Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Good Idea. 


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Ethin, a bit of advice speaking from personal experience. While your idea of dropping something in the pit or chasm sounds logical a lot of naturally occurring pits or chasms are pretty deep. While they are not endless they can go down 10, 20, or more feet into the ground. Some probably go down for hundreds of feet. So jumping in one and walking across isnt very likely given the fact that the natural ones in caves and such are far too deep to get in and out of without special equipment.As for special traps such as spikes, blades, and other deadly devices they are all too real in ancient temples and fortresses. They use to dig holes in the ground, place spikes etc in the pit, and then cover it over. When an enemy soldier or intruder stepped on it theyd fall to their doom into the pit. Quite nasty demise to be sure. In any case jumping in and walking across definitely would not be a great idea.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

@tward, Sorry about that, I kinda got carried away.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Hi,A good suggestion, if you have to jump in the pit, is to find something that you dont ever need and drop it in the pit. If it hits the bottom and you can hear it, and it doesnt echo off the pits walls, you are probably able to jump in, walk across it, and jump out (if you can). However, if it echos, or you hear the sound of something getting destroyed, ripped, etc. do not attempt even jumping over it; most humans misjudge the pits lengths, dimentions, and dyamitor, and thats usually how most people die. They fall in, and its either endless or filled with some form of a weapon that is lethal is some way or form.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

hi,i like the way of handling ptis in tarzan junior, either they are small enough to an easy jump, or big enough to catch a swinging wine and then get to the other sounds both realistic and full of effort, not like a superhero who can jump great distance by remaining airborn.the second level of tarzan junior is quite enjoyable, too.regards


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Sid512, not sure about you but I dont think a swinging wine would do you much good since wine is an alcoholic beverage. What you want is a swinging vine not a swinging wine. Not picking on you, but I just thought what you said was sort of funny. I can see some hero jumping out, grabbing a bottle of wine, and falling to his doom because he grabbed wine not a vine. Reminds me a bit of the deaf genie jokes where the genie keeps giving people the wrong thing because he misunderstands what they asked for.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

hi,however funny it may sound, but i meant vines, not wine. that was a little spelling mistake either in a hurry or confusion.the spelling of wine confused me many times, sometimes i asumed it to be whine with a wh, or sometimes vine.anyways, as far as grabbing a bottle before jump is concerned, id better prefer grabbing pepsy (appologies if spelling is incorrect), over wine or anything else. regards


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

HiMe personally?Id probably just take a deep breath, size up said pit with my cane, ears, the feeling of air if any on my skin etc, and then back way up, start running at it as fast as I can, and just frantically think, hitchin a ride hitchin a ride Im just hitchin a ride Im gonna be fine because Im hitchin a rahahahahahahahahahahahahahide!Aaaa!


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?



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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Hi,hmmm. For pits I actually dont know what Id do. But for fighting enemies Id just use some self defense techniques like wristlocks and such.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Well, I used to have dreams about myself being in audio games, except they were taking place in real life and I would be in the temple, or be in the jungle, where the audio game was set. I remember before i bought Monkey Business, I had a very vivid dream that i was in the jungle level, then in the temple level. Id heard teasers of the jungle level, and had played a little bit of the temple level. So I knew what they sounded like. What was scary was, in the dream, everything was 3d. I could touch the walls of the temple, feel the gravel and mud underfoot, even hear reflections off the walls of the hallways. It was very scary. I dont remember much about the jungle, just the beautiful river. i love water sounds, and that level has some nice ones, though the beach is nice too. Come ot think of it, the only game whose water sounds impress me more is Treasure Mania. The reaoson stopped playing that was partially because it doesnt work on my machine, but also bec
 ause I would occasionally run into the bug of the treasure being on the cliff edges, even though they said they fixed that bug. Hmm I have to fire up my XP VM and see if itll work on there. If it does, Ill have some nostalgic moments.I also had a dream that I was in Super Liam in the lava lake, running around. Once again, ewverything was in reality, so I could fele the rumble and the heat, and could hear my footsteps bouncing off of trees nearby, though if youre in a fiery lanscape, why would there be trees? Oh well, it had that outdoor reverberant sound. Without it, it just doesnt feel outdoors.I may have had a dream a ways back that i was fighting in BD2 or BD3, but I cant remember. If it was, it wasnt as vivid as the others I mentioned. But in none of these dreams did I have to jump a pit. Though I do remember occasionally feeling them and sizing them up, and smelling the smell of the acid from the acid pits in the temples, yes I lo
 ve ancient temple exploration, not because of the culture and mythological things, but just for the arcade style obstacles that get thrown in there in our modern imagination. Hmm, I can remember when I first heard of acid pits, I had a burst of cinesthesia (I should make a topic about that). And my cinesthesia associated acid pits with a hot pleasant bath. I knew it would never be, but one of the sounds of falling into an acid pit in MOnkey Business, I dont know why but it is relaxing in a weird way, even though the character is screaming as he is boiled alive. It doesnt have that painful element to it, at least not to my ears.So, as for what I would do in a pit. Hmm Ive given it a bit of thought, and I think I figured it out... Wait for it...I would turn back! And if I knew I would be coming across a pit in advance, I probably wouldnt go in. Maybe if its really small I would try to maneuver it, but if it goes from wall to wall, or there is 
 not a decent amount of room to go around it, forget it. Cane or no cane, I dont trust my agility, which is practically 0 right now, to see me safely jumping across a pit or a chasm. I dont even trust myself to step over it safely, since although my balance is decent, I am pretty clumsy when I get thrown off track, and my nerves would throw me off track in that situation.I remember one time my dad and I climbed on top of a waterfall. I forget where it was, but it was a relatively safe climb, with only a few spots that my dad said were dangerous, though he is more gutsy than I. I was so nervous climbing up there, stepping over openings in the ground, or scared that the rock would collapse underneath me even though hundreds of people were there enjoying the view, as we were. The adrenaline and anxiety I got from doing that was so intense that it made me nauseous for about 15 minutes. Im not doing that again.And dont ask me to fight off adversaries ei
 ther. I can do it in games but there are a lot of play fights I simply cannot win, partially because I am not an aggressive physical fighter, but also because I am not physically made for fighting and have 0 experience with techniques and so forth, and dont have the desire to improve either of those things right now. If I were actually in a situation where Id actually need self defense... well well see what happens when I do. Until then I am just as unsure as you guys are about what would happen.So lets take this all the way out simply because I am bored.If you had a virtual reality game and put me in there, I wouldnt be a very good beta tester. Just to prove I had been there, I would bring a camcorder which would record audio and video with decent quality and resolution. I would record as much as I could, and to enhance the virtual reality effect, I would not say this is in a virtual reality, I would say that its happening, and it
 9;s as real as the world that those fortunates who havent touched a virtual reality game yet are still living in. Lets assume that when I had had enough of virtual

Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

hi,the above post reminded me of first book of wizard of oz, the way the travellers crossed the pit, laying a wooden plank and having the lion transport each of them across the


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Lol, lol Tom. hahaha!  


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

LOL. Anyway, I remember that the loard of the rings books had some pits that some of the main chars had to cross. LOL. I forgot how to spell the place where these pits are found, but trust me, they are there. Yes one of them was a river of fire. LOL. I wonder what other books have such pits and how people got across them. LOL.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Hi. Well first Id get my super duper jumping shoes, then, run, jump, scream wooo ho! land and... hope the poisoness snakes dont kill me. Or if we are talking about that boring thing called real life, what ever that is, Id go to the pit, sweep my Kane across it and if the cane doesnt reach the other side, then no way am I jumping it. but even if it does reach the other side Id still be very careful.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

hi.and what about using the guiding dog?kamochek.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : speeder via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

I have seen in jymnastics a spunge pit, a hole in the ground containing spunges, so that even if you fall you dont even get hurt, you just hit the top of the spunges. even if you were to hit the spunges with enough force to go through it to the bottom there is a trampoline there. the objective of those spunge pits are to hold a rope, jump, bend your knees, and unbend them as the end of the pit approaches.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Kamochek, well, I suppose you could throw the dog across the pit and see if it safely lands on the other side. If you hear a large howl as the dog falls down the pit then you know you misjudged the distance or that it is too far to cross. 


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

hi.i also been in caves, but there wasnt pits.someone here was in israel? in jerusalem?there is a place in jerusalem wich called sataf.there you will find many caves, and one cave even have a waterfall inside of it.but there are no pits.and question, which i dont know the answer to it: what the different between pit and casome?even if i dont know what this word means in english.kamochek.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Kamochek, when I was referring to pits in temples I was talking about a purely imaginary temple. Not any specific or real ones. Lots of treasure hunting games from classic arcade games such as Montezumas Revenge to modern third-person adventures like Tomb Raider have pits, chasms, and so on as traps to make the game more challenging for the player.As far as the terminology goes a chasm is simply a very large pit that is extremely deep. For instance, a pit might only be 10 feet deep if it is intended to trap an intruder, but a chasm could be hundreds of feet deep. Obviously, a chasm is a naturally occurring pit in the ground where a pit, such as in a temple, could be man made.As for using a board or piece of wood to cross a pit or chasm I suppose that is possible, but carrying one around could get cumbersome. Youd want to make sure whatever you used could carry your weight , and was wide enough to easily cross. That is a pretty good sized plank that could 
 get extremely heavy to lug around from place to place. So not precisely practical for an adventurer or explorer to use on expeditions. More commonly in games these days the explorer has a simple tool like a grappling hook he or she can use to swing over the pit or chasm which would be easy to carry on their person and gets the job done.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Well, I have to use my cane to feel the pit. then Ill jump over it.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Socheat wrote:Well, I have to use my cane to feel the pit. then Ill jump over it.So, what if the pit is so wide you cant reach the other end with your cane ? Would you then jump out in the air and just hope the best? Lol.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

kamochek wrote:sorry for that silly question:but i dont know what is cane.kamochek.Its what we, blind people, hold with our hands to help us walk alone. I dont know Russian so I cant translate it to you.Also, old people walk with canes.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

hi.ah, hebrew we its name is walking stick, or touching stick.kamochek.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

SLJ wrote:So, what if the pit is so wide you cant reach the other end with your cane ? Would you then jump out in the air and just hope the best? Lol.If that a problem, Im gonna have a sited to tell me how size of that pit. 


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : in the bag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Hi guys, lets Choose one of the pits we know from one of the games and jump inside to see what there is, maybe there is a safer place from the outside. LOL.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

in the bag wrote:Hi guys, lets Choose one of the pits we know from one of the games and jump inside to see what there is, maybe there is a safer place from the outside. LOL.I think the pit in the game is very small. easy to jump, isnt it? lol.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

hi therei believe in most cases, the preferable way to cross these pits would be simply to jump over them, that is, from the edge launch yourself in the air, and land on the other edge while being airborn when over the pit. thats why a person is required to hold up arrow and then the side arrow keys, or even tap them quickly.if you try to sit and hang your legs downwards, it wont work well. that is because if a pit is too wide you wont be able to put your legs on the other edge and stand up. even then, if you try to do that or crawl across, youre more likely to lose balance at some point and fal deep down in the far as we talk about fire pits, it is even hard to imagine the above situation camochek, if one sits down on the edge of a firepit, his legs would catch fire as soon as he tries to take them across. it is better to jump high in the air over fire pits, or lava pits as there were in super liam.besides, the concept of 
 pits in side scrollers seems a bit strange to me, like if a person is moving straight ahead and encounters a pit, there has to be a way around it as in real life. if the pit is huge, still it could end after walking a distance around the pit itself.however, if they cant be crossed that way, it becomes more like a river, or just a large gap in the entire area, stretching horizontally as far as the eyes can see, or put it as infinitely or across the whole landscape, more like separating the land into 2, 3, or subsequent parts. if thats the case, those gaps tend to be larger even for jumping across them, as generally one doesnt find smaller strips separating the land horizontally, and that too, at frequent ocasions.if we think about lakes, or streams of water, they should be more wide, useful for crossing in a boat.further opinions and views are welcome


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Were blind, so we need a sighted person to help us jump over them smile. Im crazy jumping from pit to pit in all side scrollers. Thats my favorite obstacle. But I dont know what we can do in the real life.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Why should I bother jumping or crawwling crossing the pit when my dog Reever would much more enjoy working her way around it? .


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

hi,thats what i meant, and even if one puts it in games it sounds slightly absurd if the separation sinario isnt there. as per not being able to find a way, i think the characters in the games like sl are supposed to be sighted, and there has to be no alternative other than to cross the pit. it can occur only if the pit horizontally extends to unseen distance, or it is not possible to move around it because of the same per blinds able to recognise the pit, in real life there shouldnt be any indicaters, as if there would not be a wind coming from the pit itself, so they are just for adding challenge to the side scroller in my opinion.regardssid


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

hi.i think we, blinds can use ouer walking stick to recognise pit, or use the foot.if you see that your ending of the foot isnt standing on the ground, it mean that a pit is infrunt of you.btw: i think also a way to cross pit is to put a peece of wood on it and walk on this peece of wood like on a bridge, but insted of a bridge which stand and not move, this will be bridge which you can cross pits and take it with you.kamochek.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Hello folks. As I spent some years in my life in rural landscapes. I mean, I lived on a city during all my life so far, but some of my family friends, and even my parents had farms at some points. And today I also help to take care of some abandoned animals with the aid of my sister. The fact is, I had to cross pits a few times in my life so far. I prefer and agree that it is better to surround the area for another solution first, but in the case wI really had to jump over it I used a shaft, my cane or even a branch to detect the proportions of the given pit and then jumped over it.A bit careless, I know, but neither my family, neither I knew how to take care of a blind boy, in the case, me. So I grown like a sighted person whenever possible.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: how would you cross a pit?

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how would you cross a pit?

Kamochek, as someone who has gone spelunking, explored actual caves, I can tell you from firsthand experience what you propose wouldnt always work in a real life situation. Especially, when exploring certain caves etc. Many times the gap in the ground, chasm, or pit, is so wide that the only realistic way to cross the gap is to jump for it and hope you dont misjudge the distance. Ive been in places where the gap is about a meter across, and crawling over the gap just isnt practical. A person would have a better chance jumping it.Sid, its not always possible to simply walk around a pit or chasm in real life as you suggest. Sure, if you are in a wide open area one should be able to simply walk around it. However, Ive been in caves where the chasm runs from wall to wall and walking around it simply was not an option. Inside a temple or building like in Tomb Hunter the same idea would apply. If the pit, chasm, or similar runs from wall to wall the 
 main character cant walk around the edges of the pit. He or she must jump to the other side.


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