Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

Does this mean it's working for you, now?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

Looks like a have to make a save state first.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

Does this happen right away?It tries to load from the file, where # is the save slot you specify on startup. It expects to find this in the same folder as the program itself. I was under the impression that genz and KFusion use the same save state format (but if not, the differences are probably minor and easy to correct for).(You know what would be even better, though? A memory monitor program that could find the emulated RAM. Would cut out the need for save states entirely.)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

here is debug information:Call stack size: 4File: C:\Users\planet seva\Saved Games\Sega\sor2access.bgtLine: 146 (35)Function: int getData(uint, uint)File: C:\Users\planet seva\Saved Games\Sega\sor2access.bgtLine: 24 (2)Function: Char::Char(int)File: C:\Users\planet seva\Saved Games\Sega\sor2access.bgtLine: 0 (0)Function: Char@ Char(int)File: C:\Users\planet seva\Saved Games\Sega\sor2access.bgtLine: 207 (2)Function: void main()


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

I'm not sure what the deal is, there; it might require that you already have a save state created when you launch the program (I just checked the code, and I can't tell if it would crash if the file isn't there or not. If I update this, I'm adding a check for that--not sure why I didn't in the first place.).If you can post the contents of your clipboard after it crashes, that might help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

I'm having a problem with the addon. after opening the program and gens (the emulator), the program crashes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

Working link:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

It probably expired from low traffic. I can reupload it, but not for a couple hours.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

hello. I can't download. what's happened?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

This should only be possible if the F5 presser tries to press F5 while you're trying to switch windows. If it's still a problem after two or three tries, you could try changing the refresh rate with the brackets. If you press right bracket twice, it should only refresh once every 2 seconds, which means the sounds will take longer to update, but you should have less trouble switching windows.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

I unzip the access program and f5 presser to my fusion folder but when I enter the program, enter the save slot, and then I can't press alt tab to get back to fusion!what should I do?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

It hasn't ever given me lag, but if the timing is just right, sometimes the F5 presser will interfere in attempts to alt+tab away.It's also possible that it's blocking the F5 presser somehow (did you unzip everything?).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

hi, when I start the sor2 access program, I entered the save slot, like slot 1.but then, the program just lags and I cannot go back to any other program, like fusion, so I can't play the game.what should I do to make the program not lagging?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament FightersFirst of all, there were two games under this title: one for SNES, and one for Genesis/Megadrive. They are both fighting games, and they both include the TMNT, but they're otherwise completely different. Just be aware of this if you're looking up move lists.Second, the copy in the zip is the European version, so have your country code set to Europe when playing. Unlike X-Men, the speed will be correct in Europe mode, but it will be ridiculously fast in US or Japan.The story (you can view it if you wait at the main menu, or just press A or C at the main menu) starts out with Master Splinter talking about the turtles, when their shadows approach. He then realizes that they are not the real turtles, and it fades out as someone yells.Cut to the turtles, watching TV, when Krang interrupts the broadcast, gloating about how his turtle clones have captured Splinter and taken him to Dimention X, e
 tc. The Turtles call for help, and so we hear the rest of the cast chime in (April O'Neil is some sort of acrobatic clawed staff-wielder in this game, and she's not even in catgirl form; Casey Jones, Ray Filet, and Sissyphus make up the rest of the playable characters.). And they hop in the turtl blimp and head off to Dimension X.Now, the menus:The main menu loops, but the option menu does not, because... Konami was feeling mischievous that day?The main menu is also in two columns, to make things more confusing.You start on 1 player mode. Up or down will take you to tournament mode, which is the equivalent of survival mode in most fighters: fight as many opponents as you can before you die.To the right from 1player is 2player; that is, versus mode.Down from 2player is practice mode, which isn't actually all that great, since you just pick your character, your oppnent, and have one fight. If you really want to practice, you'r
 e probably better off using 2player mode, assuming you have the 2p controls set.Down from practice, or up from 2player, is options.The options menu does not loop, and most of the settings don't loop, either. And, even nicer, all the numeric settings talk! The announcer's accent is a bit odd, but it's just the numbers from 1-7 (he says "final" for 8).The options, from top to bottom:Difficulty (1-8). The ending varies with the difficulty. You get a silent "Congratulations. Now try it on a higher difficulty" if you beat it on level1. You get a "It was another clone!" for the lower middle difficulties; the highest difficulties give you the good ending.Rounds per match, 1, 3, 5 or 7. Sometimes, if you get a rare double knockout, you can have more. But usually, this is the max.Timer: on/off. This one doesn't talk, but it defaults to on. It also loops, so remember how m
 any times you've changed it, if the time limit matters.Continues, 3, 5 or 7. If you lose in 1player, this is how many times you can try again before getting game over.Controller configuration. In a rare case of kindness, there are 5 settings, and they don't loop. So to restore the default, just find this, and go left until it stops changing. I'd tell you the combinations, but I never bothered memorizing them.Music test. It doesn't make sound when you move left or right, but it doesn't loop either. You can press A to play a track, or B to stop it. This is a good way to tell if you have stereo on or not.Sound Effects test. Much like the music test, but I don't think you can stop them.Voice test. Some weird things count as voices, including several random drum beats.Sound mode: Default is stereo, but you can set it ot mono, if you really want. It doesn't ma
 ke sound when it changes, and I don't know if it loops. I don't think it affects any music that is already playing, but it affects music that starts after you change it. So, yeah, the music test is the best way to test this. I don't think anything but music is affected, though, sadly.Basic controls (default):up=jump, down=crouch.A=punch/weapon attackB=kick/etcC=tauntTaunting isn't worth much. Supposedly it can restore a little health if you do it while blocking in tournament mode, but it leaves you wide open, too. It's... amusing, though.The taunt button is used in desperation attacks, though. Good luck using desperation attacks in a real fight, and not only because the movements are difficult, but because we're kinda left guessing on when your health meter starts flashing.The character select screen not only loops, but it loops to the opposite row.And you start on Leonardo, who is 
 on the bottom left. I don't think you return when continuing, though; you start on the character you last picked, IIRC.From left to right, bottom to top, because you can actually do that with this form of looping:LeonardoDonatelloRaphaelMichaelangeloCasey

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: The MovieThis game plays very similarly to Streets of Rage, but the access program does not work for it. ... I think. I'd be impressed if it turns out it does.It might take a press of start or two, after the title music starts, to get to the menu. Again, try pressing down if you're unsure.The main menu does not loop, so it's pretty simple to find what you want:The top option is single player, the middle is 2players, and the bottom is options. If there's no player2 contrller, it will skip the 2players option entirely, but I think the emulator pretty much always counts both.The options menu does loop, unfortunately.The top option is difficulty, I think. Below that is control configuration.The bottom four options are sound test and exit, in the order: Sound effects, music, voices, exit.You can make the music fade out by presing B.The character select, for ranger levels
 , goes in this order, I think; I don't remember if you always start on the same ranger or not:Red (Tyranosaurus / Rocky / Jason)White (TigerZord / Tommy)Pink (Pteradactyl / Kimberly)Black (Mastodon / Adam / Zack)Blue (Triceratops / Billy)Yellow (Sabertooth Tiger / Aisha / Trini)It loops, so if you start on Red, you can press left for Yellow, etc.If there are two players, one starts on Red, the other on White.The big danger, here, is that you don't hear when you die. Well, and enemies don't taunt so much unless they're about to hit you.But my general habit is to press start if I've fallen down a lot lately, just to be safe, since pressing B or moving when at the "Continue?" prompt can end in choosing to quit by mistake. And I do mean start, not C, since the continue prompt doesn't make the menu sounds the way it does in SoR2.In spite of that, this game is usually easier than SoR
 2. It plays about the same, but the AI is considerably simpler:A: Special attack. This is some unimpressive thing that hits all around you, and otherwise works as in SoR2, draining your health. Unlike SoR2, you should never need this in Ranger levels. (It might be useful in some Megazord battles.)B: Basic attacks. You don't need to hit an enemy to do the combos. For the last couple hits, the rangers pull out their respective weapons.C: Jump. Less useful than you might think. It's block for megazords, though, which is sometimes useful, if you're facing the right direction and blocking the right attack.Tap a direction twice, then hold it to run.If you press B while running, you're character will do a dashing attack with their weapon (or something crazier if you're using a megazord). Just doing this back and forth is a surprisingly efficient method for defeating many mobs of enemies.A running jump does not go as high, but if
  you attack in the process, you'll do a flying kick, which can help you dodge some things while still having a good hit area. Best in stage 5, though you're free to use it elsewhere, if you want.You can grab most enemies, but some bosses are harder to grab than others. Press B or C to throw a grabbed enemy, or back+B/C to throw them behind you.You'll sometimes grab scenery objects this way, and can throw them just the same, as projectiles. There's a big row of barrels like this in stage 3, and some boulders in stage4.If you hold B for a second or two, your character will start glowing; release at this point, and you'll use a projectile. The Megazords make a sound when they start glowing, but the rangers do not.The main differences between the rangers come down to their projectiles and weapons. Tommy's fireball-type thing is big, but doesn't travel very far; Kimberly's arrows are narrow, but go all the way; the Yellow r
 anger's projectile is some... slow-moving thing that I think is a spinning dagger or something.The Black Ranger shoots a small but quick blast from the blaster end of his axe, the Red Ranger does some leaping uppercut with his sword that sends a short-lived energy trail forward; the Blue Ranger twirls his lance, which has a huge vertical area but probably the shortest horizontally. But, his dashing attack is exactly the opposite: he stabs forward with the lance, which has practically no vertical range, but a lot of horizontal.The most distinguished dashing attack, though, is the Yellow Ranger's, since she attacks with two daggers. While some of the other rangers can definitely hit opponents out of the air (I think this only happens once, but still...), the daggers can do it pretty reliably, so I usually use Yellow in stage 4.Sometimes, enemies will drop power coins, which kinda float up and down where the enemy fell. You ned to hit the coin to take it (s
 ome of them heal you, while some just earn points). Dashing attacks are generally pretty good for this.There are some other little things that aren't nec

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

X-MenOf the games I included in the first post, this is the least accessible, because it's definitely a platformer. But, between the vOICe and some trial and error, I've been able to make it through enough areas that I'm willing to give it a write-up.First of all, the copy in the zip requires the European bios to load, but it will run slowly if you leave the country code set to Europe after it gets past the intro. Slow motion might be helpful in some cases, since it's hard to get good information out of the vOICe at more than 1Hz, but you can switch it to US or Japan after the intro if you want normal speed.The logo should be followed by some music, which is the same music that will play in the menus/character select area.Press start here, and you'll get the story, with its own menacing music (Magneto's doing something with a satellite, I dunno.).When the title music cmes
  up again, you'll be on the difficulty menu. You start out on the "Hero" setting, which is basically "Normal". If you press up, you'll be on "amateur", and down will be "superhero". Amateur is the easiest, but you get an ominous ending halfway through in that mode, and don't get to play the last 3 levels. (If you can get the amateur ending while blind, though, you're clearly lord Awesome McGamemaster, and I want to hear about it!)When you select your difficulty, you'll be at the character select. Now, the way this works is a little weird; basically, between the levels, you're in the Danger Room, where the X-Men do their training. The character select screen is actually on a series of monitors in the bottom-center of the room, and if you manage to hit one of those monitors when playing, you can go back to character select.The character select does not loop, so you can go all the way to the left for Gam
 bit, or to the right for Cyclops.From left to right, it goes:GambitNightcrawlerWolverineCyclopsIf you press start on a character, it will bring up their profile and a photo, including their stats, abilities, and backstory. Unless you have an OCR program that can read these, you're better off looking up a walkthrough on Gamefaqs if you want to read them. They aren't that important, but they might be interesting.Press start again, and your character will enter the Danger Room.If the game recognizes a second player controller (which it probably will), the title music will continue playing, while player2 is given the chance to join. If you leave the area with these monitors, the Danger Room music and timer will start.Controls:A: Mutant power. You have a mutant power meter, and it can run out pretty quickly if you abuse it. It refills automatically, but very slowly--on the order of several minutes. There are items you
  can find that restore mutant power, but they're small and you probably won't find them with the vOICe. Using these powers can get a little complicated.B: basic attack. You can combine these with jumping or crouching as needed. Mst of them are punches, but Gambit gets to use a staff, which means he actually gets a combo where, if you press B twice quickly, he'll use the staff, then punch. THe staff also hits low as well as directly ahead, which is nice, since there are some things most characters need to crouch to hit.C: Jump. Holding it can sometimes increase the maximum height.C while jumping: Gambit and Cyclops can do a flip-thing this way, which may or may not get them to jump higher/give you a moment where your attacks can hit a wider area.If you pause the game, all sprites (that's characters, enemies, and interactive objects) become invisible, but hte background stays on screen. At the top of the screen, the characters' icons a
 ppear (in the same left-to-right order), but there's a bottom row as well, with more characters you can summon to help you.This pause screen does not loop, but the sound of the cursor moving will still play when you're at the edges. It also has a few differences if you're playing with another player.The bottom row, from left to right:RogueArchangelIcemanStormYou can only summon these once per level, unless you find their icons after using them. (The icons are pretty rare, and positioned inconveniently.).To summon them, you need to select them from the pause screen, unpause, and press A.Rogue will fly at a specific target and do the maximum damage a single hit can do, usually.Archangel will fly across the screen 3 or 4 times, which usually kills everything that isn't a boss. If you time it right with bosses, he can get in several hits on them as well.Storm hovers and causes, well, a storm, which can
  sometimes hit bosses twice, but usually only hits once. It's also good for killing everything on screen.Iceman will create an ice-bridge, starting from where you are when you summon him, 

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

Here are some basics on each game; each has its own heading, if you want to skip to a specific one:Streets of Rage 2When the music starts, it's going into the intro, which is mostly a story scroll, explaining how, one year after the previous game, the Syndicate has regained a foothold, and a previous team-member (Adam) has been kidnapped.The title screen and the main menu are different, but both are silent. So, when you press start here, you should wait a second or two for it to fadeout/in, then try pressing up or down. If you don't hear anything, it's the title screen, and you should press start again to get to the menu. (Alternatively, you can use the access program to hear which screen you're on.)The menus loop, but you always start on single player. The main menu, from top to bottom, is:1 player2 playersDuel (the players fight each other)Options
 Since the menu loops, you can press up to get to options more quickly, if you want.The options menu contains the following (You should start at the top):Difficulty (easy/normal/hard/mania; default is normal.)Lives: 1-5, default is 3. Do not press the arrow keys or B when you die, if you want to keep playing; if you run out of lives, but have continues left, you will be asked if you want to continue. Start or C should select yes (you'll hear the menu sounds), and you'll need to select which character to respawn as. I'd generally just press C until I know I'm back in (I usually don't wan tto switch characters that badly).Music test. left/right to select track, one of the buttons (A? C?) to play.Sound Effects Test.Voice test. What counts as voices is a bit weird; I assume it has to do with the audio channels used when playing them.Configure controls. Unle
 ss you can get an OCR program to read this, I'd suggest ignoring it.EXIT (You can pess start on any option and it will have the same effect).Any of the other three choices on the main menu will take you to the character select screen.The character select screen has four options, from left to right:MaxAxleBlazeSkatePlayer1 starts on Axle, and player2 starts on Blaze. After a fight in Duel mode, the cursor does not reset, IIRC.This can get confusing in 2player or duel, because both cursors cannot be on the same character.In Duel, there are a couple more options after selecting characters. These are to select the arena (there are 8, each based on a level in the normal modes, some with weapons or traps), and to toggle whether or not special attacks are enabled. I forget which order these come in.The controls in the game itself:A: Special attack. There are two versions of this: one if
  you just press A, one if you press A with a direction. The latter costs health, and you really shouldn't ever need it (but they're usually pretty effective if you do). The plain version only costs health if it hits an enemy, IIRC. These are usually good if you're in a tight mob, or can't hit one of the better-defended bosses (stages 4 and 5 are the ones I have in mind). Generally, though, it's best to avoid these.B: Basic attack. If you hit enemies with these fast enough, you can do combos. (There's another trick related to this, but I won't spoil it.  )C: Jump. There aren't many uses for it, other than aerial attacks and dodging a few things. But as it turns out, aerial attacks are pretty nice.Hold B for a few seconds, then release: This is usually a powerful kick, or the move that ends your combos.B+C: 
 back attack, or throw weapon if you're holding one. This works if you're holding one button and then press the other, so long as you're standing at the time. (So no throwing shuriken while in the air. I think. I don't think I ever tried that, actually...).forward-forward-B: dash attack. You can't actually run at different speeds in this game (unless you're Skate), but you can do dash attacks just the same.If you get close enough to an enemy without getting hit, you can grab them. The characters have different abilities from grabs, but generally, you can hit them while you're holding them (B), thow them (back+B), jump over them (C), or combine the jump with a throw (C, B or C, direction+B). Max and Skate have some... interesting variations on these (Max is pretty much a wrestler, so he can do bodyslams and such, while Skate isn't really big or strong enough to throw unless he's jumping over the enemy, so he does some other cra
 zy attacks for some of the throws).When enemies (or you) fall, it can hit other enemies, or destroy containers, Etc.Containers are things like trash cans, barrels, smaller signs, etc (or in one case, arcade games). Most of them make the same sound when broken, though there are two (in 2-1 and 3-3) that do something different. They usually leave behind something you can pick up, be it money, food, or weapons.The item det

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

hi cae, tthanks foor the better explanattion about the game.that's really makes me want to try it.but unfortunately my 64 bits machine is having trouble with the sapi 5 engin.but I'll try it on my 32 bits.and I'm also interested about the TMNT menu guide and if possible, make the guide for mighty morphin power rangers the movie and X-men too.URL:

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Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

The accessibility is pretty limited; the point of the recordings was to show ways they could be played anyway.(This is kinda long. Should I give each game its own post?)The X-men game will be the hardest, just because it's a platformer. It isn't heavy on platformy puzzles, but it still uses the 2D element enough to be confusing even with the vOICe.(As for hitting enemies, though: Gambit's special attack involves an exploding card that kinda flutters over a large area, so it can sometimes hit enemies above or below. Nightcrawler's teleportation is complicated, but if you hold it, he'll be invincible, and enemies that touch him will usually die instantly, except for bosses. Wolverine's double-jump with his claws extended has a pretty big hit area as well. These use up mutant power, though, and that takes a very long time to regenerate. So I'd generally just keep moving and punch if necessa
 ry. Or use Nightcrawler's dive kick. This one... really needs a more thorough walkthrough.)The SoR2access program works by extracting information from save states. (If anyone can come up with a version that reads from the emulator directly, that'd be much nicer!). You need to have the game running before you start it, since it constantly sends the F5 key through to update your save state.In the SoR2Access window, you can press the spacebar to mute/unmute in-game sounds. Items are separate, because the item detection is prone to false positives (It will usually tell you there's a knife lying around when there isn't, which will inevitably make things annoying when there really is a knife you can use.).You can press the number of the character slot you want to look at to view just that character's information (be sure to pause the game before doing this!). The first two slots (0 and 1) are the players, slots 2-7 are enemies, and slots 8
  and 9 are items. But, again, the items are buggy.I was hoping that you could partly read the options menu through the access program (you can press s to hear what screen you're on, and d to hear the difficulty setting). However, the difficulty variable is only set when you start a level, so you won't hear the changes you've made until they take effect.For reference, the menu works like this:It loops, unfortunately.You start out on single player. Down is two players. Next is duel (player1 and player2 fight each other), and the bottom is Options.You can just press up to get to options, though.In options, you start out on difficulty; pressing left once should put you on easy, right is hard, and right twice is either very hard or Mania (I forget how many settings ther are for difficulty).Down once in the options menu is how many lives you get per continue. The default is 3, and it loops. So if you want 5 (the maximum without ch
 eats), press right twice.The next three options are sound test. I think the A button (for the emulator, not the letter) will play them. So if you get lost in the options menu, these might help orient you. That, and you can listen to all the music/voices/sound-effects in the game. (But not the sounds with the access program, of course.)If you press start in options, it saves your settings and returns you to the main menu, with the cursor reset to the single player position. So just pressing start enough will inevitably start the game, so long as you didn't wind up on one of the two player options.The access program defaults to save-stating every second. I'd be careful trying to make it any faster, but this does mean that you can miss fast movements (for example, ninjas). I sometimes find myself pausing the game to get a better look.In three of these games (Streets of Rage, X-Men and MMPR:The Movie), the controls are pretty similar: A is a cos
 tly special attack, B is basic attacks, and C is jump.In the TMNT:Tournament Fighters game, up is jump, A and B are different-strength attacks, and C is taunt. I'll write a menus guide for TMNT, if anyone's interested.URL:

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Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

how does the streets of rage 2 access work?and how to play X-men? I walk right but it seams I can't kill everything.URL:

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Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

so are these games accessable? do you need any level of sight to play them?URL:

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Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

If it works on your system, you could use the copy of fusion.exe included in the zip (adjust the controls however you want).If that doesn't work, Kega Fusion or Gens come up quickly in Google.(I'd suggest being careful about sites like coolrom or freeroms, though. They don't seem to mind spreading malware along with their games.)URL:

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Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

hello, where can I get the emmulator to Play these games?URL:

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SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

So I spontaneously tried playing some Genesis games, and this happened. contains:my copy of KFusion, which may or may not be useful for anyone.Streets of Rage 2The Streets of Rage 2 access program. Just extract everything and run SoR2access.exe, preferably after Streets of Rage 2 is loaded in your emulator. The .bgt file is included just for the fun of it, but I won't complain if someone makes improvements.a few other games. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters, and Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: the Movie are reasonably straightforward (the former is a fighting game, the latter a Streets of Rage-esque sidescroller). I might make recordings of them X-Men game is included, even though its accessibility is pretty poor, because some practice with it and the vOICe can 
 get me almost as far as a not-too-committed sighted player (or at least, those in my family, who only ever got aproximately as far as I can without cheats). Throw in game genie codes, and who knows what we can accomplish? (Infinite Iceman might qualify as hax).Hopefully-useful (or at least interesting?) recordings of me demonstrating SoR2 and X-men with the appropriate access tools. I only went a little over halfway through the first level of SoR2, just to demonstrate the access program. I went until I got stuck in X-men (and I've made it past that point with just the vOICe before).There's a readme, too.Hopefully this was worth it for someone else. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

2014-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

SoR2access again, with recordings and other games

So I spontaneously tried playing some Genesis games, and this happened. contains:my copy of KFusion, which may o may not be useful for anyone.Streets of Rage 2The Streets of Rage 2 access program. Just extract everything and run SoR2access.exe, preferably after Streets of Rage 2 is loaded in your emulator. The .bgt file is included just for the fun of it, but I won't complain if someone makes improvements.a few other games. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters, and Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: the Movie are reasonably straightforward (the former is a fighting game, the latter a Streets of Rage-esque sidescroller). I might make recordings of them X-Men game is included, even though its accessibility is pretty poor, because some practice with it and the vOICe can g
 et me almost as far as a not-too-committed sighted player (or at least, those in my family, who only ever got aproximately as far as I can without cheats). Throw in game genie codes, and who knows what we can accomplish? (Infinite Iceman might qualify as hax).Hopefully-useful (or at least interesting?) recordings of me demonstrating SoR2 and X-men with the appropriate access tools. I only went a little over halfway through the first level of So2, just to demonstrate hte access program. I went until I got stuck in X-men (and I've made it past that point with just the vOICe before).There's a readme, too.Hopefully this was worth it for someone else. URL:

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