Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

Hi.Uh crap yeah, thanks for that , another sign that I really sshould go to bed for today, these things that happen when you are almost asleep.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

Hi.At 11 well, I hope you find someone who can teach you and has the horse for a beginner, if the situation in the states as it is in my region of Germany, it will be a pain in the ass, the lack of horse related stuff around here is actually one of the many reasons why I will move away and into another part of Germany when I finish my training, hopefully next year in late August.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

You replied to your own post XD.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

Hi.At 10 well, I hope you find someone who can teach you and has the horse for a beginner, if the situation in the states as it is in my region of Germany, it will be a pain in the ass, the lack of horse related stuff around here is actually one of the many reasons why I will move away and into another part of Germany when I finish my training, hopefully next year in late August.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

ugh, yes turtle i meant darts lol, i used to play a lot back when i could see a lot better, now my sight isn't good enough to see the board, but, what i've done is i've got a surround for the dartboard and just above the top of the board i've stuck a bright LED light, which i do have enough sight to  see, my aim isn't as good as it was, but i have beat sighted players at a few games over the past few years lol.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

There are general hobbies that I do on a regular basis, then there are things I've done and would like to do again but don't do regularly. General hobbies include regular reading, fairly serious writing of different sorts including book reviews, work for this site and my own fiction and poetry, (I finished my PHd last year), serious singing (I have been trained and do have regular lessons), stage performing when I get the chance, (I take acting lessons), gaming of a variety of sorts from mainstream graphical games, usually on older consoles, to audiogames, indeed there are few game types or genres I haven't tried or don't enjoy in some way, albeit sports and racing are less my thing, playing trivia games with my wife, animals (I love my dog).Stuff I have done and would do again include playing of a variety of musical instruments, tabletop gaming (man I miss that), cycling, canooing and skeeing albeit I've not done those for a while owing to lack of opportunities. I'm not great at darts or  games that have the aiming and throwing type of components because my coordination is not exactly fantastic, though I have played chesss relatively seriously in the past, albeit since my brother is a pretty amazing chess player, and used to regularly win international tournaments its not something I've done heavily. Right now  writing is the thing I'm most focused on, albeit I do like to relax other ways as well.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ilya via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

so, I like.readingwritingcodingtravelinggood food and drinksportslike swimming, mountain climbing and running.I listen to music a little, but am not a music lover.o, and i like playing game's, mostly offline cards with my frend's.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

I volunteer at a homeless shelter so that gets me out into the real world. Also I used to design houses but the vision has gotten worse miss doing that. I also love to swim and I like bon fires around summer and fall.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

I've been shooting guns since 7 and riding 4 wheelers since probably 12 or so. Of course, now that my vision has degraded quite a bit, I can't really do that anymore.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon . vinnie_ware via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

@13, LOL. Yeah i also like cycling. And Jade, Can you teach me chess?


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

@15, I assume you meant darts? I enjoy that too. I play with my parents sometimes. I know there are audio dartboards, but I never learned to play with any audio cues. It helps that I have enough vision to more or less see the outline of the board, so I can aim that way, but I can't see specific numbers or anything.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

i do enjoy playing dats, but haven't played for some time now


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaseoffire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

Hmm. Well, I am studying to become a video game programmer, and the other one that turns a couple of heads is that I practice Kendo. I also used to shoot archery, and I have a bit of experience  with firearms.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

Lets see. Hobbies? coding, tinkering with technology, swimming, chess, writing, and riding four weelers.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

I shoot guns and drive a motor scooter. Before you ask, I am totally blind.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vulcan_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

I don't catigorize what i do as hobbies like that, but I will and experimenting to come up with new tastes, flavor profiles, and dishes, Music, reading, gaming (audio and or main stream), board and card games, and watching my children grow and learn.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

I've tried chess and I suck at it. I'm not good at strategy stuff. Also yeah I would like to get into horse riding.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

Hi.Hmm hard to say, I personally don't know any other blind regular horse riders, which is not bad I have to say because that's one possibility to escape the blind comunity, but, if noone is doing it, you could consider it.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

I'm probably about a 1700 player. Club level, basically. I'm dangerous, but I'm no grandmaster.I've taught over a dozen people not only how the pieces move, but how to get good at the game. I'm good, apparently, at teaching people how to make pieces work in combination, and how to control space, and all that jazz. A friend of mine couldn't beat me reliably a year and a half ago; now we're nearly even.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

hey jade, we are actually the same, i mean, everything besides chess, i don't know how to play it even though a couple of people in my family know how tomy hobbies includeanimalsfoodswimmingcoding, even though i haven't released anythingsinging, sometimes if there is no one to here me singreadingwritingplaying games, doesn't matter which kindstaying up all night which i can't do anymore because of schooland many more


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vaibhavbhandari via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

I did try to play chess for some time but the problem was that I could understand the significance of each piece and how to move it but I just couldn't understand how to play it. I know it's a bit confusing but I just didn't understand what do we have to keep in mind and such things. SO I stopped it for a while. If someone possibly could just help me a bit here. I do like to read. It's like in the beginning I don't like to read but as soon as the book peaks my interest or gets interesting, I don't want to stop reading .


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

@2How much do you play chess? I've just started recently, and I've been looking for another VI person to play against and spam with questions.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

There are plenty of blind smokers.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon . vinnie_ware via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

@3, hahahah. and @Jaid, Reading and all those things don't make you boring, it makes you interesting. I mean, all the insight and knowledge from reading makes you a fun person to talk about. And, what I meant, is unusual for blind people you know, and are odd for your sighted comrades.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : je97 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

Not really a hobby, or anything good, but I know very few blind smokers.


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Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

I don't like categorizing my hobbies that way, to be perfectly honest. Because the sort of unstated assumption, then, is that there are "normal" hobbies for a visually impaired person.Tell you what. I'll list the hobbies I've got and you folks can fight over how normal they are if you want to. lolChessreadingwritingplaying pianosinging (karaoke in particular, I've never been trained)swimminganimalsfoodgood conversationgaming (audio or board, as long as it's at least a bit accessible)I'm pretty boring, actually.


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What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon . vinnie_ware via Audiogames-reflector


What things you do that are odd for a visually impaired person?

Hi guys. Do you have any hobbies  that are odd for a blind person? For me, its cars. I just love them. I also like crafts although blind people are famous for crafts, and other things. What things are you into that's odd for a blind person?


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