Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Lost souls sounds fun, Ill have to have a look at it, actually i really should try more muds than I do as Ive heard of some interesting ones. Im also wondering about the db, sinse generally while were not trying to turn this site into the mud connector, it would be nice to add more muds that make some sort of vague effort with screen reader access. has several on their games to play online page such as Ardwolf, Haven, and some of the Iron realms ones, and then there are muds like Diskworld that I know for a fact has some Vi access assistance, low spam, ascii alternatives is lost souls or 3k? and what about Epitaff?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Lost souls sounds fun, Ill have to have a look at it, actually i really should try more muds than I do as Ive heard of some interesting ones. Im also wondering about the db, sinse generally while were not trying to turn this site into the mud connector, it would be nice to add more muds that make some sort of vague effort with screen reader access. has several on their games to play online page such as Ardwolf, Haven, and some of the Iron realms ones, and then there are muds like Diskworld that I know for a fact has some Vi access assistance, low spam, ascii alternatives is lost souls or 3k? and what about Epitaff?Edit: okay had a quick look at the Lost souls wiki for interest and yee gods! the skills and creation system looks a beast, almost as bad as project bob. Probably less complex when you start, but still, lots of info and numbers even before you cre
 ate your first real char, sinse as far as I can gather there isnt a lot of point in playing with the default newbie halfelf other than as a basic poke around sinse it isnt like theyll be learning or doing anything serious.Then again, I freely admit stat balancing isnt my favourite activity in rpgs, Id much rather just dive in and get playing.


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Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Okay, so.You will either love or hate lost souls. I loved it at first, but my feelings on it are now more mixed. Initial reactions seem to be highly, highly polarizing.You can just jump in, if you ask someone for some help figuring out what your character needs. There are a number of easy guilds; of these, the ashenshi (which I am misspelling, but I havent played in a few months at least so) are particularly easy. It has been too long for me to give you any concrete info, but some combinations are glass cannons and some combinations are just plane hard. Another one that can be kind of easy if you can get in was once called ringwielder, but they renamed it and I cant remember to what. Unfortunately, this is a can: you can make some mistakes and screw it up, and you need to meet the entrance requirements. For the record, you can often but not always switch guilds without huge penalties, though you will los
 e skill access and the guilds powers.


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Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Lost souls sounds fun, Ill have to have a look at it, actually i really should try more muds than I do. Im also wondering about the db, sinse generally while were not trying to turn this site into the mud connector, it would be nice to add more muds that make some sort of vague effort with screen reader access. has several on their games to play online page such as Ardwolf, Haven, and some of the Iron realms ones, and then there are muds like diskworld that I know for a fact has some Vi access assistance, low spam, ascii alternatives is lost souls or 3K?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Lost souls sounds fun, Ill have to have a look at it, actually i really should try more muds than I do as Ive heard of some interesting ones. Im also wondering about the db, sinse generally while were not trying to turn this site into the mud connector, it would be nice to add more muds that make some sort of vague effort with screen reader access. has several on their games to play online page such as Ardwolf, Haven, and some of the Iron realms ones, and then there are muds like Diskworld that I know for a fact has some Vi access assistance, low spam, ascii alternatives is lost souls or 3k? and what about Epitaff?Edit: okay had a quick look at the Lost souls wiki for interest and yee gods! the skills and creation system looks a beast, almost as bad as project bob. Probably less complex when you start, but still, lots of info and numbers even before you cre
 ate your first real char, sinse as far as I can gather there isnt a lot of point in playing with the default newbie halfelf other than as a basic poke around sinse it isnt like theyll be learning or doing anything serious.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Lol Soul keeper, that sounds awsome, though it might be a shame if I was having to read it at ridiculous speed. Godwars is a mud many people have mentioned for a long time, though I dont know what has happened to Oriols mushZ version for it, though I have heard godwars requires ridiculously! fast typing. 7th plane Ive not heard of before at all. I was recently checking the wiki for Ardwolf, but it sounded a major hacknslasher, which may or may not be a good thing depending upon how its done. As to muds Ive tried, alteraeon is awsome but Id not really consider it a mud, not with the soundpack anyway its more like a full scale audio rpg. Materiamagica I did have a go of but I think some of the things that annoyed me about the game, namely the timed quests and lower level locked mark achievements have been fixed, still even getting all the quests in the newbie area before you get the auto boot is a little tough, thou
 gh i do know a lot of work has gone into both the access and the games world more recently, indeed the random wilderness is pretty awsome,  though again mm is a game with so many races and classes to choose at startup it makes tarting actually a little difficult. Wayfar1444 is awsome in terms of environment and crafting, and I can say is the mud I enjoyed most as a newbie, I even achieved some ascentions. A really! detailed crafting system and both procedural generation that doesnt feel like your reading random stats. my only issue is once Id built my colony on the alien world, it sort of felt far less like exploring strange alien wilderness in search of resources and a bit more like being an employee in an office with different design specs,  indeed some of the multi level craft builds got loopy! in that game. I am told things get more exploritory again when you get out into space, though I never quite got that far (I got to the stage of buil
 ding land vehicles, but not quite upto building space ones). I wouldve Its definitely a great idea for a game, I just wish the structure had been a little different, or that it remained as interesting at the start as it continued. Clok is what Im playing now and that I do like sinse the wilderness is awsome, and the crafting is detailed with what you do, but doesnt have ridiculously insane amounts of subsidiary modules to build and steps to go through, or at least not from what Ive gathered, its just the foraging and the actual actions you need to take that make the difference, like in Wayfar the combat is also slower than in most muds, which is good sinse as I said while I dont mind the real time, I dont like not being able to read full scale descriptions.


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Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Soul Keeper via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

I have played lots and lots of muds, many for a relatively short period of time, but none less than half a day or so. Of these, I believe my favorites would have to be:-Godwars:Probably the closest thing to realistic mud combat, with fighting which isnt at all hard to keep up with, an extremely diverce range of powers and builds for every class and a random stat/desc generator, both extremely smart.Seventh plane:-Sadly, it leads a quiet existence in some remote corner of the mud-verse, but its got a super amazing crafting system and, although very exp-grindy, awesome classes.Lost Souls:The complexity can get a bit overwhelming, as can flying around the world, and just the huge scale of the mud. But once you get accustomed to it, The diversity in guilds and the amount of stuff you can do is just awesome. Even pets can join guilds, and there are sentient traits to allow them to learn stuff... etc.As for easy guilds to start wi
 th,Theres also OZM (ordo zephyrius Mutaderus) or something like that. Basically really awesome wind mages with work with the elements of chaos, air and lightning. They get a super awesome spell called chaos lightning...  You say, chaosss lightning bill in murmuringly-accented Enochian.  Airy currents of energy ripple from the air into and around you, and youlet the currents of magick flow through you.  You have begun to cast chaos lightning.   You make several arcane gestures with your claws.  The air hums and the smell of ozone becomes overpowering.  Multicolored motes of energy dance in the air.  You point at Bill.  Your outstretched finger glows, and a corona of polychromatic lightningforms around Bill and electrocutes him.  Bills right arm is electrocuted into useless
 ness.  Bills oaken quarterstaff is torn from his grasp.  Bill drops his oaken quarterstaff.  Bills left arm is electrocuted into uselessness.  Bills right hand is blown off.  Bills left hand is blown off.  Bills right leg is electrocuted into uselessness.  Bills left leg is electrocuted into uselessness.  Bills right foot is blown off.  Bills left foot is blown off.  You have completed your casting of chaos lightning.  Bill dies.


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Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

@Druhv, thanks for the reviews, though Im afraid I agree, they probably need a bit more detail and correction if you wanted them to go in the articles room. Firstly Ive not played lost souls or 3k, so would appreciate a bit more information, indeed when you talk about equipment disappearing when you logout from lost souls that sounds crazy to me, so a bit more info would be good, likewise, in 3k do you literally move between different kingdoms? are they connected? And how are guilds (which i assume are like character classes for joining?), also Im a bit confused on what you mean about character death sinse usually when a character dies it shouldnt be such a huge setback, does lost souls have permadeath? So, a good start on reviews, we can certainly do with more of them, but a bit more info on what the mud is like to play, what features it has etc might be helpful.


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Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Dark, a very few muds do indeed not save your equipment. That was part of the reason I gave up on SWMud, the other part being that it was essentially just a grind fest. To compensate the games usually have equipment readily available but it isnt condusive to casual play and I like being able to customise my equipment so if like me you enjoy getting attached to your gear its irritating.


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Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Hi.Nice written in my oppinion. Thanks for this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

I have the Batmud mapping solution, though I dont have the link handy at the moment and its not worth your trouble. You have to use a coordinate reading command and match to the source code of one of the player-maintained maps that happens to match the coords. This means that exploring without help sucks beyond all telling. I usually have patience for this kind of thing; while technically doable, Batmud found my limit.As for Lost Souls, well, death there is interesting. Youve got like 25 lives or something, but getting more is easy enough. The thing with lost Souls is that you dont lose experience when you die. Instead, you can get any of a number of creative ailments that range from annoying to crippling, theres no guarantee that youll only get one, and they stack if you keep dying. Trust me, youll be begging for experience loss instead before long.Lost souls is the closest
  thing to what I imagine Nethack is like, to be honest: crazy hard if you do the wrong things, crazy awesome when its going well, and just plane crazy stuff can happen. Also Everything has an affect.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

@Druvh, its not your English thats the issue for an article so much as your structure. Id say you probably need a more clear begining, middle and end of a review, saying what is good and what isnt and making your points.Heck, what youve said here isnt wrong! or Bad! its just not the sort of formal standard stuff Id suggest for the articles room.As to eq loss, well Im not really much of a major fan of huge amounts of gear balancing anyway, just because I dont find it half as interesting as exploring or playing reactively, also because it feels a little out o atmosphere, after all how many real knights in the dark ages would sit around saying well do I wear my average quality spiked bronze gauntlets or my good quality iron gauntlets the only issue I have with eq loss is I could see retreaving gear each and every game being something of a chore, also while Im not k
 een on the stat balancing end I will agree that gear for easthetic and atmospheric reasons is helpful. Nethack is perminant death, though I could imagine alements being a pest in various games if you wind up with too many and there is no way of removing them. I actually ought to try more muds than I do, the main reason I dont is basically that I always find the realtime text combat a bit of a turnoff in most games sine I usually like the time to observe atmosphere etc without having to have my screen reader set at ridiculous speed just to keep up, and of course not getting time to just look at an enemy and read their description before Im quickly having to type away like a demon. I have heard of some good muds though that I probably ought to have a go at, and the speed is probably something Id get used to.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Hi,So, uh, are there any other muds with a diverse selection of guilds like this? I checked out icesus, but got kind of bored.PS: I wrote this all with one hand. whee


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Yeah, I know that Nethack is permaddeath. Lost souls just has this weird roguelike feel to it, without actually being random dungeons everywhere. And it can be as difficult-the Erisian Liberation Front is known for suicide by angry god, for example.Youre not going to find many muds with complex guilds and stuff where everyone is unique. It is really just that rare. Every example I can think of except Godwars2 has come up in this thread.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Hi,the 3 kingdoms arent really kingdoms - theyre just named that because it has (highly detailed and incredibly awesome) 3 realms. Sorry for me coming off like a fanboy, but I like this mud quite a lot. It has over 105 pretty detailed quests, some even make you move to different areas and even different realms.About eq disappearing in 3k, when you quit, you drop all your eq, but I still dont have any problems with an eq intensive guild (knights) because my guildmates keep the box pretty filled.Sorry to hear this is not up to the standards of the article room, but I should probably try to focus on a single mud, haha.Also english is my third language so thats probably hindering my articles slightly.Anyways, if you want to play the mud its at, look up diggle if you want any help, or just want to chat.


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Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

@Camlorn, lost souls does sound fun with all the classes etc, though whether that sort of death penalty in a mud where death can be very quick is a good thing I dont know. One which people on audeasy have recommended is Cyber assault, which sounded good with a large range of customizable classes from immortals like in highlander, to mech warriors and holograms, plus lots of multiclass options. They also run quests and events and have Vi access fixes, its on my list of muds I need to try out sinse Ive heard good things, but on levels of classes and customizations it did seem to have quite a lot.


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Re: muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dranelement via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

I love lost souls! My first character is in the ELF guild, and yep. Unless you like dying a lot in amusing and horrifying ways, maybe its not the best to start out with. I do love the game, though, despite ocasionally having my head exploded by cthulhu, or being utterly oblitterated by hastur. Lots of different guilds, and tuns to do.


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muds: tips, reviews and some questions

2015-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


muds: tips,  reviews and some questions

Hello,I wanted to put this in the article room, but 1. it isnt really polished enough to be there and 2. I need some questions answered.In this post im going to describe some mud experiences Ive had, and some questions I need answered.Disclaimer: these are just my experiences, and im not even close to being near the top players in these muds, so do take that into consideration...but here we go anyways:Alter aeonWell, Everyone knows alter aeon. Its unofficially the best mud in the audiogames universe (if a mud can be called an audiogame) and I dont mean that in a negative way-because of mush-z and the soundpack, alter aeon is more a rpg rather than a mud.but I digress. Alter aeon is the first mud ive played...when I was like 10, I think. I didnt know much english so I stayed pretty much to myself, and didnt interact much. My first character, dhruv, (I guess you didnt see that comin
 g, right? right? ) came out pretty OK, regardless of it having like 13 con (shutters).My thoughts on the mud:Dentin has done a fantastic job on alter aeon. I will guarantee you that youll see a new change anywhere between 5 to 14 days. He has done a great job on balancing everything about the mud.Some tips for alter aeon:You need high con. Regardless of which main class you are, you need high constitution (maybe not if youre a necromancer, but,).Some good class combos to start out with are warrior thief, thief warrior, necromancer cleric and necromancer mage.If you have problems in finding gold, the thief skills pickpocket and steal are excellent goldmines...I know a friend who gets around 10k gold per reset (which is just 30 minutes) by doing stealruns of lots of cities.Lost souls:Lost souls has been 
 the point of contension for quite a while now by some people liking it a lot, and some people hating it a lot. I havent had much experience with this one, but heres what I know:You should try to make a second character as soon as possible. The first human character that you have is good enough, but you wont survive with it long Some good guilds to start out with are Bruteand er...well brute .Oh! aisenshi! right.The best friend you will have in your lost souls career is Its a huge information hub for everything lost souls. You should check out the newbie guides there, theyre far, far better than this one .3 kingdoms:3k has been pretty interesting for me these days with the new changes where they made qinfo legal and they made a recall command...but they call it townportal.3k is pretty huge and advanced, with 3 realms called science, fantasy and chaos. Science is...well science like psionics, vr arcades, dune, outer space and the like. Fantasy is your stereotypical fantasy style mud...dwarves, elves, etc. And chaos is...chaos. from premordial dynosaurs to barny to serial killers to the simpsons to conshous alphabets, youll find all of them here! A huge point of tension with 3k has been the not allowed to keep eq after boot or quitting rule. But there is an easy way to fix it (at least till boot): go linkdead. Your eq will stay on you, and you can stay ld for 24 hours without automatically being logged out. It has lots of guilds like angels (martial artists and magic wielders comb
 ined), bards (stat-raising, damage-enducing singer in a box), bladesingers (elven blademasters with ability to rune-enhance themselves), breed (secretive psionic mages), changelings (with over 120 forms to choose from), cyborg (a combination of man and machine, with lots of implants to choose from), elementals (creatures having the powers of the elements, and on later stages time itself), fremen (from dune), gentech (time travelling race with lots of science abilities), jedi (we all know where they are from), juggernaut(humans wearing battletech suits who can go pur edefense or pure offense), knights (pretty powerful human warriors with a code of honor), mages (...your average mages, actually, but with summoning capabilities), monks (intirely self dependent punching-your-daylights-out warriors), necromancers (with control over the dead and the undead), psicorps (powers of the mind, and a portable guild hall), and sii (possesser of extraplaner forms...but its less cooler 
 than it sounds).So as you can see, there are lots of guilds. Regarding eq, there are some guilds that dont need it like mages, elementals, and monks. And even if youre an eq reliant guild, theres a pretty good chanse that your guild members has already have something in it for you.Some tips for getting gold:First, you need the adventuring.fleesing skill as high as possible, which is 5. Then you should basically run smurfs in chaos over and over and over and over and over . One run gets you over 30k, but considering some auctions go over a million gold coins, thats not really much.And thats it for the muds I was confident enough to review about. I have played about 10-20 more muds, but I dont know if I can write a good