Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : TJ . Breitenfeldt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

Hi, I am a software engineer at JPMorgan Chase, and use Eclipse more or less every day. I personally like eclipse, although there is definitely a learning curve. I find that using Eclipse with NVDA using the NVDA eclipse add on works the best. The add on is here: to configure your eclipse with the correct settings as mentioned in the readme for the add on. I suppose it lags, although no more than any other IDE I would say. Perhaps less than Visual Studio. It is the price you pay for the tools. VS Code is the exception though, providing a lot of accessibility and great tooling, although in my experience that is not normally the case. I still prefer using Eclipse with java though. I personally like java, although clearly there are those who disagree.I have listed out some useful shortcuts for Eclipse to make it a little easier to get going with it.Note, Eclipse uses a workspace, so you have to import or create your projects in the workspace. This just means that to see the project you want to work on, it must be recognised by Eclipse. Eclipse has Perspectives, and Views. Perspectives are determined by the programming language or framework you are using, usually this is not something you have to deal with, the perspective is set for you based on the type of project. Views are things like project explorer, console, unit testing, errors, etc...In the project explorer, you might be a little confused at first. the treeview first layer is all of your projects in the workspace. Once you expand a project, you will see something different based on the type of project, although generally speaking, you should have src, perhaps followed by a couple of folders. If this is a maven project for something like a spring boot project like what I work with, it would be src.main.javaThis is where your source code is located. Eclipse has a strange way of handling packages which has grown on me, but takes some time to get used to. Rather than each entry in the tree view being a folder in which you can expand, Eclipse tries to simplify it a bit because java packaging can get a little crazy. So instead eclipse shows each entry in the tree view as a collection of folders write up to the folder that has your source code. So for example, the crazy standard in java is to setup your packaging structure something like:com.timothybreitenfeldt.lms.admin-serviceThat is four different folders, and there is nothing in any of those folders until you drill down into admin-service. So eclipse just combines all of that for you so that you don't have to drill down into these long folder structures.Also, you will want to disable package folding, it is really anoying, and if you don't know it is happening very confusing. open eclipse, do alt w and press up arrow to go to preferences. Type folding into the search box which should have the focus right away and press enter. It should move your cursor into the treeview, and folding should be selected. Tab over until you here a checkbox called folding, and uncheck it. Then tab to apply and close.Shortcuts:* alt shift q: pull up a list of views up. p will take you to project explorer, c will take you to the console, and e will take you to errors.* f12: jumps to the editor* control shift up/down arrow: moves through class, field, and method definitions when the editor is open. NVDA will read the name of the line jaws will not.* control ./, (control period/cama): jump to the next or previous error* f2: when on a definition, it will open a window with documentation on that definition. If you have an error selected, it will tell you about the error and provide you quick fixes if there are any.* control space: manually activates code assist, normally you do not have to do this.* control plus f11: runs your code, specifically will run the code based on the last successful run, and if there is not one yet, it will guess on how you want to run your project. To run your project the first time and insure that it is running correctly, go to package explorer, do applications/right click/shift f10, and press r for run as. Expand the run as sub menue and choose how to run your program. All subsequent runs you can use control f11 and it will run it the same way.note, code assist, which is the code completion system for Eclipse is pretty accessible, and works basicly the same way as Visual Studio. You can force code assist with control space bar as mentioned above.So my work flow looks something like this:open eclipse, press alt shift q followed by p to open package explorer. open the project I am working on using the arrow keys, and navigate to the class I am working on. Press enter to open the java file in the editor. Use control shift down arrow to navigate through the code. Write some code, and save. With the NVDA add on installed, I can press control plus s, and if there are errors, it will make a sound notifying there are syntax

Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

From what I've read, VS Code only supports Java 11 and later. I need 8.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

I don't know how much it is real, but if there is a possibility to use VisualStudioCode, I suggest to do it.


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Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

Definitely not answers I wanted to hear, but the info is helpful nonetheless. I'm planning on using this for a software quality assurance course, so heavier code bases than other classes, but as long as I can get some basic stuff done, I think I'll be alright.This being a blind person getting into dev gets to be such a pain at times. I don't know how you all do it.


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Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

Eclipse (and derivatives) have always been sluggish and difficult to use. It also has accessibility problems, e.g.: tree views not properly updating screen reader focus when navigating through nodes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

@4: all this is true, but as I said, it's enough to get you through those shitty CS classes that force Java down your throat.@5: ok, cool. That's what you think. You're free to do so, but they were asking about a Java IDE, not if the language itself is good or not.


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Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

Java is good.


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Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

I used Eclipse and all I can say is just struggle through it. The IDE can lag, the listed keystrokes refused to work for me, the interface is not really intuitive, and overall it was a poor experience. I made it through, but it was far from fun. Combine that with the stupidity that is Java, and you got yourself a nice package of frustration.


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Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

I completely agree with number 2, (Including the horribleness of the classes,) you might wanna watch out for the lag every now and then.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Eclipse Experiences

I had to use it for a class a few months ago. From what I remember, it works OK, nothing that renders it un-useable, there are obviously some quirks though I cannot think of them off the top of my head. Certainly useable to get me through that horrible Java class.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Your Eclipse Experiences

2021-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Your Eclipse Experiences

Hi folks,I'm trying my hand at Eclipse for a class this semester. I'm dealing with larger code bases that an IDE would lend itself nicely to. How accessible is it? What quirks should I be aware of? At first glance, it looks like it'll be fine. All I really care about is project navigation, code editing (obviously), and reviewing console output.Thanks!


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