Re: calling all mud players

2019-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

What constitutes a good activity for me?Honestly, good question. I will answer differently on a daily bases. It's difficult to pinpoint what I consider good. However, here's what I can tell you:1: I must do at least 2 things at once. If I sit around for 8 hours hearing firing laser over and over, chances are I won't come back to the mud. Yes, CR, I'm looking at you.2: I must feel progression. I can not do the same activity over and over again for long periods of time. 3 hours is okay, 6 is pushing it, and 7 is too much. Again, star studying anyone?3: The activities *MUST* be different! Critical! Even if I do have the 2 things listed above, chances are I'll be bored if it's just new text atop an old mechanic.4: Good reasoning. Why am I doing activity X? How would it impact me and my character if I don't do it? How would it impact other people?What's a good muud for me? Right, I'll try and keep it short and sweet.1: Good communication between the hosts and players.2: No spamming of changes that are useful, but not super critical. An example would be CR's typo report. Players do not need to know if right was fixed to write. That's just, not important. On the other hand, players need to know that a major bug pertaining to an activity was fixed.3: Good, but not verbose writing. CR's writing is good, but there's a lot of it. I'll put it another way. If you were to go and listen to an orchestra playing for 10 hours you'd eventually get tired of the grand and powerful music, even if it was really good.4: No favors! This is critical, and is something that I've seen CR do on some occasions. Different events happen around a group of individuals (the SDL in CR's case) and everyone else is kicked to the side. While CR doesn't do it often, it still happens time to time.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

I didn't want to focus on cosmic rage specifically, since I haven't played the game in quite a while, and for myself I actually rather enjoy the mud when I do play, however  the question of cr has been raised I'll add a few hopefully constructive points relative to the above comments. First regarding Drumbs above categorisation of cr's low level activities. To an extent I do agree, since the need to repair your equipment as opposed to wait for automated systems to just harvest enough resources from the slot machine isn't itself that compelling, however there are a few very simple things that could be done to change the activity. First, give the player something else to manage. Suppose when trash collecting, occasionally you pick up radioactive trash, this raises the radiation level of your truck and causes your character to take damage. On the other hand, radioactive trash is far more valuable than normal trash and earns you more points. Then, just to mess with players a bit more, radioactive trash areas are further into the wasteland zone, but have a lower chance of monsters appearing, (since the monsters avoid radioactive zones). So, each trash collecting trip you'd need to take your truck out to a radioactive area battling monsters along the way. The battling wouldn't be hard at full health, however, once you've been picking up radioactive stuff on the way back, you might not bee in quite as healthy a state, meaning that for battles you'd probably need to try and avoid taking damage and use different approaches, rather than just slaughtering your way through all the monsters. of course, those who want an easier time could stick to the low rad areas, but the payoff would be smaller, while the high risk gamble, having to manage your rad level could be lucrative, but is likely to get you killed, and in getting you killed lose you all the rewards you might have earned. Another example might be asteroid minings. Instead of being in a single orbit around an asteroid, suppose you can choose how low your orbit is on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a high space orbit, whilst 1 is nearly skimming the ground. The lower your orbit, the faster your ore scoop works, however the greater the chance of throwing off debris. Debris serves like an incoming missile attack, and will hit at close range, but at long range can be blasted if you quickly switch to your lasers, target and hit, also causing you to possibly need to repair your ship if your not fast or lucky enough.Also, sometimes your scanner will detect something  under the asteroid's crust and you will need to operate the ore scoop manually to get it. The good news is it might be a rich load of ore, the bad news is it could be  an unexploded bomb, a load of flammable gas, or  a vacus beacon which could result in vacus ships entering the area. hope some of this makes sense.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

When you reach 1800, about the only way I found to bring in a good amount of credits is star rescuing and that is pretty grinddy. get the mission, launch, begin, punch what you are told, land, and repete. Of course, at that rank, there are moons, and they can pretty much run themselves if you set them up right. I do not really need to add that there is not really much at that rank to do. So, I guess that it would be a really good time to RP. Anyway, things I will like to see, wellit has pretty much been said in the topic.  things like, well written areas, more exploreing, well thought crafting, and ETC. In sort, 2 through 14 pretty much explains, in others words, what my thoughts are. Needs to fill like I am in a story of some kind.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

+1 @13


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

+1 to engaging and non repetitive activities. My intention isn't to turn this into a "let's go bash cr" fest but I just have to say this. When I first reached level 600 with a character on cr, the only thing that provided really good income was star studdying. What did this lead to? It lead to me doing no less than 8 hours of star fire, star fire, star fire, heat-s on, 1000, star fire, star fire, star fire, heat-s on, 1000. Yes, I actually did check the time to verify this. That's how long it took, with all upgrades, to fill 20 bays with material. which is what you have to do to get any sort of meaningful payout.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

Sure, I’ll take the plunge.What makes a good activity: three things.1, I need to have something worth working for. CR, as it currently stands, gives me nothing that I feel will drastically change the game for me to work for. Why should I do more button mashing if all I’ll get after doing said button mashing is the ability to do more button mashing? If there isn’t a new mechanic/toy/substantially different goal for me to work for, why should I bother. Why should I spent hours trash collecting just for the ability to go volcano harvesting, which is literally the same thing? Then, why should I spend hours volcano harvesting so that I can go orbit cleaning, which is literally the same activity again. Etcetera. If I have nothing drastically different to look forwards to, I’m done. It doesn’t have to be something huge, even just the ability to do a more advanced quest once my combat skills increase is enough for me.2, the activities ability to engage me.    Let me describe to you what your average cosmic rage activity looks like to me.Type initial command.Type it again.Again.Again.Again.Another 35 times (not exaggerating in the slightest).Oh no something went wrong, type one extra command to fix it.Okay, now type initial command again.And again.And once more.And yet again.And keep going.Done? Now go to the drop off point and type transfer.You’re done, congrats, here’s 50 quadrillion credits. Now, you’ve got to do that 30 more times.This is not mentally engaging in the slightest and is literally something I can do while half asleep. I once said in a previous thread that if I were to play alongside a five-year-old, I would not have any advantages over them. I’m sure you can see why. I’m not particularly sure if it was that you started with these activities to begin with, or that you just caved when people told you what you had was too hard so dropped every aspect of the game’s difficulty to appeal to the weakest link in the player base, but either way, this does not challenge me. If I’m not challenged, and not kept motivated by the prospect of a challenging activity in my near future, I won’t bother slogging through. One way to verify if you’ve created a challenging activity. Can you do it and read a book at the same time? Yes? Then you done fucked up somewhere.Next, presentation. I’m going to keep this point short and sweet, because @Dark did a pretty good job of summarizing my feelings about it. If I have to give you 50 chunks of lead, tell me why, describe to me how it’ll be used to reinforce the outer hull to help prevent as much damage after the next attack. Make me feel that I’m accomplishing something. And for the sake of all that’s good, use proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure at an elevated reading level, make me feel like I’m part of a real story, not trying to decipher a fifth grader’s very rushed homework. Don’t tell me there is a loud bang noise, describe it, it’s effects on the NPCs around me, etcetera.And lastly, give it some element of risk. If you fuck up, you will lose a lot of credits, or you will make all the ships that are sold to citizens of your home planet more expensive, or…something. If I can fail and only lose five minutes of my time while watching the death scene, I have very little incentive to not fail because seriously, what’s the big deal. And no, hardcore mode isn’t enough, because it’s a toggle that you can opt into.And now, what makes a game worth playing? Bullet point time.Well written, if I see a typo I should be surprised, and I should never see any sort of mistake in newbie content.Bug free, again, I should be surprised if I find one, and I should never see one in any sort of newbie content or activities.Decent numbers of players who are active and engaged in the community, groups of players who interact with no one outside their little subgroup are helping no one.Varied quests or missions or activities.Challenging gameplay requiring strategy and active concentration. Should I kick or throw a fireball? Well, kicking will cost endurance and slow me down in the rest of the fight, but do more damage now, while fireball does less damage and only uses mana, but might backfire on me. Which would work better in this situation. There, see, I’ve just had to think. You don’t need 6000 lines of code to make something challenging.A regularly updated game, but one where the staff don’t see the need to log every tiny addition/typo fix because that just screams “we’re out of ideas and just want it to seem like we’re working.”Well written areas to explore with secrets to find that will be missed by the unobservant passerby, hidden exits/elements in room descriptions that make the lore of the area seem deeper and more fleshed out.Well thought out, consistent lore. If it’s a game set in our future, I expect the timeline to be mostly believable. Coughcough dragons who drink coffee and sit on sofas coughcough. Extra points if you can come up with

Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

Interesting questions! First, there were a lot of good points above. I would like to add that if it is a potentially grinding activity, it is automated so that I can leave the window and read or go clean or cook or something and just check up on it occasionally. If it is not something that is grinding, it can either be aborted with no serious penalty, or it is short enough or constant enough that having a life outside the mud is possible.I am going to bring up Star Conquest again. They do quite a few things right, asteroid mining is a lot of grinding, but once you set it up you can just let it run. On the other hand, I hate ground combat because I do three hours of work and get practiclly nothing useful. Also, I love their exploration system, but like sailing, it is very dependent on the flow and so judging when you will get somewhere, or depending on drift how long it will take you to actually find the thing you're looking for can vary.I think the most important thing for rp muds especially is that people have lives outside the mud, and that will take precedent.A good mud can be any number of things. I think the most important things are player choice, and varius viable ways to advance. Good hosting is important, but not necessarily necessary. I still play Star Conquest even though I do not think their hosts are that in touch with their players.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

For me, there are two sides to the question of what makes a good activity. The first question, is why do I need to do that activity, the second question, is what is doing the activity like. the ultimate aim in any game is to progress. To get through it from one end to the other. for some people this progression is a quest to be the best or have the best equipment or get the best score. For me, the ultimate reason I play any  game is because I want new experiences, I want to go out  try new things and see new places and participate in new stories. So, any activity firstly must contribute to that goal directly. It isn't enough for me that an activity will make money or earn status points or something, not so long as the rewards for money or status points are relatively nebulous, or require a massive amount of grinding to actually get anywhere with. Doing the activity I must feel that I am actually going out and doing something new. This is one reason I love quests. Tell me  go and spend three hours slaying 50 goblins just  raise a level and have better stats and I'll not be too interested. Tell me however that a trade caravan has gone missing in the woods, whereupon I kill 5 goblins and learn the people have been taken back to the goblin cave as slaves, whereupon I kill 10 more goblins and manage to rescue one of them who asks me to rescue her father, whereupon I kill 15 more goblins and meet her father who is dying who tells me the trade caravan was carrying a powerful magical compound to the city's alchemist which the goblins have stolen and are going to use to blow their way through the city's walls, so I kill another ten goblins and confront the goblin wizard, who reveals that the goblins are actually working under the orders of a powerful human sorcerer, who I have to kill another 10 goblins before confronting. I've done the same thing, kill 50 goblins, but the process of doing it is just much more interesting, and I'm far more inclined to grind through just to see what happens. Of course, not everything has to be quests, its quite good enough that an activity involves building or shaping or making, so long as that building or shaping or making comes with a new experiences rather than just a repetitive increase in action, EG I will feel much more inclined to participate in an hour's farming if I need to clear the field, plough the soil, sow the seeds, watch the weather, weed  plants, keep away pests, water the crops, add compost and finally harvest, than if I just need to type "farm" 50 times. I'll also be far more inclined to engage in farming or building or making if it will lead on to another activity, for example if I need to farm crops in order to get more people in my village so that I can build a town hall and see my settlement grow, rather than just farm crops to increase cash flow. The same can be said for exploration. If I am running through the mines just seeing "there is ore here" and having to type Dig" I am not going to be too interested. If however the mines are well described, if I have a chance of finding random and interesting objects, if there is something of a maze, it gives me something to directly explore while I'm going, and makes me feeling that I'm breaking new ground (figuratively or literally), rather than just repeating the same action over and over again.That brings me onto my next point, the activity itself. If I am just running around typing "chop" or "kill" or something over and over again repetitively, I am probably going to get pretty board pretty fast. as I've said in previous topics, give me something to judge, give me something to react to, something unexpected that requires my logic and calculation. This is where Alteraeon has things very right, since though the game is very combat heavy, the combat has so much going on so many skills and spells and different systems to play with, your doing a lot more than running around typing "kill" all the time. Good activities are those that involve judgement on the part of the player, involve continual management and different actions. Finding your way around mazes, reacting to what is going on around you, having to change your crafting actions according to different stages of craft, resource requirements etc. I don't just mean complex equipment setup here, I mean actually having to watch what is going on and react accordingly, or plan out what your trying to do with the resources you have and how best to accomplish that goal with a set of different actions. To take a simple example, when mining, instead of just having to type "mine" and have  your character dig, have your character first need to find a likely looking seam of ore, then use a pickaxe to break out the rock, then switch to a shovel to move the debris out of the way before finally levering out the or

Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

for me a mud that allows you to impact the environment is important. for example, why go salvaging just for credits or levels? it should actually mean something. impact the economy. impact the production of various products/vehicles and services. exploration for me is another thing. why not find a planet that's suitable for colonisation. i guess my point is that whatever work i put into a game online or offline i like to see an impact not just levels.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : snow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

so first questionif it is worth like i  took 3 hours to complete something, an examplesomething in CR level 750, it is called starship  rec, i took my ship to over 6000 out, them i do  10 ships, it is a lot of work yes, but you just  know what you need to do, after that, i submit it and got allmost 35 level, wow, 35 level, it is worth because in CR, level is not  so easy to get.  i can be not happy? if i  do 3 set of them, just, wow. or, in  an rp focus mud,  you got stats or abilities, you can find a teacher  or friend is a player rather than an NPC, will help you to understand how does it work., if it takes few hours, second question1, fair, yes, fair,you know many  games included   muds are unfair, i can  donate, but if you  arn't a donator, you also  have the ability to get everything  even it's harder, just don't  let it just 1% or 5%  making it useless.,too many example, one of them are iron muds, credits and credits, unfair on  audiogames.2, rp, yes, rp, if i  want to play a game, , i will choose  a roleplay inforce game  for first. and it should newbie friendly in ic world.i want a profile as well, but  not bad as  star conquest, i mean,, the profile shouldn't very very very hard.3,simple, yes,  a bit simple, like,  an bad example is  CR again, i  do remember i  posted a message why i like CR, but when i  go back  yesterday, i even don't know what  i should do and no one help me. changed a lot make  i feel lost. i  have been   bronze in many system, data and commands, heh.4, newbie friendly, it is all newbie friendly that include newbie  help file and   some ways newbies can ask for help. and it have  another meaning that i  need a way to complete my work, a bad example could be many  muds have quests, wait,  i don't know about  where  i can find the monster to kill,wait, where is the quest item? something like that, expecially for blind players, we can not use ascii maps.5, world wide, yes, yes, world wide, also called world friendly,  an good example could be  some none-rp muds, but bad  example hmm, some RPI, if i  can not write a good discriptions, they won't allow me to  create it, or at least, can you give me suggestions?another, CR again, because of i can not  find out  what is a good discriptions, uhh, where is my starbase?, where is my ship-crush ability?anyways, it's all about i'm not a  native english speaker.  the last, but important, 6, world setting and theme,  if it's   a RPI,  because  it's active and events are happening, you can taste life even it most the same.Sorry  for the CR if i make many examples, it's my first english mudfinally,  you go now, go, fire and ice mix up.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

Activities. Now to illustrate the point I'm going to try and make, I want to go back to sc. Yes, I've done this many times on mudding topics. But when it comes to activities their hosts have done something right. The general rule is this, most, if not all, activities on sc start you off doing them on a small scale. Take managing an asteroid belt station. In the first few weeks, it's not much more than a credit sink. But if you keep at it and invest your money, you soon find yourself gaining a lot of points from it. The same with tesla mining. It may feel like the most tedious thing ever in the beginning, because the stock equipment sucks. But if you get enough teslapoints you unlock better equipment that makes ops go faster, which in turn speeds up progression and character gain. But the point is, what I'd like to see from an activity is: firstly, a reason for it to be there. You don't just salvage debris because it's a nifty idea and all other space games do it. You salvage debris because it keeps the space lains clear and offers recyclable or unprocessed resources on top of that. Secondly, progression within the activity itself. No, we're not giving you a fully trained and seasoned team of three support miners, a state of the art mining rig and a squad of ground pounders to protect your rear so you can go get yourself blown up in a deep mining excursion, first you've got to proove yourself on surface level installations and if you get that right, you may receive a promotion and be given funding for better equipment and longer or more dangerous missions. Hell no, just because you've spent 2 years trading and had enough money to buy and upgrade a huge gunship doesn't mean we'll have you go up against an enemy capital ship, if you want to freelance for this faction we want to make sure you don't go over your head on your first assignment and get whatever faction you're working for to lose a lot of money. It would also be nice if this progression unlocked new things or deeper facets to the activity in question allowing for players to specialize, e.G. You've made enough profit and gotten yourself noticed on enough trade exchanges that you get invitations from npc merchant guilds, and joining one of them could allow you to... oh IDK, build and manage your own exchange.Now, about muds in general. What keeps me coming back is a large and active playerbase I can become a part of, responsive hosts that work to improve the game and don't just ban people when they get out of line, and unfortunately a soundpack. I really don't want it to be this way, I want to like muds that don't have soundpacks because that would be the propper way to play them. But observing line upon line of text roling down the screen without any sounds behind them just doesn't work and I never play those muds for too long.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

What constitutes time well spent on a good activity?I would spend the time on skills like crafting or building or farming, so long as I knew they were going to lead my character to do bigger and better things.What makes a good Mud?Give me every way to customize my character. Give me races, and classes, the more unusual the better. Give me the ability to choose strengths and flaws. Let me choose their descriptions, even their starter skill sets.Let me have an open world where I can do whatever I feel like doing, whether it's killing mobs, exploring, crafting, or talking to friends.Encourage, but please do not enforce RP. That has run me off a few otherwise great Muds.Don't let mob killing be the only way to advance in the Mud.Make the NPCs and mobs interesting. Let them have personality, and let them do different things that fit them when they fight or interact.Describe the world, the scenery, the wildlife, the plants.Let me learn whichever skills I want. Don't lock me into one set or the other. That goes  back to customization, and makes for a much more interesting Mud experience overall IMO.Let me have a home, and let me customize it as I will.Let the writing be exquisite, whether you describe a fight or the world in general.I haven't given this much thought have I? :-)


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

To question 1 I'd say it depends on the reward. If I got just 1 level but it gave me new abilities and enough stats for a better piece of gear, I'd be pretty happy, but a hundred levels with hardly a thing to show for it just ain't worth the grind.About the second question, a mud with something to do every day or couple days that will help me advance my character but is by no means required for success will probably do a good job at making me log in and actually play everyday. Back when I played browser games, we called things like this daylies, but these are better than daylies because they aren't required and aren't a chore to do and have a big payoff. I'll take that over 100k sp or a couple cents just for logging in. These activities might be things like special missions or bosses that take a reasonable time to complete and give you a little something extra for your trouble.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

Okay, for me personally, here's how it goes.If I want to spend three hours on a MUD, it has to be doing more than just hunting mobs. If I get forty levels out of it, I may run the risk of feeling like levels don't matter. I don't want painfully slow progression, but I do want my levels, stats and abilities to mean something.Quests are my bread and butter. If you want me to clear out a cave full of trolls, give me a reason why. Kill the chieftain. Get a lost artifact. Rescue the villagers. Whatever it is, give me a goal. If it's just "kill these baddies because, uh, er, that's what you gotta do in this game" I'm gonna get bored really, really quick. And the better the storyline, the more engaging it is, the more I'm going to care.I like a MUD that has decent exploration, a learning curve suitable to my preferences, multiple viable playable builds, good questing, good fighting and optionally good crafting. Now, the thing with crafting is that there's got to be a point. if I can run an area and get an epic staff in eleven minutes, or can spend a lot of in-game money and buy a whole ton of skills to first find material, then craft it into a staff that is nearly as epic, I'll pick the mob run every time. If you want me to take time out from getting stronger, you have to make it worth my while.


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