führer bullshit into everyones heads.Usually I try to finish fights quickly by aiming for the softer parts or points where you can temporarily stun a fow, something like the face, genitals or an elbow or two finger punch twards the sola plexus, these. I also, for emergency situations carry a maglite flashlite with me which for ones can be used as a mailay weapon, secondly though it has a strobe light mode, basically a light which turns on and off rapitly with which you can temporarily overload someones eyes to either get some punches in and run, or run instantly. The thing with the flashlight is that depending on the brightness, you don't know how bright it actually is, you could blind someone with that, so before hopping off to the nearest electronics store, look up flashlight brightnesses and tips for those who don't harm someone for life.But, again, as someone said, not getting into fights is the better opportunity, unless you want to fight, but that's a totally different storie.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

@62 not sure what that's all about. It's tough to say what I would do because I don't think I could place myself, mentally, in that kind of situation, even as a bystander.All I said was bad people don't usually need to entertain the thought of violence these days to take someone on quite a ride, making the victum's life a miserable one. Just guess there social media and email account credentials and you now have everything they know and love against them, all without throwing a single punch, kick, slap, hand, foot, whatever at them.Hope that clears things up?


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

@54So I understand that the family honor thing is pretty important culturally for you, but if I'm getting this straight, you used your martial arts skills offensively to attack someone physically who attacked you only with words.  Well I hope you were like ten-years-old at the time then...I thought that was a big nono in martial arts, and also just kind of in general.  I'm not sure why you seem so proud of your self for quote beating someone up unquote...  Sounds like you both won and lost to me and the loss was probably bigger than the win in the end.But maybe it's just the privilege of growing up in a relatively safe environment talking, so I guess I shouldn't judge too much, and you didn't say weather or not she had attacked you physically before that either, which would make it more understandable.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

@54So I understand that the family honor thing is pretty important culturally for you, but if I'm getting this straight, you used your martial arts skills offensively to attack someone physically who attacked you only with words.  Well I hope you were like ten-years-old at the time then...I thought that was a big nono in martial arts, and also just kind of in general.  I'm not sure why you seem so proud of your self for quote beating someone up unquote...  Sounds like you both won and lost to me and the loss was probably bigger than the win in the end.But maybe it's just the privilege of growing up in a relatively safe environment talking, so I guess I shouldn't judge too much.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wightfall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

wooops interesting topic i'm interested now I join the ring hathmy opinion nowadays we aren't see blind people fighting in real world on danger situationnor using fighting skill depening on their major and their knowledge to defend them selfat this time present technology including internet are growing so fastwe can fight each other easier no matter where you liveif you have an active internet for your basea good keyboard for your weapons to blasting everyone you hate themthen you are now ready for frame war in network mundainlol I don't know is it still count as a self defence or not since most blind fellow use it a lot if you agree on this or think different feel free to write your thought


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

@60 what if you encounter a rapist what'll you do then?


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

@54, that's all well and good until you get arrested for excessive use of force... but if that's ok with you, then all power to you.I also know blind people can go toe to toe, because I've done that and I know others who have. I have never had to fight in a hostile situation, because I'm smart enough, and aware enough, to avoid the ones that I have come upon which could've turned nasty. Someone said to me once that the people who  are the best at self defense are the people who never have to use it. And I agree with that. The number of altercations that will end up in an actual fight is much, much, much lower than people expect... and 90% of the time it can be deflected with a word or posture.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

I'm learning a thing or two here, though I think this is something new to think about.These days low-lifes don't really need to exhaust or even consider the idea of violence to take you on one hell of a ride. The very thing you are using, right this moment, the thing that's allowing you to read this very post, the thing that lets you brows this forum, the thing that lets you play games and make video calls, yup, that thing.The internet has made it so much infinitely easier for lowlifes to ruin lives that one need only know what they're doing and before you know it, your several tens of thousands of dollars in debt and your credit score's being eaten alive faster than I can eat a hole box of pizza. Lol.With that being said, knowledge is power, and if your able to defend yourself great, but like a few have said, the greatest knowledge is knowing when not to use it.I hope this helps someone out there. It's probably not a post that fits the topic, or one you probably didn't want to read, but it's somewhat relatable, vaguely.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

I have heard of blind people who can go toe to toe, I don't think I could though. Grappling is therefore the best course of action I know about, so I agree in that regard. Also yeah, no rules, fighting is fighting. If I have to swing a chair at you to win, I will. Other people will take any opportunity to fuck me up, I need to survive, stay alive through any means, that means anything, break a chair leg off, break a bottle and use a shard as a shank, anything like that. Explore the possibilities and what can be weaponized around you.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

Heh, the funniest part of that fight wasn't that, but the fact that I leaped too fast and nocked a cupcake off a friend's hand. She jokingly demanded my payment for the splattered  cake for the whole two years after.I've been train a little in Muay Thai, not enough to actually brutally beat someone but probably enough to stand my ground if I want to.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

no no no no no no no that hurts so much do not punch him in the balls his mother will punish him for not being able to make her grandchildren lmfao.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

punch him in the balls


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

@54, sounds like the bitch deserved it whahahaha.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

My fight cases didn't happen because I needed to defend myself, but instead, I started a fight to defend my moral code from someone's fowl mouth. They were usually too surprised to fight back, and only managed to struggle after I landed a few blows already. The worst case was when a bitch in class started insulting me about my passion to become a writer, then proceeded to insult my mom. I leaped at her, grabbed her shirt collar and landed several punches on her face and head. Eight people tried separating me from her but didn't succeed.The only real advantage for a blind against a sighted is when you manage to grab someone. Key is, don't let them slip lose from your grasp, and don't give them chances to fight back until you manage to beat the shit out of them. This goes for both offense and defense as a blind. The more gap you give, the more they can struggle free. You also need to enter your rage mode and forget any care in the world to unleash your feral strength on them. You can deploy any marshall art strategies you learn in that mode if you manage to keep sane enough.


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Re: Self defence

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : michaelhoffman1976 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Self defence

I've only had to defend myself twice and both times i used as little force as posible to deter the person from robbing me. though the one ended up having his pinky broken because he would not let go of the thing he was trying to steal from me.. If your going to get your children self-defense lesson Make sure they know that it is only for self defense


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