Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

I'm pretty sure Hopper is coming back. I hated how much of a jerk he was being during Season 3, only to have it revealed in the end through the letter he wrote what his true intentions were. While I was watching the third season, I kept saying, "man, I can't stand Hopper anymore, I hope he isn't around after this season." Then the ending happened, and I regretted that. Anyway, it would be stupid to kill him off, so I don't think that will happen.


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Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rowangarel98 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

I agree that it was fucked up for her to use El, but 8 didn't have the luxury of stumbling into decent supporting people when she escaped. She kind of just had to survive as best she could and considering the amount of shit she went through, it's no wonder that revenge consumed her. Sorry if this derails the topic, but I love these sorts of character discussions


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Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

I mean, the Russians said nothing about there not being more Americans in lock up, so I suppose it could very well be that both Hopper and Brenner are locked up and they have to collaborate to stop the Russians. Also, While I do think it was wrong for Eight to do that to Eleven, they would be a really good team together and Eight could easily come to her senses and realize what she did was fucked up.


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Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

I didn't like 8 because she used 11. That was uncalled for!


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Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rowangarel98 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

@5 genuine question. What didn't you like about 8? As for my own theories, As much as I would love for hopper to come back, I think it would be much better writing if the American were Brenner. Also, I'm assuming that 11 will seek out 8 to try and get her powers back and I hope to see more of them. Maybe they'll be some sort of team up to take on something, although that could feel cliche if it's not done properly. Either way, I'm excited to see what's next


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Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

Question do you think wierd things are going to happen where 11 and Will moved to or still in Hawkins? I hope Hopper comes back. Either way he will probably be back in flashbacks or something.  I also hate 8 and I'll be pissed if she comes back.


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Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tunmi13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

I'm in total agreement. I was one of them sad to see Hopper die, but the American they were referring to could be him. In fact, he even disappeared after what happened, so it's possible.


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Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

Hopper is probably alive and he'll find Eleven and Mike and Dustin and the other kids somehow, or they will find him. I kinda didn't like 008 that much.That s2e8 felt like something out of GTA.otherwise I think the show is cool.


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Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : fawazar94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

Hey,I think all of them will unite to fight the last fight, and may be they'll add some more romance bit explicit since they are grown up Hahah. Will 08 return?  when you wrote it yes it makes sense, I didn't think she would return because now her appearance make sense. I was wondering why they brought  this character if they are just discarding from the beginning. it willbe an interesting season I beleive, lets wait for it best regards


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What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


What do You Think is going to Happen in Stranger Things Season 4

I'm going to let you guys know right off the cuff, (pun definitely intended), that there are going to be huge spoilers for Season 3. If you haven't watched Season 3 yet and you don't want it spoiled, I wouldn't recommend reading further into this post. Alright, now that's out of the way...I loved Stranger Things from the moment I watched the first episode of season 1. I got super invested in every single character in the story, and it's a show that I really don't want to see an end to any time in the near future. I just finished watching season 3 with my friend, and I was practically on the edge of my seat by the time I heard the last little bit of dialog at the very end.Here's one of the miner things I'm speculating. As you've seen in the season 3 epilog, Eleven attempted to use her powers to take a bear off of the shelf of her closet but failed. To me, this looks like a sign that her power has been completely drained, and it will be very difficult if not totally impossible to restore it.Anyone remember 008 from season 2? I really hope to see her return in season 4 to help Eleven. Hell, maybe she can help Eleven restore her powers.I believe that since Eleven is out of action right now, Steeve and Robbin are going to step in and stop the Soviet Union. It would make sense, considering how they were tortured by those officers. Plus, it'd be a pretty sweet revenge story if Steeve ended up killing the officer who interrogated him.Before I make my last assumptions, I would like to inform those of you who tend to stop shows at the appearance of the closing credits about something you may have missed. Before you turned off Netflix for the day or switched to another show, you may have noticed the normal Stranger Things theme song wasn't playing, and was instead replaced by the sound of the wind blowing through trees. If you continue to listen past the end of the credits, there's actually one more scene that takes place. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend going back and watching it before continuing to read this post. Have you watched it? Great, let's continue then.So, you may have cringed at the thought of that Demidog ripping into that pore Russian prisoner. However, you may have also noticed that before they entered his cell to take him to his impending death, they passed a cell and said, “no, not the American.” This caught my attention rather quickly, and I’ve made two guesses as to who this American might be.I'm assuming Hopper is the person people are probably thinking of when they hear about the American in the cell. Let's look at the facts. When Joice turned the keys to shut off that machine, a wave of energy hit a group of Russian workers, decimating them as a result. However, we never actually saw Hopper get hit by that energy wave. Surely, if it had killed him too, the audio description would have made that apparent to us. I believe when the Russian soldiers came looking for people, they found Hopper and took him back to Russia to be tortured in their military prison.This next one probably wasn't thought of as much, but if you think about it, this kind of makes sense. Do you guys remember back in season 1 when the shadow monster slammed Dr. Brenner into the ground. We never actually get to see the shadow monster tare into Brenner like he usually does with everyone else. Maybe this is because it never actually killed Brenner. After all, the man from season 2 who electroshocked Eleven's mother into permanent submission did say that he could lead them to Brenner if they let him live. This would explain how the Russians found out about the Hawkins experiments and reopened the dimension rift, not just in Hawkins but in Russia too.Alright guys, I'm done here. What do you guys think is going to happen or not happen? I'd be very interested to hear your responses on this one.


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