Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Moderation:No one is being punished. Let's get that right up front.But this thread is being closed anyway. Here's why.The first post was from 2014, over four years ago now. Not only that, but this is stirring up the old Ultra Power/Mason/clone drama, and that doesn't need to happen, especially not with the other stuff going on lately. There is no good reason for this thread to have any more posts in it, so I'm taking it upon myself to end it right here and now.Again, no one is in any trouble, including the person who revived the thread (though I wish you'd shown a little more care and restraint, honestly). But please, folks, from here on out...if a thread's been dead for a long, long time, ask yourself if necromancy is really the best choice. No one is going to skin you if you open a thread about something that may have been brought up incidentally in another thread several years ago. This is why BK3 has multiple topics about it, for instance. I'd still advise judicious use of the search feature, of course...but yeah. Thread necromancy like this? Totally unnecessary.Thread locked.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : x0 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

This topic was revived by I have no fucking clue, and it has no place in 2019 since the product being advertised here is long since dead.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : adel . spence via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

can someone buy this for me?please and thanks


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

@106 i think it's lie on the bed you made


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : x0 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

it wasn't mason's fault. It was mine.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

You know what’s a shame though? All of these clones and things of that nature could’ve been avoided had Mason run this project responsibly, which he didn’t. What do we have now? An audio gaming market full of multiplayer side scrollers and clones. Honestly, I wish I had never recommended the idea to him, but I did. I thought it would be cool because that was a genre we never saw in the audio gaming market. Now that everyone’s making it though, I just want to see it gone.  Oh well, live and learn I guess. What’s that saying again; you make the bed you lie on?


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

hey oussama can you check pm? and sorry for off topic


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Well it's true, isn't it?


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

You say such stuff then you complain why people don't develop games.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : oussamabengatrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

all of his projects are discontinued. , what the hell?, i think an other year or 2 and the other  games will follow


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

not sbrw, no no, sbc, maybesbrw is getting updated, but with the sbyw rewrite that is happening thats his main topic and place of inteest, so cut mason and NS some slak, k?


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Tomb Hunter's good as far as I'm concerned. Never beat it yet though, dunno if I will. I'm on level 26 or some shit.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Lol this topic was an intresting read.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

sure sure agreed pranam. I know mason's good game, i think name was ultra racer or something. I saw clip about this game on anyaudio, but it discontinued. Same as doomed, idk any new on sbc, sbrw. So mason's other games will discontinued in like 69 weeks


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pranam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

No, let him discontinue all of his games.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

the one exception is SBYW, which I think is good. If we were to have one of masons games continued right now I would definitely! pick sbyw. and he's working on ch, th, 2dp as well, possibly sbc.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

like their other games, the source either got leaked or they discontinued. this always happens when darkflier and ns studios develop a game. not sure why, but their source either gets leaked or they discontinue after 69 days.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi.This game was nothing special to begin with. Somebody could probably bring it back, but why do that? People are still making ridiculous games like this and posting them on here. If you look in the new releases you will find at least one ultra power clone, or a game that someone modified it's source.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

idk i saw this topick, then robomaster42's post and i add post too.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Why revive this topic...?


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SkyLord via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

oomg what a game was revived. Lol. Yeah, UP was the most enjoyable game in that times.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

this game is closed and discontinued. I mean ultra power but i read posts and very wery great ideas very great and beeg ideas. But mason like every game, discontinued it.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : robomastr42 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi, anyone have any info on the status of this game? It sounds epic, i haven't really been able to find much info though.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

yeah roro its my idea


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Ah, as I understood, what Cruiser wants to say in the previous post was that Mason should add the ability to create our own servers with adresses and ports, in case the original doesnt work. I think this is a really good idea to give the player the ability to choose from a variety of options, servers I mean, as in RTR. But as Steven said, its Masons decision: even if this is a good idea, this is up to him to decide, but Im just giving this opinion. Why not to choose between servers, or create our own, as in 0.22.54? This version Im talking about is the abandonware one, and gives us the ability to create our own servers. And as you know, the server is not working from a weak ago, which is a bad thing since I wanted to play the game during holidays and before universitys exams. Anyway, the game is Masons, so Im not saying more than that.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

The reason we have only 1 server is to avoid the port forwarding, and I dont plan to release the server because it has some private/testing things in it.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

but we cant play...


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Those reasons would be perfectly good reasons to have just 1 server, if that server were up righ now. No one can play because its currently not up. IIt is tim to make good on your porprmi to listen to your players. I have no nicer way to say this than put the server up.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Those reasons would be perfectly good reasons to have just 1 server, if that server were up right now. No one can play because its currently not up. It is time to make good on your promise to listen to your players. I have no nicer way to say this than put the server up.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

agree with key. but! i am saying to you mason... please...


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

OK, Ill now put the server up while I look for the source of the problem.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Yeah Mason, its a good idea to add an offline mode including the normal admin features such as the builder, AI spawning ETC.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

I know thats a good idea and all, but this is online game only, and I never plan to really make an offline version.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Why not? It sure would ramp up your customers. The main thing that turns me away from such online games that are paid is reliability of server... if we had offline we know wed buy a game that is playable at all times, no matter whether or not the server is down. its kind of why I was a bit irritated at ghorthalon for taking out offline mode on rtr... but I guess it was his choice, just as this is yours.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

the only reason I was without hesitance to buy a kaldobsky gamer account, in case you were wondering, was that in the year Id played freely before, there was hardly one server connection loss that I experienced.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

hi all and mason. why offline version? people can play on theys own server. its i mean.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Cool! Now the server is working! And there are also some small changes in the map!


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Maybe it would be a good idea to implement a single Player Option for offline Play, so the game can be played even without an Internet Connection against the Computer. Or if the Server is down it can be played as well.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

The bug still exists. still not quite sure whats going on. it does it randomly, with out no particular reason.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

hi all and mason. the server is down again. why?


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Thanks for your hard work mason.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Thanks for your hard mason.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

hi all and mason. so if that crashes so just release a new up version and so server not fikset latter, you add to main menu connect to server, server port and so.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Ok no problem Mason, good luck.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hello, I want to thanks Mason for his work, that is excellent. Continue in this way! In the last days I cant connect to the server, because tells me connection lost. Someone else experiments this issue?Thanks


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

I have the same issue too, but, I think Mason will do something.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2015-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Yeah, sorry about the server guys, the darn thing keeps having a bug that makes it freeze. Not currently sure on whats causing it but as soon as I am, Ill fix.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MohammedTeklif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hello everyone.Do not know whether to laugh developer of this game on our minds or what.Be on this game and free day driven.I have a question.I am the keyboard on my set to the Arabic language.When I want to create a game account does not accept writing in English.What is the solution.Thank you.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

the game only allows you to create accounts in english characters.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

And this is good from you Mason, because some names is anoying if it not in English, and my screen reader reads it like that: aa single quote e sadeya bb, ETC, just rofl, it was really anoying, but now, creating charactors only in English is a good solution for this.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

And this is good from you Mason, because some names are anoying if theyre not in English, and my screen reader reads them like that: aa single quote e sadeya bb, ETC, just rofl, they were really anoying, but now, creating charactors only in English is a good solution for this.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

And this is good from you Mason, because some names are anoying if it not in English, and my screen reader reads it like that: aa single quote e sadeya bb, ETC, just rofl, it was really anoying, but now, creating charactors only in English is a good solution for this.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MohammedTeklif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Andmy Enter to create a new account does not accept converts language


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

hi all and mason! yeah so you doing grate work! continue doing it keep that work and so.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Thanks cruiser. 


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Youre welcome Mason, and thank you for reading our posts, I wish you good luck and success, dont give up, and keep up your work, we want you to think like a great developer, or even like a big developing games company, dont bother to empty heads who have only insults and verbal abuse such as Arabic two thousand, and try to provide always best for your audience in a dealing before the product, and about me, Im playing Ultra Power and its good, it is true that the map has become smaller, but the game has become more stable in many ways.Thank you again Mason for listening to us, and good luck in your products.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Youre welcome Mason, and thank you for reading our posts, I wish you good luck and success, dont give up, and keep up your work, we want you to think like a great developer, or even like a big games development company, dont bother to empty heads who have only insults and verbal abuse such as Arabic two thousand, and try to provide always best for your audience in a dealing before the product, and about me, Im playing Ultra Power and its good, it is true that the map has become smaller, but the game has become more stable in many ways.Thank you again Mason for listening to us, and good luck in your products.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Thank you for the kind words, Muhammad. I will definitely do so.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Mason, thats what I wanted to hear from you, man, to listen to the community. I was one of your beta testers, and know youre a well-skilled developper at the point of coding, and Im still willing to be a tester to help you finding bugs and suggesting ideas. Remembered when that Arabic2000 was in the MTG folder? I think hes a cause of the majority of problems happening there, comments.exe and beta sharing and such. Im wishing to you a peacefull new year, full of good things for you, your career, health, studies and family.Best regards!


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi Mason.Thats great to hear. here is my advice:1: Tell your beta tester team about your plans for the game. Respond to their suggestions, tell them when you wanna release the next version, and work like in a team together with your team instead of giving them surprises regarding to unexpected releases.2: It would be nice if you wanna tell us who have bought the game whats the plans for the game in the future. Are you going to make more activities? Something to do when theres no other players online.3: Please tell us about what happened to the admin. Maybe hyre two or three admins who wanna help on building the maps and the game in generel.The most important thing is to have a great team, which you would get, if you are good at communicating out to people. Create a mailinglist or something simular, a forum maybe and use that for comunication.Then, you should consider if you wanna keep your private life sepret from the game deve
 lopment. Do you wanna get disturbed by your beta testing team or others who are playing your game while in school, while being together with friends and family or when doing other private stuff accept for development? Do you wanna get private messages on your mail and on Twitter and other social medias? If the answer is no, then you should consider making a private Twitter and a soundworks twitter, just like your soundworks account here on the audiogames forum. Maybe consider creating an private account here on the audiogames forum as well, like your old Masen account, so you can write and comment on topics here like a private person instead of a company.Just some thoughts and suggestions to consider.I might get some time to join your beta testing team later in 2015, but Im currently very busy with other things. New job and such, and of course, playing games. Lol.Keep up the good work dude. Youre awesome!


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi,Thanks for the advice, SLJ. yeah, I do have a private twitter and a sound_worx twitter as well, and I do use those. And yeah, telling people when Im gonna release things would be better. All about the interraction.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Also, yes, I have taken peoples suggestions into account on dmnb, even implemented a few. Their are of course suggestions which get denyed, more offten then not do to the server itself, but we work around thoughs problems in anyway we can. If you take the very first early days of dmnb for exampple, the sound design was bleek at most. Just a bridge, and a weerd engine was what we had, and the bridge didnt even sound like a bridge, but im getting off topic here. Ive played ultra power, and it seems like a cool concept. If mason could improve on the current problems indeed it would be a very cool game, it already is when people are blasting eachother away. The sound design needs a little bit of work in my opinion, but like any project, it will eventualy, if he can overcome his current problems and take intrest in ultra power again, change.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Well, I see the situration from both sides.Masen: We dont hate you, but please, accept at leased some of the advice from the community. Dont take things personal, because this is not ment to be personal, but rather directed to you as a developer, but not you personally.It would be nice if you would, at leased once each week, respond to suggestions here on the forum.You are a good, realy good coder. Damn you are making awesome games.I just hope you will take some advice from the community, which would make life much easier. You could for example choose to only use the forum as your connection out to people as a developer, and only use Twitter for private stuff.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Urm, ... OK ... [[wow]]. Thats really all I can say at this point. I really had no idea that some of you thaught of me in that way. Seems Im as bad as I really thaught.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Oh... please. theres a place for things like guilt trips, mason, and its not on the audio forum... that is, unless Im unaware of some of the things that people post here every day. And check my sources? Ok, I sure did. So does this mean that some angry hacker got into the audio forum server and deleted the ultra power topic from the new releases room a few months ago? Or did dark, get mad and decide the game wasnt worth being on the website?Both of these senarios are highly unlikely. And all the other ultrapower topics posted after that werent even by you... so please... dont throw that at me.


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Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Ok, dude, really? guilt trips? Did you even read SLJs post? or were you too focused on being victim of the year?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Ok, dude, really? guilt trips? Did you even read SLJs post? or were you too focused on being victim of the year? You know, judging by the fact that all you get out of what were saying is that youre a bad person, it seams you dont really understand what youve read. look. Heres what were saying. All we want is for you to take some of our advice, not look at it as a flame or personal insult. not everything we say is that... you know that right? Im sorry but, if you are wanting players to your game, accept their advice. I want to play a game where I can freely suggest things, and try to my best abilities to help the developer. So if youre unwilling to at least try to make this possible, Ill put my money towards an alternate cause.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

nah, no guilt trips here. misinterpreting is bad for you


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

OK, I know Ive said this a few times before, but now I really mean it. All the things Im being acused of here are in fact, true. I payed very little attention to a game in its need of attention. I absolutely failed with my beta team. Ive been a complete and utter ass. And Ive been even more of one for even just now realizing it propper. I didnt realize that what I was doing came out as like that to many people, and Im willing to try to fix it. But...I really have to know what I have to fix, in order to fix anything. So...Starting now, Im gonna stop being an outcast as it were. Im gonna try to fix these problems. I do have issues, yes, but Im willing to try to fix them. Right, Ive said this before, but really now Im gonna try. Because this is really not good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

that is all well and good. ut what will you actually do to make amends? Hm


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

whatever I need to do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi, somethings which might help. Try to be less sensitive to comments. Being a game developer also includes the constant act of learning how to filter out the comments which dont help you at all, to the comments which could be most valuable to your project. Even if someone is pushy about their comments, it means they do truely cair about your project, and dont want to see it crash and burn. Since I am an administrator and can now help with this, but start handing out punishments if players get out of hand, mayby even create a rules command, like the policy system weve got on dmnb. That way players know what is allowed and what isnt. About beta testers? Always remember this. They are their to help you. Dmnb wouldnt have even grown with out them. Something that will help, quite a lot. Find something your super duper intrested in coding, something that you cant stop coding on, and focus on that. That makes your job 30 times easier since youve
  only got the 1 project to worry about. Thats all the advice I can give for now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Mason, heres what I think you should do.Listen to the community. Take advice as advice, not, flaming or whatever your previous preceptions were.ignore those who take enjoyment from your pain.Man up, at least just a tad.Recover that blasted ultra power topic, and keep posting your games here, because, people like them.Stick to your word. dont just say that and wake up tomorrow or next week and have forgotten what you said.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi,Thanks for the advice guys. I will be sure to start doing these things. And I wont, forget.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi.I hate to say this, but the fact that the developer doesnt check this topic, dont join the game and react like hes not caring about the game anymore makes me screw this. I see no reason for joining the server anymore, since he doesnt care about the game. Why should I play a game which doesnt seem to be complete? Why should I care about a game which the developer doesnt care about or at leased answer any suggestions here on the forum? The developer just leaves the game to an administrator whos very active, helps other players and build on the map etc.If this keeps happening from the developer that he doesnt respond to suggestions and at leased joins the game to see whats going on, Im done buying his projects in the future.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hello SLJ, from what I saw Mason connects, you probably do not see why it connects at 5 am. Among other things he made several game updates. Currently it is free, however, requires a total donation of $ 10 per month, that is not of a person but of all, to maintain the server. The changes made are improvements, because now there are no more lags, and I always see that there is more than one player connected. This morning even 5 or 6.Among other thing that I really like is the semi-update, in the sense that if connecting the game sees that there is a new version, it download automatically, and then you simply have to extract the folder.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi, yes, mason does make changes, but tbh mason will never get 10 dollars a month. And that admin is no longer an admin, Im not saying who it is on here for that reason.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi, yes, mason does make changes, but tbh mason will never get 10 dollars a month, maybe for a few months but after a while, he will not get 10 bucks a month. And that admin is no longer an admin, Im not saying who it is on here for that reason.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Yes I knew that. Sad because previous admin was very active in the game. I dont know now who is.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Okay, so I see I was wrong regarding to updates. Im glad to hear that I was wrong regarding to this. It just seems like Mason is not very active, because he dont reply here on the forum. I dont expect a developer to reply each day, but at leased once each week would be great. Especialy when the game is paied.Regarding to the admin, if youre talking about the admin called Lucas in the game, then this is really really sad. He is awesome!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Yes it is. But I dont know who is the new admin.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

I have this little message for you, Mr. Stojsic.First of all, Im not sure whether or not you are aware, but Masons gone and threw a tantrom and abandened us, deciding that he will not post on here anymore. I really dont think, for this reason, that posting this topic here was a good idea. Because as was said by slj, he clearly doesnt care about this project--hes posting on things like twitter... something I dont even have. so in all actuality, I have no way to reach him.Something else. if the server is so unstable that it lags when you get 10 people, or perhaps seven AI beings on there, thats not worth the price. If you create a game, expect people to play it, you cant have a server like that.and yeah, a demo would be nice. and one I can get my hands on--doesnt even have to be a demo software, even a recording would be nice.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Heh, might wanna check your sources mister steven. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

And no, btw, I didnt throw a quote tantrum quote, or abandon the game. Its alive and, from the looks of the times it has been ran, quite well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

ROFL, Yes you did throw a tantrom Mason, more than once, just because you dont like it doesnt make it magically untrue, thats not how the world works, thats way too convenient. But hey, at least, as far as I can tell, your not actively saying you hate your own game any more, but, it seems like your still getting rid of good admins that are fed up of you after busting their asss trying to help pull it together for the players on a daily basis, as you stand in the way at every turn, or has that stopped now, unless Lucas left on his own, in which case, good for him, its not worth it, even to help the community.Anyway, the actual game is pretty great, if you can get over the server outages, the drama, the arrogant and often flaky developer, the balancing issues, the disappearing admins, and all of the rest, I think its at least worth 5 bucks for the awesome combat and platforming, and, I did make a recording, 2 actually. so heres the post with them. … 00#p197100


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

ROFL, Yes you did throw a tantrom Mason, more than once, just because you dont like it doesnt make it magically untrue, thats not how the world works, thats way too convenient. But hey, at least, as far as I can tell, your not actively saying you hate your own game any more, but, it seems like your still getting rid of good admins that are fed up of you after busting their asss trying to help pull it together for the players on a daily basis, as you stand in the way at every turn and ignore them constantly because you dont actually want to do anything with the payed game you just launched, or has that stopped now...Unless Lucas left on his own, in which case, good for him! its not worth it, even to help the community.Anyway, the actual game is pretty great, if you can get over the server outages, the drama, the arrogant and often flaky developer, the balancing issues, the disappearing admins, and all of the rest, I think its at least worth 5 bucks for the awesome combat, pretty good sounds, unique features, and multi level platforming. I I did make a recording, 2 actually. so heres the post with them. … 00#p197100


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

ok, Im not a moderator, but I think several of us are verging on flaming in this topic. If you dont like the game, then dont by it. Why must everything lead to negative comments and acusations?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Hi, no, lucas did not leave on his own, though he told me he was getting ready too because defender, I completely agree with you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Briant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt 
 care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the person who asked me for my help with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do 
 and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop him from launching a payed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, 
 learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might I add, and told Mason where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I go
 t out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive aggressive posts on twitter, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that
 , the other admins didnt much like how Mason did things either, I seriously considered just ditching this thing.However when the game was free, I remember having a hole lot

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Briant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt 
 care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the person who asked me for my help with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do 
 and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop him from launching a payed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, 
 learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might I add, and told Mason where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I go
 t out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive aggressive posts on twitter, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that
 , the other admins didnt much like how Mason did things either, I seriously considered just ditching this thing.However when the game was free, I remember having a hole lot

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Bryant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt 
 care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the person who asked me for my help with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do 
 and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop him from launching a payed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, 
 learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might I add, and told Mason where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I go
 t out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive aggressive posts on twitter, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that
 , the other admins didnt much like how Mason did things either, I seriously considered just ditching this thing.However when the game was free, I remember having a hole lot

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Bryant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, directly stolen ideas from other more popular games, or sounds from those same games, even 
 though he has a good sound designer to rely on, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the person who asked me for my h
 elp with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop him from launching a pa
 yed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might I add, and told Ma
 son where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I got out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive aggressive posts on twitte
 r, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that, the other admins didnt much like

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Bryant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, directly stolen ideas from other more popular games, or unlicensed professional sounds from
  those same games, even though he has a good sound designer to rely on, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the pers
 on who asked me for my help with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop
  him from launching a payed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might 
 I add, and told Mason where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I got out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive ag
 gressive posts on twitter, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that, the other

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Bryant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, directly stolen ideas from other more popular games, or unlicensed professional sounds from
  those same games, even though he has a good sound designer to rely on, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the pers
 on who asked me for my help with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop
  him from launching a payed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might 
 I add, and told Mason where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I got out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive ag
 gressive posts on twitter, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that, the other

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Bryant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, directly stolen ideas from other more popular games, or unlicensed professional sounds from
  those same games, even though he has a good sound designer to rely on, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the pers
 on who asked me for my help with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop
  him from launching a payed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might 
 I add, and told Mason where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I got out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive ag
 gressive posts on twitter, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that, the other

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Bryant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, directly stolen ideas from other more popular games, or unlicensed professional sounds from
  those same games, even though he has a good sound designer to rely on, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the pers
 on who asked me for my help with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop
  him from launching a payed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might 
 I add, and told Mason where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I got out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive ag
 gressive posts on twitter, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that, the other

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Bryant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, directly stolen ideas from other more popular games, or unlicensed professional sounds from
  those same games, even though he has a good sound designer to rely on, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the pers
 on who asked me for my help with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop
  him from launching a payed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might 
 I add, and told Mason where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I got out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive ag
 gressive posts on twitter, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that, the other

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Bryant its because this developer doesnt know what hes doing, plain and simple.He treats is beta team like crap, constantly gives up on his own games, starts projects only to do the same crash and burn rutine again and again, royally screwing all the people who worked on the game with him, as well as the players who ignore all the short comings time and time again, just to have some small chance at a game worth playing with a community of people that they become attached too every time, then lose when Mason gets board with his little play thing.Weather the game is payed or not, doesnt matter to him, the server will go down for hours at a time, and he wont develop anything useful or fix any glaringly obvious issues, for weeks at a stretch, if he doesnt find it worth his time, it doesnt matter if its full of bugs and problems, directly stolen ideas from other more popular games, or unlicensed professional sounds from
  those same games, even though he has a good sound designer to rely on, hell still try to put it forward as a payed product even if he him self doesnt care about it any more, his attitude towards the audio games community is standoffish, dismissive, and arrogantly self important, and he never seems to learn from his passed mistakes, weather the critisism is respectful or not, because he seems to think that everyone is out to get him no matter what.I thought people were being unfair, until I found out my self, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when I joined the team, because he was having bad network problems, and seemed very depressed for a few days.But after having my questions evaded constantly, my messages 90 percent ignored, and after basically, with out directly saying it, being told to fuck off and handle it on my own with inadiquit documentation, access to almost nothing useful even after several kiss ass attempts to gain it from the pers
 on who asked me for my help with those very things in the first place, and, after only allot of poking, prodding, waiting, and hounding that I did not! want to do and said as much. I finally got what I needed, barely, to actually do something half way useful with this game that had clearly been launched in its payed form far too early, for several reasons, chief among those being large imbalances between players, server issues with lag, multiple spawning, and positional updating, a map that was too small, which had a bigger zone that was never even used, ostensibly for the admins, than it did for the players, only a few active admins out of several signed on to the project, issues with cheating using problems in the map, not enough activities to gain XP, lack of adiquit try before you buy info in any form, and more.Mason said that he was way too depressed and that his network was way too slow to change any of that fast enough, and yet, none of it was enough to stop
  him from launching a payed version of his game at the worst time possible for everyone involved.I emmediatly started helping out as much as I could, learning on the fly and talking to the community, answering questions they had and trying to explain that, yes, the game was good, even despite its problems, which it was, while Mason tried as hard as possible to prove me wrong. I started working on the map after showing him some that I had made before, which he ignored, and teaching other admins how to do it, organizing where people could build so we wouldnt screw each other over, explaining commands that Mason never even bothered to show anyone, and then finally sharing the builder info when I eventually got it from Mason. I also made an audio demo that I was going to add voice over too but didnt get enough time to do so before the questions started piling up too much, wrote lots of suggestions down, something that he wanted me to do, might 
 I add, and told Mason where to find them on more than one occasion, but they were promptly ignored.I tried to help with sound design, but the most I got out of him was the original sounds which couldnt help me any, and some useless 1 word answers on how I could fix some of the current sounds that werent quite as top notch, even going so far as modding one of the sounds by searching for it in a giant library, I just happened to have the right one, and showing him the result, which he ignored.Its true that Mason was alright sometimes, even fun to talk to, but, comparitively, it wasnt worth it at all, for all the times he wasnt.After being patient and as polite as possible while not actually feeling that way at all, seeing the server go down for hours, on a payed game, several times, even after notifying him that it had done so as soon as it had gone down and knowing he was around because I could see all his passive ag
 gressive posts on twitter, waiting for updates to simple problems for days, doing the same for new documentation after builder changes were made, and learning that, the other

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

Sadly, I think that expecting him to be more professional about game development may be too much. This post may come across as flaming to some of the mods, but I will attempt to stay civil.It is obvious from Twitter that Mason has clinical depression. He probably has some other mental/social issues as well, but I have not been able to spot them. Some of his behavior may be caused by genetics, but I also think that he is liing with an extremely dysfunctional family, which only makes things worse. I am not sure if they have been this way all his life or if this is just a recent occurrence for him, but either way, ones parents are seen as the stabilizing force in ones life, and if they are unstable, it completely upsets any chance of an orderly life. If arguing/unstable parents is not enough, he has clinical depression: I am pretty sure he has , several times, gone to a pschologist or psychiatrist to diagnose whatever condition he has. He often posts on twitter abou
 t hwo iving sucks, how its not worth it because everyone hates him, etc, which is of course, not true. But his self-esteem is so low that he cant believe it.With all this excess baggage, it is difficult for him to dredge up the effort tow ork on a game, especially if he thinks that nobody likes it and are just reporting bugs to criticize him. This is, again, not the real reason why we report bugs to him, but again, his psychology tells him so. He also takes opinions of people far too seriously. He was unable to siply laugh it off when immature people condemned him for charging for his game and called him terrible names like motherfucker and idiot; he took those comments, at least partially, personally, and that made him even less inclined to work on the game. Which combines to be a really sad state of affiairs wen you think about it because, like defender, I think the game is a really good idea and is actually probably worth $5 now if you dont factor in the c
 onspicuous lack of customer service you get. If this were single-player with spawnable AIs and buildable maps, Id pay $5 for it probably.The final question is, why? Why does he develop a game that is such a thankless task? Why does he say hes going to quit developing a game and then return to it later? I think he uses game development as a sort of mental therapy; please, correct me if I am wrong. Game development is something that he is really really good at; I have listened to some of his streams where he shows himself coding and hes really good at that. He probably feels like game development is one of the few things he can actually do, and he needs a self-esteem boost a lot of the time, especially after school, which, his tweets suggest, is a huge struggle for him. It must be an extremely difficult life waking up in the morning and having to go to school and do your utmost to learn something and know that, even with all the effort you put in, y
 ou will struggle, and probably get bad grades, and you will come home, have a load of homework to do, listen to your parents yelling and/or drinking, and people complaining to you over twitter about how the Ultra Power server lags, and how you are a motherfucker and an idiot and worse for charging $10 for a game. The only beacon of hope you have is being able to work on programming something. And if people are complaining to you about the game, you have to program something else. But youre so good at it, and you can give yourself a blissful mental distraction for at least an hour or so before life comes raging back at you.Now, that is masons side of the story. The community also has a lot of valid arguments. Defender did a good job of listing them above, but Ill add some points here. Mason, by charging for a game, signed up for this sort of riff-raff. In fact, making a game free and then charging for it afterwords makes the flack he gets far worse, because s
 o many people in foreign countries were playing it and now cant because they are too young to buy it or they cant spend money in their country because of the ridiculous exchange rates. By selling something, you have to be prepared for people to tell you that its not worth what you are charging, in the hope that youll stop charging or at least lower the price. Thats how people haggle at the market. You have to have a thick skin when you charge for things if you are unwilling to haggle/bargain with people over a price, and I know that Mason is not a haggler.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound worx Ultra power on Christmas discount!

I agree, and I feel bad about it but, I dont just want to be a consumer, I want some choice in how the games I play turn out, I also could use something to do, and I do have some skills to bring to the table, its why I like to sign on to these projects but to be honest, almost all the time, this is how it turns out.I feel like kind of a jerk for making his problem worse, and then telling everyone about it, but, again, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, because it seemed unfair to judge, and I kept that ideal for as long as I could. I didnt just want to give up on the game right as it was going down the shitter, either.About the coding to escape aspect, yes, I agree, Ive said that too, its the exact same way for Jack on Prometheus, and he is almost worse, for sure more harmful, yet people still flock to his game.We all do things to escape, the more stable we are emotionally, the less harmful that is, in fact it c
 an even be healthy, but its a huge crutch of those who arent emotionally stable, me included, but the difference between me, and Jack or Mason, is that my escape doesnt impact large amounts of other people.Im not providing a service, Im not having to interact with others daily, Im not having my work annalized by other people, and my escape isnt nearly as unstable.Thats not true for all the things I do to escape, sound design for DMNB for instance, but I still dont have to deal with nearly as much as the main developer of a multiplayer game.


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