Re: programming languages question

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: programming languages question

well for a starter, i'll recomend bgt, i'm useing it and have no plans of leaving it or swiching from it


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Re: programming languages question

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: programming languages question

Also, start off with something easier. You expect to develop a semi-complexed game and expect to not run into any problem. Dude, I'm sure you saw my topic yeserday. They gave pretty solid advice over there. Go read it, take this topic down, and revaluate the situation. But don't give up on me man.


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Re: programming languages question

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: programming languages question

Adel, delete this topic now. I'd never thought I'd see you post this.I really don't want you to get flammed, but I'm sure you've seen all the topics on here, plus I'm sure you have your own knowledge. Come on man. YOu start off with developing a semi-diffucilt game. Let's go smaller, BGT is simple, and a pretty god base to start on. It might be difficult to switch to something like python, but its still good for code concepts. Python may be easier, because, well, you can use it for more than just audiogames, and in my opinion the sintax is more straight forward and understandable than BGT. For example,def game(): Jaidon="14"BGT would be somthing likevoid main():string jaidon="14"Or something like that. Though not much, python code can be a little easier to read and understand than BGT, because they use more english words. I know void means to cancel, not to define something. Def, makes more sense in that aspect. At the end of the day, its up to you whether or not you wanna learn python, BGT or PB. And I'm sure your parents aren't  going to spend 700 dollars to get that for you, so its out of the question.


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Re: programming languages question

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: programming languages question

ok, nothing is easyer than bgt to lirn, and everything is better than bgt if you have more time to lirn pithon or any other langwige


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@64, it was a suggestion, not an actual topic on the discussion of various programming languages. Someone like cartertemm would need to create it to make it stiki.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

thggamer, Not a complete topic. Nothing about C++, C#, Java.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : thggamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

See … oping-faq/ , maybe it could help a bit. It would be nice if everyone could edit the post to add instructions for other programming languages.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

the thing is, that someone else has done this thing before, the only thing is that the topic was not sticked.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Belov via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@Ethin, If you like my idea, please do this for us!


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

That's a good idea, 57. But we don't ned the OP spreading misinformation and making false claims about programming languages. That stuff just won't fly here. He may be good with PHP and HTML, but he has *no* experience in game development whatsoever, especially in the audio games market, and yet he creates a very topic like this and posts false information. I went through that phase and got roasted for it, and now I'm through with it. Until Jonikster learns about what he's talking about and demonstrates his "superior knowledge" to us, I doubt anyone on here other than you will take him seriously at all.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Hay, Agreed with 57. I also think a topic that talks about programming languages should be sticked to the first page of this forum so everyone can take a look at it whenever they need recommendations or anything like that.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Belov, I'm glad to see you here, and thanks for your feedback!I advise you to C#. But I think you should focus on Python, it will be easier for you.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Belov via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@Ethin, In any case, I think this topic is very important.If you disagree with Jonikster, if most developers disagree with him, I suggest you create a similar topic.Agree, I found a lot of topics on this forum about programming languages. Every time you need to repeat the same things.Why not create one topic where you can tell about popular programming languages, the advantages and disadvantages of these programming languages for audio games so that beginners developers can make the right choice.If there are no developers who have had experience in several languages at once, such as C++, C#, Java, Python, then I think you should collect the opinion of famous developers here and write 1 post that would tell about it.For example me. I work in the Ukrainian IT company as a WEB developer. But I'd like to start developing audio games.I know about programming languages that I can use. I know about the features of these programming languages, but I don't know enough to choose.For example, I'd like to find a programming language with which I could develop both little games and big games like RTR or more.I'd like to be able to develop games and other applications without going beyond one programming language.I don't like python. But I'll study it anyway, since I would like to use it for WEB.I know about two languages that could help me. C# and Java. But I don't know how to choose, because I have no experience in this area.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@55, thank you for that. But my point was aimed at his experience with an audio game development lifecycle. Your teacher has this nasty habit of posting topics on public forums and talking about things he's never actually learned anything about. I appologise if I insulted you, but I am getting extremely tired of your teacher repeatedly demonstrating his lack of knowledge in the areas of (apparently) anything non-web related programming, especially when it comes to Python. I do not mean to offend when I say that I'm surprised you learned anything that you can use in the real world that wasn't nonsense. I find it hard to take someone seriously (especially someone who claims to be an educator of any kind, whether school or not) when they repeatedly demonstrate their lack of knowledge in regards to anything but (apparently) HTML and PHP.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@55, thank you for that. But my point was aimed at his experience with an audio game development lifecycle. Your teacher has this nasty habit of posting topics on public forums and talking about things he's never actually learned anything about. I appologise if I insulted you, but I am getting extremely tired of your teacher repeatedly demonstrating his lack of knowledge in the ares of (apparently) anything non-web related.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Belov via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Ethin wrote:I doubt your "students" no much if anything that is actually correct if this topic is anything to go off of. Your sources are extremely questionable at any rate, which makes me wonder how good you are as an educator. If you get any students at all that is.I was one of these students, for this reason, I think I have the right to speak.Ethin wrote:I especially feel bad for the OPs students because they will find it very difficult to get a job involving their skills because their skills will be wrong!When OP started teaching me, I had little knowledge of HTML and CSS.This was PHP training.It was 2016. At that time, OP had some lessons on his Youtube channel. Now there are no lessons, as far as I know, he is going to record a free great course on Python.We trained in TeamTalk. It was a group of about 10 people.The first week we spent on HTML and CSS. He said that without HTML and CSS it makes no sense to start learning PHP. He gave us the materials and said, "Learn this. Those who don't know it at least at the minimum level can't continue."A week later, everyone was ready to learn PHP.For 2 months we learned the basics of PHP, object-oriented programming, MVC, learned a little about frameworks.After these two months, I easily found a remote job. We didn't learn JS, I learned it on my own. But Jonikster gave me a good start. I'm still grateful to him.I don’t know how he teaches Python, C# or other programming languages. I got PHP experience with him, and my feedback is positive.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

but to my knowledge, autoit doesn't have anything for object oriented programming.also, yes you can use any language you want for development.pascal, c++, rust, python and anything you wish.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@52It seems so, yes. Programming languages are all about discrete logic, and by extension so are games. Digging a bit into AutoIt it seems there's some basic SAPI TTS support [here] along with beeping and clicking snippets, and a sound play function [here] with wave volume control [here]. There seems to be other audio scripts others have put together, but their dated over a decade ago.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Is it  possible to create games in autoit3?.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon . vinnie_ware via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Thanks guys. When i learn to code what kind of games do you guys want to see?


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@48You can get things done with almost any language, it just largely depends on how much effort your willing to invest in some cases. Digging around a bit I came across some resources for FreePascal, a free open source pascal compiler. There's some audio libraries [here], some GUI libraries [here], and coincidentally a guide for FreePascal and SDL/SDL2 [here], with some SDL2 headers [here].


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@48, I honestly can't say. You might be able to get away with it, but Pascal, to my knowledge, doesn't have something like an SDL2 port.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon . vinnie_ware via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@10, I hope you got true because you had to deal with this "TEACHER". And his reply to post 10 proves that he thinks he is an expert. Also he said that he didn't understan liam's question is poppy cock bolderdash. This topic and the fact he wanted the Admins to make this topic perminant was poppy cock bolderdash. Anyway, is Pascal a good language to make audio games? I'm going to learn this in school come september so i was wondering if it can be used to make complexed games like i've suggested to make in the past. Anyway, i'm happy there's people who know their shit and according to my father "Know how to make their own Coocoo and Calaloo." I still don't know why people lie so damn bloody fudging flicking much! Can someone please give me a proper answer? Perhaps Ethan? thanks.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

What 46 said. You don't need to indicate that your an expert explicitly; post one pretty much implied it. Show us the code goddamnit... unless, of course, you have absolutely none to show?


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : supremekiller via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Dude, if your not an expert, why did you poast about languages, you'd need to be an expert in my opinion to know about all those languages.Also dude, since you refuse to show us the audio game projects its clear your making excuses, and this text game has nothing, repeat! nothing, to do with audio game development.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Ethin, Did I say that I'm an expert?Show me this message!I spoke the facts from my experience.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Not just what 43 said but this in no way qualifies you as an audio game developer expert. I think that when Liam asked this he meant code that you had written that made you an audio game developer expert, not a web developer expert.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

NESS - post-apocalyptic text browser-based online RPG game. This project was developed several years ago. This project was developed by several people. Initially, it was the project "Glor". After, this project was finalized. I was one of the development leaders. After a while this project was abandoned. I still have the source code for this project. I will try to change and supplement this as much as possible, I will try to remake the project taking into account the innovations in HTML/CSS/PHP. article, LandmarkSo how much coding did you do for this and how much did other people do???


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

The only project I published is an online text game.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Still waiting for his code over here.He says he codes in russian. But unless he can change the global sintax of a language I can still understand it.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@39, I know, right?


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Real developers have entered the chat; op has left the chat


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Rust does seem interesting.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@36, cmake combined with VCPKG for packages. I've been thinking about rewriting it in Rust; the problem is the library I'm switching over to for level generation (I was originally using Cythonized code) is written in C++ and it would be tasking to port it.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

what are you using to build it? Something like cmake, or directly from VS?


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@34, yeah, I do need to open-source it. I can't on git hub since the files are too big, but I can use Fossil. Mmm... interesting idea that.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

that, would actually be interesting to see.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Agree with 31 and 32. And if you've only created an SDL window, I feel really sorry for you. I have a project on my computer that is yet to be completed or even released yet that is able to not only create SDL windows, but log to files, create a menu, draw text using OpenGL and shaders, fade in/out background music, create environmental effects with levels, perform various kinds of cryptographic operations, use signals to indicate completion in a callback-like system (creating asynchronous menus, for example), and some other things I'm forgetting. Oh, yeah, whenever the players position is retrieved it is checked against the levels size and if its wrong its logged too (for debugging mainly). A few months ago when I was actively working on it I even had it dumping stack traces when it crashed! Also, the game loop does lots of interesting things that are probably not exactly safe (but I couldn't think of any other way to do it at the time):* Ticks at a solid 60 FPS* Updates audio and graphics systems* Uses game modes to determine game state:- If game mode is "menu" and that game mode has user data associated with it (which is a pointer to the active menu), alters game mode to take control of that menu and calls that menus processEvents() function.- If game mode is "Exit", game loop terminates.- If game mode is "Playing, does some interesting things (which are a bit broken):-- Gets pointer to active player.--calls internal game loop processEvents() function to process gameplay.-- Uses players coordinates to determine open pathways.* Simultaneously, the game loop performs OpenGL error checking and intervenes if any errors do occur by logging them (and if the error is anything severe, like GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, informs the user and terminates the application).And all of this is written in C++ too. I need to try finishing that sometime (or open source it which was my original goal anyway so others can help).I don't expect your game to do all of that, Jonikster, but does your game even approach anywhere of that complexity? And I haven't even gotten into what the ProcessEvents() functions do either.I know, I'm probably coming off quite harsh but if your a teacher than this attitude should be normal after all you've done.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Created and experimented with many games? I don't think so. Your a show-off, if you had created one game, I'm sure we would all hear about it sooner rather than later. If you did create any games, then good for you, but I think not.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

you should show me the incomplete project just to prove your point and not sound like someone that is making a lot of excuses.And I hope your experiment is not creating a simple SDL window.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : gonzalez2016s . alovver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Well maybe you could release the most difficult one you have so far worked with, just to prove yourself. You know, actions speak louder than words.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

pauliyobo, Not difficult, but not difficult for me.I conducted many experiments, but didn't publish it. I'm not Samtupy, and don't want to show an incomplete project.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Games? which kind of games? Complex ones? Because it's actually hard to believe. Perhapps you could prove me wrong by showing me one of them.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Liam, my experience is experimenting. I developed games with C++, C#, Java, Python, PB.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

oops @23 and 24, I saw best and worst programming languages and I thaught thats the question.thanks, you added an idiom or something to my language (didn't here that before).so, @jonikster, we are curious to know your opinion on that question, because a teacher should have the ability to answer the questions


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

agreed with @21also, let me clarify liam's question to you:what do you recommend for game development? at least audio game development. what is recommended, what isn't at all!.easy and simple.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@Ethin, thumbs-up for post five! I'm glad we have people like you in this community to debunk things like this.@Jonikster, What gives you the right to talk about programming languages as if you know about them? You have posted dozens of topics asking real programmers how to do this or that In various programming languages. If people subscribe to your channel, they should read your topics because I believe you give the same misinformation that you give here. I'll admit I'm not much of a programmer, but I do know that most of what you said in the original post wasn't true. If I know something that can help somebody, I'll post, but I always stick to what I know and nothing else, sometimes I get things wrong, and when I do I'll be happy if someone corrected me on my mistakes. You do the same things over and over, asking questions and then coming up with your own silly answers. I hope for your sake you grow up, because your not helping anyone with what your doing now.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

22. My question was.Why should the original poster's recommendations be ones people follow. I would like to know what games (audio or otherwise) this poster has created to make them an expert in the field of audio game development.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

No, Liams question was: what experience do you have to draw on to say what language is better or worse for audio game development? This topic really makes me think that the OP clearly has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to programming languages, which is why I said in one of the posts on hee that I felt bad for his "students" because he would be teaching them misinformation and not actually teaching them the correct information. This is bad on every single level; you are deliberately giving the wrong information out to future software developersbecause you are too lazy to go and do research. That causes damage, and damage like that can be very, very hard to undo. I especially feel bad for the OPs students because they will find it very difficult to get a job involving their skills because their skills will be wrong!


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

agreed with @21also, let me clarify leam's question to you:what do you recommend for game development? at least audio game development. what is recommended, what isn't at all!.easy and simple.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

one thing I will give you credit for.Based on this your claim seems to be right.But honestly I prefer quality over quantity. Pretty much a lot of websites developed with python are by big brands.Netflix, dropbox, spotify, google, youtube, instagram, bittorrent, pinterest, quora and reddit are the one I can think of.So true, the websites powered with python are a minority, but most of the time those sites are large and complex websites which generally incorporate machine learning as well.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Major props to you for post 5 Ethin, someone needed to do that and you did it right.  I'm not trying to be condescending  here so please don't take me wrong, and remember this is coming from someone who's also had to step back and fix fuckups too, but at least right now you seem to be doing really well as compared to the past.I can see the progress in a big way.  You took his arguments apart without allot of arrogance or anger, and when you weren't 100% sure of something you said so.  You admitted you might have gone too far at the start (IMO the only time you got a bit too into it was the intro to the Python section) and your seemingly not letting him get under your skin even after several replies.And though I don't know enough to say for sure, it seems like the rebuttals you gave were legit and you brought good sources to the table to back them up.You didn't go off on any unrelated tangents or get really personal/drag up unrelated things from the past either, even though you could have.I think you showed allot of restraint while also doing a valuable service to the community by debunking his bad info in a human readable, unbiased, non emotional manner, and I can really respect that.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Ethin, My English is not very good, and I didn't understand his question.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@17, Yeah. Right. And I doubt your "students" no much if anything that is actually correct if this topic is anything to go off of. Your sources are extremely questionable at any rate, which makes me wonder how good you are as an educator. If you get any students at all that is. And please, answer Liam's question -- I'd like to know as well.


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Ethin, I teach programming on my Russian Youtube channel


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Totally agreed with liam. Like seriously dude. You're now just trying to bash python although you fail at it(don't try).For audio games, I recommend python along americranian's soundpool(I know I didn't spell your name correctly sorry for that),Or c# windows forms, or monogame.There's also electron out there that you need to know node.js(I think), People made cool stuff with it such as cycle path and beatstarlastly, bgt is also out there, but you have to keep its abilities in mind and don't go further than what its capable to do. It is also outdated. However, still there are good stuff written on it such as mason's endless runner and sbyw from the same developer. There's also stw


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Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@jonikster, it depends on the programmer to choose.your experience for the language is yours.if you don't like python, then put it away. if you like to program in assembly, noone will stop you as well!.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@jonikster, it depends on the programmer to choose. your experience for the language is yours. if you don't like python, then put it away. if you like to program in assembly, noone will stop you as well!.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

So I'm curious about one thing if the original poster can enlighten me. I'm going to use a saying from the old west. "i've never seen any of your graveyards"I'd like to know what experience you have to draw on in order to make the statements you have about what is the best/worst language for game development.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Don't listen to 12's advice. really don't. His stats site is sketchy at best (considering they admitted that a site could use more than one programming language). They don't even explain very well how their statistics are obtained.8, if I use __ALL__, then only that which I list in __ALL__ can be publicly available.Also... just because Python doesn't implement visibility properly suddenly doesn't mean it teaches you how to improperly program. I'm quite happy your not an educator; I'd feel very bad for those who you teach if you were. Stop with the misinformation and actually *learn*!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

8, If I made the class field private with __, I can access it anyway.About statistics: … nguage/all10, Don't listen to anyone, try Java. In the future, you can try something else, but it will be easier than if you start with C# or Kotlin.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

8, If I made the class field private with __, I can access it anyway.About statistics: … nguage/all


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@10, you just need C# skills.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Amit via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Hello,Speaking of Xamrin, do I need any java knowledge to make android apps with it? or I can just use my C# skills and learning Xamrin alone will do?Regards,Amit


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

as an AI programmer, i'd like to contradict you as well.Python is the number 1 for ai programming in anything from NLP to image recognition, to reinforcement learning and so, going to it's speed and how fast it is:training ai models is one of the slowest things in ai that might take even days. but, python is used to train the data.also, i will name some libraries for you to see that how python is popular in terms of ai:scikit-learn, tensorflow, mxnet, pytorchalso, going to natural language processing which is one of the great things that I'm currently focusing on:nltk and spacy, the most common nlp libraries. they are written in python. Spacy is written in cython and it is quite fast. it has support for word vectors which is one of the heavy tasks on nlp.jonikster wrote:pauliyobo, Do you remember the statistics?1.1% of sites done with PythonI really don't know how did you find this out, but there are many websites are written with python. + it's main goal is not website development.jonikster wrote:Ethin, I thank you for your post.But I really don't understand why you are protecting Python!because you are spreading missinformation.jonikster wrote:I have PHP for sites, about 79% of sites are developed with PHPwhat is the main goal of php? I remember you wanted to write your website in python and I told you php is made to develop websites. because it can embed html pages.jonikster wrote:What do you say about encapsulation? This is just a convention.About Mono. You want to say that I can develop Android applications with C#? Then when Mono and Xamarin developers say it will be less efficient, more code than in, it is possible, no matter how much code you require to write. although it is missinformation as well. because we have ndk, and it is possible to write applications for android in C++. there is kivy and python-for-android that allows you to compile your python code into android.jonikster wrote:About C and embedded systems. Mars rovers are designed in Java.but that's not a good reason to use java over c.for embedded systems. there are many parameters to consider like amount of memory, execution speed, and so on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

as an AI programmer, i'd like to contradict you as well.Python is the number 1 for ai programming in anything from NLP to image recognition, to reinforcement learning and so, going to it's speed and how fast it is:training ai models is one of the slowest things in programming that might take even days. but, python is used to train the data.also, i will name some libraries for you to see that how python is popular in terms of ai:scikit-learn, tensorflow, mxnet, pytorchalso, going to natural language processing which is one of the great things that I'm currently focusing on:nltk and spacy, the most common nlp libraries. they are written in python. Spacy is written in cython and it is quite fast. it has support for word vectors which is one of the heavy tasks on nlp.jonikster wrote:pauliyobo, Do you remember the statistics?1.1% of sites done with PythonI really don't know how did you find this out, but there are many websites are written with python. + it's main goal is not website development.jonikster wrote:Ethin, I thank you for your post.But I really don't understand why you are protecting Python!because you are spreading missinformation.jonikster wrote:I have PHP for sites, about 79% of sites are developed with PHPwhat is the main goal of php? I remember you wanted to write your website in python and I told you php is made to develop websites. because it can embed html pages.jonikster wrote:What do you say about encapsulation? This is just a convention.About Mono. You want to say that I can develop Android applications with C#? Then when Mono and Xamarin developers say it will be less efficient, more code than in, it is possible, no matter how much code you require to write. although it is missinformation as well. because we have ndk, and it is possible to write applications for android in C++. there is kivy and python-for-android which allows you to compile your python code into android.jonikster wrote:About C and embedded systems. Mars rovers are designed in Java.but that's not a good reason to use java over c.for embedded systems. there are many parameters to consider like amount of memory, execution speed, and so on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@7, I am protecting Python because you are blatently slandering it and giving false information to the public. I would like you to post the link to your statistics so that we may evaluate them, for one.Second: I highly doubt encapsulation is just a 'convention'. If it was a convention it wouldn't be so widely used.About Mono: yes, you can develop android applications with C#. Not really sure who told you more code was needed. Seeing AI was developed in Xamrine/C#, you know.About your claim with embedded systems: No. In fact, this website contradicts you quite nicely. Please, go do research and learn before replying.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

pauliyobo, Do you remember the statistics?1.1% of sites done with PythonEthin, I thank you for your post.But I really don't understand why you are protecting Python!I have PHP for sites, about 79% of sites are developed with PHP, I have C # for applications.On object-oriented programming.What do you say about encapsulation? This is just a convention.About Mono. You want to say that I can develop Android applications with C#? Then when Mono and Xamarin developers say it will be less efficient, more code than in Java.About C and embedded systems. Mars rovers are designed in Java.But I really don't understand why you are protecting Python.kianoosh, What about you speak?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

pauliyobo, Do you remember the statistics?1.1% of sites done with PythonEthin, I thank you for your post.But I really don't understand why you are protecting Python!I have PHP for sites, about 79% of sites are developed with PHP, I have C # for applications.On object-oriented programming.What do you say about encapsulation? This is just a convention.About Mono. You want to say that I can develop Android applications with C#? Then when Mono and Xamarin developers say it will be less efficient, more code than in Java.About C and embedded systems. Mars rovers are designed in Java.But I really don't understand why you are protecting Python.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Thumbs up to ethin. Jonikstr. I beg you. If you wanna make people accept your opinion fine. But don't throw false information. Before listing pros/cons of a programming language, do a proper research. A simple one can be done via google.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

OK, about to go on a rant. I'm sorry about this but I am getting sick of the OPs constant language-hopping and then posting misinformation about various things he clearly hasn't taken the time to understand (hint: I was like this once too and got ripped apart by many programmers on here). I'm sorry if I went a bot overboard on this one, but this is getting ridiculous. I also appologise if I've made any personal attacks in this post -- I did not mean to.Begin rant:@3, I would love to know your research, and this is why I doubted you in the other topic you made about creating a social network -- you always, always, always do stuff like this. Let's correct your misinformation:Jonikster wrote:C++. The best programming language for games in my opinion. Using this programming language, you can develop various applications at various levels.Pros:Performance. Your applications developed in C++ will be fast. C++ was used to develop popular video games.Many programmers have worked with C++. Many libraries, API, engines were developed in C++. You can easily find the tools to design your project.If you learn C++, then other programming languages will be very easy for you.You can program your applications for different platforms.Cons:It's real, really hard, to program in C++!It will take you several years before you become a professional in C++.This quote is inaccurate in a few areas:1) Performance in C++ varies on who's writing the code and the libraries your using. If you've been writing code for years in it and have mastered all of the ways of maximizing performance, then your pro on performance is correct. However, it is just as easy for a professional to mess up and make C++ code far slower than necessary -- parallelisation is a good example of this. If you parallelise too much in your code, your code will be slower than if you hadn't parallelised a thing.2) Your second, third, and fourth pros contradict your future ones. I'll get to those in a moment. But first, the "You can easily find the tools to design your project" pro. This is true for over 80 percent of the practiced programming languages out there. The same goes for your third pro as well -- this one is in fact more truer than 80 percent, because any programming language you learn will teach you the core foundation that you will need to learn others.3) Your cons. Uh. "Really hard to learn C++"? This is very, very subjective. As such, it isn't necessarily a valid negative. Second, about the professional time in C++. This is, again, subjective. If someone was good enough they could become a professional in under a year.And now, for your next one...jonikster wrote:Java. Programming language for cross-platform applications, embedded systems and Android.Java is the number one programming language in the world, and it is difficult to argue with that.Pros:Syntax. I believe that java has the correct syntax. Clarity and structuredness, this is about Java.Java has a good built-in library. Without third-party libraries, you can do a lot with Java.Java is a programming language for cross-platform applications. You can write not only for Windows, but also for Linux and other operating systems.Android is one of the popular operating systems. And Java is the main programming language for Android.Cons:Not easy to learn. Java is not as difficult as C++, but you will need to spend time studying.Lots of code. If you are programming in Java, there will be a lot of uniform code. However, you can generate this code automatically with programming environments.Oracle has started such a policy regarding Java, which from now on, Java from Oracle will be paid. But there is OpenJDK ...P.S.I don’t know about Java, but I would advise you to wait, perhaps for Android, better solutions than Java would be Kotlin or Xamarin.Um... OK. So you contradict yourself even more in this one. First you say that Java has a "nice syntax" and then you contradict yourself in the cons saying its "not easy to learn". Right. Like that makes any sense at all. This is another one of your subjective pros/cons. You go on to say its "for embedded systems". Really? I'd argue that C is used far more often than Java is for embedded systems (and for systems development in general). Wheter you like it or not, Java has some memory overhead since it is an "abstract computing machine" as the JVM specification puts it. C is far better for embedded systems programming purely because embedded systems tend to have not much RAM, and C can operate in this low-constrained environment. (Apparently .NET can too.)Also, here's where you again say that Java can be used for cross-platform development. So can C++, C, C#, and Python.You then say that Oracle is moving to a Paid model. In case you didn't know, Oracle has had a paid JDK for years. OpenJDK has also been around for years -- the oracle JDK is not going

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

OK, about to go on a rant. I'm sorry about this but I am getting sick of the OPs constant language-hopping and then posting misinformation about various things he clearly hasn't taken the time to understand (hint: I was like this once too and got ripped apart by many programmers on here).Begin rant:@3, I would love to know your research, and this is why I doubted you in the other topic you made about creating a social network -- you always, always, always do stuff like this. Let's correct your misinformation:Jonikster wrote:C++. The best programming language for games in my opinion. Using this programming language, you can develop various applications at various levels.Pros:Performance. Your applications developed in C++ will be fast. C++ was used to develop popular video games.Many programmers have worked with C++. Many libraries, API, engines were developed in C++. You can easily find the tools to design your project.If you learn C++, then other programming languages will be very easy for you.You can program your applications for different platforms.Cons:It's real, really hard, to program in C++!It will take you several years before you become a professional in C++.This quote is inaccurate in a few areas:1) Performance in C++ varies on who's writing the code and the libraries your using. If you've been writing code for years in it and have mastered all of the ways of maximizing performance, then your pro on performance is correct. However, it is just as easy for a professional to mess up and make C++ code far slower than necessary -- parallelisation is a good example of this. If you parallelise too much in your code, your code will be slower than if you hadn't parallelised a thing.2) Your second, third, and fourth pros contradict your future ones. I'll get to those in a moment. But first, the "You can easily find the tools to design your project" pro. This is true for over 80 percent of the practiced programming languages out there. The same goes for your third pro as well -- this one is in fact more truer than 80 percent, because any programming language you learn will teach you the core foundation that you will need to learn others.3) Your cons. Uh. "Really hard to learn C++"? This is very, very subjective. As such, it isn't necessarily a valid negative. Second, about the professional time in C++. This is, again, subjective. If someone was good enough they could become a professional in under a year.And now, for your next one...jonikster wrote:Java. Programming language for cross-platform applications, embedded systems and Android.Java is the number one programming language in the world, and it is difficult to argue with that.Pros:Syntax. I believe that java has the correct syntax. Clarity and structuredness, this is about Java.Java has a good built-in library. Without third-party libraries, you can do a lot with Java.Java is a programming language for cross-platform applications. You can write not only for Windows, but also for Linux and other operating systems.Android is one of the popular operating systems. And Java is the main programming language for Android.Cons:Not easy to learn. Java is not as difficult as C++, but you will need to spend time studying.Lots of code. If you are programming in Java, there will be a lot of uniform code. However, you can generate this code automatically with programming environments.Oracle has started such a policy regarding Java, which from now on, Java from Oracle will be paid. But there is OpenJDK ...P.S.I don’t know about Java, but I would advise you to wait, perhaps for Android, better solutions than Java would be Kotlin or Xamarin.Um... OK. So you contradict yourself even more in this one. First you say that Java has a "nice syntax" and then you contradict yourself in the cons saying its "not easy to learn". Right. Like that makes any sense at all. This is another one of your subjective pros/cons. You go on to say its "for embedded systems". Really? I'd argue that C is used far more often than Java is for embedded systems (and for systems development in general). Wheter you like it or not, Java has some memory overhead since it is an "abstract computing machine" as the JVM specification puts it. C is far better for embedded systems programming purely because embedded systems tend to have not much RAM, and C can operate in this low-constrained environment. (Apparently .NET can too.)Also, here's where you again say that Java can be used for cross-platform development. So can C++, C, C#, and Python.You then say that Oracle is moving to a Paid model. In case you didn't know, Oracle has had a paid JDK for years. OpenJDK has also been around for years -- the oracle JDK is not going to suddenly become paid because the users would bitch about it. Then you go on to say: "Lots of code. If you are programming in Java, there will be a lot o

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

OK, about to go on a rant. I'm sorry about this but I am getting sick of the OPs constant language-hopping and then posting misinformation about various things he clearly hasn't taken the time to understand (hint: I was like this once too and got ripped apart by many programmers on here).Begin rant:@3, I would love to know your research, and this is why I doubted you in the other topic you made about creating a social network -- you always, always, always do stuff like this. Let's correct your misinformation:Jonikster wrote:C++. The best programming language for games in my opinion. Using this programming language, you can develop various applications at various levels.Pros:Performance. Your applications developed in C++ will be fast. C++ was used to develop popular video games.Many programmers have worked with C++. Many libraries, API, engines were developed in C++. You can easily find the tools to design your project.If you learn C++, then other programming languages will be very easy for you.You can program your applications for different platforms.Cons:It's real, really hard, to program in C++!It will take you several years before you become a professional in C++.This quote is inaccurate in a few areas:1) Performance in C++ varies on who's writing the code and the libraries your using. If you've been writing code for years in it and have mastered all of the ways of maximizing performance, then your pro on performance is correct. However, it is just as easy for a professional to mess up and make C++ code far slower than necessary -- parallelisation is a good example of this. If you parallelise too much in your code, your code will be slower than if you hadn't parallelised a thing.2) Your second, third, and fourth pros contradict your future ones. I'll get to those in a moment. But first, the "You can easily find the tools to design your project" pro. This is true for over 80 percent of the practiced programming languages out there. The same goes for your third pro as well -- this one is in fact more truer than 80 percent, because any programming language you learn will teach you the core foundation that you will need to learn others.3) Your cons. Uh. "Really hard to learn C++"? This is very, very subjective. As such, it isn't necessarily a valid negative. Second, about the professional time in C++. This is, again, subjective. If someone was good enough they could become a professional in under a year.And now, for your next one...jonikster wrote:Java. Programming language for cross-platform applications, embedded systems and Android.Java is the number one programming language in the world, and it is difficult to argue with that.Pros:Syntax. I believe that java has the correct syntax. Clarity and structuredness, this is about Java.Java has a good built-in library. Without third-party libraries, you can do a lot with Java.Java is a programming language for cross-platform applications. You can write not only for Windows, but also for Linux and other operating systems.Android is one of the popular operating systems. And Java is the main programming language for Android.Cons:Not easy to learn. Java is not as difficult as C++, but you will need to spend time studying.Lots of code. If you are programming in Java, there will be a lot of uniform code. However, you can generate this code automatically with programming environments.Oracle has started such a policy regarding Java, which from now on, Java from Oracle will be paid. But there is OpenJDK ...P.S.I don’t know about Java, but I would advise you to wait, perhaps for Android, better solutions than Java would be Kotlin or Xamarin.Um... OK. So you contradict yourself even more in this one. First you say that Java has a "nice syntax" and then you contradict yourself in the cons saying its "not easy to learn". Right. Like that makes any sense at all. This is another one of your subjective pros/cons. You go on to say its "for embedded systems". Really? I'd argue that C is used far more often than Java is for embedded systems (and for systems development in general). Wheter you like it or not, Java has some memory overhead since it is an "abstract computing machine" as the JVM specification puts it. C is far better for embedded systems programming purely because embedded systems tend to have not much RAM, and C can operate in this low-constrained environment. (Apparently .NET can too.)Also, here's where you again say that Java can be used for cross-platform development. So can C++, C, C#, and Python.You then say that Oracle is moving to a Paid model. In case you didn't know, Oracle has had a paid JDK for years. OpenJDK has also been around for years -- the oracle JDK is not going to suddenly become paid because the users would bitch about it. Then you go on to say: "Lots of code. If you are programming in Java, there will be a lot o

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

@3, I would love to know your research, and this is why I doubted you in the other topic you made about creating a social network -- you always, always, always do stuff like this. Let's correct your misinformation:Jonikster wrote:C++. The best programming language for games in my opinion. Using this programming language, you can develop various applications at various levels.Pros:Performance. Your applications developed in C++ will be fast. C++ was used to develop popular video games.Many programmers have worked with C++. Many libraries, API, engines were developed in C++. You can easily find the tools to design your project.If you learn C++, then other programming languages will be very easy for you.You can program your applications for different platforms.Cons:It's real, really hard, to program in C++!It will take you several years before you become a professional in C++.This quote is inaccurate in a few areas:1) Performance in C++ varies on who's writing the code and the libraries your using. If you've been writing code for years in it and have mastered all of the ways of maximizing performance, then your pro on performance is correct. However, it is just as easy for a professional to mess up and make C++ code far slower than necessary -- parallelisation is a good example of this. If you parallelise too much in your code, your code will be slower than if you hadn't parallelised a thing.2) Your second, third, and fourth pros contradict your future ones. I'll get to those in a moment. But first, the "You can easily find the tools to design your project" pro. This is true for over 80 percent of the practiced programming languages out there. The same goes for your third pro as well -- this one is in fact more truer than 80 percent, because any programming language you learn will teach you the core foundation that you will need to learn others.3) Your cons. Uh. "Really hard to learn C++"? This is very, very subjective. As such, it isn't necessarily a valid negative. Second, about the professional time in C++. This is, again, subjective. If someone was good enough they could become a professional in under a year.And now, for your next one...jonikster wrote:Java. Programming language for cross-platform applications, embedded systems and Android.Java is the number one programming language in the world, and it is difficult to argue with that.Pros:Syntax. I believe that java has the correct syntax. Clarity and structuredness, this is about Java.Java has a good built-in library. Without third-party libraries, you can do a lot with Java.Java is a programming language for cross-platform applications. You can write not only for Windows, but also for Linux and other operating systems.Android is one of the popular operating systems. And Java is the main programming language for Android.Cons:Not easy to learn. Java is not as difficult as C++, but you will need to spend time studying.Lots of code. If you are programming in Java, there will be a lot of uniform code. However, you can generate this code automatically with programming environments.Oracle has started such a policy regarding Java, which from now on, Java from Oracle will be paid. But there is OpenJDK ...P.S.I don’t know about Java, but I would advise you to wait, perhaps for Android, better solutions than Java would be Kotlin or Xamarin.Um... OK. So you contradict yourself even more in this one. First you say that Java has a "nice syntax" and then you contradict yourself in the cons saying its "not easy to learn". Right. Like that makes any sense at all. This is another one of your subjective pros/cons. You go on to say its "for embedded systems". Really? I'd argue that C is used far more often than Java is for embedded systems (and for systems development in general). Wheter you like it or not, Java has some memory overhead since it is an "abstract computing machine" as the JVM specification puts it. C is far better for embedded systems programming purely because embedded systems tend to have not much RAM, and C can operate in this low-constrained environment. (Apparently .NET can too.)Also, here's where you again say that Java can be used for cross-platform development. So can C++, C, C#, and Python.You then say that Oracle is moving to a Paid model. In case you didn't know, Oracle has had a paid JDK for years. OpenJDK has also been around for years -- the oracle JDK is not going to suddenly become paid because the users would bitch about it. Then you go on to say: "Lots of code. If you are programming in Java, there will be a lot of uniform code. However, you can generate this code automatically with programming environments." Nice way of showing how little you know about programming in general -- this applies to all the other languages on your list. Every language on your list has tons and tons and tons of code available fo

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

and there, my friend I have to entirely disagree.Want an example?The dropbox client is made with's backend is made with python.bit torrent is made with pythonInstagram uses djangoReddit, quora and bitbucket are made with python.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

kianoosh, Dude, you never thought that in artificial intelligence, machine learning, Python is not the only language!Yes! Python is very good if the main code in C++. But Python is almost never used as the main programming language.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Dude, dude! Please, for the sake of those who You want to help. Decorators are harder to learn or delegates? Who told you other libraries have bugs that you have to fix yourself? Well that might be true at some point, but this is the same for every, other, programming, language. I can right a dll in c# that produces a bug that the developer can never run their application if they use that dll. It's the developer who chooses to work with a library. Why do you think libs are usually being constantly updated? For instance IrrKlan for c# or soloud ofr c++ or the famous bass, or the other famous one openal.Python is used in developing artificial intelligence and machine learning, which if you are a programmer whose not a beginner, you know how much code a normal ai needs, and how good the performence of the language that the ai is written with should be. That should clarify python's performance.For instance, check out one of the best robots in the world, sofia on github. See how much python is used in it.Java is the number one programming language in the world? A simple google search about people's opinions on java can tell you that it's not, even though that is used in a variety of platforms.Excuse me if I was so harsh on this post. If this post is gonna be even 1 percent helpful to someone, I had to clarify some things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming languages for audio game development

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming languages for audio game development

Dude, dude! Please, for the sake of those who want to help. Decorators are harder to learn or delegates? Who told you other libraries have bugs that you have to fix yourself? Well that might be true at some point, but this is the same for every, other, programming, language. I can right a dll in c# that produses a bug that the developer can never run their application if they use that dll. It's the developer who chooses to work with a library. Why do you think libs are usually being constantly updated? For instance IrrKlan for c# or soloud ofr c++ or the famous bass, or the other famous one openal.Python is used in developing artificial intelligence and machine learning, which if you are a programmer whose not a beginner, you know how much code a normal ai needs, and how good the performence of the language that the ai is written with should be good. That should clarify python's performance.For instance, check out one of the best robots in the world, sofia on github. See how much python is used in it.Java is the number one programming language in the world? A simple google search about people's opinions on java can tell you that it's not, even though that is used in a variety of platforms.Excuse me if I was so harsh on this post. If this post is gonna be even 1 percent helpful to someone, I had to clarify some things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: programming languages

2014-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : balliol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: programming languages

Woah,Ok, let me chip in here. You want to write applications for Windows that arent necessarily games, which as you correctly say rules out BGT.I will urge you to immediately forget Pascal. Although there are still people that use this language, it is starting to become a nitch language and is falling out of use.Now you offer up some interesting options, but are missing a few key players. Let me outline your choices first:BasicBasic itself is too old to actually work with in this day and age, although there are some variants out there that are made to work on modern operating systems. One of the more popular ones is PureBasic, which has been used , for example, by Ghorthalon. This is a viable option, but not the easiest to start with as a beginner in my opinion because the community for it , although large, isnt nearly as big as more 
 mainstream alternatives. Which brings me neatly to:c#:C#, or C-Sharp, is a language which talks to the huge windows library called the .NET framework. Together with Visual Basic .NET, this is one of the biggest languages out there right now for pure Windows application development. It is easy to learn in that it is easy to get a basic application with an actual graphical user interface going from chapter one of every tutorial you will find on the language. Visual Studio, the preferred program to write these applications, has recently become free for everyone, making the entry threshold considerably smaller.c++:C++ is a very powerful applications level programming language, however the learning curve is rather steep. I wont discourage you from learning it, but it will not be easy.Java:I hesitate to include Java in this list, because to actually write applications in Java that run in the Windows operating system you need to know quite a bit,
  especially if you want them to be accessible. However, it is sort of c++s easier big brother and it is very widely used. It is the primary language to write Android applications, for example.Python:Python is a very, very readable language, and that is one of its strong points. This makes the learning curve for the language very gentle and its very easy to get started with it. I recommend this to all beginners of programming.In closing:- If you just want to write Windows applications with a user interface quickly and without fuss, .NET languages like c# and visual basic .NET are your best bet.If you want to know a bit more next to just quickly cobbling windows applications together, I recommend you start with Python.I hope that helps. Dont hestitate to ask if you have more questions.Balliol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: programming languages

2014-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: programming languages

There is no Basic C++/C/C#/Pascal. owever, you might want to try PureBASIC, which is a wonderful programming language for grame creation and general application development. C++ is meant for those who have mastered computer programming or who want to get deep down under the surface of computing and learn the guts and inner workingsof a computer. C is generally used for operating system development. It is what the UEFI and UEFI Specification use. Pascal programmers... well... Im not sure what pascal is used for, but one major industry it is used in is teaching programming. There are more than 200 programming languages available, and from this overview of some of them, I am only suggesting to you some very good and popular ones; I am not forcing you to use one.


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