Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

@Aaron, I never said the translation had to be perfect, look at night of parasite, (although actually there the translation from the Chinese actually reminded me a little of Hongkong cinema), but my point is if people with no knolidge of Japanese are already! playing with google translate, why not extend that to everyone else?


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Can we move this to the appropriate topic? not as a moderation thing, just so we can have this discussion in one place... but my last comment in here about the subject would be that Dark, because the Google Translate frankly sometimes comes out as nonsense that has to be unscrambled. Night of Parasite which yes, did remind me of hong kong cinema a little as well in its English work... was actually understandable and translated in all probability by a human. google translate can sometimes be helpful, and sometimes be utterly useless especially when there are things like laughter, or a lot of slang written into the dialog. lol


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Danny, so I see youre Zapped, just like Branigan... lol no Id hope not.But the idea of combat sounds awesome, actually. Ive never played a real space combat game, and adding that capability to a game such as NB would be quite an interesting concept.As for missions, yes those would be great. As much as I like the swamp missions, they take you straight to your object, but it sounds as though youre hinting at making us find them ourselves, and that would add more challenge and fun to the game.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Hello,I think having an English translation built into the japanese games would actually b quite nice. Some of us can probably sit down and make some of the Google Translations make a bit more sense too, it probably wont be as fluent as an actual japanese translation but itll be better than nothing.@danny: that could be interesting, but I also think there should be something to help new players along if even just a little way just to get them used to the features of the game.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Their is, thats why we have the information.txt file and the 2 guides ive put up on articles room. Unless we some kind of flight school itself on dmnb, in which case I still wouldnt be exactly sure how to get it right.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

@Danny, if your planning missions for dmnb, perhaps you could also use these to create a tutorial. one thing I liked about project alpha is the way that much of what you needed to know was explained to you as you played the game.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Well, the missions will be mainly combat baste, as in locating uncharted colonies, the faction were currently at war withs scouts in deep space and destroying them, but its possible I might expand the mission system soon, once it has been implemented. Reason im waiting is enemies are a little tuff on people who dont have a crew at the moment, why our first event with them someone got killed in a battlecruiser because they whent strate for that ship, and he didnt really have a crew onboard. It is possible to out run them now however, as someone managed to leed one directly to a derelict starship we were exploring and got it blown up because they wernt paying attention.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

@Assault freak, I do think coplexity is the reason for so few people playing the japanese games, even if people dont admit as much. The games are never discussed on audeasy, even though the audeasy list discusses games from Clokmud to swamp and paladin of the skies, likewise, whenever japanese games are mentioned here, it is always the same ten or so people. As I said, if the games are that good, why not do a translation? I also would very much suggest that yukio at least be contacted as regards recompiling the games for english systems, sinse as I said, if everytime someone plays through one of these japanese games theyre running all the text through google translate (despite the nonsense), why not just do that the once?@Danny from what I playd of it, project alpha was very unique in atmosphere and story and I fully agree about audiogames with more plots. Im not yet sure about the combat and how much judgement is involved, but ive not r
 eally sat down with the game for a seriously long period.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

@Ethin that would make more sense I think as regards changing the topic. @Aaron, I dont doubt the quality of all these Japanese things, albeit that I do wish people would stop having a downer on western developers when tools to create Japanese audiogames are so much more extensive. i also wish that either the games could be translated, or that the translation process wasnt so ridiculous. Whenever I look at the necessary guide and consider changing language settings, mucking around with keyboards, and using three different peaces of software including nvda I just give up, for a start I actually worry about what sort of shenanigans I might do to my pc by mistake. If there was one translator program that did the job itd be fine, or alternatively if the games could be patched with a translation, this is after all what has happened with japanese indi graphical games (look up cave story on wikipedia for a really ood example).


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Dark, while I can understand how frustrating it looks to have to go through so many so-called shinanigans, I think part of it is also that you like to stick with what youre comfortable with, which isnt necessarily a bad thing. But i dont think its as complicated as you make it out to be... especially since not even every piece of software is required. But I also think that you dont realize just how much dialog there are in these games... translating is not an easy job, especially with a language like Japanese where nuances and details matter so much. you need at least two or three people who have a decent knowledge of both languages, and I dont know how many of them are on these boards, and those who have a decent knowledge of both Japanese and English probably wont care enough to put the time into it, since they can manage well with the Japanese. The Bokurano Daibouken 2 translation project that started a couple years ago had about six pe
 ople on it, including Yukio, and we only have the menus and the tutorial translated. Translations for sighted indie graphical games exist, yeah, but you also have to bare in mind how many more people probably would be working on those translations than we have.Having said all that, I do agree that more people would play these if they were translated, and Id love to see at least one game translated. But I cant do it alone... there havent been all that many people willing to volunteer and help translate these things. But if anyone is willing, and knows enough to feel confident translating from Japanese to english, then Id love to hear about it... because then hopefully we can spread these games to the west outside of their nich fanbase, though to be honest this is something very similar to the base of people who buy imported games. Also dark, Im not quite sure how much more extensive the tools are to making japanese games... from what Ive rea
 d, they wouldnt be any different from using any tools that developers have in the west.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Well, English has its fair share of good actors and well acted projects as well. Not all dubs are obnoxious and irritating... but yes, I believe Japanese acting is better personally, but thats probably due to the fact that I understand much more Japanese the most people who dont like them... and the same goes for games. But thats not a topic for this thread... in the next few days Ill start a topic for translation and people who are interested in translating these games... starting with BK 2 since thats already partially translated.Also Cae, I just saw your post. BK 3 actually does have moving platforms... platforms that are vertically moving, that is, only straight up and down. But that isnt until way later in the game. hahaha.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Anyway, a find/replace offline translation program is possible, but itd be loads of work (these games have a ton of content, and wed need to watch out for variables like numbers and the characters name). Even if someone could come up with a way to automate it, itd require playing through the entire game and viewing every possible text string for each game wed want to patch. And we wouldnt want to automate it, because thatd give us Google Translates occasional Engrish (It likes to translate laughter to Crust crust and of crust crust the crust!).Hm. I think this will require considerable strategy. I could conceivably write the skeleton for the program itself, but I doubt I could complete the translation tables on my own. And I still want it to be able to ignore character encoding, although maybe I should make it ignore ascii characters 0-127? I dunno; is the Japanese output in Unicode, or something else like JIS?


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

I did have a translation going. Hmmm. Guess its time I start again...


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

I went with 100% sounds I own for that game, and I created most of them, which is why most of the sounds (especially footsteps) are terrible.It is stupidly hard to sit down and make more campaigns for it, though. It seems Im good at either concept-but-random-content (Sengoku Jidai, JLA), or content-but-weak-concept (DB:GU, JFIMA, anything involving Swamp Campaigns). Combining the two (which is what completing LC requires, as well as SJ campaigns) is stupidly frustrating.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Hello,@dark: A while ago, I would have disagreed with you straight away, but then I realized something and can see your problems: you are using windows xp, which makes this process, irocincally, very hard, because you need an installation disc for xp, you ahve to install the language component, you have to then add the keyboard somehow and I dont tink its an intuative as the following:on my win7 pc I just go to language settings, select the japanes keyboard as a secondary, and I use ApLocale to trigger the unicode for the games that dont support jsut the japanese keyboard. Its a lot easier, and its a bit unfair that xp users are, in my opinion, at a real disadvantage and there seems to be nothing that can be done accept possibly upgrade your system which would be sort of unfair on your part because its a kind of large undertaking from xp to 7, or even 8.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Hello,@dark: A while ago, I would have disagreed with you straight away, but then I realized something and can see your problems: you are using windows xp, which makes this process, ironically, very hard, because you need an installation disc for xp, you ahve to install the language component, you have to then add the keyboard somehow and I dont tink its an intuative as the following:on my win7 pc I just go to language settings, select the japanes keyboard as a secondary, and I use ApLocale to trigger the unicode for the games that dont support jsut the japanese keyboard. Its a lot easier, and its a bit unfair that xp users are, in my opinion, at a real disadvantage and there seems to be nothing that can be done accept possibly upgrade your system which would be sort of unfair on your part because its a kind of large undertaking from xp to 7, or even 8.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

@Aaron, even if it was! possible to easily change keyboard and language settings without pratting around with the install disk, that is just something I dont want to mess with, sinse if something went wrong I probably wouldnt have the skills to put it right. Really i think more people would play these japanese games if they didnt take such shenanigans to play, and maybe if the games are as good as the few people who have played them say someone should! put in the time to either write a better program for translation or just insert translated text (even if that text comes from google translate anyway).Indeed, as Yukio has been on this forum himself and has already done a couple of translations for his short arcade titles such as world of war and screaming strike, perhaps someone with access to translate could assist in translating his longer, more rpg like titles,  while I know there is a lot of dialogue and a lot of text to translate, its 
 not as if massive coding skills are required, and it is a task that could be shared between several people, plus from the sound of it its basically just a copy and paste job anyway, albeit a very large one.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Absolutely agree with all of your all opinions. At least if no one does, I do. Japanese games are awesome. I even choose Japanese games if I was to choose sighted accessible games. And even audio games, Japanese games are still awesome. I love Japanese voice acting and actors, this is the other reason.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

I think theres a quote easy quote way to make the Japanese games require less software, but itd be tedious for anyone without a Google Translate API key.(Hint: the NVDA instant translate addon need not be attached specifically to NVDA, in theory. Having it do exactly what it already does, but possibly use something like SAPI for spoken output, would work just fine.Also, why dont I ever hear about people trying to unscramble Mojibake? So far as I can tell, data is not lost, just presented in the wrong encoding scheme. A five minute guide on the schemes used would be sufficient for someone to unscramble them.)So, yeah. Best case scenario: NVDA translate without the NVDA. Middle case: same thing, but make sure that its encoded properly on the way out. Worst case: translate the whole thing and have a program that detects clipboard changes and speaks the translation, even from mojibake. Anyone want to get on this so I dont have to? Anyway... BK3 does belong on the list, translation issues aside. The only thing I dont like about it is that I havent made anything half as good. It has a nice blend of accessibility features making the platforming accessible, without being overly complicated or overwhelming. Its much smoother than my attempt at Mario, the object viewer and in-game menus are more elegant than in BK2... The only thing Im missing is the quick vertical scan like Mario has to speed up searching with the cursor, though it also seems easier to do without most of the time.Its pretty much set the bar for 2D sidescroller accessibility. All it needs is moving platforms and it gives mainstream sidescrollers a run for their money. (Im only a little over halfway thro
 ugh, but I imagine I would have noticed people freaking out over moving platforms if there are any.)


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

I just wish we can have the other better way to translate these game with no nvda add on at all. I cant play anything if I dont connect to the internet, so Im screwed everytime my connection goes crap.@cae_jonesI miss Sengoku Jidai! Please revive that project again if you dont mind. I love that game so much, and will probably make the sound mod for it. Please man, please!


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Oh, I forgot about the permit system. Yeah absolutely. And Im totally wrong on this thing. Still, if we were to have a chance, or whatever. That would be the other interesting choice.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Some of the programs mentioned in that guide are missing, like text game patch, which is what I really want. And assault is right about the _expression_, laughing, crying and stuffs. We cant translate all. Too bad I dont know Japanese. What program will you use to translate anyway?As of now, since the sound file is .dat, its too bad for some people who wanna dub the game, like shadow rine or bk. Im one of those who think of it. Shadow rine has voices, but all are in japanese. What if we can dub it? Too bad, the file prevents us. Or may be its just me.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Part of the problem is that there are sometimes character expressions like laughs and such, which are impossible to translate or simply come out as nonsensical words because of the combination of characters. I see your point about copying the text into the source code instead of translating it each and every time, but there in another problem is the need to recompile the source code to use English text, since most of the full featured games especially arent made to have language options. As to the tools, all the developers Ive read blogs of use something called HP, that being hotsoup processor or something of the sort. Ruby is not used to my knowledge, and I think some of Yukios games are actually coded in python. But Im not sure about exactly how many tools are used, but it appears from the manuals and such that there arent many more than are used by western developers. But I could be wrong, of course.the fact is, there are actually only two p
 rograms needed... NVDA, app locale and the instant translate addon. anything else is option and only for people who actually want to hear the Japanese being spoken... otherwise things like clipboard 2 sapi arent even necessary. Though frankly, I havent seen that many people site the reason for not playing the games as being the complexity of the process. but I agree, translations would be better... but therein lies a problem of that most of the developers dont know English which can make it a challenge to communicate with them. But I would appreciate Yukios comments or anyone elses if any of the developers actually get to read this. And Dark, though you and I have different opinions, I do understand where youre coming from... and would personally love to see these translated as well. but its a task which is more magnanomous than it sounds, for sure, whether the translation is elegant or not. Night of Parasite was also not that big of a game,
  if I remember right.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

@Assault freak, I do appreciate that the games have a lot of dialogue and that not many people have full knolidge of japanese, however when I say translate I dont necessarily mean a fully written professional sub like an anime would have. Everytime someone plays shadowline or one of the bk games or Tia story or whatever, they copy the game text to the clipboard and run it through google translator, well if your doing that once for every game, why not just do it once,but copy the translations back into the games source code instead? No, it might not be the most eligant of translations, but if that is what people are doing with all these complex tools, why not just do it the once with the actual game text and thus make everyones livves easier? As to development, bare in mind there are lots of Japanese development tools available, especially for making rpgs. There is the text game maker program, ruby scripting, and I suspect some sort
  of audiogame script or similar to create games as large as planely some of these are. However theyre made though, i do think better methods for translation would help hugely. As to using all the addons and such, ive read throuh Bladestorms guide several times, but its all the changing settings and the many different peaces of software that is the problem. if there was one single instant translate program to use that you could run before running the games, more people probably would use it. Still, as I said if people can! play the japanese games with google translate, why not cooperate with Yukio to translate the hole game with it internally?Im pretty sure that was what was done with night of parasite, and while the English from the original chinese was a little ropy in places it was more than understandable enough to actually play the game.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Dubbing the game without the developers permission would be wrong... and even if you could, you would still have to translate it first. Right now, I dont use programs... I use my own knowledge of Japanese language and culture, and use google translate sometimes if I need to figure out or confirm the meaning of a word or sentence.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

My personal favorites, both death match games, of course, what kind of a game developer doesnt like his own creations, jk. Snow race. The road to rage. Swomp, when I can aford to pay for it, which I cant at the moment. Oh, and death match wasnt really ment to be revolutionary. In my view ive noticed their wasnt very menny audio games wich whent into a lot of detail about their backgrounds, all that kind of stuff. Thats what I set out to do with creating death match, was to build something we could all enjoy and share, with a good storyline and an extensive background. Neither game is revolutionary in my opinion, at least not super duper revolutionary, but theyve dephanatly held their place in the audio games world, and im proud of what we at reality software have acheaved with them. I dont know about a single player installment in the death match series at the moment, as I really am zapt on ideas for the second installment and 
 where I wanted to go as regards with project alpha, which is what im sure people want to be the focus of the next installment. I do however, did plan for quite a shocking plot twist which will make you hate the federation of human worlds more than you already do, heheheh. In regards to dmnb, new features are being added, slowly but surely. Ive added the ability for blackboxes, which are captains logs. Ive also begun work on a new thing for combat which can damage components once its finished. Ive held off on adding new activities however as im currently zapt, once again on ideas for thoughs. Ive had one, which is missions, but I dont want them to be the get a mission and go to a sirten type of thing, preferibly something more along the lines of you find a pirate or rogue pilot in deep space, if you kill it you gain a lot of credits, etc.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

@dark, I was hoping that you guys would expand the list as time goes on. Ive started the list. Perhaps I could make this topics subject Whats your most favorite games? How does that sound?


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Maybe this should be moved to the general game discussion rather than being in the off topic room?


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The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


The top games of all time

Welcome, all! Today, this topic has been created to list the top games of all time! Post new games, and keep adding to the list! Make sure to make each item a heading!Ill start:1. bokurano daiboukenn 3As far as I can tell, this game has the most posts and the most views. With over 106,109 views and 2,733 posts, this game has definitely struck gold.view2. Death Match Project AlphaBy far, this game is one of the most creative games in the history. It has over 20,516 views and 350 posts. With that much feedback, tutorials, walkthroughs, tweets, etc. this game will definitely keep you on your toes.View3. Death Match: A New BeginningI cant really say anything about this game, but I can tell you its a very fun. Why do you go and check it out?


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Hi,What about Swamp? I havent put this as a heading as I cant quite remember how unfortunately. But it has gotten a rather large following, possibly too much (I dont mean this in a rude way, its an awesome game), but I thought Aprone was going to try to write some new games for us as well. The old topic was absolutely mammoth so much so that Aprone started a new one to keep things less cluttered.Death Match Project Alpha was quite good, but I wouldnt call it revolutionary. What I will call it though, is a perfectly good, and worthy, effort that shows promise for future projects too, with a relatively long story for a free game created by a weston developer, an hour is really good for a freebie, so I can definitely agree with your choice. I havent played A New Beginning for a while, waiting for some more features first.I hope that there will be another single player death match entry in the future too.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Moderation! This is about games so belongs in general games discusssion! (really I dont know why so many people are getting this wrong today).


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Aaron, I think youre right and Ethin might not have seen the original Swamp topic. The old original Swamp topic has 12,754 posts and 1,036,083 views. Id say it beats the #1 on the above list, if were basing these on forum posts and views.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Moderation! This is about games so belongs in general games discusssion! (really I dont know why so many people are getting this wrong today).As to the list Ethin, Im not sure top games of all time when all the games you have listed have been produced in the last two years, and in the case of both deathmatch games, the last few months. of all time means revolutionary at its time, doing something different to what was seen before. For example a graphical top games of all time I saw once included the original Sonic the hedgehog, because it used the full capabilities of the newer 16 bit technology where previous games like even super mario brothers hadnt quite done so, (it also praised marrio 64 for the same reason). for this reason Id not personally suggest any Best of all time list miss shades of doom, sinse whatever else you think about the game as I underst
 and it, nothing similar had been produced before. Judgement day was the first audiogame to make use of trophies, Swamp was the first online realtime multiplayer, while Sound rts was the first stratogy. There are lots of criteria to use.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Moderation! This is about games so belongs in general games discusssion! (really I dont know why so many people are getting this wrong today).As to the list Ethin, Im not sure top games of all time when all the games you have listed have been produced in the last two years, and in the case of both deathmatch games, the last few months. of all time means revolutionary at its time, doing something different to what was seen before. For example a graphical top games of all time I saw once included the original Sonic the hedgehog, because it used the full capabilities of the newer 16 bit technology where previous games like even super mario brothers hadnt quite done so, (it also praised marrio 64 for the same reason). for this reason Id not personally suggest any Best of all time list miss shades of doom, sinse whatever else you think about the game as I underst
 and it, nothing similar had been produced before. Judgement day was the first audiogame to make use of trophies, Swamp was the first online realtime multiplayer, while Sound rts was the first stratogy. Topspeed offered online multiplayer racing, while nothing like Entombed has ever been produced.There are lots of things to consider, and your list unfortunately strikes me more as Ethins favourite games than a definitive list.This isnt to say theyre bad games, just that a top of all time needs a good bit more consideration, and should cover more than what is most recent.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Maybe this should be moved to the general game discussion rather than being in the off topic room?


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Id put bk3 on the list simply due to the fact that it truly shows what can be done in an audiogame if enough hard work is put into it, yes it it japanese, but the amount of stuff thats in there is ridiculous. You can fly around at points but its done in a sort of 2d envrionment, but you also ahve to judge your speed you are flying at. Its rather impressive really.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

as for all games, I think Entombed should be included, since even though Jason stopped giving us more news for some reason, we can still see people asking about it commonly on forums, in topics, both audiogames and klango, and also the discussion grouup.Could muds be included? If so, Id vote Alter Aeon. Shadow rine can be included as well, if it gets players more and more, cause this game is awesome, just not that old to be listed.


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Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Hi,What about Swamp? I havent put this as a heading as I cant quite remember how unfortunately. But it has gotten a rather large following, possibly too much (I dont mean this in a rude way, its an awesome game), but I thought Aprone was going to try to write some new games for us as well. The old topic was absolutely mammoth so much so that Aprone started a new one to keep things less cluttered.Death Match Project Alpha was quite good, but I wouldnt call it revolutionary. What I will call it though, is a perfectly good, and worthy, effort that shows promise for future projects too, with a relatively long story for a free game created by a weston developer, an hour is really good for a freebie, so I can definitely agree with your choice. I havent played A New Beginning for a while, waiting for some more features first.I hope that there will be another single player death match entry in the future too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Aaron, I think youre right and Ethin might not have seen the original Swamp topic. The old original Swamp topic has 12,754 posts and 1,036,083 views. Id say it beats the #1 on the above list, if were basing these on forum posts and views.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The top games of all time

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The top games of all time

Doesnt this need to be posted in the general game discussion section?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

The top games of all time

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


The top games of all time

Welcome, all! Today, this topic has been created to list the top games of all time! Post new games, and keep adding to the list! Make sure to make each item a heading!Ill start:1. bokurano daiboukenn 3As far as I can tell, this game has the most posts and the most views. With over 106,109 views and 2,733 posts, this game has definitely struck gold.view2. Death Match Project AlphaBy far, this game is one of the most creative games in the history. It has over 20,516 views and 350 posts. With that much feedback, tutorials, walkthroughs, tweets, etc. this game will definitely keep you on your toes.View3. Death Match: A New BeginningI cant really say anything about this game, but I can tell you its a very fun. Why do you go and check it out?


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