an annoying problem with my computer regarding certain games

This probably belongs into the off topic room, but since it's something about a few games, here goes.
I recently came across a really strange problem. After windows update installed a boatload of some updates on my machine, it caused certain games to be hit with a strange error thingy. What i mean is, after this update crap, games like SBYW, SBRW and sammy center have started spamming me with error messages saying music volume could not be set or something like that. Not only that, but SBYW, for whatever reason, decided to clear its settings. I have a feeling some permission crap with the settings data files or something like that got screwed hardcore during that update process, but am not sure about it so haven't gone fiddling around. Funny thing is, when I run those games as administrator, that problem won't occur but when I don't, it starts spamming me with all that error crap about music volume being unable to set, blah blah blah. So, most likely it's some permissions stuff that's preventing those data files from being accessed, even though i'm an admin on this new computer, but i'm not running under the hidden admin account of doom big_smile
So, i'm guessing I should just make all of those games always run as admin if they start that spam crap? Or is there some permission crap i'll have to fiddle with? The one that's spamming me the most is SBYW, when starting it, when going to the multiplayer menu, and when exiting the server, at least those things give that error thingy. And during that shitstorm, SBYW also decided to clear out it's settings for whatever reason. That's really odd.
<Not even sure if that updating stuff caused it, but it's very likely to have caused those things because i could, at least, run SBYW fine yesterday without any error thingies. And that updating stuff lasted nearly for an hour anyway, so I guess it changed something big time.

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