Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

I never got that error. Did you try running the thing as admin? I am always admin on my comp in a way, maybe it couldn't write to the program files directory?and about how to get speakup, I'm really not sure why you'd still do that, but there is an arch linux distro called tarch(talking arch) that comes with it. However, as it's an arch distro, it drops you in the live environment, good luck trying to install it from there and only with the command line! Yeah, there are install arch guides on the internet, but still...a bit of a daunting task if you ask me.regarding dark days ahead, I don't think it not working with orca is the case anymore, though I might be wrong on that, didn't research in some time.Btw, the extension pac for virtual box is to enable external devices to be shared among the host and guest, not for the kind of file sharing you're thinking of, with shared folders and stuff. The guest additions, however, are kernel drivers that make it possible to do many things, from clipboard sharing, to shared folders, autoscaling displays, etc. To install that, you need to mount the VBOX guest additions iso file, then run the or or whatever they are calling  it now. Alternatively, ubuntu can and sometimes will prompt you that the cd unit has an autorun file and if you wish the program to run, in this case, the shell script that installs the kernel modules. Do that, give the password when prompted, restart when needed, and you're good to go!


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Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

Hi guys, so I’ve recently discovered that guest additions were a thing for Virtual Box, and I’m trying to install them in order to be able to share files from my host OS to the Linux guest. So I downloaded the Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack, and when I run it and click install, it gives me this error.Failed to install the Extension Pack C:/Users/Samuel/Downloads/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.0.24.vbox-extpack.Failed to load the main module ('C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\ExtensionPacks\Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack\win.amd64\VBoxPuelMain.DLL'): VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND - GetLastError=127.Result Code:     E_FAIL (0x80004005)Component:     ExtPackManagerWrapInterface:     IExtPackManager {70401eef-c8e9-466b-9660-45cb3e9979e4}Anybody’s got any ideas what’s going on, and how to fix it?


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Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

@7 thanks for the help. I’ve just managed to set up the VM on virtual box, enabled Orca, and it’s so far running smoothly. Shaim about not being able to get speak up anymore though. The only reason I wanted to use it over Orca was cause I read that some people had some problems when running CDDA with Orca, as opposed to speak up, though I’m not sure if this is still true, or if there are any settings I can adjust to make the experience any better. I’m going to try and install CDDA now and get it to run, hopefully I can figure this out.


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Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheSecretLurker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

bgt lover wrote:nope, you can't install speakup on a distro that doesn't come with it, period.What is the possible workaround or a solution then in this case?Install via vmware or virtualbox the distro that has speakup in a pre-packaged form?If these exist, where should one search for them?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

nope, you can't install speakup on a distro that doesn't come with it, period. This is because speakup uses a kernel driver to synthesize speech from the earlyest time possible, almost at boot time, when the drivers are loaded. In linux, in order to compile new kernel drivers, you have to include them in the source code of the kernel or something of sorts, I am not really an expert in linux kernel development, and don't really want to be tbh. And why use such a thing as accessible_coconut? It's fucking obsolete, plus we have orca already included in the official ubuntu distros, so gods above, why?anyway, about the keys not responding, what happens if you press the right ctrl key while in the virtualbox machine window? Does it release the keyboard capture then?if you don't have a right controll key, then post here and tell me, since I changed mine to right shift in the vbox settings, under keyboard shortcuts, but it's terribly inaccessible if you don't want to fiddle with it for hours on end. Alternatively, you can use sharp_keys to map keys that you don't phisically have on your keyboard to some that you need in order to operate some apps/services/functionality. For example, the right ctrl key for vbox, or, in my case, the other backslash key  to the applications/context menu  key.


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Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

Hi.First, why not use Accessible Cocoanut? It comes with a screen reader built right in.Also, this should be in the Off-Topic room


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

This may be a rudimentary question, but in all my time looking online to try and figure out how one would go about installing a program on a Linux VM, I just can’t get how you’d do it. I’m trying to set up Cataclysm dark days ahead, and speak up. When it comes to installing speak up, I read that you have to install it via the terminal in Linux, but how is beyond me. As for Cataclysm dark days ahead, I downloaded the tar gz archive from the sight, and now its in my computer’s downloads, and I am lost as to how you would go about installing it onto a VM. Also, when ever I run the virtual machine, it seams like none of the key presses are responding, cause when I tried pressing control alt T to open the terminal, nothing happened as far as I could tell. Am I just over looking a rather obvious step, cause I’m legitimately bewildered.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

sorry to bring this up, but I use virtualbox on an everyday bases, you have to adapt what you find online. So, if the machine doesn't have a disk/iso attached at startup, indeed an inaccessible window will appear, I think it's called the media manager tool? not sure on that one, but it's not important how it's called, once you created the machine, you're focused upon it, so don't move your focuse away by arrow keys, because that part will seemn inaccessible to you at this point...well, frankly, it kind of is, unless you know some tips I don't want to share here for fear of making an overly long, with the freshly creatted machine focused, go to the menu bar, go to the right untill you hear machine. It should be the second after file. Then, go down approximately 3 options till you hear settings...At this point, once you enter on it, a new window will appear. Go down to storage and press tab untill you hear something like split buttonLists all storage controllers for this machine and the virtual images and host drives attached to them.Go down in that menu untill you reach a controller called something like empty storage controller. NVDA will only say empty.Then, shift+tab untill you hear something like thisOptical Drive: Alt+D  drop down button  subMenu  Choose a virtual optical disk or a physical drive to use with the virtual drive. The virtual machine will see a disk inserted into the drive with the data in the file or on the disk in the physical drive as its contents.Now, press that button. It will reveal a menu with all recently used iso files or disk drives. Go all the way down to Choose a disk your file from the standard open file dialog displayed, then go click OK.Now, you can start the vm as you did before, and it'll come up with the ubuntu install screen eventually. You can know it's there once you hear a sound, you'll know when it happens. Then, wait 30 or so seconds so you're sure the screen displayed completely, then press win+alt+s to start orca.Then, go through the install as usual. You can follow sighted tutorials or whatever at this point, only with orca installed.Success! You did it!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

Hi, thanks for the recommendation to shift to vmware player, I’ve got the subsystem up and running now. I just have one more question, I heard that the best Linux screen reader to play CDDA was speak up. However, when searching for it on line, I found nothing, either in the way of documentation or a down load link. Could someone perhaps point me to where I can down-load it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

Use vmware player instead of virtual box. It is more accessible


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

Hi people, for the last few hours I’ve been trying to get Cataclysm Dark days ahead to run on my windows laptop, via rigging up a Linix VM, but I’ve run into a few problems when installing the VM. I’m trying to use Ubuntu, running off virtual box. I’ve set up the virtual machine, and now the instructions that I’m following say that I need to double click on the name of the machine, click a folder shaped icon, and assign the Ubuntu ISO file. However, when I click on my machine’s name, NVDA stops talking, and all key presses are unresponsive, the only way I can get out of the window then is buy closing it via the task manager. Figuring that its just a case where NVDA can’t read what’s in the window, I asked a sited friend if they could help me out. The only problem is that, according  to them, there is no folder shaped icon. So I’m in the dark as to what I need to do. If somebody who’s experienced in how to set up VMs could point me in the right direction, that’d be extremely helpful.


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