Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

well, I was batch converting a lot of sound files from wav to flac because wav takes up way too much space. Well, because of the stupid way Gold Wave batch convirts stuff, it waits until they're all done before it deletes, which, again is very dumb, when the program crashed, I still had a lot of the original wav files left. Damn gold wave for not deleting as it went.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

Lol, I remember these things if they are the same, here they're called USV's and usually sit behind the server racs and if the power goes out, they switch to batterie, tell the servers to end currently running processes and shut down.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

Something that happened to me. so, in my work place. we have 4 ups's.these are boxes that provides backup power when the power goes out. a regular thing in my it also protects against spikes under and over voltage and eventually it comes time to replace its batteries.these particular moddels takes 2 9 amp batteries. of 12 volts now, you got  these 2 batteries.because due to so much power outages in this lovely mest up country of mine. the batteries only lasts about a year. before they need, time comes when I have to open up those upsses  to replace them.I got tired of paying people to do it.Time to do it my self after watching them. right? what could possibly go wrong?well for one. you have to connect the cables correctly. remember. this thing gets plugged in to the mains. it takes 220 volts and taps it down to the required voltages your devices needs to, here I come, unscrew the cover. carefully memorise ware each cable goes. before. I disconnect each battery. Me being little old me, I got clever. and replaced 1 by 1 battery at a time. to minimise the chance of messing anything up. I don't feel like paying 2000 rand for a dam, now, I am finally prepared to slot in the last heavy battery. so now, if you ever have replaced these batteries, you'll know that when connecting up the final one, it makes a spark, so my mind was wondering, and when it made that pap! spark sound. I got a fright! and dropped the battery I was holding. ripped out the cable from the battery connector and battery came crashing down on my toes! I can tell you, I felt quite sheepish.So, back I went to connect the battery.eventually it got done.and all was well.On another occasion, I had a old 500 watt UPS laying around. ready to be decommissioned. so I wondered to my self. what would happen If I plugged in a small portible consumer mono lazer printer in to it. would it happily turn off. because it cannot handle the load, or would it blow up?I was honestly curious.Well, it came on. and as the printer started to warm up preparing itself for use. the UPS whent. tick tick tick tick rick rick rick rick.  B, yeeeuup  yep yeep yee. then the beep sound long beep of death faided away just like turning the volume nob of a radio. and smoke could be smelt from the UPS. and it became hot. So I ripped out the power cord of the UPS and the printer. suffice to say. both that single 7 amp 12 volt battery and the 500 watt UPS was sent to the scrap heap.And the printer? well folks, that Oki B2200 lazer printer stil lives on to this day.And that was my interesting bits for the day.I Have way more to tell. but will keep them for another time. 


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

Swedish, and I know some other european wall plugs are sunken into the socket, with little tracks to guide the end of the cable of the thing you're using. I was shocked how easy ... oh wait the pun, but yes I actually was shocked at how easy it is to shock yourself on the american outlets. I have never once done that on any of ours.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ElizaBaez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

on that subject, can someone tell me what other outlets look like. I'm kind of curious.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mishko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

@11 A pitty for so much beer!


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

Well not as much as a mishap with the device itself, but the way I went on acquiring them.I bought a buncha things from Amazon US, and even with shipping and import fees, I got things I could not get in Sweden and the prices were cheap two burned out transformers later, I upgraded to a proper one that could handle the conversion properly and was out 200 bucks.Bottom line and Pro Life tip: make sure the things you're ordering are compatible with your countries outlet designs and voltage levels, or be prepared to spend more money for your lack of consideration.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

Another one that I experienced myself this time though.I was at a friends company down in bavaria. He's working in a warehouse where different companys store large amounds of goods, you can basically rent the place or a number of shelves you need.This warehouse had a new fully automated loading robot. It could receive pallets and boxes from forklifts and place them into certain, forklift comes around, loaded with a huge pallet of boxes containing beer, I think there were 24 bottles in a box and there were around 10 to 15 of these boxes on the pallet, I'm not sure, robot load the pallet and drives to a certain shelve in a certain part of the warehouse and lifts the pallet up to a part of the shelve which was just build, there was nothing up there.The robot then placed the pallet on the shelve and gave it a nudge so it would slide back on the rail system and knock against the backstop. Well, you see, the problem was that when this new part of the shelve was p´laced on the older one, someone forgot putting in the Backstop plate. So, the pallet slid, back, and back, and back, till there was no shelve anymore, the thing turned a 1 80 and slammed down onto the flore from about 8 metres up, so around 25 to 30 feet.You can't imagine the boom sound and the fountain of beer that spurted up from the ground, one of the workers said that that it looked like a miniature volcano.In the end though everyone had a good laugh about it, and I think the guy who build the shelve is still teased about this up to today.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

My friend once deleted the folder called boot from the braille plus. After that the Braille Plus couldn't power off and wouldn't reset. I still make fun of this person about this today. Hahahaha


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

I have a lot of fun plugging in electronics for my sighted friends who think that they aren't working.. haha I'm sure I have other great technological mishap stories.. I'll think on it and be back when I remember a good one.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ElizaBaez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

I did have a copy of windows say it couldn't find the task manager.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

@1 I'd say it was the worker's fault for not reading carefully, lol.Can't think of anything at the moment, but I'll come back later if I do.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

Had a similar issue with a Braille Lite 2000 many, many years ago. Was messing with a wordfix file trying to make it say something other than Braille Lite 2000 ready on startup, and ended up breaking things horribly so it wouldn't start.That night, I had a dream about being at school and asking another student who knew about the Braille Lite if he knew how to fix it. He said use an I cord, which didn't make sense to me.The next day, I asked this student if he knew how to fix it... and he fixed it. I asked him how, and he said he had to re-initialize it by turning the unit on while holding down an I cord.Needless to say, that was pretty darn freaky.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

Back when I was ten, I got my first Braille 'n Speak with a spellchecker. I was on my way to school and I decided to read the spell.dic file, so I opened it, hit the l chord, and then the er chord to read all. Well, it did not like that and it crashed so hard that we had to send it in for repairs. Mind you I was knowledgeable enough about them to fix ninety-five percent of issues on my own by then.


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ElizaBaez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

I have so many I could write a book of them


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

I admit, that greatly amused me.I think my favorite mishap was not my own but my brother's. So he was trying to microwave some soup. He turned on the microwave, and nothing happened.He went right into one, swearing and cursing at the god damned stupid machine. I asked, "did you plug it in?"His response: "Of course I did. What sort of idiot wouldn't... oh, uh." *click* and all of a sudden, it works


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Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

Breh!!! Thats some freaked out stuff.


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Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Your greatest mishaps with electronic devices, what were they?

Hi.After a storie that my friend told me that happened in his company he is working at, I wonder what your greatest fails or things going wrong with electronic devices are. I'll tell my frends experiences, I'm curious about yours.The company my friend is working at has a large number of printers, mostly, one office is equipped with a standard issue laser printer, something you would find in every office these days.due to energy costs the company decided to get ridd of those 500 printers or so and replace them with bigger department printers so one department has one printer. The new printers aren't your average printers though, they are big as washing machines, get loaded with about 8 2000 paper cartridges and with a 25000 pages toner cartridge. They are also freaking fast, I've seen one of those things cough out 500 pages under a minute, so you know what dimensions we're talking here.These printers are also equipped with a copy and fax function, so you could get rid of these devices as well.So, here's where the storie starts.One of the workers goes to one of the printers before his noon break and wants to fax a paper to another department.He goes to the printer, puts in the paper and enters the number of the department 64660, or, at leased he thought he did.About an hour later one of the printers alerts goes of, no paper remaining. One of the interns working there, grabs a trollie, loads it up with paper cartriges and refils the printer. He also notices that the drawer where the papers comes out is full, so he takes the papers out and stacks them next to the printer.This process happens multiple times in the next hour, workers come in, see that the printer is busy, take the paper out of the drawer and stack it, someone must be printing something big.then, another hour later, the toner alert goes off, as I said, 25000 pages cartridge, so, another intern changes the toner cartridge.finally, when the next paper is empty alert goes off and the space in the printer room is getting tight, someone turns around one of the pages to check what the hel the thing is printing and notices the I don't know which thousand copy of the paper the first worker actually wanted to fax, not copy.So, who is the ideot in this storie? the worker who didn't check if he was printing or faxing? The others who didn't check what the printer was doing? Or the producer of the hole machine who allow such many copys.So, what are your situations where technology didn't work as planned or where human operators were just not paying atention that much?Greetings Moritz.


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