Suggestions for Sites to Stream a Playlist

Apologies if this has already been posted about before, I looked a little way down the forum.
I need a website where I can select songs to put into different playlists, and stream those playlists to others via link.
I've tried Youtube, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to get to my account, let alone create a new one. Youtube would probably work, if I could make the site more accessible.
I've tried Grooveshark, because that too is exactly what I need, but the site has tons of graphical elements Jaws can't even find. was another place I tried, but the buttons are unlabeled.
I thought Shoutcast might be an option, but it was telling me things about interfacing using a command line prompt to run the broadcast.
It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but suggestions would be appreciated!

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