Re: lensmoor mud

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

It might mean that you should pay attention to aging on there.I think You age one year for every five hours of gameplay, and your character starts to show the effects of aging when it's between 65 and 80 years old.So in other words, if you are going to idle on there or chat or read help files, type the command "configure ooc on" so you won't age.There may also be a spell to restore your youth, but I haven't gone that far yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lensmoor mud

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

snow wrote:right,but aging should attentionSorry, what? I'm not sure I understand this post.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lensmoor mud

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : snow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

right,but aging should attention


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lensmoor mud

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

Sounds like a great alternative to alter, would be cool if somebody could create a mush client soundpack for this, that would be pretty cool. Since its 5 in the morning i'm gonna try and go back to sleep (I have sleeping problems), but in the morning/afternoon/when ever the hell I get up I plan to give this one a try.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lensmoor mud

2017-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

I am playing this right now, and there is a super friendly player base. They have helped me find crafting tools, taught skills, and invited me to join their quest groups.If you are a low level player, you can do what's called "moocher questing," where you join a quest group to get the points, but you don't actually fight the high level mobs. The high level players like it, because the mobs you fight are the level of the average level of all group members. So if they get low level group members, the mobs they need to fight for points are easier.Big thumbs up for this one.


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Re: lensmoor mud

2017-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

It is a really great mud, I returned to it today. I was busy until now, but now that I have time to  play, i'll surely do it


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Re: lensmoor mud

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud 3500


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Re: lensmoor mud

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : tysonsylvester123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

hi i lookt at the websight and i cant find host or port to connect


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lensmoor mud

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

I suggest you to try it out. Until level 25 corpses go to a morgue. And then, with 25 quest points, that you can get very easy, at the questmaster you get the corpse back if you cant find the place where your corpse is. For example, I joined a few days ago, and I have 2000 qp already. From now on until 15 march, the qp will be double.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lensmoor mud

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

Hmmm, I missed this one back in the time which is odd. It does sound interesting though what with aging and no specific classes and so on, though I am not a huge fan of corpse drop mechanics. The percentages thing doesn't bother me as much though, indeed that is how I generally like my mud prompt set generally as it saves on listening to numbers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lensmoor mud

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

Ill show you the help file. : QUEST QUESTS 'GROUP QUESTS' 'GLOBAL QUESTS' 'CONSULT QUESTS' 'QUEST POINTS' QPS 'QUEST ENQUIRE'QUESTINGCertain mobs in the game function as questmasters: they issue out quests (solo or group) to players who request them and award players with quest points for successfully completing the quests. These points may be redeemed for a variety of things at a questmaster. The quests that are offered are centered around the ALIGNMENT of the questmaster. There is also a quest cap on the qp rewards you can earn at each level, up until a certain level. Once you reach this cap, you will receive as little as one qp for completing a quest.QUEST COMMANDSQUEST INFO - This will tell you how many quest points you have. If you are on a quest, it will also remind you who or what you were after and how long you have to complete the quest. If
  not, it will tell you how long you must wait before you are able to request. If you are on a group quest, it will attempt to tell you what area the quest is in. Due to technical reasons, this information may be wrong at times.QUEST REQUEST - Petitions the questmaster to send you on a quest. If you accept the quest, you will be given a real-time limit (in minutes) to complete it. QUEST COMPLETE - Once you have completed your quest, you must return to the questmaster who sent you it and use this command to end it and receive your reward. You will also be given a timer, based on the type of quest you have completed. QUEST REJECT - Performed at the questmaster, this command declines a quest and gives you a 1 minute quest timer as well.QUEST RESET - Resets your quest difficulty back to 0.0. Use caution!QUEST LIST - Displays the list of rewards redeemable at the questmaster (Enhance is an opt
 ion to purchase a temporary +2 stat boost). QUEST BUY  - Purchases the specified quest reward. QUEST ENQUIRE - Relays information about specific player target questing information such as who is grouped with the individual and where they are The reward for solo quests is a few quest points and some gold. The quest timer for completing a quest is 3 minutes (2 for Antrippans).SOLO QUESTSKILL QUESTS - Kill a certain mob. When you come across it, it will have [TARGET] along with its room description. CONSULT QUESTS: Sends you to go to a very specific mobile, with an "X" in front of it (thief-type mobs may not be marked this way though). Once you have found the mob, type 'consult'. If it is the right one, it will tell you the answer and instruct you to head back to complete. CAPTURE QUESTS: Capture a creature and bring it back to the questmaster. You will need to set you
 r SUBDUE mode and then BIND the subdued mob with a rope (or similar object). The rope must be in your inventory. DELIVERY QUESTS: Find the mob the quest being has directed you to, and give it the package. If it is the right mob, it will tell you to head back for completion. Packages have a fixed weight of 40, and can be moved with the PUSH command if it is too heavy for your inventory. RETRIEVE QUESTS: Find the object and bring it back to the questmaster.CRAFTING QUESTSGathering Quest: Quest mob tells you a general area, crafting skill, and a material to gather. You are expected to go from room to room, searching the wilderness for that specific item in place of the normal material. (Example: Fishing each room for a salmon instead of 'a fish'). When you successfully gather in the correct room the item will be added to your inventory. Commission Quest: You get a short item description, the 
 item type/material/skill, and the person you have to deliver it to. You also have to DETAIL the short item description.GROUP QUESTSGroup quests use the same commands as solo quests. See also help GROUP. However, before you can request, you will need to form a group of at least one other player. Quests will be loosely based on the average level of the group. These quests will either be HORDE (several targets to kill) or BOSS (a single strong opponent) quests. During a quest, new members cannot be added. If anyone happens to leave, the quest is ended, and the person who left is penalized one qp and is given a 10 minute quest timer. Also, anyone who is present in the room when the quest is completed has a chance to be awarded a special item from the questmaster. These items will be loosely tailored to the recipient, and only one can be worn at a time.GLOBAL QUESTSUsually, these imm-run ques
 ts are to either kill as many mobs of a particular type as possible or to collect as many of a particular object. Global quests use the following commands: QUEST JOIN - Joins the global quest, so you can score. QUEST SCORE - Scores items for collect quests (Kill quests are automatically scored when the target is killed). There are sometimes special globals and games run. You can find a list of these at help CUSTOM GLOBALS and help GAMES

Re: lensmoor mud

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

Is the quests automated like on Aartwolf? If the answer is yes then it's quite ashame. I'm not really into straight up killing quests myself. Some puzzle and challenge, sure, but not always, always hacking  and slashing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lensmoor mud

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lensmoor mud

I'm surprised that this mud didn't got more attention, It is a really good one, and the players are nice, so I decided to bring more attention to it. Yes, you can craft, yes, it works well with a screen reader. Give it a try, in my opinion, it's worth it


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[Audiogames-reflector] lensmoor mud

2013-10-16 Thread Forum — New releases room: Victorious

lensmoor mud

Have discovered another fantasy mud similar to alter aeon, materia magica, aardwolf and the like called lenzmoor. I'm only level 2 and like it a lot thus far. Its homepage lives at and you can connect to it at port 3500. Some of the noteworthy things about this mud are:1. No rent! Quit from most places without having to rent.2. A powerful parser: unlike most muds, the parser is pretty flexible and forgiving. For example, l gob is as valid as l goblin or help sanc works as short for help sanctuary.3. Classless system. You get to choose to learn any of the dazzling array of 400 skills/spells that you want with the limiting factor being something called your skill cap. This represents the maximum amount of knowledge you can hold in various skills and spells. If the total of your skills/spells exceeds this skill cap, the least used skills attraphy to some extent. Age and wisdom give you bonuse
 s to skill caps and skills mastered at 100% are not subject to attraphy. The closest approximation to classes that exist on most other muds are something called specializations, which make it easier to use spells/skills falling within that specialization but makes it more difficult to learn and improve those outside specialization. Hence, specializing is only recommended after remort.4. Advancement: you start from level 1 and can get to level 91 after which you can remort into a more powerful race or the same race with better stats. There is only 1 remort necessary as far as I'm aware though, so it isn't the insanity of doing it 63 times like in Aardwolf. Upon levelling, you get practices and trains. Trains are to improve your stats and practicing is well for skills/spells. It is highly recommended to learn skills/spells whenever possible from players as it saves up a lot on pracs. It will be necessary to quest to some extent for questpoints which can be converted t
 o trains. Its rather complex, so I'll leave it to you to read about it.5. Advantage/disadvantage system: you get to pick optional combinations of over a dozen advantages and disadvantages and change them as many times as you like before level 5 after which it is expensive to modify. Advantages range from always being able to see all hidden exits, increased hp and mana regen while disadvantages range from being more vulnerable to magic, having trouble sleeping, having your wimpy set to 75% permamently and having reduced hp/mana regen. This can have significant gameplay effects and also modifies things like trains received per level. Recommendation is to play around with them before level 5 and ask players for recommendations as messing this up could make life miserable.6. Well-written: the areas in this mud adhere to the theme and are fairly well-written. Each zone has a zone quest that you can complete for rewards and there may also be miniquests as well.7.
  RP encouraged: RP is optional but encouraged without the strict and overbearing enforcement that exists on RP muds like those from Iron Realms entertainment.8. Playerbase: when mudding yesterday, I observed a pretty steady average of 20 players logged on at any one time. The players were also pretty newbie friendly too.9. Newbies below level 25 have their corpse transported to morgues usually near recall when they die which is handy. Death after that leaves a corpse with all your equipment in it. You also get to use equipment 10 levels higher than you up to level 30 which helps tremendously when starting out. 10. Crafting and customization: there's a pretty intricate crafting system and players can even develop characters devoted exclusively to crafting. It is also very inexpensive and easy to customize your equipment as well.11. PK is available but optional.12. The only thing that I'm uncomfortable with is how the game doesn't let 
 you see the absolute value of your hp, mana and vitality. Even when you set a prompt, they appear as percentages of your total. Its not a gamebreaker though and most people might not be bothered with it; it can be worked around. You do get to see your base hp and mana so you can work forwards. Similarly, you don't see the absolute cost of spells but if you have a prompt and work out your max mana, it is possible to work backwards if you're so inclined.13. Age is an IMPORTANT mechanic. You age 1 year every 25 hours in-game. With the exception of the increase in your skill cap, growing old has detrimental effects. The age which these effects start showing depends on your race. The psionic skill vigor and the divine 'restore youth' spell can negate the effects of age. Hence, it is highly recommended that if you need to idle for any extended length of time, you do a config ooc on or better yet have AFK aliased to do that.14. Heros and sages: to advance 
 to the highest levels of existance, one of the unique requirements that I can't recall seeing in other muds is to bu