Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

To be honest, it is really difficult. The employment options for the blind are very narrow.In China, 90% of blind people work in massage.Before, I was one of them.But now, I am trying to do audio novel broadcasting work.This work benefited from China's huge network literature as the foundation.There are so many online novels in China that you cannot imagine.Therefore, many people with normal eyesight began to try to perform online novels, so the huge audio novel platform ximalaya-fm-app was born.The anchor first submits his audio to the platform, if the platform is approved, then you can sign a contract with the platform.The platform is responsible for purchasing the copyright of online novels, and then let the anchor perform performances to attract traffic. The money earned by the platform will be divided among the anchors. This is the basic operating mode of the audio novel market.With the passage of time, the market for audio novels has become larger and larger, and various audio novel platforms have emerged one after another.Slowly, some blind friends also began to try to perform online novels. This kind of work can be done at home and can arrange their own time reasonably. Therefore, more and more blind friends are trying, and some blind people have achieved quite good results. Life is not a problem at all. It’s just that this job requires relatively high environmental requirements and there should be no noise around it.The boom of audio novels also led to the boom of audio post-production.Because you have to make a soundtrack and sound effects for the workTherefore, some blind people can be responsible for the audio production of audio novels.Another way to perform an audio novel is to sign a contract with a private studio.These studios are usually in the form of qq group.The employer will find the studio and ask the studio to find the anchor and perform the novel requested by the employer.Similarly, you need to submit the audio to the studio first. The studio will conduct the first review, and then the employer will review it. After passing, you can sign a contract with the studio and start working.I chose the second way, signing a contract with the studio.But in the end, I will choose to sign with the audio novel platform.I don't know how the foreign audio novel market is. If possible, blind people abroad might as well try it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

To be honest, it is really difficult. The employment options for the blind are very narrow.In China, 90% of blind people work in massage.Before, I was one of them.But now, I am trying to do audio novel broadcasting work.This work benefited from China's huge network literature as the foundation.There are so many online novels in China that you cannot imagine.Therefore, many people with normal eyesight began to try to perform online novels, so the huge audio novel platform ximalaya-fm-app was born.The anchor first submits his audio to the platform, if the platform is approved, then you can sign a contract with the platform.The platform is responsible for purchasing the copyright of online novels, and then let the anchor perform performances to attract traffic. The money earned by the platform will be divided among the anchors. This is the basic operating mode of the audio novel market.With the passage of time, the market for audio novels has become larger and larger, and various audio novel platforms have emerged one after another.Slowly, some blind friends also began to try to perform online novels. This kind of work can be done at home and can arrange their own time reasonably. Therefore, more and more blind friends are trying, and some blind people have achieved quite good results. Life is not a problem at all. It’s just that this job requires relatively high environmental requirements and there should be no noise around it.The boom of audio novels also led to the boom of audio post-production.Because you have to make a soundtrack and sound effects for the workTherefore, some blind people can be responsible for the audio production of audio novels.Another way to perform an audio novel is to sign a contract with a private studio.These studios are usually in the form of qq group.The employer will find the studio and ask the studio to find the anchor and perform the novel requested by the employer.Similarly, you need to submit the audio to the studio first. The studio will conduct the first review, and then the employer will review it. After passing, you can sign a contract with the studio and start working.I don't know how the foreign audio novel market is. If possible, blind people abroad might as well try it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

To be honest, it is really difficult. The employment options for the blind are very narrow.In China, 90% of blind people work in massage.Before, I was one of them.But now, I am trying to do audio novel broadcasting work.This work benefited from China's huge network literature as the foundation.There are so many online novels in China that you cannot imagine.Therefore, many people with normal eyesight began to try to perform online novels, so the huge audio novel platform ximalaya-fm-app was born.The anchor first submits his audio to the platform, if the platform is approved, then you can sign a contract with the platform.The platform is responsible for purchasing the copyright of online novels, and then let the anchor perform performances to attract traffic. The money earned by the platform will be divided among the anchors. This is the basic operating mode of the audio novel market.With the passage of time, the market for audio novels has become larger and larger, and various audio novel platforms have emerged one after another.Slowly, some blind friends also began to try to perform online novels. This kind of work can be done at home and can arrange their own time reasonably. Therefore, more and more blind friends are trying, and some blind people have achieved quite good results. Life is not a problem at all. It’s just that this job requires relatively high environmental requirements and there should be no noise around it.The boom of audio novels also led to the boom of audio post-production.Because you have to make a soundtrack and sound effects for the workTherefore, some blind people can be responsible for the audio production of audio novels.I don't know how the foreign audio novel market is. If possible, blind people abroad might as well try it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

To be honest, it is really difficult. The employment options for the blind are very narrow.In China, 90% of blind people work in massage.Before, I was one of them.But now, I am trying to do audio novel broadcasting work.This work benefited from China's huge network literature as the foundation.There are so many online novels in China that you cannot imagine.Therefore, many people with normal eyesight began to try to perform online novels, so the huge audio novel platform ximalaya-fm-app was born.The anchor first submits his audio to the platform, if the platform is approved, then you can sign a contract with the platform.The platform is responsible for purchasing the copyright of online novels, and then let the anchor perform performances to attract traffic. The money earned by the platform will be divided among the anchors. This is the basic operating mode of the audio novel market.With the passage of time, the market for audio novels has become larger and larger, and various audio novel platforms have emerged one after another.Slowly, some blind friends also began to try to perform online novels. This kind of work can be done at home and can arrange their own time reasonably. Therefore, more and more blind friends are trying, and some blind people have achieved quite good results. Life is not a problem at all. It’s just that this job requires relatively high environmental requirements and there should be no noise around it.I don't know how the foreign audio novel market is. If possible, blind people abroad might as well try it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

It depends what you're volunteering in and how old you are?  I mean if it's cashier and you're 19 or 20 no one's going to care.  If you're trying to be a programmer and you're 40 there will be lots of questions.  Afaik you're still in high school or something, so in the sense of if someone would care in general no, but as stated already you kind of have to try to stand out as a blind person if you can, or failing that be ready to just keep trying over and over and over until someone takes the chance.Think of it like this: if the job doesn't require a specific degree in college beyond the typical 2 year thing, it probably doesn't require experience.  If it does require college, it probably does require experience, and it's assumed that you got that experience by having the college degree.  You will see in many programming jobs that they'll say something like "college-equivalent experience" which can mean college or "check out my cool project".But really, you're asking for general answers on something where it really depends.  If a sighted person walks into Walmart at Christmas and says "got any jobs", they may very well go "yes, here is your uniform, we'll hire you for the next 3 months but that's it" with few to no questions asked--and whether that's the case depends where you are and how many other people are trying to get it.  If a sited person walks into Google and tries that rather than going through the official channels they're getting laughed out the door, and probably won't ever get the job.  Except there are tech startups who would totally hire someone like that, because they're still at "mom's garage" stage.  And so on.You should be more specific about what you want to do if you want better answers than "yeah, blindness sucks".


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

So one thing.  For CVs there are specific formats, like the europass format, which I use. As for disclosing a disability, I thinkj if it is not rellevent to the job, or doesn't offer an advantage, I would say its smart  not to disclose it. You aren't legally required too, and its a surefire way to encourage the company to try to figure out ways to get rid of you or avoid hiring you. The exception is that if you apply for the government, or even when applying for college programs, its an advantage because of afirmative action and noncompetitive consideration possibilities for disabled applicants. Like allot of colleges in europe have the policy where if you have equal applications from a disabled and nondisabled applicants, they will choose the disabled applicant.As for interacting with people and writing,  college basicly makes that manditory.   Especially a masters degree. I learned early on, and it was a point that was very frequently empahsized in classes to spell check submissions before submiting. That was actualy how I actually improved upon punctuation and spelling. I don't know how different  the postgraduate prospects of an education degree are compared to a literature degree, but most people graduating from my department found employment as teachers. Though I didn't take that route and got a masters degree.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

So one thing.  For CVs there are specific formats, like the europass format, which I use. As for disclosing a disability, I thinkj if it is not rellevent to the job, or doesn't offer an advantage, I would say its smart  not to disclose it. You aren't legally required too, and its a surefire way to encourage the company to try to figure out ways to get rid of you or avoid hiring you. The exception is that if you apply for the government, or even when applying for college programs, its an advantage because of afirmative action and noncompetitive consideration possibilities for disabled applicants. Like allot of colleges in europe have the policy where if you have equal applications from a disabled and nondisabled applicants, they will choose the disabled applicant.As for interacting with people and writing,  college basicly makes that manditory.   Especially a masters degree. I learned early on, and it was a point that was very frequently empahsized in classes to spell check submissions before submiting. That was actualy how I actually improved upon punctuation and spelling.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

@44 thanks for the info. I feel lost, because my resume has like nothing on it. It has two very short volunteer entries in the work experience section. That's not going to be enough, even for a sighted person. Or am I wrong? Do most sighted people's first job resumes have nothing in the work experience section? Employers would most likely choose those who did have at least something, so I think with only having these 2 very short volunteer entries, I'm screwed, even if I don't  share that I am blind. About 2 years ago, I decided volunteering wasn't good enough, I want payment, and I think that hot headedness has now screwed me over. Because if I had been volunnteering the past 2 years instead of looking for employment and fail/giving up, I may actually have had a chance with the amount of volunteering I have done. The best thing that I can do right now, which I am trying to do, is start volunteering while trying to apply. If I don't get accepted, I wait a few months and edit my volunteer time since that point in my resume and try again. Eventually, the volunteering experience won't be the thing that is stopping me.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

@41Here's the thing.  Blind people debate whether you should disclose from the beginning or not.  I do, but that's because "Hi, I'm the blind programmer who's done work on compilers" helps me, and I've got enough experience that in general that just turns it into "holy shit, he can program and he's blind, he must be amazing".  It also helps that programming is one of the more friendly careers in regard to hiring people with disabilities.But let's say you don't have any of that.  Your only chance is be impressive in the interview.  The resume gets you in the door.  The interview gets you hired.  In the U.S., antidiscrimination law is such that they can't refuse to hire you because of your disability, but what happens in practice is that it's on you to prove that they didn't, and there's enough reasons they can come up with that this is almost never doable.  Put your resume and "I'm blind" next to each other on someone's desk, and they'll just pass you over without a word and there's nothing you can do.  But the flip side of that is that if you get as far as an interview being scheduled before disclosing your blindness, you force their hand because if they cancel the interview due to that then they're breaking the law.  The only reason I never used this myself is that my path into the field was kind of odd, but the long and the short of it is that you probably want to.And yes, this is at best ethically meh.  If you're not good with it then don't do it, but chances are not doing it isn't going to get you a job unless you got that job via something like college or doing something specific to blind people.You should read up on the ADA and section 508.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I see a lot of rampant misspelling and lack of facility with screen reading software in the blind community. What I mean by that second part is, say you encounter a combo box that doesn't read as you arrow through. So many people get frustrated that it's inaccessible. They might not think to leave forms/focus mode, arrow down, and arrow back up to review the selection. It's just inaccessible, and they can't figure out how to problem-solve around it, or they don't have the where with all to work through it. Maybe they just get frustrated and stop trying. Written communication and technology problem-solving are two of the most critical soft skills you can have.I lost the rest of my partial vision as a young teen. I was raised by a poor family in a poor town, and I had a lot of home-life problems growing up. Going to university was pretty much mandatory, because my family wanted me to have a better education. I went to college on state-sponsored grants and help from the Department of Vocational Rehab.I didn't know what I was going for. I didn't really know what a blind person could or couldn't do for a job. I just knew I was doing college like I was supposed to! I started with psychology, thinking I'd go into that field. I failed a critical class because I didn't have the mobility skills to get around campus, so my motivation for that degree evaporated. I then turned to French, thinking I'd be a translator.I almost lost my DVR sponsorship due to poor grades. I was dealing with so much anxiety that I had to withdraw due to physical health complications resulting from it. Kind of hard to function when you can't eat for being ill!I took a year off and went back home to my family, totally lost. I think that's one of the worst feelings in the world for me, not having a direction.I took one online class at the community college in literature, then later got my act together and went back to a different university. I am good at writing, so I just defaulted to an English lit degree. I figured I had to come out of college with something come hell or high water, so that was my default. I still had no plan, just that I needed a degree. I got better mobility support, and was able to flail my way through on luck, too much sleep, and God's grace, I guess. It's kind of a miracle that I achieved my degree with decent grades to boot and managed to figure out how to feed myself.After college, I was looking for a job as a totally blind person with an English degree. I don't recommend it. I worked editing papers for an online company. I just found that gig by accident. I applied for a tutoring job at the local community college after a few months. The coordinator had worked with a blind tutor before, so I was in! Those poor kids. I had no idea what I was doing, but I flailed my way through for a year and a half.Finally, DVR got me a job working for the federal government in an office-type position. I learned so much over 3 years about how to act around co-workers, how important spelling is in professional communication, and how to fix my own problems with technology.So all that to say, it's not easy for us. We can't just go pick up a job at Burger King while we figure our lives out. It's like we have to leave high school with a plan fully formed, and you'd better hope that plan works out. There's no room for anxiety, or depression. I fully agree with the statement that we have to work twice as hard to prove half as much. You need to have discipline, and patience, and a methodical mind. You need to be creative in figuring out solutions when screen readers don't work. You need to think five steps ahead so you can be ready for whatever challenge comes your way. I think sighted people have the option of being a little lazy or being less than perfect. They're still able to get a job of some kind!We don't all have that kind of energy or grit, and we shouldn't have to. We should have the same paths available to us, and not have to work so hard or put ourselves through the wringer to find full time stable employment.To those who are struggling with motivation, I'd say to list out your strengths. List out what you like to do, or what kinds of tasks you could live with doing for eight hours a day. If that winds up being customer service, that's fine!Next, what skills do you need in your pocket to get that job. Great JAWS and NVDA skills on the computer for sure. DO you know browse and focus mode? Touch Mode? Virtual Cursor? Pass key through? Simulated mouse clicks? Learn those things.Do you speak professionally and write well? How can you improve your spelling? How can you practice speaking professionally?And Google! Do research! One of my pet peeves is people who ask me questions without Googling the question first. That's how I learn everything. Whatever you want to know, there is a forum out there where someone has asked. Go look for it! Go Google how to speak professionally. Go

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I had a interview for a laundry at a nursing home and I had a interview scheduled and I told the guy that I was blind and he litterly cancaled the interview right on the phone.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I knew about the write resume, apply, get interviewed, and start steps. I was just curious if there were others I missed or if there were details I didn't know about. Deciding if you should, and when you should tell them about blindness is another thing I've been thinking about. I might as well let them know in the beginning, because even if they don't know until the interview, they can still just say something bs and not have to see me again. Plus they will think I didn't do all of this by myself anyway. Someone else filled out my application, wrote most if not all of my resume, drove me to the interview, etc. So it's whatever.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I knew about the write resume, apply, get interviewed, and start steps. I was just curious if there were others I missed or if there were details I didn't know about. Deciding if you should, and when you should tell them about blindness is another thing I've been thinking about. I might as well let them know in the beginning, because even if I don't know until the interview, they can still just say something bs and not have to see me again. Plus they will think I didn't do all of this by myself anyway. Someone else filled out my application, wrote most if not all of my resume, drove me to the interview, etc. So it's whatever.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

@39I mean for retail and stuff you can have the job same day, best case.  That's not really true if you're blind, but I think that whatever your idea of the job process is kind of flawed.  You send them your resume, they say yes we want to interview you, you get interviewed, they say yes or no.  There's no real standard format for resumes other than "looks good". There's no standards for what will get asked in the interview at all beyond broad generalities about whatever it is.Obviously there's getting qualified but this is the entirety of it.  Even for programming, my last round of interviews was a day and I signed the offer within less than a week of finishing the interview round.  They said "we want to pay you x, you good with that?" I said yes. They were all "can you start on this date?"  There were some NDAs and things but you're not expected to know any of that; the hr people will walk you through it.The primary differences with blindness are that the jobs you can take are limited, you have to go above and beyond to impress, and the deck is stacked against you.  But the process doesn't change for us.  It's more just the number of iterations and figuring out when you're going to disclose disability and things like that.  It's not easy in the slightest and it demands things like social skills, dressing nice, and for a minority of blind people even things like learning basic hygiene.  But in terms of the steps it's really simple.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

@38 damn. I hope things don't get to that point for you. And @36 yeah, it's something, but not enough. You can always apply for more jobs while you have this one and move over once you land a position. Or am I totally incorrect on that? You would think the steps to get a job are simple and easy to figure out, but I could be entirely wrong about that. Maybe I should do more research on the job process? Idk. I just need to find a job lol.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

They get you in another way too. The inability to reapply for a year if you get kicked off? If that happened to me, I'd be dead, because with the loss of the check comes the loss of insurance, and there are two meds which I need to be on which are life sustaining.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

@36Going to throw out there that a job that's that shitty is maybe not worth having, unless you're getting something from it.  Maybe you find it way more fulfilling than it sounds like, or the extra money is worth it, I can't tell.  But if they can't even give you 40 hours and you're living within the means of SSI anyway, why bother?  Your time may be better spent figuring out something which can get you somewhere better than that, then using SSI as a springboard to whatever that is.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I will say that before the covid I did have a dish washing job at a local school but I soon found out that they wouldn't promote me on the fact of having no eye balls. Also I was making less than ssi only 696 a month. But if I did manage to get 38 hours it was 348 and 288 after taxes and then if it was only 20 hours I got 174 and I would get 151 after taxes. I frankly don't understand why you can't have more than 2000 in the bank its frankly shitty that is your only income what do they expect. I don't even spend my entire check every month.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

he is smart with some things, and very scary wrong about others. And unfortunately, I think I possess the same trait, as proven above. I need to learn to do more research. I always dreaded those projects in school and college. He is also very very narrow minded, much more so than me. He told me this in like 2016 or 2018, and back then I didn't care enough about employment, so I just believed it and didn't give it a second thought.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

he is smart with some things, and very scary wrong about others. And unfortunately, I think I possess the same trait, as proven above. I need to learn to do more research. I always dreaded those projects in school and college. He is also very ery narrow minded, much more so than me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

he is smart with some things, and very scary wrong on others. And unfortunately, I think I possess the same trait, as proven above. I need to learn to do more research. I walys dreaded those projects in school and college.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Probably means he's, shall we say, uninformed and staunch with his views?


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

31, what did you mean by that?


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

LOL I feel you there man.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

that would be my dad, which is why it makes perfect sense.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Both of my almost totally blind parents worked for the IRS, along with several blind colleagues.  I also know screen reader users who work at the  Bureau of land management and NASA.Actually Zarvox, your info is completely opposite of the truth, given that the federal government has legal mandated quotas and particularly strong non discrimination regulations when it comes to disabled people, and it's well known for having some of the best access tech support and highest level of employment success of any job field for us.Who ever told you that is comically badly informed.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Both of my almost totally blind parents worked for the IRS, along with several blind colleagues.  I also know screen reader users who work at the  Bureau of land management and NASA.Actually Zarvox, your info is completely opposite of the truth, given that the federal government actually has legal quotas to fill when it comes to disabled people, and it's well known for having some of the best access tech support and highest level of employment success of any job field for us.Who ever told you that is very badly informed.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

25, for a simple reason. If you develop additional disabilities or medical issues that make it impossible for you to do what you were doing before, then that makes sense.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

there are in theory some accessible cash registers, they are sold by a specialty site though and as I recall they were over $100 a piece. They were also old, like from the 90's type old. Modern cash registers are a lot more advanced. Still, what do you do if someone hands you a check? How do you handle it if someone tries to pass off fake bills? What if someone hands you all dollars and tries to pass them off as 20's?


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Generally they are not accessible, though there have been one off things that were accessible.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mechaSkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

sorry for slightly derailing the topic but I have to ask, its slightly related so...are cash registers accessible? i mean if your a blind College student you could work as a cashier or something...


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

True, my point is you have to make money to get on SSDI, and at that point why bother?


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

23,  that is affected by both your age as well as the amount of money you made. For example, if you worked 5 years and made 200 k a year, your check would be more than say, if you made about 20.


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

20, That is not true. I know of a blind guy who worked for the national park service, and I know several who have worked for the U.S. federal government.16, in order to get SSDI, you need five years work experience. Even then, I just managed to get on it and my check is under $300. Half of which they are trying to take for medical insurance even though I'm on my wife's plan and told them no multiple times. On SSI you can't have more than $2000 in assets, so it doesn't pay to get off of it or save if you are not going to make more than that.I do not want a job in the blind sector because I feel like once you're stuck working for a group who only hires blind people or is geared toward the blind, you are more or less stuck there. The best work is probably freelance, but it takes a lot of dedication and marketing skills, the latter of which I seriously lack, to get enough exposure. Even with my job now, I don't wake up in the morning excited to go to work. I did when I was student teaching. I enjoy my job sometimes, but I come home aching if it is a long day. Then there are the days where my coworkers schedule me clients last minute, which I absolutely loathe, or the client is a no-call, no-sho, which means I paid round-trip Uber faires for nothing, or it's a grupon which means I get paid $5 for two hours of work.Actually, ever since the pandemic started, I have seriously been entertaining the idea of professionally running D campaigns. I have been being a dm so much already, I figured it would be doable, and more people have time on their hands. I've spent the last six months or so playtesting several groups and checking out different tools that I just need to get over a fear of success and start doing it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

@20As far as I know, you can work in government in the U.S. if you want.  Not all jobs of course, but nothing stops you if you're qualified.  You won't be able to work in the parts of government that require that you be able-bodied because e.g. military/security, but that's true everywhere.  Maybe you know something I don't.Mind you U.S. government jobs aren't so great in general, far as I know, so there's probably no real advantage to it anyway.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

19, for me, work would be primarily making a difference and getting a good and respectable pay check. But if work offered shitty pay, I wouldn't feel like I had to work just for the sake of it. 20, that is incorrect. You could apply for any position that you are eligible for on usajobs,  and there is also schedule A, which allows you to receive noncompetitive consideration for jobs.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

@16 the United States doesn't allow people with disabilities to have federal or government jobs. So that is another limiting factor.@19 For me, both of them are just as equally important. I don't mind volunteering or hanging out with people, but if I don't get money, I won't be alive to volunteer or have fun for long, lol. Ok over exaggerated but you know what I mean. I need enough to live independently, and sadly while volunteering or hanging out with friends is awesome, it isn't going to get me the cash I need for that. And if you want to add a family into that picture, well money is that much more necessary.I just hate being called lazy by myself and others because of how difficult and hopeless things are for blind citizens. Of course every sighted person is like, well you need to do something and stop being lazy. Yeah Grandma, it's not that easy. But I'm focused much more on my own words and thoughts. I'm not a lazy person, at least I hope not lol. But being hopeless sadly makes you lazy indirectly.Fortunately I do have a disability state counselor and I'm talking with them a lot to do something, but this comes in phases. I try, then give up. That's been the past 2 years. I was going to college and putting off job search, and then lock down screwed me over. So yeah right now I've been fucked from that and I'm just focusing on employment first then adding back college later.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

@16 the United States doesn't allow people with disabilities to have federal or government jobs. So that is another limiting factor.@19 For me, both of them are just as equally important. I don't mind volunteering or hanging out with people, but if I don't get money, I won't be alive to volunteer or have fun for long, lol. Ok over exaggerated but you know what I mean. I need enough to live independently, and sadly while volunteering or hanging out with friends is awesome, it isn't going to get me the cash I need for that. And if you want to add a family into that picture, well money is that much more necessary.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I think what's being overlooked is the human experience facet of this discussion. People generally look for ways to be fulfilled. Employment isn't the only way to achieve this, but it's one of the most common. When I talk about blind folks wanting employment, the paycheck is usually thought of or treated as a secondary benefit rather than the sole reason for getting a job in the first place. Humans look for ways to feel complete. Acquiring a job would give them a sense of purpose. It then follows that their sense of purpose is what feeds, houses, and takes care of them. Some folks may be looking for work just as a means to pay bills. That's a regular occurrence, too. What I'm driving at here is that blind people are so deprived of employment opportunities that fulfilling themselves on an emotional, mental, spiritual, (use whichever adjective you please) level is the primary reason they want to work. Perhaps it's just the blind people I've encountered in my own network that feel this way, but their desire to work never came primarily from a place of "I want to get off of SSI and earn my own money." The first thing they talk about is "I just want to work," which to me, roughly translates to, "I'm tired of sitting around doing nothing." Sustaining themselves and not relying on SSI is just another bonus, but it isn't the driving reason (again, in my observations).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

17, I wasn't aware the situation was  that bad. But personally faced with a situation where I have disability versus a 14 hour job that pays like 2-3 dollars an hour, or even minimum wage, and physically destroys me, I would opt for the disability. I actually saw someone say in a mailing list in Turkey that they were offered a job as a tea packager, and that they would be expected to work from 6 in the morning to 8 PM or so, and that they would be paid minimum wage for that, which is very much a joke of a wage in turkey. If they had chosen to work 8 hours, it would've been half of minimum wage. With an offer like that, I would've told that person to go fuck themselves, and find another slave. But yeah,  as was stated before in this topic, being employed means being extremely exceptional in some way, or overqualified I was in several respects, though I didn't have to do the walk in part.  I think though employer tax credits or insentives will  also dramatically lower blind unemployment. In many respects though, Turkey has appeared to solve the blindness unemployment problem. The government pays a significant  part of wages for disabled workers who are hired by the private sector for about half a year if I remember right.  Also the government offers any blind person a job if they want one. There is an easy personel exam only for disabled applicants that is easier than the regular one, and people who  take it get preferentially placed in the places they indicate based on points, and are hired under a different highering authority in which the normal quotas don't apply. This has resulted in literally everyone I know getting a civil service job, which when combined with the massive income tax exemption and other  subsidies results in a good livable wage for most.  As for my comment on blind people not wanting to sit arround and do nothing, it was mainly directed as a response to post3.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

@16I don't think anyone here or even in general is saying that blind people want to be unemployed.  But you're really missing the point.  "This job is worse than benefits" is a problem that most unemployed blind people would love to have.  I don't personally know of anyone who hasn't tried.  I do know of lots of people who painfully discovered that being blind means that you're not going to get offers unless you can walk in and be overqualified or in some way more impressive than your sighted equivalent.  There are very few fields that are friendly at all to blind people in that regard.  If you're blind and otherwise average, it's a big uphill battle.Sure, tax breaks, yes please.  Better health care, bring it on.  Living as a blind person is very much more expensive, not going to argue with you on any of that.  But first you have to get people far enough that they're having those problems.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

OK so here is the issue.Many people seem to disagree with me about this, but I don't think most blind people want to be unemployed.  The reason why some people would take benefits like SSDI over work is  is simple. Transportation and taxes, and healthcare. Look at it this way. If you are on government assistance, and receive 1500 or so a month, which is the standard SSDI check, or receive SSI, that is mostly or totally tax free, and you have your healthcare. Now assume you had a job, but you get paid less or the same. You get a significant withholding for federal and state tax, have to pay for transportation, which is an important cost, as well as healthcare and contributions to retirement accounts. So uyou have alot less money hitting your bank, you work in a low skill/low pay job, are exhausted, and your financial situation has actually gotten alot worse. The US the blind tax deduction is a total and utter joke, and comes with a marriage penalty inside.  The solution is to give  blind people and others with severe disabilities a massive tax deduction to exempt all income but very high earners. A good idea would to give people with severe disabilities a tax deduction equal to the foreign earned income exclusion, which is quite substantial, in addition, lowering the healthcare premiums they have to pay each month. In Turkey, anyone with total blindness basicly pays no tax on income, which is a very substantial  amount, and removes that problem of blind people struggling with regular pay. This would actually markedly decrease the unemployment rate I would think.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I will just chime in to say a few things.First, if you end up at home on benefits or whatever and you're still doing something of value, that's fine.  We're quickly rocketing toward a world in which even things like artists and musicians can be automated, so redefining your worth as something that's not based around money is only being ahead of the curve by a few years, honestly.  The only reason that people don't believe in the AI revolution is because it's in a lab and still requires supercomputers, but even poetry, music, and visual art are beginning to be solved.  You shouldn't feel bad about redefining your value so that it doesn't rely on having lots of money anyway, but if you do, just wait 10 years and there will be hordes of sighted people right there with you.Second, yes, it's hard.  But if you don't have a job and you aren't in a country with good enough benefits life will be very meh.  If you are in a country where benefits will let you just not worry about this and you don't have something worthwhile in your life, life will also be pretty meh.  "I don't know if I should try because putting myself out there is hard" is fine, but what will happen is that eventually your choices may turn into sitting at home doing literally nothing but trying and failing to find ways to entertain yourself, or putting yourself out there in some ways.  Might as well do it on your terms, rather than when you're in some pit 5 years from now and have to climb back out.  It is hard to describe what it's like when everything is just on hold for whatever reason, be that because you're not trying or because all your problems/next steps are going to take a long time and you can't expedite.  I think you have to have been there to get it, but it's not pleasant.  You don't want to be in that position if it can be avoided.  If you end up there, it can be very hard to build up enough momentum to ever get out again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I feel like some English degree stuff might be open to us as well E.G. technical writer, editor, etc. This is assuming that you put in the work to get good at stuff that most blind people aren't (spelling).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Sometimes blindness can be an advantage, for instance as an accessibility tester or a blindness instructor or a disability education trainer in human resources.It can really suck though, particularly if you aim for jobs that are going to take allot of adaptations.  But honestly it seems like no matter what your issues, if a person cultivates the right attitude they can usually go quite far, even when you dig through the motivational stuff and look at the reality underneath.Besides, I'd rather do a job with adaptations and times where I feel like I'm not a peer than sitting at home doing nothing or only trying for the most simplistic work possible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I wouldn't mind working in retale or casual dining. But tech support, no. I might take an office job, but I would like something more social and on my feet. It's not enough for long term, but it's a start. And I will take a start that is decent, over no start. And as far as putting myself out there whether it be finding work or finding/interacting with interests, I struggle with that. Especially with interests, I don't have many. This isn't a blind people problem in general, this is more of a personal one that makes it much harder. But I'm often asking myself, is it even worth trying to put myself out there? Is it worth emotionally and mentally bleeding and scraping myself just for a half decent to decent job position? Or should I stay hidden and sheltered from the brutal world and although not happy, just avoid more damage.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I wouldn't mind working in retale or casual dining. But tech support, no. I might take an office job, but I would like something more social and on my feet. It's not enough for long term, but it's a start. And I will take a start that is decent, over no start. And as far as putting myself out there whether it be finding work or finding/interacting with interests, I struggle with that. Especially with interests, I don't have many. This isn't a blind people problem in general, this is more of a personal one that makes it much harder.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gorvachov13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Well, blindness definitely effects your position. However that doesn't mean there aren't good jobs. I have a blind friend that just started working for a computer security company here and he's very happy with it. Thing is, you definitely won't be able to work in all fields, but trust me with enough dedication and effort you can come up with something. But in general, it does decrease your possible jobs list by a quite huge number to say the least.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Often times, employment opportunities for the blind come in the form of manual/factory work housed by nonprofits for the blind. These are your lighthouses and other similar organizations. That is to say, a decent percentage of blind folks working in America are working within the scope of blindness - these opportunities exist purposely to employ blind people. Now, don't take that for granted. A job is a job. If they don't do the work, who will? It also doesn't hurt that they cease their Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and earn a paycheck. These are still low-paying jobs, however, and when you consider how physically-strenuous these positions can be, it makes you think twice about taking one of your own.The sad but honest truth is that out of the blind folks who are employed, they occupy a small handful of domains. The top ones are massage therapy, psychology/social work, and tech. I'm speaking in general here. There are certainly exceptions to this rule with plenty of examples; but these exceptions are just that, exceptions. People have to fight tooth and nail to get through educational programs, access barriers, etc to get to the positions they are in. I've been pursuing my undergraduate career for 6 years now. I continue to do it because I like what I'm learning and truly want a career of my own. Not everybody is fortunate to have the same access to resources to allow them to pursue such a thing. These are time, money, motivation, support, etc.Sometimes I hear a blind person squeal with joy about a customer service job they just took. It at some point becomes pathetic, not because the person is excited over such a position, but it reflects just how starved blind people truly are for work. It is sad to me that so many people would settle for something so menial in nature. Again, this is absolutely not a comment on who these blind folks are as people. This is a comment on how blind people as a second class of citizens are left behind. This is to say that they are so deprived of opportunities to the point where being hired as a factory worker folding cloth or running a machine is their chance of something close to a "normal" life, but this also comes with the exhausting responsibility of waking up hours before your shift even starts to make sure you catch the multiple trains or buses to get to your place of work on time.My whole point to this is that blind people want something more than just sitting around. Of course, there are certain folks who are happy with settling for their SSI or other assistance, but it is fairly commonplace for blind people to want to pursue employment. I completely understand why we often times deal with anxiety, depression, and other poor mental health problems. It is that difficult to find work, let alone meaningful work you enjoy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vortex1024 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Most of what I wanted to say has been already said. Still, I have something left: a good way of getting employment, at least for me, was working in teams with my colleagues when I was a student. Basically, one of mmy ex-team mates showed a university project to an employer. After he got the job, he was asked about the other tteam members who helped him build the project, and that is how I also got to work at that company. Also, at least here, openness and tolerance seem to fluctuate with the region. Translator, Call center operator are jobs which haven't been mentioned here I think. At least here, the latter  can get you significant money if you do it in a foreign language.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Hmm, down here alot of blind folks tend to work in the banking sector/clerical work. I know a blind lady who works as the secretary at the local credit union and all she has was jaws. And that's the story for alot of them. Others work as teachers mostly for the blind, and the remainder does work in the government basket factory. I don't think there are other places where the government tried to do a minor fix for blind people like the basket factory, but those are still some options. Try seeking for employment in an office setting. While it may not be the best, chances are you're pretty versed with a computer and nvda already, so give it a shot. Plus, if you tell them you can be just as efficient with NVDa than JAWS that may be a plus. Remember alot of sighted folks have no idea what the hell NVDA is, so I'm pretty sure the prevailing thought when they hear blind person and computer is shell out a thousand dollars.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Really shouldn't be reading shit like this, because it only increases my own anxiety. I can't code anything more involved than a thing that lets you manipulate variables in certain ways in a terminal window in Python. Can't get myself to rely on music since I'm probably gonna starve doing that, and don't want to teach, music or otherwise. If this law stuff doesn't work, guess I'm royally fucked.Massage therapist? Didn't think that one had such a big share. I was always under the impression that a third of blind people managed to land a programming job, another third did tech support and shit like that, and the final third sat at home collecting disability money and shouting at each other in team talk servers.That makes me wonder how that final third is able to afford a new flagship iPhone every year... not the new SE or anything, but like... 12 pro levels of iPhone. How does that make sense? Do they just not eat any food for two months or what?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I have heard how hard landing a job is for a sighted person, it isn't easy. And I knew about the Lawyer, computer programmer, and massage therapist thing, and none of those are for me. Like I know, beggers can't be choosers, but let's add inequality into that mix please. I could go through with college, luckily the resources factor for me is not an issue, I'm fortunate for that. And I'm not doing college at the moment because it is all online, and I don't have the self discipline to do online courses, plus the main reason for going to a college aside from the degree, is to build a good social network. Unfortunately only a month into my first semester, lock down hit and that was shot for me, at least for the current moment. So I don't have the network factor. Motivation is lacking because of all the things I have listed in this post thus far, and luck is well, luck. I don't have it right now, lol. These are really good posts btw, thanks for the responses.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I think this is a good topic. I know time and time again, we hear, or at least I do, about the blind person who is doing this and that, and how successful they might be. And these stories are motivating, to a point. And then you dig a little deeper, and you find out all the accommodations necessary to even do that thing. Not saying those people shouldn't be considered successful, but usually, struggles were faced, and discriminations were surely confronted. Ultimately, in many cases, compromises had to be made such that full participation is reduced to being able to do something with restrictions or with much aid from someone else.I'm not saying this to be pessimistic or de-motivating, but I feel strongly that this is how our world works. I work in the technology field developing software, and while it is a rewarding and well-paying job, at a time, I had aspirations to be a practicing electrical engineer, working to manufacture electronics, down to the literal wire or transistor. I did study EE in college, and perhaps I could've found a way, and in fact I did for a little while, working on Embedded Systems. But even that didn't feel like actual Electrical Engineering work. Fortunately, I also had an interest in computers and got a computer science degree, but I can't help to think back every once in a while. Did I give up too soon? Probably. And I even spoke to blind engineers, but I kept facing dead-ends with how certain things may as well be out of my reach. Wow, that was kind of depressing. But I don't mean it to be. I actually enjoy my current job.Anyway, at least in the software engineering sector, I feel people are becoming more accepting of others with different backgrounds. Most interviews I've had were fine, with some skepticism at first, of course, but once the chat begins, interviewers are generally nice and willing to give me a chance. And many good results out of it too. So I can't speak on other professions, but as a programmer looking for work, if you can show you know your stuff, and you don't BS your way through responses, and you can work well talking to people, many opportunities are waiting for you.On the job, when dealing with more visual aspects, I still have the flexibility of doing the work myself and having a fellow peer verify my work, which is part of a job anyway, to work on a team.In terms of what are our opportunities for employment, I would say the spectrum is a bit wider than we might think, but not wide enough to kid ourselves in telling us that we can do everything. It's sad and kind of interesting how jobs that teenagers will often get here in the US, such as work in fast food, retail stores, or even baby sitting, are jobs where people would not give us the benefit of the doubt. And these are jobs that would give us a quick dollar!I do think there are several factors that contribute to someone being employed as a blind person. They are: access to resources, networking, motivation, and luck. Without these, I feel it would just be very challenging to get far in general. People without disabilities might have a bit more leeway to mess up, but it isn't as straightforward for us.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

It sucks. Some people have had success getting into programming, and if that is your thing, great. I had to jump through extra hoops in college to get my bachelor's in education, and I spent several years after graduation looking for a job in that field, trying both mentioning blindness in the cover letter and not mentioning it until the interview. I had interviews, that was not the issue. All of them ended with either no callback afterwords, or they hired another candidate with more experience.Keep in mind also that this was right in the middle of the recession when paying a new teacher was much cheaper than paying someone with fifteen years experience.So, I had to switch my mind set from, "What can I reasonably accomplish and do as well as a sighted person," to, "What can sighted people think blind people can reasonably accomplish as well or better than they can do?" I came up with three fields.Lawyer, computer programmer, and massage therapist. I did not want to go back to school for a law degree, I needed money then. I did not want to go into programming because, while I enjoy dabbling in small doses, if I made a career out of it, I'd be bored out of my mind. So, I found a trade school where I could get a massage degree in ten months, got that, and now, I have to deal with being a male massage therapist which has its own problems, and I made about $6000 in 2019..Final thoughts, it blows. If you go get a masters in socialwork or psychology, something if you can get past the catch 22 of ensurance not paying you without a permanent license, and so nobody will hire you and the state, who will hire you with a temp license is not hiring and will not hire for the next few years, you might have it made.Final thoughts, for real this time.I've come to the conclusion that people who are blind and land good jobs are skilled, but also lucky, and while volunteering is nice and can help, I have a problem with giving away my services without a guarantee of payment, especially when I have bills to pay, I can't be giving away my time for free.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Long story short, blind people without qualifications, whatever they might be, are simply helpless creatures that sadly but truly are not worth anything to society. With qualification I mean even a computer course that teaches you how to use the functions of a computer, since if you have that capability these days, you can do a lot of things.Despite the continued effort of social authorities and social policy makers to inclusion and support for people with visual impairments, most of what it has been done remains in paper because these policies are not truly implemented. In Europe at least, new regulations have been implemented in effort to facilitate the integration, employment, and living arrangements of people with disabilities. For instance, In Germany, and I invite anyone to correct me if I’m wrong, a blind person is given a light tax exemption if he/she has a job, and there might be cases where an application for complete tax exemption is accepted, he/she can have a full-time assistant hired just for him/her , he/she can receive at no charge whatsoever any tool, equipment or assistive device that is necessary and improve his/her experience at work. Then, blind people are granted five more free days per year than a non-disabled employee, they can easily refuse to work overtime, and an employer will have a smoother experience firing a non-disabled employee than a disabled one. Despite these social policies, the employment figures remain low here. This issue, as I see it, has a few perspectives to be seen from. Firstly, employers, despite the qualification of a blind person, as well as the support from the state, plus the exemptions they receive from the state for employing a blind person, are still very hesitant to hire one.Secondly, a lot of blind people do not contribute to their education and qualification. There is a considerable number of people in blind communities who just like to sit because they will receive the blind allowance anyway, and that is enough for what they do in life. Only few will want to travel abroad and see new places, only few have the networks to travel and organise different social activities, and so the money will be enough for the many who don’t have these ambitions. So how can one be motivated or even compelled to get an education or qualification if they know that they will always have a hand warm and ready to assist them? Family and friends, as well as the social environment play a crucial role in getting a blind person to step up the ladders of society. If it weren’t for my family and some friends whom I discussed with how my future would be, I would most likely be sitting at home in Albania doing nothing now. But thanks to their support I am living abroad and trying to build something for myself.Thirdly, socialisation, seen from a few perspectives has a fundamental impact on blind people’s achievements, and that includes education and employment. If you have good social networks, that improves your chances significantly for better results at education and employment opportunities. Having a rich social network raises your confidence, ambitions, aspirations and necessities. It is the social network and the eventual confidence that leads to one having a better quality of life, since these two factors compel one to having and getting more and more. It is via social contacts that I managed to get a job. Through their recommendation the company agreed to hire me because otherwise they would have said, no, he can’t do this job.There is a lot to say, and I could go on and on writing about this issue. However, considering my experience, considering my friends experience, both sighted and blind, considering the trends I see in employment and career opportunities, I would like to conclude here by recommending to anyone, especially younger than me, get an education, get further qualifications, attend campaigns, seek to organise or assist projects, participate in different social organisations  or associations, and never be discouraged to try. There’s no harm in trying.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

Pretty much, blindness eliminates 95% or more of low skill jobs, and more than 85-90% of others, and provides a disadvantage to some extent in all the remaining. College will improve your chances, but will never erase the blind disadvantage. I mean, I have a masters degree, and if an employer can reject you, even if you are the perfect candidate, they will do so. So for example, something that isn't relevent to a sighted person can end up being the reason you got rejected because you're blind and they'd rather not deal with you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


how much does blindness effect employment

I wanted to break this problem down into 1 question, that would by extension, answer a lot more questions.I want to know how much blindness effects a person's life, both in and outside of America. How unfairly do we have it, how much is being done about it?To make this much simpler, I've broken it down into the following question:What are our opportunities for employment like?I chose this question because this is how we receive income. Without income or financial support, everything else is going to struggle. Everything from travel, to living independently, and so on.So to zoom in on how much blindness effects us, let's go to the source of it all. Employment, and college, if applicable.I would like to know which stage is the most common for blind people to find themselves stuck/rejected, how active they are in job searching and how much hope they have either before or after previous experiences, how accessible was your job and how understanding were your bosses with making things work better for you to do your job, and finally, was the job paying a decent rate to live independently, and what degree of college was required for this job?That's a lot of questions, but hopefully we can find an answer. Because right now I'm completely unsure if opportunities for us are very inequal and rare, or if I have lost hope way too quickly and being in my home for the last 2 years doing nothing instead of job searching has made me have a more negative and lazy connotation and mindset to this. I'm sure both are true to an extent, but which one is the most accurate, and is my loss of hope normal?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


how much does blindness effect employment

I wanted to break this problem down into 1 question, that would by extension, answer a lot more questions.I want to know how much blindness effects a person's life, both in and outside of America. How unfairly do we have it, how much is being done about it?To make this much simpler, I've broken it down into the following question:What are our opportunities for employment like?I chose this question because this is how we receive income. Without income or financial support, everything else is going to struggle. Evertyhing from travel, to living independently, and so on.So to zoom in on how much blindness effects us, let's go to the source of it all. Employment, and college, if applicable.I would like to know which stage is the most common for blind people to find themsevles stuck/rejected, how active they are in job searching and how much hope they have either before or after previous experiences, how accessible was your job and how understanding were your bosses with making things work better for you to do your job, and finally, was the job paying a decent rate to live independently, and what degree of college was required for this job?That's a lot of questions, but hopefully we can find an answer. Because right now I'm completely unsure if opportunitites for us are very inequal and rare, or if I have lost hope way too quickly and being in my home fro the last 2 years instead of job searching has made me have a more negative and lazy connotation and mindset to this. I'm sure both are true to an extent, but which one is the most accurate?


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