Re: accessible backup tools

2016-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Whew! Thanks to having backups, I was saved from a developer with some bad ideas.Some of the audio described movies I get are in OGG format instead of MP3. As far as I know, the Victor Reader Stream doesn't support OGG, so I have to convert them to MP3. For this I've been using FreeMake Audio Converter.Last week I got a bunch of Star Trek The Next Generation episodes from one of Ray Stars movie vaults in OGG format. Before converting them to MP3, I decided to see if there was a newer version of the FreeMake Audio Converter. There was, so I downloaded it, over writing the old setup file. That was a mistake!So what was new in the newer version? Plenty, and none of it good. First there's a new page in the installer asking for permission to installed what can be best described as spyware, the description of it in the installer comes right out and says the program will collect personally identifiable information and send it to some partner of the Fre
 eMake developers. Then I discovered that the options to accept or decline the spyware weren't accessible with the tab or arrow keys, I had to use JAWS' touch cursor to access them to decline.After the install was done, my system was very sluggish and I couldn't find the responsible task, the task manager showed only about 5% CPU usage, yet it was still very sluggish. After checking that no new tasks were set to launch at start up, I rebooted, that seemed to solve the sluggishness.Then I took a look at the new audio converter, it looked the same as the old one. After some thought and deciding not to encourage the distribution of spyware, I uninstalled the new audio converter and reinstalled the version I had that had no spyware in the installer, and made a note not to update the program.And finally, I sent the developers an email, giving them my thoughts and reaction to the spyware.From now on, I will modify installer file names to include t
 he version number of the program it contains. That way, older versions will not be over written by new downloads. The older versions can be deleted once I am certain I will not be needing them again.People! Grrr!


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

@Blakeman: UrBackup looks like a good solution. I'd be interested to know if the restore process can be made accessible for the boot cd - it looks to be based off some linux variant.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blademan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Hi.I had a search like this a while back, and I came up with 2 tools that fit my situation best; hope they help.As far as backup and restore, UrBackup was what I found and liked enough to actually try it. It does full disk backups as well as incremental backups,is open source (and is hosted on git hub), has a client / server architecture so many client machines can back up to one server (over a lan or the internet with full encryption, of course), and is really configurable. You can have the server generate specific setup files that you can install on many machines with preferences such as server address, a watched list of folders to specifically back up, autoupdating enabled, etc already configured.I haven't personally needed to do a full disk restore, but the documentation does say that ur backup has a specific mini OS environment from which to restore backups. This would need to be experimented with; I don't k
 now if you download the desired backup as an iso and write it to a flash drive or CD and it includes the bare metal restore OS or if you do it some other way. Though it isn't specifically "backup" software, I use Syncthing for syncing files across many machines. There is a rudimentary version control system in place for synced folders (so things aren't just gone everywhere when you delete them from the directory). All the pieces of the system are open source (normally you would only need the client, but there are also relay servers, relay pool servers, discovery servers... Everything you'd need to set up your network independently from the public one if you wanted too).Ur backup supports Windows and Linux (the client and server can run on either OS), and syncthing supports Windows, OS X, Linux and Android.I wrote a blog post with a bit more about my 2 choices here if your interested.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I forgot why it didn't make it into my shortlist; if i remember correctly, that program is no longer being developed or supported.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

hiif you want cool backup, try CobianBackup.It can do full and incremental and lots of cool things, I use it a lot.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Hi,For automatic interval backups and versioning, I cannot recommend cobian backup 11 gravity enough.Its an insane backup tool. Seriously. I think the guy was on cloud 9 while making it. The things you can do with it are out of this world. Go grab it, google cobian backup download or something along those lines.Some things are inaccessible, but about 95 percent of the app is very much usable.Hope this helps.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Probably, thought you'll have to try ti and tell me how it works out.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Will instructions similar to these work to install Image for Windows into a Windows 7 PE?


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I've written a tutorial on setting up a windows 10 PE on a USB drive, then putting Image for Windows on it. It may be found at … store.html


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I assume it was Microsoft's image restoration tool, because it was already part of the PE environment. I didn't install anything, nor did I run it from an external media.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Did you use microsoft's built-in image restoration, or a third party tool?


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I've tested the The windows 10 64-bit PE image by Carlos which works like a charm; I was able to boot from a USB drive in UEFI mode. He has also made it easy to add your own programs to the environment, which I've done after some assistance from TeraByte support on which files need to be included for Image for Windows to work. I can go into more detail if anyone else's interested.I'm not sure about whether the recovery environment in post 14's link works, have not tried it.I'll report back again when I've tried SyncBackPro.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Well, what about the accessible PE? Will that not run the Win32 app nowadays? I confess I've not tried it at all recently, so I wouldn't know. But this is a question I'd love to have an answer for.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I've used Image for Windows. Used it all the time, back when computers had serial ports and I could boot into an accessible Linux-based CD, complete with Speakup, to restore. But now, computers don't have serial ports. Any suggestions?


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I've heard good things about it. Let us know.Windows images only contain NTFS filesystems, yes. This is actually not a limitation of the VHD file format but of Windows. And your experience sounds typically M$.Try Image for Windows. Good things heard about accessibility.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I just discovered something called SyncBackPro which looks like a very good solution for folder-level backup (about the only thing it doesn't do is image backup). Its very accessible, unlike most backup/synchronization software out there and is extremely configurable and feature-rich. There're 3 versions of SyncBack: the free edition, SE and Pro; the last 2 are paid but have free trials available. Will report back when I've actually ran backups with it.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I've had horrible experiences with windows's built-in image restore; I only took an image of one of the partitions on the disk but when restoring, it idiotically wiped the entire drive clean (which included data on other partitions without any indication of what its been doing. So I'd never trust the windows built-in solutions again.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

thanks sebbi, shall give it a try, and see how it flies


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

@Flyby Chow:If it isn't too late, then you can find download links for the Win 8.1 PE I use and know works here.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Ahoy allVictorious wrote:2. Synchronization: for folders where versioning isn't needed such as media, ebooks, etc. It needs to support synchronization of locked files using somethinglike VSS. It would be nice if this supported automatic synchronization upon insersion of a USB device.I'm also looking for something that is able to do this on windows.I don't really have a need of backups in most cases but there's my music library,and ebooks library where something that keeps the exact copy or sync of the folder that exist into another a external hdd,for example.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Ahoy allVictorious wrote:2. Synchronization: for folders where versioning isn't needed such as media, ebooks, etc. It needs to support synchronization of locked files using somethinglike VSS. It would be nice if this supported automatic synchronization upon insersion of a USB device.I'm also looking for something that is able to do this on windows.I don't really have a need of back ups in most cases but there's my music library,and ebooks library where something that keeps the exact copy or sync of the folder that exist into another a external hdd,for example.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

sebby, if you could be so kind, to please pop a post with the latest links to win seven PE as well s win 10 PE, 64 bits. files. i could put in the leg work and run tess this weekend. so we can be sure.if it will work. i'll nuke my system after i backed it up. and then we'll see. all my data is backed up and my ssd is krying for a nice reformat any how. i only ask this because there's so many on the4 forms, and i am tight on internet data. i can download the latest files but cant try all of them. so if you could post the latest links, that you ahve for them, i'd deeply appreciate it


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

@roelvdwalAre you sure that's for an image backup?My experience has been that the image you restore completely replaces the current contents of the hard drive. Thus restoring your system to the state it was in when the image file was made.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

If you can get into an accessible PE environment, say the one created by Windows Repair Disk, then maybe it doesn't matter which tool you use as long as the Win32 restoration tool works. You'd have to use NVDA, probably. But it would expose you to more-or-less the entire backup market.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

When you restore a backup from windows PE, in my experience, you have to clean the disk with dispart or disk management before restoring the backup. Then it might work.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

This is what I do. It should meet your needs for the image backup.I use the Windows built in Backup & Restore to make an image file back up to a USB external hard drive. If I ever need to restore my unusable system from an image, I just use one of the Windows 7 talking PE discs that there have been several threads about on these forums. It's accessible without sighted help and has the same built in Backup & Restore that can be used to restore an image to your hard drive. I've had to do this once after my brother visited a questionable web site and got my system infected with some malware. It worked great.If you want automation, you can set up a backup schedule from with in Backup & Restore.HTH


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

This is what I do. It should meet your needs for the image backup.I use the Windows built in Backup & Restore to make an image file back up an USB external hard drive. If I ever need to restore my unusable system from an image, I just us one of the Windows 7 talking PE discs that there have been several threads about on these forums. It's accessible without sighted help and has the same built in Back & Restore that can be used to restore an image to your hard drive. I've had to do this once after my brother visited a questionable web site and got my system infected with some malware. It worked great.If you want automation, you can set up a backup schedule from with in Backup & Restore.HTH


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Ghost, eh? I remember having to call Symantec to ask very nicely for the enterprise version, this being the only one that supported fully unattended, command-line restoration.I too wish there were certainty in the Windows backup universe. Sadly, it seems pretty clear that Windows wasn't meant for external filesystem access, unlike Mac and Linux, so you always end up needing some kind of proprietary image-based restoration media, which you then can't use. Windows, Acronis, Ghost--at best, they are aware of the file systems that they back up, but there is no equivalent to the accessible DOS boot floppy for the WinNT family.I'd love to be wrong about this.Edit: after talking to my brother, I thought of the "Reset your PC" feature of Win8+. Is this accessible? And if it is, can it be suborned into using one's own image?


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Ghost, eh? I remember having to call Symantec to ask very nicely for the enterprise version, this being the only one that supported fully unattended, command-line restoration.I too wish there were certainty in the Windows backup universe. Sadly, it seems pretty clear that Windows wasn't meant for external filesystem access, unlike Mac and Linux, so you always end up needing some kind of proprietary image-based restoration media, which you then can't use. Windows, Acronis, Ghost--at best, they are aware of the file systems that they back up, but there is no equivalent to the accessible DOS boot floppy for the WinNT family.I'd love to be wrong about this.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I to, am at the point wear i am desprit to get my paws on some sort of software that can work with the sole purpose of restoring a simple hard drive image. example. backing up a windows image, while windows is running, then restoring it, come restoring time. I even will pay any one. that can help me get software to do exactly this. the big big issue is that, sure, backing up in windows is so, so easy, u can really do almost any thing u wish there. but, come boot time, it is a very difficult task to restore your system. I find that as the years goes by, and i get older, I have less time and the inclenation to have to memorise complicated, time wasting tricky commands, to remember, to get this restorations to work.let us take windows7 repair disk for example.come restoration time, if you wish restoration to wok with 6% success, u have to insure that.1. you have only  2 drives connected to your system, the c drive, and the external drive. 2. that th
 ere's only 1 image on that external drive. because .3. after the cd boots up.and u press next, next, and provided, that you do not make a mistake, and you get to the backup selection screen, wear it auto finds the most recent backup. u then have to press next some more. and then confirm your actions, u are good to go and restoration begins.oops, only to find 20 minutes later that, you stil stuck on the. select backup there you go. tricky at best. for sighted users its a breez, just click next, next next, then on the reparit tool, select an option screen, click, windows image restore.then click next, then click the hi lighted backup. they can have as many as they wish,then next, then on finished to begin, therefore, i even tried levtechs backup software. and payed for it, and landed up even more frustrated due to having to remember  more tricky commands.if only i had some 1 who can reliably confirm for m
 e, and, point me to wich windows PE packet, will work that, can restore a windows 7 64 bit, and windows8.1 and windows 10 64 bit, image, with success,i would pay that person. who'd be able to do this for me.because, thus far, every 64 bit PE i tried comes up with the same error. the backup restoration has failed, when trying to restore a 64 bit image, true, that i only tried them about 1 year ago. but because there's a few out there, if I had some 1 to say to me look, here's the latest 2 or 3 Pe packets, I'll put in the hard work and confirm if they work, for backup restores. if they do, then perhaps we can have a reliable silution.I am willing to put in the hard work to test yep victorius, a warm warm welcome to the world of backup and restoration


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

Yeah I meant on Windows. I'm looking for multiple tools to do these things yeah.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

@SebbyThat's a good point about knowing what platform is being used.For image backups on Windows the two best programs that I have personally used are Acronis True Image, which can do both image and file by file backups in three modes, full, incremental, and differential. True Image can also be setup to do automatic backups to either local backup media or Acronis' cloud service. The other image backup program is Norton Ghost. While it can be used to do backups, my primary use for it was to do drive to drive image transfers, so I don't know that much about it's backup capabilities.And then there's the built in Windows Back & Restore which can also do image and file by file backups. Automatic scheduled backups can be setup within Backup & Restore, or you can set them up in the Windows Task Scheduler.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

You didn't say which platform, each of which has its own tools and capabilities, but to be honest I've not been impressed with much I've seen over the years on any of them except for Linux. The main issue is that each "service" has its own backend; you can't pick and choose the client and the backend, and you'll end up using multiple tools to get the same job done. I suggest you think about how you'll combine the tools to achieve your results. The only exception is CrashPlan, a Java app, which is completely cross-platform, but it's also a great resource hog.On OS X I use Arq. This comes very close. There is a Windows port now. It stores incremental data, encrypted, in your choice of cloud provider, with de-duplication and packing. But you can't access your data without the tool, and there is no imaging. You still need separate tools for that; any syncing service will help with the for
 mer, and on OS X, Time Machine and/or CCC/SuperDuper will help with the latter. I don't know how one does image backups satisfactorily on Windows, except by using Linux boot disks and dd/ntfsclone. I hope someone else can come up with the answer to that, but I believe the Talking Windows PE might be a solution.


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Re: accessible backup tools

2016-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible backup tools

I currently use the Backup & Restore utility that comes with Windows.I have licenses for Acronis True Image 2012, which I bought before I lost my vision. I'd have really liked to continue using it but it is so heavily skinned that I doubt that it is accessible, plus I know that I'd have to have sighted help to recover from an image with it.So I too would be interested to hear what other people use for an accessible backup.


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