Re: Role-play enforced games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-play enforced games

Going to throw out The Inquisition: Legacy as an option. It's an RP enforced MUD, but it does have OOC means of catching up with players. They've also got a fairly active forum, and will actually try to make modifications to things to make them easier for screenreaders. It's loosely based on our own historical inquisition, but in an entirely fictional world--so yes, people can and do get burned to death for being magic users. The world itself is incredibly detailed, the RP can sometimes tend to make you forget you have things to do, but there's very little actual drama and the staff is quick to step on it if they catch it. There's all kinds of IC drama, but that's expected. There is PK, but you'd better have a damn good IC reason for doing it, that reason had better be documented, and it had better be a hell of a lot more than your character lost his mind and decided to slit the throat of the next person to walk by. Death is permanent, so the staff take PK incredibly seriously, and if you haven't dotted your I's and crossed your T's, it's gonna hurt you more than it will the person you just tried to kill. I haven't seen a game this well put together since a really old one called the Eternal Struggle, which ended up shutting down in 2006, sadly. This game's been around in one way shape or form, though, since the late 90's. The current ownership has been in place for quite a few years, and doesn't look to be going anywhere anytime soon.Full disclosure: In another life, I was a staffer on The Inquisition. I've also recently come back to play it, and they've made a hell of a lot of changes to it since I was there last. Hell I may even go hunting for someone to pester on there in a bit, so if you're looking...


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Re: Role-play enforced games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-play enforced games

What turned me off on ruler of kings was I remember having to post a video (or write a poem in medieval english) to progress. Plus the fact that youcould only access some parts of the world by paying was a big 'no' for me.Biographies can be a tricky subject.. Some like it, others despise it.. I can see why they may be needed, in some cases.


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Re: Role-play enforced games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-play enforced games

@dark I can understand how you feel, dark..I like both types of rp.. Hell, I once cheered because one of my characters got married in a mush.. Another time, I cried because my character (whowas a cyborg in a super hero mush), was beheaded and got rebuilt and got reprogramed to work for the enemi faction. What I'm getting at is that somegames, mostly mushes and some hard to find rpis, you can still feel like you are part of something.. I'll take a look at clok.. I always tell my selfI'll try it but I keep procrastinating.


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Re: Role-play enforced games

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-play enforced games

Ah forgot about ruler of kings, I really need to give that one a try myself.


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Re: Role-play enforced games

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-play enforced games

There is ruler of kings as well. This game is all about rising up in a town and eventually taking over akingdom as a ruler in a single player game and it also branches out eventually into multiplayer stuff. You can learn all sorts of things from fighting and climbing to dancing and calligraphy.It works on a turns per day system and I really ought to get back into it soon enough because I want to do it some more just hearing this thread.Even the single player portion is heavy roleplay as when you do jobs and quests you actually have to write what you do in addition to your stat checks. For example, one quest I did was to write a poem about a character's face. This was not just checking my personality-based stats but I actually had to write a poem.The game's stuff gets read by GM judges, but that usually doesn't take long and I've never had anything I've creatively written rejected. They say write in medieval style and this really just means don't use a lot of modern technical slang. I don't really go into the "Ye" and "Thou shalt" stuff all that much but I also don't go "how's it hangin'" either. I only played a little bit before I quit and let my character die so I'm probably going to try again.


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Re: Role-play enforced games

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-play enforced games

Haha. Post 4, me too. That being said, cosmic rage is a bit strict, though you can still try doing it. Good luck building an epic story though. It's possible, but pretty hard with CR's amazing story and hosts. Sarcasm intended


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Re: Role-play enforced games

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : NicklasMCHD via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-play enforced games

I'm all for D 5th edition.- NicklasMCHD


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Re: Role-play enforced games

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-play enforced games

One thing I'll say about CLOK is that I've never once had a bad RP experience. You get good RP without, and this is a personal opinion, but without RPI snobbery. Never tried these other places though. Cosmic rage is well, a roller coaster. You'll have really good RP there, and then you'll have like, cringe worthy stuff.I love RP, it scratches an itch and lets me play as someone else entirely. I cast myself into the character I'm playing. I don't enjoy the bio and stuff like that though, so I prefer games that make that part optional. I'll RP consistently left to my own devices, I don't need your staff checking in on me to make sure I'm doing it. RP is a good escape mechanism too. You can have scenes that are  few hours and really take you out of your current troubles for a while.


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Re: Role-play enforced games

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-play enforced games

Interesting question there Caio. I confess rp in games isn't something I specifically look for. When you've rp'd  a tabletop gm who will tailor the world and npcs to your players, put in all the incidental characters from nemeses and rivals to shopkeepers and photographers, who will have an unfolding story that your players will be the heroes of, just playing one character in a huge online world with a static setup and thousands of other players where nothing is tailored to you is to me quite a come down, particularly since in a lot of rp enforced games it  seems all the significant content and development goes only to a small bunch of players and everyone else is hanging on the edges. This was very much the feeling I got  in Hollow, dark grimoire and especially star conquest, indeed the latter really irritated me since for a hugely well written game with great single player activities and quests, being forced to rp by essentially being told to go and beg your faction when your ship gets blown up is just plane depressing! that doens't  you feel part of a game world and community, it makes you feel useless! This is why I tend to play games more for the single player exploration, the quests where my character can feel like they have a significant effect upon the world, and to explore, rather than to interact with other players and vaguely hope for something significant to do.That being said, even though I don't literally seak for rp there are a couple of games where I've engaged in it by accident, usually when I'm doing other single player things, or because the games ethos encourages, rather than discourages that type of thing.The first of these I'd recommend is Clok. There the out of character and in character distinction can take a little getting used to, but I love the fact that to get a class you need to talk to people of other classes, and that even if your off in the wilderness doing extensive crafting etc, you still must interact in a very mundane way. If you've ever wanted to feel like you've journeyed across the wilds, come back with a huge sack full of stuff you've hunted or gathered, sold it off at the market, took a bath, got a hot meal and a bed and some company, Clok is the game for you. It's not exactly the sort of earth shattering rp where your character is the center of a story, but you do feel like your actually in a world, not just part of a gang of other players with a few significant ones. Avalon the legend lives: This one is a little odd since they're policy on rp is rather more interesting as they don't have a strict ic/ooc distinction. They call it "realplay" this essentially means if you go on the newbie channel and say "I'm trying to work out how to gather fruit" someone will turn upp, teleport in and help you. Avalon is also really nice for tying single player and rp activities together, being as you get quests from other players, forge items with them, even fight other players but only in context of fighting for your city or whatever, heck even learning activities is mostly done from others.It's a huge game, my only major issue with it is that since everything is driven by interaction with others, frequently I'd finish the newbie intro and then say "hay what now?" if nobody was around to let me know what to do next, since it's a huge and complex game. Oh and btw, don't be putoff by the fact it's nominally a pay to subscribe game. There is a really interesting system whereby someone, be it your city, guild, church etc will sponsor you as a player. This essentially means that as long as your active, you don't have to pay anything. Actually Avalon is a game I keep trying to get into and apparently they've had a rebuild of a newbie introduction area recently so maybe I should give them another go. The third (which might not surprise you if you've seen me raving about it), is flexible survival. Here the the rp is rather formalised with a rigid ooc/ic descrinction, though it did rather irritate me that people rp'd on the ooc channel. You can engage in what are called judged scenes, these work like rp sessions with a gm and several slots. You can also rp with others if they're hanging around. One rather unique thing is you actually get rewarded in game for rp, so you can actually progress your character, craft gear, get xp etc. yes, given the nature of the game some of this rp, both one on one with others and in the scenes can be erotic in nature, but there are strict controls to set limits on that sort of thing, and  both the hard coding of the game and the ethos of the community has very good etiquette to make sure you won't be asked to rp anything your uncomfortable with, indeed given how unreservedly weird some of the game (especially the single player game), could be, I was quite impressed with how welcoming, and none dodgy the community was. hth. I will also note there is rp on cosmic rage, but I haven't engaged

Role-play enforced games

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Role-play enforced games

Hello,First, let me begin by telling a bit of my experience..I started gamming in the net about 11 or 12 years ago.. The first mud I played was a brasilian game. Basic hack and slash, no quests..My first rp-enforced game was a star wars-based mud... I didn't even know what the term meant and had to learn its meaning little by little..Roleplay (or simply rp for short), changed part of my mudding and text experience..Its something which I greatly enjoy.. I cheer whenever a character I play suceeds on something, I have even cried when one of my characters died due to bad luck.Currently, I'm unable to play any online text game that hasn't rp in it: The thought of simply killing mobs and doing quests.. Isn't enough, for me.. May be its because I have always liked to tell histories and rp is what allows me to do it..Now, I know many people here don't like it.. For me, thats fine: To each their own, I guess..But for the people that like it, I'd like to know this: What are the best games, for you?I'm looking for new games and would like other opinions.. A game can be a mud, mush, browser game, whatever.Heres what I judge when evaluating a game:Quantity of players, immerssion level, mechanics and writting of the players.I'm what I like to call a realist rper: That means that I have nothing against violent scenes, mature scenes, so on. So, any feedback will be appreciated.Good day to all,Caio


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