Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

I've made 3 slightly different movement demos, download here: … the included Read Me text file for details.@Honk Movement demo 2 is the closest I can get to what you detailed on the discord server. I think it's brutal, I could make the time window before you fall over bigger but I still think it's brutal.Movement 3 is a bit better, I don't like the delay window though. Movement 1 is best in my opinion, I'd change it so you can't step while the stepping sound is already playing, but I wouldn't punish the player for trying i.e. by making them fall over. I just think movements 2 and 3 are too frustrating. Just my opinions though, happy to go with what you decide on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

17NoNo, you will probably do a far better job than me so keep it up 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Honk, I didn't take it that way, just thought if someone else was more able to do a better job I'd be happy to hand over the reigns. Equally, your suggestion of an alternative spin on this sounds good too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Graeme:That was in no way a suggestion for you to leave the project!! You're doing amazing stuff and I love it!I was just thinking this could be a sort of micro game jam where we have a general idea and different approaches. If anyone wants to put their spin on this idea I won't call out clone! Contrary I'd be humbled that someone would run with it and super interested in their take on it.So please stay with me on this 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Omer If you want to code this please do, I don't mind stepping aside for anyone who wants to have a go at it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

sadly like defender, i'M good with the sound, music is out of my skills


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Omer:Cool, thanks for your interest! We could probably still use your sound expertise. Do you know how to rudimentarily work with digital audio work stations? We would need a couple custom music tracks for this game. Nothing long, fancy or complicated. The theme is a nursery rhyme so it wouldn't really go beyond that.I was about to burrow myself into some tutorials or the like to work with ... dunno, Garage Band? Don't know yet which DAW is at least a little bit accessible. But if you know your way around that you could help us a lot!Or if someone else is knowledgeable in small music productions and would kindly offer their help with this obscure project, I'd be super thankful!Edit:Of course if you still want to put code to this idea yourself you're super welcome to do so! The idea is open source so to speak and anyone can go for it. Maybe we can learn from each others implementations!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Omer:Cool, thanks for your interest! We could probably still use your sound expertise. Do you know how to rudimentarily work with digital audio work stations? We would need a couple custom music tracks for this game. Nothing long, fancy or complicated. The theme is a nursery rhyme so it wouldn't really go beyond that.I was about to burrow myself into some tutorials or the like to work with ... dunno, Garage Band? Don't know yet which DAW is at least a little bit accessible. But if you know your way around that you could help us a lot!Or if someone else is knowledgeable in small music productions and would kindly offer their help with this obscure project, I'd be super thankful!Edit:Of course if you still want to put code to this idea yourself you're super welcome to do so! The idea is open source so to speak and anyone can go for it. Maybe we can learn from eachothers implementations!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Omer:Cool, thanks for your interest! We could probably still use your sound expertise. Do you know how to rudimentarily work with digital audio work stations? We would need a couple custom music tracks for this game. Nothing long, fancy or complicated. The theme is a nursery rhyme so it wouldn't really go beyond that.I was about to burrow myself into some tutorials or the like to work with ... dunno, Garage Band? Don't know yet which DAW is at least a little bit accessible. But if you know your way around that you could help us a lot!Or if someone else is knowledgeable in small music productions and would kindly offer their help with this obscure project, I'd be super thankful!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

rofl i was going to code this myself, but i'M glad someone else is doing else insteadI can happyly help with the sounds if no one doeseditoh my bad I've only read the first post and posted after, i'M so happy defender is working on this as well, cool!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

rofl i was going to code this myself, but i'M glad someone else is doing else insteadI ca hapyly help with the sounds if no one does


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

Pretty specific, but also very helpful.  I was thinking the same thing for the step sounds actually... and also for the slurping.Keep in mind though, I know nothing about music, so I can't really do instruments unless they are presampled, and I still don't have much selection since I don't have those VST's or know how they work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

Ok, two things:First I've set up a Discord server and sent the first couple invites at Defender and Graeme. Check your PMs for the link.Second I promised a more detailed wall of text about the desired controls:The premise should be easy to learn hard to master. I think the concept is pretty easy to grasp and thus very easy to learn. Circle through all eight legs alternating left and right. That one is a good start.However the difficulty comes in when trying to introduce some kind of long term challenge for this. This was and is something I'm still struggling with.Some ideas:First of all I want the controls to work competitively. I am thinking a very accurate timing method for high score leaderboard purposes and maybe even some kind of multiplayer racing mechanic. Don't know if we can muster the second one though.Then it can't be done with just pressing the right buttons as fast as possible. That one is kind of cool for a couple minutes but gets old to quickly. It could be one game mode but we need a little more complexity for the rest.To reiterate:The button press initiates the leg movement, the following step comes automatically after a time calculated by the momentum you've build up. You can onlytake the next step safely when your lifted foot has been put down again.So the whole control sequence would be like this: press one button, wait through the delay for the step sound, react as quickly as you can to initiate the next step onthe other side. Circle through all eight legs, repeat but this time probably faster because you've build up some momentum.The faster you react the faster you can accelerate but the faster you have to react again on the next cycle.At the moment I feel like it should be super punishing to control. If you react to slowly you stumble and fall. If you react to quickly you stumble andfall. If you use the wrong leg you stumble and fall. It should lead to a lot of falls in almost every run.This way with the delay between button press and step it is not just button mashing but also a test of your reflexes and patience.So is this already fun and challenging? I don't know, think we need to find out.A couple ways to make it more difficult are:- Making the step delay pseudo-random. To assure minimal RNG dependency you'd need to still give a fix set of delays to all attempts. Otherwise the high score runs would need to grind for runs with perfect luck on the delay RNG. I am thinking this: Create an array of maybe 8 entries with delay = speed_dependant_var + speed_dependant_var * (1 / (1 to 8) ) or the like and give a shuffled version of that every new cycle.- One leg is longer or shorter than the others resulting in a longer or shorter delay on that one. I like the idea of a limping spider, that one could be funny!- A mixture of both ideas where the limping occurs randomly on any leg every cycleMaybe if all of the above are fun we could just do different challenge modes with them.I am actually still workshopping this mechanic which might be a bad sign that I don't even know how to design the most essential game mechanic But I think this is an important step that shouldn't get rushed. We need to have a couple prototypes with these mechanics to see what is fun about them and what is not. It is the only way to find the right one for this game.If you guys have more ideas how the walking could be done I'd be glad to hear from you. Just keep in mind that I need something that is playable by anyone but only mastered by a few.And yeah of course I am super new to this idea to tell people how anything should be done. If you have feedback, complains or suggestions how to improve here also let me know!


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Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

As we now have a wonderful person as sound designer here I also will put down some ideas I had about that:1. Spider steps:As said before those are the most important part in sound design. If they don't signpost well enough the controls get mushy and if they are to penetrant they will get annoying way to fast. As I feel it for the moment they will probably happen at least two times per second when you're playing well... This one will be hard I think.So first they have to have a very distinct attack and as little decay as possible without sounding artificial. Then they have to have a more or less distinct pitch to them because I want the players to recognize which leg has moved.I was thinking we would use an actual instrument for the steps. Xylophone or another wooden percussion instrument could work. Again something with very few decay would be best. Another idea I had was pizzicato violin. That could be great because it is very subtle, could get drowned out to fast if we implement environment sounds though.What pitches we would use depends. Chromatic would make sense as a reference to the spider etude fretted instrument players know. Sounds a little jarring after a while though. A variation of the pentatonic with one tone missing? A whole tone scale to simulate the awkward movement? Or just a classic 1 2 3 4 in major? Just to give a couple ideas. Would need to test all of them for a bit to find out what feels best.What would best drive home the super awkward "your legs don't feel like your own legs" feeling I am aiming for would be a distinct instrument for every leg or leg pair. That could be really funny at first but maybe super annoying after a couple minutes in. So I'm liking the idea but I'm not sure if it works.So all this is a little difficult to work on before we have a somewhat solid control prototype. To give you something to work on though I can also provide you with directions for the finish line cut scene.Shouldn't be to long, because it mustn't annoy the player even after the 100th attempt. So I'm thinking 3 to 6 seconds.Close up to the buzzing fly, so sound dead center and no audible room (there has to be a word for that but I am no sound engineer). A high pitched, cartoonish "Ah" scream quickly interrupted by a cartoon poke sound and the sound of drinking through a straw.The first bar of Itsy Bitsy Spider, simple instrumental on a Xylophone is playing with a flourish at the end. I was thinking like this:An Itsy Bitsy Spi - da da da daIn C major: G C B C D E - E F# G# AOr transpose where ever you need it The flourish ends on the 1 of the second bar. Silence, then a high pitched burp right on top of the 4 - end of cut scene.Ok, is that something you can work with? Is that to rigid? Is that to complicated? Even if you can't or don't want to make it work exactly like this I hope you get an idea for the feel I'm aiming for. Light-hearted, funny and very non-offensive.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@CAE_Jones, Gaki_shonen and Defender regarding the game play suggestions:Thanks for the ideas. It is always helpful to think about that to spark some imagination.But we are to early in the process to stray to far from the core game. First I want to find the fun in the baseline move mechanics. I want them to be the biggest part of game play with all other mechanics only building upon that. So before we really have a feel what the spider movement would be like we can't really say what scenarios would be fun to move it through.Also I want the whole thing to be a cute, light hearted, cartoonish and maybe even funny experience. To much realism, danger or complexity would distract from that. The name Spider Simulator is a bit misleading as I see now. It is not in fact a simulation of a real spider. I took my inspiration from the Goat Simulator and the Goose Simulator. Both are very weird games where you kind of play the animal in question but also kind of do goofy shit Edit:That of course doesn't mean I don't want challenge. The challenge should come more from the struggle with the controls and probably some kind of high score and/or speedrun capabilities.This is by no means a rejection of your ideas. I think every idea is helpful. I just want to make clear that I have a very firm vision of what this game would be and thus I have to cherrypick and adjust to fit the picture.Rambling again with no real progress made regarding actual game play... I will post something more to clarify and elaborate on how the spider controls should work later today.Sorry for always being that late and disconnected to your posts. I think the time zone difference kicks in pretty hard here.Take care all, you're still amazing!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@CAE_Jones, Gaki_shonen and Defender regarding the game play suggestions:Thanks for the ideas. It is always helpful to think about that to spark some imagination.But we are to early in the process to stray to far from the core game. First I want to find the fun in the baseline move mechanics. I want them to be the biggest part of game play with all other mechanics only building upon that. So before we really have a feel what the spider movement would be like we can't really say what scenarios would be fun to move it through.Also I want the whole thing to be a cute, light hearted, cartoonish and maybe even funny experience. To much realism, danger or complexity would distract from that. The name Spider Simulator is a bit misleading as I see now. It is not in fact a simulation of a real spider. I took my inspiration from the Goat Simulator and the Goose Simulator. Both are very weird games where you kind of play the animal in question but also kind of do goofy shit This is by no means a rejection of your ideas. I think every idea is helpful. I just want to make clear that I have a very firm vision of what this game would be and thus I have to cherrypick and adjust to fit the picture.Rambling again with no real progress made regarding actual game play... I will post something more to clarify and elaborate on how the spider controls should work later today.Sorry for always being that late and disconnected to your posts. I think the time zone difference kicks in pretty hard here.Take care all, you're still amazing!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

I think that zipping the sounds would be the best option yeah.  Feel free to email me at:superfr...@gmail.comThanks!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Gaki_shonen: Running away too could definitely work. We'd need to decide from what. Are there safe zones? Is there any way to escape or turn the tables on the pursuer?@defender: I don't use unpacked sounds - to get the engine to do that is messy. Edit: just checked, I don't think it's possible in Fusion 2.5. The sounds I used come as free to use samples with the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 library. I could zip and upload them then PM you a download link if you want to mod them. Alternatively if you have sounds of your own you want to use, PM me a download link and a text file explaining what each sound is for and i'll put them into the engine.It would be easy to make the fly move. I could also add obstacles but we'd need to define the mechanics for each of these: How does the fly move? How do you locate it? What are the obstacles? How are they represented in sound? What happens if you collide with them? @CAE_Jones: This started in Meatbag's post in the general forum asking for people to post game ideas, it's an idea by Honk - as such he's the lead designer and project owner. Some nice ideas there but we need to start small; as you can see from Gaki and defenders' suggestions, small things raise many design questions, how to implement them and coding challenges. I checked out Tierzoo's spider list, again some possibilities there that could be looked at down the line.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Gaki_shonen: Running away too could definitely work. We'd need to decide from what. Are there safe zones? Is there any way to escape or turn the tables on the pursuer?@defender: I don't use unpacked sounds - to get the engine to do that is messy. Edit: just checked, I don't think it's possible in Fusion 2.5. The sounds I used come as free to use samples with the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 library. I could zip and upload them then PM you a download link if you want to mod them. Alternatively if you have sounds of your own you want to use, PM me a download link and a text file explaining what each sound is for and i'll put them into the engine.It would be easy to make the fly move. I could also add obstacles but we'd need to define the mechanics for each of these: How does the fly move? How do you locate it? What are the obstacles? How are they represented in sound? What happens if you collide with them? @CAE_Jones: This started in Meatbag's post asking for people to post game ideas, it's an idea by Honk - as such he's the lead designer and project owner. Some nice ideas there but we need to start small; as you can see from Gaki and defenders' suggestions, small things raise many design questions, how to implement them and coding challenges. I checked out Tierzoo's spider list, again some possibilities there that could be looked at down the line.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Gaki_shonen: Running away too could definitely work. We'd need to decide from what. Are there safe zones? Is there any way to escape or turn the tables on the pursuer?@defender: I don't use unpacked sounds - to get the engine to do that is messy. The sounds I used come as free to use samples with the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 library. I could zip and upload them then PM you a download link if you want to mod them. Alternatively if you have sounds of your own you want to use, PM me a download link and a text file explaining what each sound is for and i'll put them into the engine.It would be easy to make the fly move. I could also add obstacles but we'd need to define the mechanics for each of these: How does the fly move? How do you locate it? What are the obstacles? How are they represented in sound? What happens if you collide with them? @CAE_Jones: This started in Meatbag's post asking for people to post game ideas, it's an idea by Honk - as such he's the lead designer and project owner. Some nice ideas there but we need to start small; as you can see from Gaki and defenders' suggestions, small things raise many design questions, how to implement them and coding challenges. I checked out Tierzoo's spider list, again some possibilities there that could be looked at down the line.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

Wait, what did I miss? Does this have its own thread, or did it pop up in the ideas thread, or que?But this sounds wonderful, and there are lots and lots of things you could try to add eventually (just look at Tierzoo's spider tier list, which is barely a start).Could go for something where you have to run around and find a good spot to build, and rebuild if weather or other creatures ruin it. Could go for surviving, escaping, hiding, hunting, ... maybe pull some Crab Spider stealth shenanigans. ... Oh, actually, given the controls, maybe that spider that builds a scarecrow puppet could work?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

I'm gonna need access to the sounds if we're to mod them.  I'll be using free ones so Graeme if your engine allows for an unpacked sounds folder that would make things allot easier for me.I think an easy way to add some challenge would be to have the fly move, to put obstacles in the way, or both.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

I'm gonna need access to the sounds if we're to mod them.  I'll be using free ones so Graeme if your engine allows for an unpacked sounds folder that would make things allot easier for me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

This could also be a game mode, where the spider has to run away from something if the thing catches the spider, it gets eaten. I don’t know what spiders do, so, yeah.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@3 Since this is a separate thread and we're not clogging anything else up, this works for me. I don't really use discord but if Honk or anyone else feels it would be better we could move to it. At least here anyone else who stumbles upon this and finds it interesting can view the previous conversations and bring themselves up to speed.@Honk: Redefinable keys could be done. Redefinable keys will naturally allow for intuitive controls.I was aware of the cheese aspect but it's very easy to apply penalties for falling e.g. lose a life, time penalty or whatever else you want, I didn't do anything with it as this was just a movement concept.So we've got a menu requirement for redefinable keys, volume controls for the spider's steps and possibly other noises.Maybe different game modes?You need to come up with a game idea now - something to embed the movement mechanics in and give it purpose.Your original plot of a hatchling racing it's siblings to a fly or flies caught in the web sounds like a good start. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@3 Since this is a separate thread and we're not clogging anything else up, this works for me. I don't really use discord but if Honk or anyone else feels it would be better we could move to it. At least here anyone else who stumbles upon this and finds it interesting can view the previous conversations and bring themselves up to speed.@Honk: Redefinable keys could be done. Redefinable keys will naturally allow for intuitive controls.I was aware of the cheese aspect but it's very easy to apply penalties for falling e.g. lose a life, time penalty or whatever else you want, I didn't do anything with it as this was just a movement concept.So we've got a menu requirement for redefinable keys, volume controls for the spider's steps and possibly other noises.You need to come up with a game idea now - something to embed the movement mechanics in and give it purpose.Your original plot of a hatchling racing it's siblings to a fly or flies caught in the web sounds like a good start. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@3 Since this is a separate thread and we're not clogging anything else up, this works for me. I don't really use discord but if Honk or anyone else feels it would be better we could move to it. At least here anyone else who stumbles upon this and finds it interesting can view the previous conversations and bring themselves up to speed.@Honk: Redefinable keys could be done. Redefinable keys will naturally allow for intuitive controls.I was aware of the cheese aspect but it's very easy to apply penalties for falling e.g. lose a life, time penalty or whatever else you want, I didn't do anything with it as this was just a movement concept.So we've got a menu requirement for redefinable keys, volume controls for the spider's steps and possibly other noises.You need to come up with a game idea now - something to embed the movement mechanics in and give it purpose. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

why don't you guys make a discord or something to communicate more efficiently than here? Just a suggestion


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

So there is this stupid idea I had about a silly little audio game concept... And people are actually taking it seriously!Because it clutters another very legitimate forum thread with non-related stuff I'd thought we might open this thread for further communication about this project.I am excited where it could lead to!Not sure how such a weird lineup can work together - A guy with no experience in development and no coding skills telling seasoned programmers how it has to be done... But Graeme has done such an amazing first job in such a short amount of time with his concept demo that I am actually optimistic that this could work out.Thanks for everyone already participating! This is so much fun If it turns out that we need something even more personal like a Discord server or stuff I will announce it in this edited first post.Edit:Don't want to step on any ones toes by only referring to Graemes and my posts. There has been more good feedback and help offers over at the initial thread - Thanks for that! I tried to single out just the posts that were working on the concept though for future easier reference.These are the concept idea posts and the post that made it clear that we need a separate topic:Honk wrote:Actually I'd love to see a game that tries something new in the game play department. We have so few experimental games that don't copy existing mechanics. But to develop you need change. Wish someone would try out something weird and daring.An idea I had a while ago was to establish more complicated and quirky controls and to build a game around that. What my brain settled upon was:The Spider SimulatorYou control a spider in its day to day life. Catch is: you control every leg separately.Controls: asdf jkl;The first four letters are for the left four legs, the second four are for the right legs. When you want to walk you have to coordinate every step leg pair after leg pair alternating left and right. If you mess up you either lose momentum if only slightly or you tumble and fall. The faster you walk the quicker you have to press the correct buttons.This could make for a super weird racing game against the clock or each other with no finish line but a delicious buzzing fly instead.And it probably would also allow for different challenge modes.-Thread climbing: You have to always hold down at least the buttons for one leg pair to hold on to the spider silk thread.- Parcours where you also have to jump obstacles by building enough momentum and pressing all eight buttons to jump.- Slalom where you have to turn by moving one side of legs more than the other.- And probably a couple more I don't have the creative juice to come up with.This would not be the next tripple A audio game and certainly nothing you could dump hundrets of hours of game play into like with Manamon or BK. But it could be a fun partyish game like Crazy Party or even a cool speed run challenge thing.But it would also be a major challenge for the developer to make the controls quirky and punishing but not outright frustrating. It is definitely beyond my capabilities, otherwise I'd already have made it twice.Honk wrote:[...]Just for funzies let me spin this idea further, maybe it sparks some more imagination...Title theme would obviously need to be a variant of Itsy Bitsy Spider. Does anyone know if that song is fair use and thus possible to take? Well, if not this is only a thought experiment anyway.Starting cut scene:Soft music box tinkling of Itsy Bitsy Spider, quiet scraping and jiggling slowly starts to be heard panning all around. Then a crackling and cracking from egg shells. Many sounds of breaking and popping eggs from all sides. Then a lot of spider steps (later more to this) running away in all directions.Then a couple seconds silence and music box tinkling. Finally a last timid cracking, egg shell popping and the cartoon sound equivalent for confused head shaking - you know that one I'm sure. Stumbling uncoordinated spider steps and finally a desperate high pitched whimpering fading out.You play the last hatched straggler from a big pile of spider eggs. All your siblings are already on their way into the world meaning to all the delicious flies trapped in the spider web. It doesn't help that you don't feel comfortable at all walking with all that many legs. Will you be able to still outrun your brothers and sisters on the way to your next meal?A couple things to the controls and the sound design:You have to make sure that the controls are on the one hand as confusing as it sounds at first. This one should knot your fingers and brain alike. On the other hand they should be learnable and give good enough feedback to learn.What I was thinking is a two part sequence for every step. Moving the leg and the actual step. Both are sign posted by different sounds. Leg movement feels like it should be that raising whistle sound you know f

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

About the concept demo... This little thing already turned out to be surprisingly fun so I actually believe we're up to something here.The initial control scheme is a bit unintuitive I think. What I was feeling while playing was:the index finger of every hand should be the first leg, the pinky the last one. That way for me it would be easier to conceptualize the leg movement. When you put your palms together and move the respective fingers you can see what finger moves what leg.A not so important side note is that we will need to make the controls mappable because the asdf jkl; keyboard layout is not standard in every language. In German there is an ö instead of the ; but for now it is much easier for me to just change my keyboard layout Just for future optimizations.Edit:A speedrun tactic for the concept demo is to hold down a, s, d, j, k and space. You can cheese the current mechanics that way  Not important, thought it is just funny.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

About the concept demo... This little thing already turned out to be surprisingly fun so I actually believe we're up to something here.The initial control scheme is a bit unintuitive I think. What I was feeling while playing was:the index finger of every hand should be the first leg, the pinky the last one. That way for me it would be easier to conceptualize the leg movement. When you put your palms together and move the respective fingers you can see what finger moves what leg.A not so important side note is that we will need to make the controls mappable because the asdf jkl; keyboard layout is not standard in every language. In German there is an ö instead of the ; but for now it is much easier for me to just change my keyboard layout Just for future optimizations.Edit:Don't want to step on any ones toes by only referring to Graemes and my posts. There has been more good feedback and help offers over at the initial thread - Thanks for that! I tried to single out just the posts that were working on the concept though for future easier reference.Edit2:A speedrun tactic for the concept demo is to hold down a, s, d, j, k and space. You can cheese the current mechanics that way  Not important, thought it is just funny.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

About the concept demo... This little thing already turned out to be surprisingly fun so I actually believe we're up to something here.The initial control scheme is a bit unintuitive I think. What I was feeling while playing was:the index finger of every hand should be the first leg, the pinky the last one. That way for me it would be easier to conceptualize the leg movement. When you put your palms together and move the respective fingers you can see what finger moves what leg.A not so important side note is that we will need to make the controls mappable because the asdf jkl; keyboard layout is not standard in every language. In German there is an ö instead of the ; but for now it is much easier for me to just change my keyboard layout Just for future optimizations.Edit:Don't want to step on any ones toes by only referring to Graemes and my posts. There has been more good feedback and help offers over at the initial thread - Thanks for that! I tried to single out just the posts that were working on the concept though for future easier reference.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

About the concept demo... This little thing already turned out to be surprisingly fun so I actually believe we're up to something here.The initial control scheme is a bit unintuitive I think. What I was feeling while playing was:the first finger of every hand should be the first leg, the pinky the last one. That way for me it would be easier to conceptualize the leg movement. When you put your palms together and move the respective fingers you can see what finger moves what leg.A not so important side note is that we will need to make the controls mappable because the asdf jkl; keyboard layout is not standard in every language. In German there is an ö instead of the ; but for now it is much easier for me to just change my keyboard layout Just for future optimizations.Edit:Don't want to step on any ones toes by only referring to Graemes and my posts. There has been more good feedback and help offers over at the initial thread - Thanks for that! I tried to single out just the posts that were working on the concept though for future easier reference.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

So there is this stupid idea I had about a silly little audio game concept... And people are actually taking it seriously!Because it clutters another very legitimate forum thread with non-related stuff I'd thought we might open this thread for further communication about this project.I am excited where it could lead to!Not sure how such a weird lineup can work together - A guy with no experience in development and no coding skills telling seasoned programmers how it has to be done... But Graeme has done such an amazing first job in such a short amount of time with his concept demo that I am actually optimistic that this could work out.Thanks for everyone already participating! This is so much fun If it turns out that we need something even more personal like a Discord server or stuff I will announce it in this edited first post.These are the concept idea posts and the post that made it clear that we need a separate topic:Honk wrote:Actually I'd love to see a game that tries something new in the game play department. We have so few experimental games that don't copy existing mechanics. But to develop you need change. Wish someone would try out something weird and daring.An idea I had a while ago was to establish more complicated and quirky controls and to build a game around that. What my brain settled upon was:The Spider SimulatorYou control a spider in its day to day life. Catch is: you control every leg separately.Controls: asdf jkl;The first four letters are for the left four legs, the second four are for the right legs. When you want to walk you have to coordinate every step leg pair after leg pair alternating left and right. If you mess up you either lose momentum if only slightly or you tumble and fall. The faster you walk the quicker you have to press the correct buttons.This could make for a super weird racing game against the clock or each other with no finish line but a delicious buzzing fly instead.And it probably would also allow for different challenge modes.-Thread climbing: You have to always hold down at least the buttons for one leg pair to hold on to the spider silk thread.- Parcours where you also have to jump obstacles by building enough momentum and pressing all eight buttons to jump.- Slalom where you have to turn by moving one side of legs more than the other.- And probably a couple more I don't have the creative juice to come up with.This would not be the next tripple A audio game and certainly nothing you could dump hundrets of hours of game play into like with Manamon or BK. But it could be a fun partyish game like Crazy Party or even a cool speed run challenge thing.But it would also be a major challenge for the developer to make the controls quirky and punishing but not outright frustrating. It is definitely beyond my capabilities, otherwise I'd already have made it twice.Honk wrote:[...]Just for funzies let me spin this idea further, maybe it sparks some more imagination...Title theme would obviously need to be a variant of Itsy Bitsy Spider. Does anyone know if that song is fair use and thus possible to take? Well, if not this is only a thought experiment anyway.Starting cut scene:Soft music box tinkling of Itsy Bitsy Spider, quiet scraping and jiggling slowly starts to be heard panning all around. Then a crackling and cracking from egg shells. Many sounds of breaking and popping eggs from all sides. Then a lot of spider steps (later more to this) running away in all directions.Then a couple seconds silence and music box tinkling. Finally a last timid cracking, egg shell popping and the cartoon sound equivalent for confused head shaking - you know that one I'm sure. Stumbling uncoordinated spider steps and finally a desperate high pitched whimpering fading out.You play the last hatched straggler from a big pile of spider eggs. All your siblings are already on their way into the world meaning to all the delicious flies trapped in the spider web. It doesn't help that you don't feel comfortable at all walking with all that many legs. Will you be able to still outrun your brothers and sisters on the way to your next meal?A couple things to the controls and the sound design:You have to make sure that the controls are on the one hand as confusing as it sounds at first. This one should knot your fingers and brain alike. On the other hand they should be learnable and give good enough feedback to learn.What I was thinking is a two part sequence for every step. Moving the leg and the actual step. Both are sign posted by different sounds. Leg movement feels like it should be that raising whistle sound you know from cartoons whenever someone lifts something up.The steps would be such an integral part of gameplay that they would need to be very well designed sound wise. Very clear, recognizable and crisp but never annoying even when heard a lot. I was thinking xylophone but that would need to 

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

About the concept demo... This little thing already turned out to be surprisingly fun so I actually believe we're up to something here.The initial control scheme is a bit unintuitive I think. What I was feeling while playing was:the first finger of every hand should be the first leg, the pinky the last one. That way for me it would be easier to conceptualize the leg movement. When you put your palms together and move the respective fingers you can see what finger moves what leg.A not so important side note is that we will need to make the controls mappable because the asdf jkl; keyboard layout is not standard in every language. In German there is an ö instead of the ; but for now it is much easier for me to just change my keyboard layout Just for future optimizations.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

So there is this stupid idea I had about a silly little audio game concept... And people are actually taking it seriously!Because it clutters another very legitimate forum thread with non-related stuff I'd thought we might open this thread for further communication about this project.I am excited where it could lead to!Not sure how such a weird lineup can work together - A guy with no experience in development and no coding skills telling seasoned programmers how it has to be done... But Graeme has done such an amazing first job in such a short amount of time with his concept demo that I am actually optimistic that this could work out.Thanks for everyone already participating! This is so much fun If it turns out that we need something even more personal like a Discord server or stuff I will announce it in this edited first post.These are the concept idea posts and the post that made it clear that we need a separate topic:Honk wrote:Actually I'd love to see a game that tries something new in the game play department. We have so few experimental games that don't copy existing mechanics. But to develop you need change. Wish someone would try out something weird and daring.An idea I had a while ago was to establish more complicated and quirky controls and to build a game around that. What my brain settled upon was:The Spider SimulatorYou control a spider in its day to day life. Catch is: you control every leg separately.Controls: asdf jkl;The first four letters are for the left four legs, the second four are for the right legs. When you want to walk you have to coordinate every step leg pair after leg pair alternating left and right. If you mess up you either lose momentum if only slightly or you tumble and fall. The faster you walk the quicker you have to press the correct buttons.This could make for a super weird racing game against the clock or each other with no finish line but a delicious buzzing fly instead.And it probably would also allow for different challenge modes.-Thread climbing: You have to always hold down at least the buttons for one leg pair to hold on to the spider silk thread.- Parcours where you also have to jump obstacles by building enough momentum and pressing all eight buttons to jump.- Slalom where you have to turn by moving one side of legs more than the other.- And probably a couple more I don't have the creative juice to come up with.This would not be the next tripple A audio game and certainly nothing you could dump hundrets of hours of game play into like with Manamon or BK. But it could be a fun partyish game like Crazy Party or even a cool speed run challenge thing.But it would also be a major challenge for the developer to make the controls quirky and punishing but not outright frustrating. It is definitely beyond my capabilities, otherwise I'd already have made it twice.Honk wrote:[...]Just for funzies let me spin this idea further, maybe it sparks some more imagination...Title theme would obviously need to be a variant of Itsy Bitsy Spider. Does anyone know if that song is fair use and thus possible to take? Well, if not this is only a thought experiment anyway.Starting cut scene:Soft music box tinkling of Itsy Bitsy Spider, quiet scraping and jiggling slowly starts to be heard panning all around. Then a crackling and cracking from egg shells. Many sounds of breaking and popping eggs from all sides. Then a lot of spider steps (later more to this) running away in all directions.Then a couple seconds silence and music box tinkling. Finally a last timid cracking, egg shell popping and the cartoon sound equivalent for confused head shaking - you know that one I'm sure. Stumbling uncoordinated spider steps and finally a desperate high pitched whimpering fading out.You play the last hatched straggler from a big pile of spider eggs. All your siblings are already on their way into the world meaning to all the delicious flies trapped in the spider web. It doesn't help that you don't feel comfortable at all walking with all that many legs. Will you be able to still outrun your brothers and sisters on the way to your next meal?A couple things to the controls and the sound design:You have to make sure that the controls are on the one hand as confusing as it sounds at first. This one should knot your fingers and brain alike. On the other hand they should be learnable and give good enough feedback to learn.What I was thinking is a two part sequence for every step. Moving the leg and the actual step. Both are sign posted by different sounds. Leg movement feels like it should be that raising whistle sound you know from cartoons whenever someone lifts something up.The steps would be such an integral part of gameplay that they would need to be very well designed sound wise. Very clear, recognizable and crisp but never annoying even when heard a lot. I was thinking xylophone but that would need to