Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi.@bookrage.Welcome to the forum.I personally doubt i'll be getting a job in the future and am happy living off of the disability money I get monthly.It's never bothered me that the money is government money. The way I see it, money is money, be it government, Birthday, Christmas or Job.I don't need to prove myself, I know it's nice for others to do it but it really isn't my kind of thing.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

with the global economy how it is, things are largely bad for everyone. I have several sighted, perfectly non-disabled friends who have been looking for jobs for a long time, and they have bachelor or even master's degrees or one or two who are doctorate's like me. And when you combine the underemployment and unemployment rates that are significantly higher for the blind, It makes sense you are having trouble finding a job. As someone said above, get a network going. Even better than a shitty job with sorting parts and crap like that, try volunteering, it looks great on an application for a job and they tend to be less particular. My vision was already going from bad to almost none when I started but having my ability to do calculus and teach high-schoolers any level of math they could need as a Saturday tutor got me connected and is the reason I'm in the position I'm in now. Furthermore, non-blind people who are looking to go up on the ladder will be doing the same thing, and there is a lot of "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" in getting a job, and even if there isn't, seeing a capable visually-impaired person is going to open some eyes and open some doors, maybe not for you, but as more and more blind folks get into mainstream jobs, it is going to be seen as even more normal and less of an obstacle, that isn't going to help you a lot right now, but you should be able to climb a bit. Make yourself seen in public, and put on your best look and on top of that, don't just be visible in public, do something that will make others take notice. Some of you are DJs I hear or play the keyboard, find places in public events you can do that. If there is a cookoff or something at a park or something like that and you're a decent cook, get some of that stuff out there. Show them "I can" and you're likely to get into places. It's going to be hard, and living on your money is fine and all, but almost everyone is capable of more than that, and I bet you are one of them.Also keep looking, almost nobody can find a job right now, sighted or not, in under 6 months with the way the economy is in the US, and I imagine it might be similar elsewhere, but you need to work harder, because you've got the economy and ablism to contend against while most people have just the economy.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Agree whole-heartedly with the above post. Due to a combination of circumstances, most of which I will not delve into here for personal reasons, I have never left home and my mother and I live on my disability benefits and the ones she gets for being my carer. It's enough to get us both by and I'm content with the arrangement. As far as I'm concerned, unless a job will pay me more than all these benefits, it's not worth considering. I also know that as both a blind person and a woman I am considered inferior to sighted male applicants, or else someone who can easily be exploited and taken advantage of. That is not a position I ever wish to be in.I love to write, and once I get my procrastinating butt into gear, I fully intend to self-publish my novel series and either code the game based on it myself or get a team together to help me. That is what I aspire to do, to see this world I have crafted come to life in novel and game form. Until then, my current living arrangements are sufficient. I have access to the internet, I have my own computer, and I refuse to let other blind people tell me I'm doing it all wrong just because I'm not interested in working. And the government would be far better off not wasting money on pointless wars and funding corrupt companies, taxing the 1% of wealthy people a set percentage of their incomes, and putting it toward helping the people who need it most. Compared to how much those practices are costing them, disability benefits are a drop in the figurative ocean and given the choice between taking everything I have a right to and dying of dehydration, I'll take it.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi.@rory Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying.Thing is, as Nocturnus said, I don't need money to be happy.I have enough to live off of and to make myself and others happy when I can.I volunteer when I canand when I don't, I don't.I play keyboard when I can and when I don't, I don't.I do what makes me happpy and when I don't or can't, I don't look at it as a disappointment instead I move on and try to improve my life.Improving my life does not mean getting a job. It means doing what I want to do to make me happy.I doubt I will ever be one of those people that does a job he hates just because that's what everyone else does, that idea seems very silly to me.I completely understand that there are people who do have to do that to put food on the table and to get a house of their own but I'm not one of those people.I don't feel bad though because I can't change that, I can't give the person who has 3 jobs a bit of extra cash. I can't help all the homeless I wish to help and feeling sorry for myself and them isn't going to help me get on with life.I help when I can and when I can't , I'll probably be reading a great harry potter fan fiction or something like that.If I can take money from the government for being blind, i'm going to do it.I'm very thankful this kind of disability money exists. i'd be even more thankful if it went back to having the skills to do the job mattering more than your grades but unforchenetly that's not going to happen.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

What I really wish is that schools and stuff don't fead their students with the bullshit of a good life, a good job, a promise that clearly is not always in reach even for the sighted.I grew up believing that I was going to be someone, eventually I got convinced that ofcause I'd get a job, a family, and a life pushing my expectations through the roof.I would have prefured that while I got options and got told where I could possibly find work and the structure not get my yhopes raised up.They didn't mention things like to get a job you must fight for it including against those faster, better and more normal than you.And the fact that you may never get one.Worse, getting the dole or the benifit meant you were a poor islander on drugs or something, so you got pushed to achieve something that wasn't in reach at the time.If I was told how it was maybe I'd be in a different place completely.However as I went up through school, life skills training at the blind school and eventually into university I was confordent that things would just fall into place.They didn't and I was to fucking blind, retarded and stupidly fucking dumb to realise that I was basically being fead a dream that I had to make happen not just happen.Then boom, all the issues of trying to get there and suddenly I find myself at the bottem of the pile.This time with not much qualifications, and a completed cv with no prospects of it going anyware and I just decided it wasn't worth it anymore at least going the way I was told would get me somewhere because it wasn't.What is worse, because I thought I'd be ok and while I had time to really make something happen I didn't bother because I was costing and seemed to be able to be on top.I know now that was never the case and it was just another step, they never tell you about what you do when you get on the ladder their purpose is to get you half way up the cliff then take the ladder away.What you do then well whatever.I havn't given up just yet.I just don't know where to go right at the moment but I am sure I will find out sooner or later.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

@Cinnamon,A fair amount of what you're saying is spot on; I've seen enough sighted college students find themselves surprised because they think they should be able to find work right off the bat now that they have "insert this degree or that in here."  society doesn't work that way though; almost everyone wants a good job.  Everyone wants to be the next big, best thing.  Whether you've seen yourself as a multi million dollar making musician or hollywood movie star, athletics or medical, the fact is that someone has to clean houses and shine shoes for all of those people.And who makes their cars?  Who works their electricity and deal with downed powerlines?  Who sorts their produce?  Who watches their kids when they go to work?  Who deals out their medicine?  who plums their pipes?  Who takes their garbage?  At the end of the day, someone has to do those jobs because because.  they need doing, which means that the bottom line comes down to their not being enough room in this world for 7.5 billion "pick your favorite job/career choice and insert it here."  Eventually you find out that there are still at least, in the US alone, some 5000 people in the janitorial squad with PHD's and some 20k parking lot attendants who also have qualifications that should, theoretically give them good paying jobs.  IN all, there are some 17 million people in the United states who's jobs are under paying them and overworking them and not appreciating all they've already contributed to scholastics, accademics and or overall society.and almost everyone's to blame: from teachers who tell classes full of students they can be anything they want to if they just put their minds to it, to guideance counselors who don't have or can't make the time to work more closely with students, to parents who drill and drive their children to the ground expecting them to do the best they can on anything and everything with an or else condition attached and the disappointed facial expressions and tone to follow in conversations that generally leave children feeling depressed, to government officials deliberately experimenting with education legislation for an ever changing , overpoppulated world.  I could keep going, but the point I have to make is rather simple and does not require that I do so; we place a higher appreciation on education than is entirely necessary.  Two hundred years ago children were not shamed for leaving their classes to help their families at home.  That is no longer the case today.  We have shattered hopes, loves and dreams by telling everyone they have to be the best they can be at all times to get what they want, leaving out the most essential part of that conversation, which is that even at the end of all that trying you may not get what you really I discouraging students to go after college educations?  Absolutely not!  they should, however, learn before pursuing any career whatsoever that they might not end up where they want to be, which is why I'm much more in favor of doing what makes me happy rather than doing what makes me money.The world is already depressing enough as it is; why make my wife, my children and other people suffer because I hate my work?I'm a writer, a multi musician, a producer and sound designer, a fair voice actor, am good with research on many levels, fairly good with martial arts, public speaking, taking care of children and pets, dealing with most manual work if I have instructions when necessary, have a love for science, history, technology, philosophy, and much, much more.  Why do I not have a full time job?  Some might say I'm lazy, and they'd have a right to their oppinion.  I myself, believe society does not value me highly; I'm simply a statistic on paper.  Thankfully, I need not be depressed about it, because along the past 29 years of my life, I've gotten thousands of thank you's, thousands of keep doing what you're doing's, thousands of love you's, and much, much more encouragement.  Once upon a time I needed physical and mental motivation, and I found it on stages, even if the end showed no monitary advance for it.  Today, I'm older, I'm wiser, and I realize that all I have is all I need.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Brad, are you seriously saying that you take money from the government because your blind? Because in my opinion that is no way to live. Blind people are just as as capable at working for something as the rest of the world.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi. Please don't laugh me out, but the title of this topic and all the difficult parts, which are obviously a serious thing, reminded me this sad song. writing is not my thing, so let it be my little contribution to this discussion, as those feelings are not unknown to me, but I'm just not all that cool with writing it all down.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Crashmaster's posts seem to be tangles of contradiction. You want a normal life with a house and family, but you don't want to do slave labor to get there? What do you think most people spend their lives doing? Plenty of non-disabled people work in shit jobs they hate. I'm not saying that's the gold standard of living, but they work those shit jobs so they can have the things they want. They work those jobs because they don't have government enefits to fall back on, and they also want to have the pride of being able to stand on their own feet. It sounds like you've given up entirely. I don't know if New Zealand has what we call sheltered workshops or not. Those are places where they bring the disabled to work. Industries for the Blind is an example in the united States. It sounds like you're not willing to lower yourself to work there though. But if you have no good education, no good marketable skills... isn't that a useful stepping stone on the path to getting a normal life? You can learn the skills there to better yourself and move up to a better job. You do what you're able to do at the time, and I don't understand the hate for that.I have my own blessings which allowed me to get my nice job where I now work. I was born to a dirt poor family, but I worked hard in school, and the states here pay for some university education for the blind. I came out of University with an English Literature degree which isn't very useful. I didn't know what I wanted to do when I got to University, and that meant that I graduated with less than stellar job prospects. My first paid gig was correcting papers for an online tutoring company. It was easy to get hired there. Then, with that experience, I got hired to tutor students at the local college. My boss happened to have employed a blind tutor before, so she was open to it. I also did some freelance tutoring and made my own business out of that. My current job began at an entry level position that just required good data entry and customer service skills, but it's a position with massive promotion potential, and now I'm set.It's all about stepping stones and finding out how to use your skills. I spent months browsing the job sites and feeling like absolute shit because I'm blind. I would see something in the job description that I couldn't do, so I dismissed it out of hand and got very depressed about the whole thing. But I decided that giving up wasn't an option. I didn't want to live on disability payments. So I had awful interviews. I did things that were hard for me. I did jobs I didn't like. (I didn't really like tutoring, and I don't think I was excellent at it). If I ever lose this job, I'm scared of being thrown back into the snake pits of job searching, because it's scary, and it's so easy to give up.What are some things you're good at? Can you do any of that online? Can you tutor anybody in anything? What are you bad at. Can you practice writing to get better. Can you practice customer service on the phone to get better. I'm sure there are helpful things online for this. To the original poster, it's rough out there as a blind person. It takes a ton of mental strength and picking yourself up out of the dirt. But there are steps you can take to get yourself moving in the right direction. And there's nothing wrong with working in those disabled work places if there's nothing else for you to do at the moment! Take the experience from that and make yourself bigger from it!And yeah, I know I can say all this because I have a job, but I also know I've been there and I've felt the struggle and all the bad feelings.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Crashmaster's posts seem to be tangles of contradiction. You want a normal life with a house and family, but you don't want to do slave labor to get there? What do you think most people spend their lives doing? Plenty of non-disabled people work in shit jobs they hate. I'm not saying that's the gold standard of living, but they work those shit jobs so they can have the things they want. They work those jobs because they don't have government enefits to fall back on, and they also want to have the pride of being able to stand on their own feet. It sounds like you've given up entirely. I don't know if New Zealand has what we call sheltered workshops or not. Those are places where they bring the disabled to work. Industries for the Blind is an example in the united States. It sounds like you're not willing to lower yourself to work there though. But if you have no good education, no good marketable skills... isn't that a useful stepping stone on the path to getting a normal life? You can learn the skills there to better yourself and move up to a better job. You do what you're able to do at the time, and I don't understand the hate for that.I have my own blessings which allowed me to get my nice job where I now work. I was born to a dirt poor family, but I worked hard in school, and the states here pay for some university education for the blind. I came out of University with an English Literature degree which isn't very useful. I didn't know what I wanted to do when I got to University, and that meant that I graduated with less than stellar job prospects. My first paid gig was correcting papers for an online tutoring company. It was easy to get hired there. Then, with that experience, I got hired to tutor students at the local college. My boss happened to have employed a blind tutor before, so she was open to it. I also did some freelance tutoring and made my own business out of that. My current job began at an entry level position that just required good data entry and customer service skills, but it's a position with massive promotion potential, and now I'm set.It's all about stepping stones and finding out how to use your skills. I spent weeks browsing the job sites and feeling like absolute shit because I'm blind. I would see something in the job description that I couldn't do, so I dismissed it out of hand and got very depressed about the whole thing. But I decided that giving up wasn't an option. I didn't want to live on disability payments. So I had awful interviews. I did things that were hard for me. I did jobs I didn't like. (I didn't really like tutoring, and I don't think I was excellent at it). If I ever lose this job, I'm scared of being thrown back into the snake pits of job searching, because it's scary, and it's so easy to give up.What are some things you're good at? Can you do any of that online? Can you tutor anybody in anything? What are you bad at. Can you practice writing to get better. Can you practice customer service on the phone to get better. I'm sure there are helpful things online for this. To the original poster, it's rough out there as a blind person. It takes a ton of mental strength and picking yourself up out of the dirt. But there are steps you can take to get yourself moving in the right direction. And there's nothing wrong with working in those disabled work places if there's nothing else for you to do at the moment! Take the experience from that and make yourself bigger from it!And yeah, I know I can say all this because I have a job, but I also know I've been there and I've felt the struggle and all the bad feelings.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi nokturnus.Oh if it could only be that simple.Auckland is the most expensive yes.Even though I grumble, and bitch and moan its basically all I have.Leaving my home though not on your life!Its not all bad, for one thing we have rights, of import, the right to be ourselves, the right to work or not as long as we are not stupid about it, sadly a lot of the restrictions we have is mostly because when we didn't have those people abbused the rules.An example, In the beginning people were given cash for a computer to do a university course.And or software.But there was nothing to stop them from dropping out of the course once they got their computers.Secondly, the country has a lot going for it.Its quiet and away from most terrorist issues, wars, probably even the apocolipse if it ever came that time for world war 3, I think we would get some of the flack but a direct hit? naaa!We don't have much of a military to speak of not an airforce for battle or much of a navy but its not like anyone is going to invade us as such though they did try in the past.While we have our share of issues including forrign investers snapping our houses and the fact that we don't have jobs everywhere, from holidaying in other  countries, the air is fresh and its not noisy.The beach is close to my door and I can walk there.Ofcause that aint the only issue australia our closest naibour is to put it in a polite word behaving vary badly.They don't want boat people seeking refugee status so essentually put them in prison, and there are a lot of issues over that, the places they are put in other islands around are corrupt and have their own issues.They think boat people and other imigrants are the issue and they are ofcause superior or at least their government seems to be thinking that.They come here and get it all for free, yet we go there, pay all the taxes, but get no benifits, at all.We can't even become citisons at least that easily.They had a booming car manufacturing and mining industry but that has all dried up.Technically since I have visited there when I was small in the 80s or there abouts, I shouldn't have as much of a hard time getting citisonship but I most certainly do not aggree with their atitudes at the current time.In fact they can be more racest than this country.And thats the closest country I could go if I actually decided to move.There is the us, but its going to start world war 3, its a terrorist target.Then there is europe.Apart from being far away from me its in the middle of the next war.Holland or something like that could be nice I guess if I wanted to just chuck it all in but there is still a part of me that wants to fight and becides all their stuff is changing to.I'm never going to own a house unless I get married anyway.The only other country is possibly singapoor, which is fully millitary controled and all the people have power, work long hours and are free, but the crouds and the noise.No couldn't make me leave a country with the open space I like at least for now.The quibbles I write about are just that, grumblings of a person in my country, but thats about it.The job, the system, I've moved on largely from that,.To the rest of the posts.Well for me networking is tell people I am looking and just jump at any offer in my interest range.Though to be honest I havn't been kindling the fires of attempting to even bother for years, because I didn't have the energy to bother.As for a job, I am unsure if I actually want a job as such or at least a normal job.The kind where you leave the house, go outside to an office, slave away grinding your nose on that stone all day and night.Online is where I eventually want to go.While I do moan, I can't say my life is boring by any stretch at least for the moment.I live with my family which for the moment is fine.I go out with them, spend to much on things sometimes, definitely eat to much, both cooked and brought food, see other family from oversease, walk, shop, I have books  to read computers to fix, games to play in short I have a life.I don't know if I could give up, my gym, in the mornings, my afternoon walks, the going out and meeting people every week.The shopping, and actually getting my weekends and no long hours for a desk.Maybe a job that has me set my hours such that I work at nights or work where it suits during the day maybe.As for my moan earlier, well the issue and its only slite is that if you do fall foul even if you didn't you can get busted for it.That won't happen as long as you make sure your paperwork is fine or at least shouldn't.You just need to be awake thats all, and there are worse people, some my friends that are not blind but worse off.2 of them in fact should have been ended ages ago.One was born with a hole in her head and has no mind.The other was born blind but totally mental to the point of non  awareness.Yet the system is so bung that those people are allowed to continue to live and there are others like

Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

I've always heard it said that it's easier to get a job once you already have a job. So to start out, try looking for a job in a setting specifically for the blind. The work is usually meanial assembly jobs that don't need vision to do and the pay is probably minimum wage, if it is even that high, but it is a job and can be used as a jumping off point to a better job. Especially if they like the work you do, that job becomes a job reference you can use when applying for other better jobs. Everybody wants experience, but nobody will give it. That's where these jobs for the blind, frequently in what are called sheltered workshops, can be a way to get the experience everybody wants. A lot employers, aren't really looking for experience in the specific job you are applying for, just experience in having and maintaining a job, especially when you are just starting out, trying to get your first job.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Most people seem to get jobs by knowing someone who knows someone. I don't know what sort of network you might have, but if you haven't already,maybe try searching there?


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

hi there. regarding braille, if you have a braille device, or something like an iPhone, given you know, in your case the US braille code, you should be able to figure out UEB that way. I happen to know most of US, UK, UEB, basic nemeth, most of US and UK computer tables, purely just by messing on a braille device...


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

crashmaster wrote: The only time a blind person can stay poor and helpless is tonga where there is nothing for them to do or holland where they try to give them a life. ... And then there is norway, they put the disabled in mental hospitals and thats where you stay till you die even those that don't work even if they want to.Crashmaster, these sound like generalisations. Is there any information about this on the Internet?crashmaster wrote: There is sweeden but I don't care to rely more on the government to an insane level if I can help it.What do you mean?crashmaster wrote: ... if [the government thinks] you are doing something wrong, then you get 9 times of hell with a bit of fire on the side.Then you are taken out the back and pritty much shot it does happen.What do you mean?


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

(quote=crashmaster) The only time a blind person can stay poor and helpless is tonga where there is nothing for them to do or holland where they try to give them a life. ... And then there is norway, they put the disabled in mental hospitals and thats where you stay till you die even those that don't work even if they want to. (/quote) Crashmaster, these sound like generalisations. Is there any information about this on the Internet?(quote=crashmaster) There is sweeden but I don't care to rely more on the government to an insane level if I can help it. (/quote) What do you mean?(quote=crashmaster) ... if [the government thinks] you are doing something wrong, then you get 9 times of hell with a bit of fire on the side.Then you are taken out the back and pritty much shot it does happen. (/quote) What do you mean?


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

W if I didn't know any better this topic would scare the bologna right out of me!  So,!  let's take a step back and breathe a bit, shall we?@hurstseth405, if you're currently getting paid by your parents and you live in the US, two things are true.  First, if you're ever gonna get out of your parents' roof, you'll need to discuss the matter of your money with your parents, particularly if you've turned 18 already.  the only way they can keep it from you is if a doctor can vouch for them that you're not physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically stable/fit to take care of yourself while living on your own.  while living under their roof I can see that whole you need to pay something to live here thing being somewhat true, particularly if you're 18 or older, since you'd need to pay just about anywhere else, given I don't know a single place in this world where everything in life is free.  if you do find such a place let me know, I'd sure like to take my family there.the next thing is that getting paid to work does not entirely dictate what kinds of contributions you provide to society; I know people who get paid to do practically nothing other than to play on their computers because they happen to know the right people... No joke.  I've put in hundreds and hundreds, maybe thousands  of, I've honestly lost track I've had so much fun,  hours of community service performing music at various functions and events for the sake of publicity and have gotten back less than twenty thousand dollars for all I've done.  Don't take this as a complaint though; I love what I do... I put smiles on people's faces and give them a chance to forget themselves and their lives for a few minutes or hours at a time.  You might get paid billions and not enjoy your job; conversely you might get paid minimum wage and enjoy your job so much you'd never even think about a promotion.  If you want my personal take on which I'd prefer, it'd have to be the latter; I don't need a ton of money to survive, and I don't need a ton of money to make my family happy.  My wife is not materialistic and my children are being raised not to be either.  Are we poverty striken?  Perhaps there are those in society that would say we are, but we have food on our table, a roof over our heads and clothes on our backs, on a daily basis, which is more than many people in third world countries get in their lifetimes.@crashmaster,I believe New Zealand may be on the expensive side of the living scale if memory serves me correct.  if that's true, I'd suggest that if you ever get a chance to do so that you get the blazes out of there, as it's obviously not doing you any good to be there judging by the way you're writing.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi crashmaster.Yeah, I think agreeing to disagree is a good way of looking at things. The way I see it, we're not arguing,, we just have diffirent oppinions on how we might want to run our own lives and that's great. It's great that we can all talk about this and discuss things without saying one persons way is right and the others is wrong. As my nan tells me, we all have our lives and no one has the right to tell us how to live them.For me personally, I'd not mind the screwing lids on to bottles thing,, if I had to do it to survive to make money, i'd do it.i'm lucky I don't have to do that but yeah, I'd do that kind of thing if I had to.I will deffinetly look at the word press accessibility test team. I really enjoy testing websites for accessibility. Thanks for that, i'll look at it as soon as i've finished writing this post.I'm not looking  for work at the moment but if I need to one day, i'll look into the testing for the government websites thing. Thanks again.Here's a little tip. I'm going to try saving money eatch month at the beginning of 2018. I have a big sweet bottle that had toffies in it. I  will be using that to put a bit of cash in eatch month.I'd recommend doing that if you can. That way, you don't spend the money in your bank all at once and can put some away. I think this will help me a lot as I tend to spend a lot more than I probably should./edit/I've looked at word press. It's not my kind of thing.I can't seem to find any other way of testing websites for screen reader users. Everything I type in gives me tools to test websites and that's not what I want. OH well, i'll keep looking and see if I can find anything worth my time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi crashmaster.Yeah, I think agreeing to disagree is a good way of looking at things. The way I see it, we're not arguing,, we just have diffirent oppinions on how we might want to run our own lives and that's great. It's great that we can all talk about this and discuss things without saying one persons way is right and the others is wrong. As my nan tells me, we all have our lives and no one has the right to tell us how to live them.For me personally, I'd not mind the screwing lids on to bottles thing,, if I had to do it to survive to make money, i'd do it.i'm lucky I don't have to do that but yeah, I'd do that kind of thing if I had to.I will deffinetly look at the word press accessibility test team. I really enjoy testing websites for accessibility. Thanks for that, i'll look at it as soon as i've finished writing this post.I'm not looking  for work at the moment but if I need to one day, i'll look into the testing for the government websites thing. Thanks again.Here's a little tip. I'm going to try saving money eatch month at the beginning of 2018. I have a big sweet bottle that had toffies in it. I  will be using that to put a bit of cash in eatch month.I'd recommend doing that if you can. That way, you don't spend the money in your bank all at once and can put some away. I think this will help me a lot as I tend to spend a lot more than I probably should.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Oh and at post 2 you said about education most places are switching to the new braille format and I don't even know the new braille format.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

To answer your questions I do get payments every month but I don't really get access to my money. My dad handles my money and I just don't fight about it. My dreams are to get married and have a wife, a house, and maybe some kids. But the thing that scares me is that I may never have these things and I may be put in a home when I'm older. I'm very conservative in my thinking and there is nothing wrong with that. The ADA gets thrown around a lot and it was never designed for jobs it was just designed for access to buildings.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi.@crashmaster.I'm not exactly sure where you're from , I think nz stans for New Zealand, but yes I have heard that in some countries blind people are expected to stay in a room and to be led around by their perrants but that's not what i'm saying at all.I didn't say the blind were poor helpless retarded fuckers who have to stay in a room.I'll admit my grandparents are a bit old fashened when it comes to jobs, but even here in the UK it is hard to find a job. A sighted person could, for example go in to a local clothes shop and get hired for folding clothes, from what i understand but for someone who is disabled it is a lot harder from what I've heard.The only job I can really think of me getting is a computer bassed one and I really don't want that. I use the laptop way to much as it is and would not fancy sitting behind a desk all day.Or I could try counciling but I'd not like that, I don't mind helping people a little but because I have anxiety that kind of job would not work for me.I don't see why being on a benifit would make someone a retarted poor helpless cunt. I go out, I have fun, I travel around London.I can use a laptop very well, I can read Braille, slowly yes but I can still read it. I'll admit that my spelling could be a lot better than what it is at the moment so in that way I guess I am set back a little.You might want to look here at the supported living payment.I think it's interesting that from what I understand, if you are blind and earning money through a job, or another way, they won't take your disability money away.It's the same here in the UK. … yment.htmlHere's the a to z of benifits for NZ … index.htmlI didd a quick google search and the disability benifits are around $62.37 per week, that's 249.48 US$ per month.I'm not sure what that is in New zealand dollars.Okay it's not a huge amount but from what I understand you can get extra benifits if needed. Plus, you won't get your benifits taken away so the way I'd look at it, I'd have money eatch month either way. If I got a job in NZ I could earn more than the benifits but if not I at least have something to fall back on if I need to.As for being happy being blind, it could always be worse. I've got it easy compared to others.I was born blind so I don't know any diffirent but even if there was a cure tomorrow, I highly doubt I'd take it.


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Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi.I know this isn't what most blind people want to hear and that most disagree with this way of living but are there payments you can get for being disabled?I'd recommend going for that, if you can. I mean, if you've tried all you can then isn't that a good option? Perhaps you don't have a job but at least you're getting payed something a month to put towards what you want, be that paying rent to your families or buying a new laptop.It's what I do and i'm not ashamed of it.I'm not lazy but I can't be bothered to get a job. I was told from a young age that no one would hire me and from that day onwards, jobs just haven't interested me. I completely understand that i've got it easy in this way but honestly I don't care. If we'd go back to the way of grades not mattering that much, just as long as you could do the job, i'd probably be interested but in order to get a job you need good if not great grades.SO for now, i'm happy living the way I am.Is that an option that both of you could take? If so, why not try going down that road for a while and if you feel that it's not for you and that you need a job, then at least you have something to fall back on while you're looking, right?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi.I know this isn't what most blind people want to hear and that most disagree with this way of living but are there payments you can get for being disabled?I'd go for that if I were you. I mean, if you've tried all you can then isn't that a good option? Perhaps you don't have a job but at least you're getting payed something a month to put towards what you want, be that paying rent to your families or buying a new laptop.It's what I do and i'm not ashamed of it.I'm not lazy but I can't be bothered to get a job. I was told from a young age that no one would hire me and from that day onwards, jobs just haven't interested me. I completely understand that i've got it easy in this way but honestly I don't care. If we'd go back to the way of grades not mattering that much, just as long as you could do the job, i'd probably be interested but in order to get a job you need good if not great grades.SO for now, i'm happy living the way I am.Is that an option that both of you could take? If so, why not try going down that road for a while and if you feel that it's not for you and that you need a job, then at least you have something to fall back on while you're looking, right?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Should I give up?

2017-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should I give up?

Hi.Join the fucking club!So sadly I appear to be lumped in with you.My story was the same, school pushed out where I could go, job databases, consultants that said I could go where I wanted, lists of job offers, job courses at the blind school here, a rosy picture.Life skills training followed by university, 2 job agencies, some with funding for my studdies.And thats where it all went to the wall.At first it all was fine but then I got equipment which was cheap and bad quality from a place I wouldn't even stick my dick into let alone a 10 foot pole of any substance, broken systems, frequent formats and jobs to get repaired.Eventually with help from my dad who is the only reason by the way I even have the net and a computer at all, I managed to get out of that jam.Then I got jaws for a course which arrived so late it was useless.Then the visual issues with exams forcing me out early.Then this agency and another hunting for jobs for me, the frequent case manager burnouts, excuses, loss of data that meant I had to do tests and retests again.The non progress of these agencies over 6 years.The final realisation that I may as well commit suicide right now since that was about all I could do, then saying I quit.It wasn't over, these agencies at least 1 of them asking me for money even though I had asked to be deleted from their systems.The process to get cleared I simply asked again to get cleared.The break down to by the book stuff from the blind organisation I am with here sealed the deal.I wasn't a student, I was a paying adult now and that means, well you seem to be outside the standard system which while put you in a semi helpless state at least you could get in.Now it was like I got the fist in the face and out the door with the right boot.I still want to continue, in fact I have no choice, by law I need to either be looking for work or get put in the dumping ground for the disabled.I have disabled friends that say its really cool but I have others family and some other friends that have heard stories, basically all the retarded, poor and helpless disabled stuff goes there, they do manual stuff, not sure if thats true or not, but I am not a bit of waste paper, I am a fucking god damned person and should be treated as such.So I lie and say I am looking for work, which I want to but I am not looking exactly because the system has failed me, there are no jobs and I just can't be half bothered right now.To be honest after I had all that chucked down on me well.Ofcause that only works because I have a loving family, and the cash from them and can live at home doing nothing to much, walks, a few jobs here and there but not where I really want to be at.In fact, scratch that, vary little work bar a bit of government research at the local university twice a year and a few other projects which don't always generate work and thats it.In another 30 years or so I will enter the old people system, and I guess I will be assigned a home and given care and be put in a bed to die, or something however I am beyond caring at this point.My advice for you.Well it depends how much you want to fight for what you want if you even know what it is you want or are fighting for.Do you have the mental gas to continue or do you just want to commit suicide and die.If the latter regroup and just pull back completely.Its not the best option, but  for me I had to quit there was no option.Now I have the gas to restart the fight, but where to put it.Certainly not back into the system that failed me in the past.Unless I am making my own business that system doesn't want me anyway.If you do find something in the paper or the adds you think you can do and that could fit your skills, contact whoever directly and explain it.I got my cv done, in the time I was told to not mention I was blind in interviews, in case I put people off.I don't exactly think thats good, don't want to scare people but at the same time you need to put out what you want without lieing to yourself, not sure about that one.I found all jobs I wanted had more than I had got qualified for.My skills mean I can do a lot more but my qualification basically means I can have a licence to type data into a computer, maybe word xp or notepad but not much.All the jobs they want degrees which vary few of us blindies actually achieve.I know some that do and even then unless you are picked by one of the big access companies and that leads to your own business or something then well.If you have not done university or tech or whatever you have in your country, then if you have the gas, I'd try introduction to business certificate and maybe a computer one or whatever base level you can do.Over that its your funeral.Get your cv sorted out at least.Mind you from the topic title and your post, you are about to reach that point where your tanks are almost dry.There is no shame on just pulling back and fighting another day.If you think you can recharge and go again

Should I give up?

2017-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Should I give up?

Okay a little back story.I had a case conference before I got out of school about what I would be doing after I left school. So I decided to get a job and a apartment. Well after going through three different job developers and no luck. Should I just give up? My current job developer has been contacting places and those places are reluctant to work with me. They don't want equipment in terms of accessible equipment in there systems. I can't for the life understand this. She said the best jobs that I might get is sorting parts because most call centers in the area will not work with me. She is also thinking about having me do volantear work but I don't know how long that would last. So should I just give up. Because part of my five year plan was to live on my own and get a job. But it has been 3 out of those 5 years. Is this happening to anyone else?


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