Re: Submitting effective bug reports

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Submitting effective bug reports

@2Yes, you have submitted reports to me in the past, and they've been readable, and provided lots of good information. The report in your post is a great example of a good report IMHO.@3 and @4Yes, I've got templates up and running, and yes, they've been ignored already haha.@5You're probably right, but at least it can be linked to when bad reports are submitted.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Submitting effective bug reports

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Submitting effective bug reports

Great post!  Anywhere a bug can be submitted, this can be a valuable thing to think back on.  Thankfully I already do most of these things (I just copied what others were being praised for) but it's still good to be reminded.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Submitting effective bug reports

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dragonlee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Submitting effective bug reports

#3 and #4 already beat me to it. why not use github templates for bug reports? this post is probably just going to be lost pretty soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Submitting effective bug reports

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Submitting effective bug reports

@1You know about GitHub templates right?  I should probably use one for Synthizer issues, honestly.  You just make a .md and put it in a magic spot in your repo.I will just also add that bugs from fellow programmers that come with a "and this is why the bug is happening" clarification can take longer to track down because when you're dealing with a library for other programmers and other programmers say "because x" you will start by assuming that they're right about it.  I haven't had one of those in a long time and can't currently lay my hands on an example.Also if you are a programmer providing bugs to other programmers and you say "x is broken when y" you should have also made a point of testing that x isn't broken when not y.  For example "Your software explodes my comptuer when the monitor is off"--well, did you even check what it does when the monitor is on?  How sure are you that it's not always exploding the computer?A lot of this doesn't apply to normal users giving a bug to devs because normal users aren't trusted.  Not in a bad way, just in a "if a normal user says something, they may not know enough to make the claim" way.  Normal users earn trust as they're proven correct.  But when it's devs to other devs, you start with trust and lose it as you make incorrect claims, but the losing it process is very painful for the maintainer of the project who will waste a bunch of time looking at the wrong thing to find out it's not what's broken.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Submitting effective bug reports

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Submitting effective bug reports

Here is an attempt an helping yourself, because you will most likely always get issues like that, but...GitHub issue templates can help at least a bit. Provide a dedicated feature request, bug report, documentation request etc template, and pre-fill it so that people just have to fill information in. Of course there will be people who will just delete all of that and submit a bunch of nonsense, but some people might realize how important it is for you to get a clearly structured report instead of a bunch of nonsensical text and might stick to it, providing all the necessary information between the lines.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Submitting effective bug reports

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Submitting effective bug reports

Hello,I think I have reported some bugs to you and I would just like your opinion on my way of doing that in the hopes of improving myselfI most times do the following: 1: describing the situation in which the bug has hapind2: pasting any errors or logs (if any)3: completeing the post of anything else worth notingexample: I just started my way into earwax today but I am facing some issue: when useing the new command to make a templit gameearwax game main.pyit builds the script and all but when lawnching the script the window is completely silent and something in the shell shows "warn('No screen reader detected.')that example is a report of something I encountered and posted a while ago but yeah, I just want to know if that is the correct way to go about it and if there is anything needs improvementsthank you


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Submitting effective bug reports

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Submitting effective bug reports

Hi everyone,I'm posting this here, because there seems to be lots of instances lately where people submit bugs in an extremely ineffective manner. I'm not complaining, how are non-developers supposed to know what developers find useful? The answer is of course, pretty much everything.Submitting a bug is kind of like going to the doctors, except that you're not talking about yourself, you're talking about some software you are using. More like going to the vets with your animal then. Except that you don't really know this particular animal and all its quirks, so it's more like going to the vets with someone else's animal that you've been looking after for the day.As your resident developer vet, I'll want to know what your software animal was doing right before the problem occurred. I'll want to know what you were trying to make it do. Maybe you thought it could do stuff it couldn't. Maybe you thought it shouldn't do something its creator thought was obvious.Here's a few transformations to help you better understand what I as a developer want to hear, and what I don't:Bad: Your app crashed!!Good: I was running YourAwesomeApp version 2.0, and as I clicked the "Save Icon" in the "File" menu, it closed.The computer seemed to slow down for a second or so afterwards, and then the window closed.After the crash, the file I was working on didn't have the most recent set of changes in it.Right before I saved, I was trying to add a picture of my grandma relaxing in an electric chair to my gallery called "Funniest inappropriate images ever", and I had to crop the image to make it fit.Just in case it matters, I'm running Windows 10, and it's all up to date. I got the picture from a website that specialises in morphing different images, so it's not directly from my camera or anything.-In the first example, I know nothing except that one of the 25 apps I've written crashes on some machine, at some point. I don't know anything else. I don't know what computer you are running, I don't know what your environment, whether your using an app designed with keyboard users in mind with a mouse, or whether you're running an app designed for Windows 10 on Windows XP.The second example tells me the app name, the version, the operating system, and gives me a basic outline of what was going on right before the crash. It allows me to start making intelligent guesses about where in the 5 lines of code the problem is hiding. It allows me to ask more meaningful questions, so you don't get pissed off as a user because I'm asking you seemingly irrelevant questions, and my fingers don't drop off as a developer writing the same list of 50 questions each time a bug report comes in.Please don't include sensitive information in your bug reports. This is really important!!Bad:The crash happened when I was logging in. In case you need it, my email address is, and my password is MyFootballTeamIsTheBest.Good:The crash happened when I was logging in. My email address is a Gmail address, and my password has no special characters in it. It's also fairly long; over 10 characters.The final point, which apparently isn't obvious, is BE POLITE! A simple "Thanks in advance" at the bottom goes a long way.If instead you write "I want a new exhaustive feature when can it be ready" in my inbox, my instant reaction is to be pissed off, and go out of my way to be unaccommodating. Please don't forget that many of us - myself included - are doing this for free. You may be using our software to write games you're planning to sell. You most likely won't give any money back to us, so the least you can do is be polite when you're asking us to do stuff that benefits you.If you don't know what is causing the problem, it is OK to say so.I recently submitted a bug against Synthizer, and the description was woefully lacking in details. All I knew was that I was getting audio left around while I was running over 100 tests. Trying to restrict tests to ones which only affected sound cleared it up, which made no sense.I couldn't tell poor Camlorn more than "There's a problem somewhere, and I have no idea how to track it down".He was really helpful and gave me some stuff I could try to track down the problem. When I couldn't give him enough useful stuff the issue got closed as a modern mystery. As it happens, it's since been fixed, because other stuff came to light that helped him track down the problem.Hopefully this hasn't been too boring, and has cast some light into the dark corners of bug reporting.Go forth, and report bugs, which as much information as possible, and with all the grace and respect you'd expect were someone else asking you to do something for them.


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