Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

it will be harder next time


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020



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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sightlessgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

The Terminator?


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

hi, can anyone tell me where i got my signicher from?its a  chalenge


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

@Dark:If there is one comparison, then it would be the comparison of US and soviet union around the 70's and 80's. Politicians from both sides use the public hate for their own gain, and thus, keep the both countries on a near war like state all the time. Not to mention bullet exchanges and such every now and then.Thanks to Kenshira, I finally have a place where I can read the light novels. I have picked up A Certain Magical Index, exactly where the anime left the story, and there, for the second time, I encountered a an amusing US president.Just like Arthur from the Laundry Files, Reberto Katze sounds like a guy who might be a great president... around 50 or 100 years later. Because I don't see the current crowd choosing him. I wonder what Kamachi thinks of all about this? It would be a nice thing if he gave a interview or something regarding all of this.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

@Dark eagle, that's slightly scary as regards India and Pakistan, and not particularly something I'd heard. Then again, most Indians and Pakistanis I've met have been third or fourth generation English, so how far they've followed the country's politics I don't know. I have finished peace talks. Actually it did get extremely good, albeit the hole Dresden angxt thing and tendency to self flagellate reared it's uggly head once again, though I wish we'd seen more of his daughter maggy. what was really interesting, was the way Butcher ended on a major cliff hanger. While he's done this before, they've still tended to be conclusive cliff hangers, here however, he literaly stops with Dresden going into battle, and a potentially gigantic world changing event on the horizon, indeed I hope Butcher keeps up the tension for the next book and that we're finally going into the end game, as the name checks and summing up of much of the series suggest. I never actually read the two collections of Dresden shorts, side jobs and brief cases, so I will probably do that fairly soon myself.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

@Dark:I can understand why you would think that.As a side note, this is the species of buffalo which refused to be domesticated, and apparently they do remember the humans who wound them.Also, I have begun the empire games trilogy, the sequel of the Merchant Princes the end of the original series, things got really crazy, America bombed the other reality into the nuclear winter, India and Pakistan broke out into a nuclear war, and considering that Charles wrote that book just after the two years of the 26 11, he probably wasn't that far behind in predicting the war.As a citizen of India for 21 years, I feel that both of these countries have been a perpetual state of war ever since the inception of the Pakistan.Usually, its like the cold war, where both sides make various threats and such, but sometimes the outright war breaks out.And I can see that happening if some day we heard on the news that there are people who can warp in and out of reality. both countries would make claims against the each other of using these people against either of them, and the war would start.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Lol Dark eagle when you said "Caped buffalo" I thought you were talking about a super hero, rather than a super animal, well now at least I've learned something I did not know before . Btw, nice to know there are buffalo in Africa.I've now started peace talks  by Jim Butcher, and actually I'm enjoying it, albeit it's still got the annoying problems that the series has, Dresden's constant complaining, and soap opera confrontations, also now Dresden looking like now getting yet another! destined power, just so he can kick the rear of yet another evil faction. I'm actually a wee bit disappointed, the amount of build up the outsiders have had in the series, and now it turns out Dresden has some anti outsider magic and can just take on thirteen of them in a fight and win? Then again I'm only part way through at the moment (just finished chapter twelve), so maybe things get worse later, we're already getting problems upon problems piled on Dresden's head. I will say as a plus though, it's finally nice to see Dresden's daughter actually behaving like a child with a personality not just something Dresden has to randomlly save, as well as the thing with Murphy actually looking like it's going somewhere, though of course all of that will depend upon how the rest of the book goes. In other news, I've had a slightly bad week, and just to magnify things it looks like corona virus is coming back, or rather that the numbers are rising again, which of course has nothing to do with the government's hole push to get people to eat out and go and buy cars and go to pubs and what not, honest! Bloody morons! Still more lovely lockdown time for Mrs. Dark and I, especially since we have an increase in local cases as well as nationally, then again, at least nothing changes and I still have the zombies to keep me fit .I've been playing incremental adventures and a couple of other games, but I have to say I'm a little disappointed, not much in terms of story or interest other than numbers getting bigger, and not that many new unlocks or mechanics that don't feel like old ones, as compared to say hells night which was bloody awesome and I'd recommend, though on the plus side dead fright looks like it will be fun. I also need to get back to cosmic rage and Erion now my hand has improved as well.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Well, at least they didn't tried to give you a cape buffalo. I assure you, that raging creature could not be contained, magic or otherwise.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Well I just had a rather fun experience. I booted up Amazon (which I have to say has been quite a good friend over the lockdown period), in order to buy some speciality chocolate. Getting to the checkout I suddenly notice two items in my shopping basket instead of one! What! I check the shopping basket to be informed by Amazon that as per my request, Alexa has added a magic llama to my order. Yes, a magic llama! I do not recall requesting a llama, or indeed any sort of domesticated mountain goat, or in fact any goats at all and while I appreciate the fact that Amazon, obviously knowing my liking for magic would attempt to furnish me with a llama specifically imbued with mystical powers, since I did not in fact order any Llamas at all I still had to remove this item. In fairness, the item in my shopping basket turned out to be a book not an actual llama, which is a bit of a relief since I dread to think what sort of fuss a Tibetan goat would have caused at a warehouse in England, much less how they planned to get said Llama through my letterbox (unless that was why it was a magic llama, one with the power to change size at will). What is worse, is though I did manage to successfully remove said item from my amazon order, I could not convince amazon that I had not actually told Alexa I didn't want any mountain goats today! When I clicked on the radio button labeled "alexa got this wrong", I was imediately faced with another dialogue box telling me "Very welll did you want something else! followed by a long page of llama related items. there seemed no way of convincing Amazon that no, I did not in fact want any llamas! magical or otherwise! Luckily as I said, I completed my specialty chocolate order free of Llamas, but I'm more worried that a multinational coorporation seems apparently so desperate to sell me random Asian livestock! I suspect this is all part of a secret plan to make Earth into the planet of the Llamas! .


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Hi.I've been doing well. School improved after the first week once I switched to classes that didn't have inaccessible sims.Over the past month or so I was reading The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and since I couldn't sleep last night I stayed up until 4:00 this morning listening to the last few chapters. I just started Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

the wheel weavs as the wheel  wills. and through it's wheel the force was born it's purpose it's to bring eternal balance between the dark one and the ae sedai  and so it was told that the dragon reborn shal bring another breaking, he did, . But we know that the true hero of the wheel is the dragon/the chosen one anakin skywalker, who became an sadai, and then joined the dark one. the wheel shaped the celestials, which in turn created the midiclorians with which the cosmic force is powered. in another cornor of the wheel Randalthor becomes a jedi surving on the planet  coruscant.wait ? whata M I talking about?


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

the wheel weavs as the wheel  wills. and through it's wheel the force was born it's purpose it's to bring eternal balance between the dark one and the ai sadai  and so it was told that the dragon reborn shal bring another breaking, he did, . But we know that the true hero of the wheel is the dragon/the choosenone anakin skywalker, who became an sadai, and then joined the dark one. the wheel shaped the celestials, which in turn created the midiclorians with which the cosmic force is powered. in another cornor of the wheel Randalthor becomes a jedi surving on the planet  coruscant.wait ? whata M I talking about?


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

@Bgt, lover, wow your reading the wheel of time? I have read the series twice (well I've read books 1-10 twice and books 11-14 just the), however my lady absolutely adores! the wheel of time, to the point she spends considerable time online looking up stuff about it, reading through people's rereads etc, indeed she's just finished her third read through and is dreading the upcoming Tv adaptationn. she even has an Ais Sidai great serpent ring, which she wears along with her wedding ring, and a green Aja pendent, both gifts from me, since she's unquestionably a green.I in turn have a set of Ashaman dragon cufflinks .So yes, WoT we know very well. For myself I really enjoyed the series up to book 5, but 6-10 got a bit too slumpy, too many characters introduced who I didn'tcare about, and plots not finishing or moving on , though things did pick up in book 11 and in 12-14 and the conclusion worked very well. I also confess I did get a little tired of the constant habbit of literally nobody, even married couples ever! actually telling each other the truth about anything! and the rather continuous bickering which Jordon included in the series.All in all though, well worth reading, indeed I'll likely reread the series myself in the future.As regards "someone else" taking over, fortunately, that someone else happened to be Brandon Sanderson, a very good fantasy author in his own right whose works are generally well worth a go. There is a noticable shift in style of course, and particularly Mat seemed to change a little in book 12 as opposed to book 11, but things settled down and the series finale worked out extremely well, indeed apparently Robert Jordon left copious notes before he died, and it shows.For me, I just finishedone good dragon deserves another, which actually was rather good. Still a bit fluffy and never really serious, but nice for big steaks, a really interesting world and lots of fantastic dragon battles .My hand is feeling better, though I've not started my weights yet, however I have got back to writing, in particular writing a good few shorter pieces, though still no luck finding an agent.Yesterday, my lady and I went back to said lovely Italian place. In the UK at the moment the rate of new corona cases has gone through the roof, with six thousand in two days,  which has nothing at all with the government's stupid "eat out to help out", program, or the fact that everyone's been told to go back to work and school or whatever honest gov. Actually, the way the government are now putting rules down about private gatherings again, but still not daring to interfere with the holy businesses is a bit shocking!That's one reason my lady and I took the chance to go back to the restaurant, since we suspect we will be back in lockdown before too long, or rather we will probably choose to be, because Jelly fish Jonson has no bloody idea what the hell he's doing! and neither it seems do most people around here judging from how busy town was yesterday, how few people were Waring masks and how much traffic we've been hearing, despite a potential recent outbreak at a factory in this town. so all in all, things not too bad over all, so long as we stay away from stupid people, which unfortunately at the moment seems to be a very high proportion of the population.Games wise, I've been continuing with trimps, and logging into some muds, also rediscovering the wastes, which has been fun.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

@18:yes, the author died, and Brandon Sanderson picked up the series and finished it. I can't say whether it is just as good as the original, since I haven't gotten around to reading this series yet.Also, really nice to hear from you again, since you are the only one who has read the Laundry Files up to the current book like myself here. There might be others, but they haven't confirmed it yet.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

hy guys!well, for my part, I think this month won't be really enjoyable, since school is starting next week. Plus, I got a kind of examination two days from now, so that part won't be very plezent.anyway, to some nicer things, I have finally chosen to pick up another book series, after a very long pause since I finished laundry files.if you're wandering what I'm reading, it's, this time, the wheel of time. To be honest, I've been reading it for quite a while, now I am enjoying the path of daggers, book eight of the series. I herd that the author died before he could complete the series. Is it true? I've also herd someone else picked it up again afterwards. Is it the same quality, do you think? is there any point in reading past that point?


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Us Americans are doing just fine despite what the media is saying.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

@Dark:Charles Stross is the one who wrote this series.The basic premis is if you are wondering, is Mirium a reporter who finds that she is the member of a family who can world walk, and they actually perform the smuggling operations in the modern world, while acting as the mesengers in the other world, which is like a stunted medieval state.Naturally, she finds out that as a woman she really is in a bad position dew to the medieval nature of the world, upsets some plans, and gets a war started with the modern day united states.Well she didn't started the war herself personally, but I'm sure you understand that I mean US found these world walkers, got into their reality, and things spiraled out of there.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Hey guys. @12, what is it about? I'm from the Caribbean so it peaks my interest lol.Corona cases here are going up and we have about 1400 in total, with just about 11-- active. School got pushed aside in favour of remote learning. Its good because I won't have to bloody wear a mask al day in 35 C heat, but at the same time i've got to pick out clothes to put on. I don't know how you Americans do it lol. I suppose the concept of summer becoming winter isn't one I quite possess since its always hot here, but well, I do have the joy of the temperatures going down a bit into Novemember but sadly for some people this time is also famous  mass-flooding.Republic Day is coming up, but Covid will put a damper on that since  we won't be allowed to go out and pop fireworks. Eitherways, I'm going to exercise more often now, and I'm trying to pick up some new skills.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Well the hand seems to be moderately less painful now, so I can type as long as I do it slowly, which means no playing muds, also  unfortunately, no work on my novella which is really taking shape at the moment (think dark fantasy fairy tale told from the perspective of an eight year old girl who doesn't realise how grim the world around her is).The feelings of my hand have quite disarmed me, I mean, I sensed something was wrong but I just couldn't put my finger on it, then I find myself awristed in my tracks, not having any thumb at all! I thought I'd nailed a solution to the problem, but nothing handy is occurring to me at the moment, this has caused a hole index of problems, indeed were I American I'd likely be tempted to just give the  middle finger to the hole thing, but in England of course such behaviour doesn't ring true. I feel like  a total nuckle head, stuck in a predicament that is not at all humorous, indeed I feel like I'm going around in circles with an increasingly small radius, and ulna be able to stand this for much longer. So, to everyone, don't do what I did and take this warning seriously, since forwarned is forearmed. face palm!Okay, now that I've got all that off my hands. I'm afraid wing of iternity, I'm not sure about the book you requested, since I don't tend to read too many books set in preexisting universes, even Doctor who, of which I'm a major fan I stick to the audio dramas and occasionally the tv series (though I still haven't seen the most recent one). I'm also a bit wary of anything starwars at the moment outside the original films with the sequel trilogy being such a load of character assassination, corporate blandity and general meh. so, I'm afraid the book you requested I review must decline for the time being. @Dark eagle, Who wrote the merchant prince's series? I've not come across that one, but I do like person goes into other world style fantasy stories. The history of sports is less my thing, but that simply because sport in general is less my thing. It was quite amusing when I was in the states and the priest marrying my lady and I, obviously in an effort to be friendly to the visiting Englishman asked me what my "Soccer team", was. I explained politely that I didn't have a soccer team, though I declined to point out that in England (and indeed in most of the world), the game in question isn't called Soccer .I will say today my lady and I went to our local very awesome Italian, indeed it's literally the first time I've been out of my house in daytime since April, and since we were doing my lady's radio therapy through all of February and up to the middle of march, which pretty much necessitated just shuttling too and from hospital on a daily basis, we weren't exactly going out much before that. On the plus side, this really is a lovely restaurant, owned by a very friendly Spanish chap (yes a Spaniard who serves Italian food), who is also a game of thrones fan it turns out (luckily they don't serve pigeon pies). The only really odd thing is, I sort of miss the lack of traffic from the high lock down period. it was so nice to smell clean air and not have all those noisy, gas fume spouting monstrosities cluttering up the place! Really it seems the bloody world is obsessed with cars!So I'm in a slightly better mood at the moment, indeed I've been getting back into ttrimps, truly finishing off Komandoh 1's black class, and even playing a bit of Starfinder on Alexa which is good. Hopefully my hand will be up to faster typing soon, since I'm sort of in a scifi mood and might take a break from fantasy muds to go and play around with cosmic rage. so that's pretty much where we are at the moment, not major changes, but hopefully things a bit more positive, since August really has been a very miserable month indeed.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Well the hand seems to be moderately less painful now, so I can type as long as I do it slowly, which means no playing muds, also  unfortunately, no work on my novella which is really taking shape at the moment (think dark fantasy fairy tale told from the perspective of an eight year old girl who doesn't realise how grim the world around her is).The feelings of my hand have quite disarmed me, I mean, I sensed something was wrong but I just couldn't put my finger on it, then I find myself awristed in my tracks, not having any thumb at all! I thought I'd nailed a solution to the problem, but nothing handy is occurring to me at the moment, this has caused a hole index of problems, indeed were I American I'd likely be tempted to just give the  middle finger to the hole thing, but in England of course such behaviour doesn't ring true. I feel like  a total nuckle head, stuck in a predicament that is not at all humorous, indeed I feel like I'm going around in circles with an increasingly small radius, and ulna be able to stand this for much longer. So, to everyone, don't do what I did and take this warning seriously, since forwarned is forearmed. face palm!Okay, now that I've got all that off my hands. I'm afraid wing of iternity, I'm not sure about the book you requested, since I don't tend to read too many books set in preexisting universes, even Doctor who, of which I'm a major fan I stick to the audio dramas and occasionally the tv series (though I still haven't seen the most recent one). I'm also a bit wary of anything starwars at the moment outside the original films with the sequel trilogy being such a load of character assassination, corporate blandity and general meh. so, I'm afraid the book you requested I possibly must decline for the time being. @Dark eagle, Who wrote the merchant prince's series? I've not come across that one, but I do like person goes into other world style fantasy stories. The history of sports is less my thing, but that simply because sport in general is less my thing. It was quite amusing when I was in the states and the priest marrying my lady and I, obviously in an effort to be friendly to the visiting Englishman asked me what my "Soccer team", was. I explained politely that I didn't have a soccer team, though I declined to point out that in England (and indeed in most of the world), the game in question isn't called Soccer .I will say today my lady and I went to our local very awesome Italian, indeed it's literally the first time I've been out of my house in daytime since April, and since we were doing my lady's radio therapy through all of February and up to the middle of march, which pretty much necessitated just shuttling too and from hospital on a daily basis, we weren't exactly going out much before that. On the plus side, this really is a lovely restaurant, owned by a very friendly Spanish chap (yes a Spaniard who serves Italian food), who is also a game of thrones fan it turns out (luckily they don't serve pigeon pies). The only really odd thing is, I sort of miss the lack of traffic from the high lock down period. it was so nice to smell clean air and not have all those noisy, gas fume spouting monstrosities cluttering up the place! Really it seems the bloody world is obsessed with cars!So I'm in a slightly better mood at the moment, indeed I've been getting back into ttrimps, truly finishing off Komandoh 1's black class, and even playing a bit of Starfinder on Alexa which is good. Hopefully my hand will be up to faster typing soon, since I'm sort of in a scifi mood and might take a break from fantasy muds to go and play around with cosmic rage. so that's pretty much where we are at the moment, not major changes, but hopefully things a bit more positive, since August really has been a very miserable month indeed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Well the hand seems to be moderately less painful now, so I can type as long as I do it slowly, which means no playing muds, also no work on my novella which is really taking shape at the moment (think dark fantasy fairy tale told from the perspective of an eight year old girl who doesn't realise how grim the world around her is).The feelings of my hand have quite disarmed me, I mean, I sensed something was wrong but I just couldn't put my finger on it, then I find myself awristed in my tracks, not having any thumb at all! I thought I'd nailed a solution to the problem, but nothing handy is occurring to me at the moment, this has caused a hole index of problems, indeed were I American I'd likely be tempted to just give the  middle finger to the hole thing, but in England of course such behaviour doesn't ring true. I feel like  a total nuckle head, stuck in a predicament that is not at all humorous, indeed I feel like I'm going around in circles with an increasingly small radius, and ulna be able to stand this for much longer. So, to everyone, don't do what I did and take this warning seriously, since forwarned is forearmed. face palm!Okay, now that I've got all that off my hands. I'm afraid wing of iternity, I'm not sure about the book you requested, since I don't tend to read too many books set in preexisting universes, even Doctor who, of which I'm a major fan I stick to the audio dramas and occasionally the tv series (though I still haven't seen the most recent one). I'm also a bit wary of anything starwars at the moment outside the original films with the sequel trilogy being such a load of character assassination, corporate blandity and general meh. so, I'm afraid the book you requested I possibly must decline for the time being. @Dark eagle, Who wrote the merchant prince's series? I've not come across that one, but I do like person goes into other world style fantasy stories. The history of sports is less my thing, but that simply because sport in general is less my thing. It was quite amusing when I was in the states and the priest marrying my lady and I, obviously in an effort to be friendly to the visiting Englishman asked me what my "Soccer team", was. I explained politely that I didn't have a soccer team, though I declined to point out that in England (and indeed in most of the world), the game in question isn't called Soccer .I will say today my lady and I went to our local very awesome Italian, indeed it's literally the first time I've been out of my house in daytime since April, and since we were doing my lady's radio therapy through all of February and up to the middle of march, which pretty much necessitated just shuttling too and from hospital on a daily basis, we weren't exactly going out much before that. On the plus side, this really is a lovely restaurant, owned by a very friendly Spanish chap (yes a Spaniard who serves Italian food), who is also a game of thrones fan it turns out (luckily they don't serve pigeon pies). The only really odd thing is, I sort of miss the lack of traffic from the high lock down period. it was so nice to smell clean air and not have all those noisy, gas fume spouting monstrosities cluttering up the place! Really it seems the bloody world is obsessed with cars!So I'm in a slightly better mood at the moment, indeed I've been getting back into ttrimps, truly finishing off Komandoh 1's black class, and even playing a bit of Starfinder on Alexa which is good. Hopefully my hand will be up to faster typing soon, since I'm sort of in a scifi mood and might take a break from fantasy muds to go and play around with cosmic rage. so that's pretty much where we are at the moment, not major changes, but hopefully things a bit more positive, since August really has been a very miserable month indeed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Well the hand seems to be moderately less painful now, so I can type as long as I do it slowly, which means no playing muds, also no work on my novella which is really taking shape at the moment (think dark fantasy fairy tale told from the perspective of an eight year old girl who doesn't realise how grim the world around her is).The feelings of my hand have quite disarmed me, I mean, I sensed something was wrong but I just couldn't put my finger on it, then I find myself awristed in my tracks, not having any thumb at all! I thought I'd nailed a solution to the problem, but nothing handy is occurring to me at the moment, this has caused a hole index of problems, indeed were I American I'd likely be tempted to just give the  middle finger to the hole thing, but in England of course such behaviour doesn't ring true. I feel like  a total nuckle head, stuck in a predicament that is not at all humorous, indeed I feel like I'm going around in circles with an increasingly small radius, and ulna be able to stand this for much longer. So, to everyone, don't do what I did and take this warning seriously, since forwarned is forearmed. face palm!Okay, now that I've got all that off my hands. I'm afraid wing of iternity, I'm not sure about the book you requested, since I don't tend to read too many books set in preexisting universes, even Doctor who, of which I'm a major fan I stick to the audio dramas and occasionally the tv series (though I still haven't seen the most recent one). I'm also a bit wary of anything starwars at the moment outside the original films with the sequel trilogy being such a load of character assassination, corporate blandity and general meh. so, I'm afraid the book you requested I possibly must decline for the time being. @Dark eagle, Who wrote the merchant prince's series? I've not come across that one, but I do like person goes into other world style fantasy stories. The history of sports is less my thing, but that simply because sport in general is less my thing. It was quite amusing when I was in the states and the priest marrying my lady and I, obviously in an effort to be friendly to the visiting Englishman asked me what my "Soccer team", was. I explained politely that I didn't have a soccer team, though I declined to point out that in England (and indeed in most of the world), the game in question isn't called Soccer .I will say today my lady and I went to our local very awesome Italian, indeed it's literally the first time I've been out of my house in daytime since April, and since we were doing my lady's radio therapy through all of February and up to the middle of march, which pretty much necessitated just shuttling too and from hospital on a daily basis, we weren't exactly going out much before that. On the plus side, this really is a lovely restaurant, owned by a very friendly Spanish chap (yes a Spaniard who serves Italian food), who is also a game of thrones fan it turns out (luckily they don't serve pigeon pies). So I'm in a slightly better mood at the moment, indeed I've been getting back into ttrimps, truly finishing off Komandoh 1's black class, and even playing a bit of Starfinder on Alexa which is good. Hopefully my hand will be up to faster typing soon, since I'm sort of in a scifi mood and might take a break from fantasy muds to go and play around with cosmic rage.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

I have to admit it's been a while sinse I've really sat down and read a book or listened to an audio book.  I'm not a huge fan of fall though my wedding aniversery is in October and my wife's birthday is around the corner.  I am a bit sad to see summer slip away, however.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

I am always reading more than one I guess. I love fact books but I love fiction too. Right now I am reading Castaway in the Caribbean by Janice Horton. It is pretty good.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Hi,@Dark Eagle: Well, let's hope that at least November will be a good month for everyone, I mean with the election for US president.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Currently reading the fourth book of the merchant princes series, I am just surprised how fast I am going through this series. It took me around six months to get done with Laundry series, While this one it seems would be done by the end of October.And I must say, it is a very nice deconstruction of normal day character finding themselves in a fantasy world, or secretly being the member of a dangerous family, and multiple realities.On the side, I am also reading the book on the olympic history of India, which so far appears to be the only book of its kind, covering from early struggling years, to domination in hockey, and wash out of the hockey so much that India is virtually considered to be a non-threatening team.The author has written another book about cricket, (These books are written every year it seems,) but he appears to be very knowledgable of the sports history of the country, so I will give his book a chance.Aside from that, bad news from all over, let's just hope that this bad year of incompatence, viruses, and crisis would end already, and 2021 would not prove to be a full picture while 2020 presented just a trailor. That is a terrifying thought.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

@dark sent you a pm, with a book request review , you can check the book specified in the pm if you have the time.Sorry, for your hand, but I think that the hand is jelous  on the rest of your body, otherwise you wouldn't feel so much pain. The Everyone knows that because of the hands importance,after a time they get prety  arogant, and if you damage their confidence by broosing them, they tend to cause pain, both to you and to their own self.Why do I say that? because hands are entities with their own minds and thoughts, so now it's taking it's revange for being, may be you should appologize to itok, this is becoming kreepy! so may be I should stop before my hand knows what I will type, and gets angry


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Unfortunately, I fell over the other day and badly bruised my hand, making typing rather painful, hence why I've not been around on this forum or indeed gaming much recently. Currently reading second in the heart striker series, good dragon deserves another by Rachel Aaron, think semi futuristic magitech urban fantasy with a nice dragon as a protagonist. the first book was fun popcorn and I did a review. Not exactly deep but sort of amusing, which is sort of what I want at the moment.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Hi,And now for the first post that is ACTUALLY in September.I am Feeling as good as is possible with all the shit going on at the Moment since I am starting to study at the end of this month, so we'll see how this turns out.About books, I am currently listening to a german crime/Comedy series About a bavarian cop who solves murder cases while juggling his more than complicated private life, it's great.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Hi,And now for the first post that is ACTUALLY in SeptemberI am Feeling as good as is possible with all the shit going on at the Moment since I am starting to study at the end of this month, so we'll see how this turns out.About books, I am currently listening to a german crime/Comedy series About a bavarian cop who solves murder cases while juggling his more than complicated private life, it's great.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Monday, August 31, 2020I wanted to start this topic but well okeverything is ok and nice and i'm safe!


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

Figured it was September in Australia So that was close enough. LOL, I just had a moment and figured I would


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

How did this even get stickied so fast, even seeing that the forum is in GMT, it still isn't September.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

LOL don't rush.


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Re: monthly chat September 2020

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat  September 2020

It's Aug 31.


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monthly chat September 2020

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


monthly chat  September 2020

Another month gone and with it summer. I know I’m feeling a little gloomy as fall rolls in.How are all of you doing? Reading any fun books?


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