Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2020-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deucalion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

# 11 could you give more details about your personal experience? I'm just curious. It's perfectly fine if you don't want to. I also used crack software, but I gave up after realizing it was unethical.# 1 I would gladly buy this game because I find the idea interesting and, hell, it's only 5 euros, but like many other blind people, the language barrier prevents me. If you add text before each of the actors' lines and the possibility that this text will be read by NVDA we could use a special adon that will translate the game for us into the desired language.I understand that this system requires additional coding, but the logic says that it would be a source of extra money.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Hi.I didn't think I'd be writing in this topic, but here I am. First of all, good job on AudioWizards. I purchased the game around September or October, and I really liked it. I've even completed the new levels, and I'm trying to get all the stars for them.Also, I would buy it on Steam if it came to PC. Although Steam isn't the easiest thing in the world, it's pretty usable. If it helps anyone, think of Steam this way. Steam is similar to a mainstream videogame in the sense that we see it and think it's unusable. Like some mainstream games, this isn't the case. In fact, some people, including Ross Minor and TJ The Blind gamer play games like Call Of Duty. So I've found that although the guide in Articles Room does help you, you also have to do your own experimenting to figure things out with Steam. This is also the case with mainstream games. This may have not been the best comparison, but I hope it at least gets the point across.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

@Dark: That would be because the account settings menu is not properly labeled by any means even in ocr scans. Very imperfect, and even if the web interface is perfectly accessible the fact that upgrading to STeam betas is not accessible doesn't help matters much. Understandable if it just came out for testing, but I can tell you from my use of it that it's been out for months now, and the library accessibility is totally functional to the point where they might as well release the damn thing.Of course the problem with selling on a platform like, as accessible as it is, is that you are on your own for providing drm which is not very convenient in this day and age with the stand-alone drm systems sadly being replaced by centralized distribution platforms that make you the product rather than the customer.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

No sighted assistance available at my end end Jack, and again the need for sighted assistance says a lot about accessibility in Steam, or lack there of. I've never seen an account settings menu anywhere. If Valve do do a 180 on access and give us a nice friendly web interface, that would be awesome, but at this point I'll believe it when I see it.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Indeed!I tried yesterday.Almost got it thanks to sighted assistance, however they forgot to click the ok button.I'm just gonna wait for now.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

It's hit or miss depending on how well your ocr does. From what I remember you need to click the steam icon at the top of the screen to get to that account menu area. if you aren't sure, you *may* need sighted help or AIRA but this would be the absolute last time you'd ever need to get sighted assistance or ocr for STeam. See if Valve would just get on with it and build this into an official release this wouldn't even have to be a problem.Although, supposedly they're making all the parts of the interface accessible, and this beta includes the entire game library.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

It's hit or miss depending on how well your ocr does. From what I remember you need to click the steam icon at the top of the screen to get to that account menu area. if you aren't sure, you *may* need sighted help or AIRA but this would be the absolute last time you'd ever need to get sighted assistance or ocr for STeam. See if Valve would just get on with it and build this into an official release this wouldn't even have to be a problem.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

It's hit or miss depending on how well your ocr does. From what I remember you need to click the steam icon at the top of the screen to get to that account menu area. if you aren't sure, you *may* need sighted help or AIRA but this would be the absolute last time you'd ever need to get sighted assistance or ocr for STeam.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

how do I get to the account settings to update to the beta?


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

@Dark:I'm surprised Valve hasn't put this into an actual update since this has been out for about a month in a half now. But if you upgrade your Steam to the beta in your Steam account settings, you are going to get some actual, honest to goodness accessibility. You might still need some mouse navigation here and there, but no more ocr, no more flat review, and no more jumbled/unclear text as it's now going to read like a web application in nvda.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Okay, just waying in here. Firstly, I confess I am a little sorry music maze is abandoned since two of the people who worked on the game were myself and Mrs. Dark, we spent several hours modifying the script and smoothing typos and grammar before Mrs. Dark recorded all of the lines,  I was voicing the menu, she was going to be the in game announcer and was quite looking forward to being a little elf like creature . that being said, the gameplay sounded in some ways similar to audio wizards so I understand the decision.As far as the financial angle goes, myself I'm afraid I don't think the lack of sales is due to either lack of promotion, unfair pricing  or of piracy, it's the old problem we have with audiogames. %0.3 of the population, or roughly one in thirty thousand people are legally blind. of that one in thirty thousand %90 are over the age of sixty five, and thus unlikely to play computer games, aside from the fact that even among those who do, many are on lower incomes anyway as has been said.Unfortunately, the customer base is just not large enough to promote serious financial investment. We've seen it time and time and time again. Those people who develop accessible games therefore, either are producing games which also have a wide audience among sighted people, EG text based games, or develop audiogames alongside working on other software, or they are hobby developers for whom the financial side of development is more to recoop costs and provide a little extra, than a total income. There is of course a growing audience (in this case literally), of sighted people listening to audio dramas, and I believe some groups like earplay and the developers of games for Alexa have tapped into that market, but in terms of actually supporting a developer financially full time, I don't think we're quite there yet. Of course what might happen in 10 years or so as the Atari generation grow older and more of them start to lose their sight, we'll see.So, I would suggest myself, either working on other none audiogame projects to pay the rent in addition to audiogame development, or developing projects with a specific appeal to sighted gamers, and perhaps an in built access component as well, such as goodwolf studios did with the code 7 series.As far as the Steam debate goes, I'd say at the moment Steam is usable, not accessible, that is it's possible to run things on, but not as easily as a sighted person can , and this is only likely to improve accidently since Valve's attitude to accessibility (or lack there of), is pretty terrible, stil Steam also has the distinct benefit that games would be far more available to the sighted public (A blind legend did fairly well on Steam I believe). I'd certainly not be against buying games on Steam myself now I've got the damn thing running, but if the games were available on another platform, I'd probably choose that first to save on the inconvenience.Both Mrs. Dark and I will be available for voice acting, and I would be quite happy to contribute writing wise to any future projects, indeed I'm already working on a sequel to my audio wizards story, since I got rather fond of the characters in that one.Good luck, I'll be looking forward to seeing what happens in the future.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : maria_reyes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Hi David! I just want to say that I Really appreciate every game you make; from simple to hard. just keep your head up and don't give up!!


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_oliva via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

HiThanks a lot for all your comments. It has been very interesting to read all of them as they were coming.This type of communication is very valuable for us. For instance, few of you have been talking about Steam (thanks cj89 for your link about accessibility in Steam). That information will help us a lot, in order to make the things better and avoid possible mistakes. Hopefully we have time to check the things properly I can't now comment individually to each comment, but I would like to say something else yet. Sometimes people says that the community is a bit hard or negative on developers. But shit, look at all your comments! Most were encouraging us to continue with the work and told that the game was great and enjoyable. The others, went to topics like piracy and steam that are very important for me to read, and absolutely all were written very politely and in a very constructive way. That kind of interaction is great.So I have nothing else to say that keep the comments coming. That would help us and other developers to learn from your experience. I wish you very good holidays and a very good 2020.DavidPs. Oh well. I have something else to say. I forgot on my first post to tell that we are working in parallel in a multiplayer version of AudioWizards. In parallel means that the work is done by a group of 7 students from gaming studies, that wanted to help us with the game design and the implementation of a first demo version. Let's see how far we can go with it, and hopefully we will send you some news about that by end of March.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

@cj89: On top of that, Steam is now near fully accessible ui-wise in the latest betas. They've finally updated the Chrome wrapper.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Ok, look, asking someone to buy you a game isn't always a viable option. I don't like it when that's thrown out as a suggestion as though that's a thing everyone is comfortable doing. I absolutely agree with the sentiment that cracking in the audio gaming scene isn't OK, but let's be real here. Games are a want, not a need, and if you have a lot of pride, which is something I can personally relate to, you wouldn't dare do something that could be taken as grovelling. Some people, especially younger ones with this particular temperament, would rather crack something than be seen as a beggar. Hell, I would have. The difference is that, while I did go through a phase as a teenager where I revelled in all the free stuff I could get, I also recognized that one day, hopefully in the near future, I would pay it forward in other ways, and support those who deserved my patronage. I feel I've done that. If these kinds of topics had existed back in the days when I was first getting into playing audio games, I would never have asked for charity, because, after all, a game is not my shelter or other essentials. I'm not saying this to shame those who do take this route, nor to discourage those who are being generous from providing keys and such. I think it's a great thing, especially in an era where instant gratification is far too prevalent, and it seems like, more than ever, it's every man for himself. All I'm saying is that there are people such as myself who would consider it quite disrespectful to ask for handouts from strangers, so don't expect those people to come forward and do the "right" thing.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Steam is definitely usable, people just need to explore some more of the alternative methods for obtaining text from their screen reader. I've been using steam for years. Link to the article on setup and use below. … r-in-2019/I bought Audio Wizards on both iOS and Android. Sure its not the next big innovative blockbuster, but was it really ever trying to be? The later levels can definitely get particularly challenging. If nothing else, keep it around to try and train your reflexes. Considering all the effort that actually went into things like the sound, sourcing material from the very community you're making the game for, that's pretty cool. I don't think 5 bucks is too steep of a price. You can never please everyone though I guess.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I am going to have to agree with jack here. Another thing: if you can't buy the game for any reason, then ask someone to buy it for you. That does not justify cracking the game in my opinion. Either that or talk to the developer about your situation and see if you can work something out.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

@Turtlepower17: Non-intrusive DRM is a right trying to be fought by the free software foundation, however I don't see much wrong with Steam's DRM since I have not seen any cross-tracking deemens or anything like that that would slow down your computer or cause legitimate annoyances like Starforce and some other drm systems used to. That being said, other than the abandoned Private Detective School and the Vipgameszone stuff, there is not one game that I have seen that has used the kind of draconian drm that literally allows no wiggleroom and has the potential to be rendered unplayable. Besides, a company like Valve probably has crash plans intact if they anticipate a large outage. But I digress.@Amerikranian: I'm glad that you personally are off the piracy train, but it sounds to me like you're shifting into apologist territory for pirates which is not necessarily a good thing. In fact, it was the statementAmerikranian wrote:I could also lead this into the discussion of wants vs. needs, but I will let you form your own conclusions on that topic when combined with what I said earlier.that kind of saved you from entering that territory. That statement could have been proceeded by:Games are a privilege, not a right.I am quite sure that a developer would be more content selling less copies if they were all genuine, rather than less copies because a great majority of them are pirated. Seriously. There is no rhyme or reason that can justify pirating from such a small market. I don't give a rip if it's not your cup of tea, I mean it's ok if it isn't, but if it's not your cup of tea yet you still want to have a playaround, just buy the friggin game. The froofy coffee you might buy for 5 bucks will be gone in a mere instant, but the $5 you spend on a game has a greater value, both for you and for the developer.Re, exchange rates: Oh, my God. Did we not just put a sticky topic in general games discussion for gift-giving? So much better than cracking, which again has no justification.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I think it's perfectly reasonable to sell an audio game on Steam. There's a guide on this forum that should get anyone up and running with it. Besides, while it's certainly convenient to have DRM-free copies of all the digital things we purchase, it's not a right, it's a privilege. Since this dev has expressed concerns about piracy to begin with, I really wouldn't blame him if it's a Steam-only release.I've heard good things about this game, and the only reason I personally did not purchase it is that mobile gaming in general is just not my thing, not unless it's something simple like a dice or card game. I happen to prefer playing on the PC whenever possible, it's just easier and more comfortable for me. So, I would be more than happy to purchase this game and give it a shot once the Windows version is released, regardless of which platform it ultimately ends up on.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I'm gonna disagree with other people here and say that Steam is the perfect PC platform to release for. Given that we've already got people disrespectful enough to pirate the mobile game, we don't need the PC version also being super easy to break. Steam gives you DRM built right in, and that's important in an arena where there are people willing to get your goods for naught. Also, shame on those who did pirate the game. This is why we can't have nice things, kids.I'm also looking forward to the RPG game. I'm not as much into these reaction games, and I'm horrendous with rhythm games, so puzzles and rpg work very well for me. A battle card game like Teppen would be awesome, too.I never did buy Audio Wizards, but that's because up until a week ago, I'd been using the same ten-year old Android Gingerbread phone, which wouldn't have been able to get on to the play store to begin with. I'll probably download and try it on this new phone, though.Kai


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlakeT via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Hi,I bought Audio wizards a month ago, and liked it, despite the arcadyness. I tend to stear clear of arcade games, but I love wizard/magic themes, so I was neatly torn. I am, however, glad I bought it. I will likely buy your PC version too, because pressing keys is easier when speed is needed, in my opinion, than swiping. Loved the music, though I had a bit of trouble distinguishing the elemental sounds. I guess I'm posting to say, don't let sales discourage. New games are a treasure in this community, and I can't wait till your next one. I second what was said before about steam. I most likely will not buy the PC games if they are on steam. I thought about getting it last year, and I gave it up because, from my research on it, it's barely navigable with a screen reader. Thanks for what you do.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Hi.I'm sorry to hear the sad news about Music Maze as well.I have also bought Audio Wizards for IOS, completed the main story and enjoyed it a lot. However, the new released levels are too challenging for me.I don't think the price is the main issue for blind people. There are always people who will try to crack to avoid to pay. Shame on them.Regarding the release for pc: I will highly recommend you to make a fully accessible way of buying the game through the website. I will buy the pc version as well.You can't make one game which is for everyone. In other words: You can't expect all blind gamers to buy one game. The market for blind gamers are quite limited. Some people wants very simple games and others want advanced games.Maybe cut down on the audio design and music design and focus more on the gameplay. In Audio Wizards you are doing the same thing over and over again. If you aren't fast enough, then the game is simply not for you. There are many gamers out there who aren't fast enough for those kind of games. So maybe some exploration, RPG thing and puzzle based stuff combined with reactions would be a great thing to consider in the future.I look very much forward to the new game you are working on. Keep up the fantastic job.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Yes, I would agree on, while the target community for such devs and marketers is small, gameplay quality and replayability value do play an important roll in the success of the game and thus achieving the desired sales. I don't say that Audio Wizards is bad, never and as mentioned, would gladly be picking up the PC version when available, it's yet a simplistic game with simplistic mechanics with likely that the player only completes it once and then leaves it. I'm not bashing the game, I liked it myself, but if you looked at the more advanced and complexed games here in our market and their success rate, you'll get what I mean. Still though, not the main reason I'd say for already people hear did mention various reasons, but I thought it's something that's worth confirming.Wish you all the best, and looking forward to the PC version of Audio Wizards and your up coming RPG.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I hate writing posts like these, hate to ask for something which I can't do yet, but I feel like my insight into this will explain some hesitation and or illegal sharing of the game.Let's get some facts out of the way first:1. Blind market is not huge, no matter which way you spin it. It's not, it will never be unless a major disease hits a lot of people (I hope not), and thus bragging about numbers was questionable, at least in my opinion. I can't pity you for doing so, your sales are the proof of my statement.2. A lot of your customers are under age. This means limited if not a denial of cash. That problem is furthermore exposed by people being in different countries and having different exchange rates for currency. So, while you may see the game as a minimal-priced product, others may not. Combine that with the fact of being under age, and we're lead to point 3.3. We all know that people share keys and or products. Look at the Manamon topic. Look at the mods having to stomp their foot on the copyrighted movies thread. Fact is, we all like to save money. Sometimes, those people mentioned in point 2 just can't pay for things, and that's why they crack your product. I would like to be nice and say that they would pay if they could, but that would be too naive. A lot of us, myself included, have gained access to internet at the age where our morals and ethics were just beginning to take shape. Some of us, me, have had real-life consequences for using materials we weren't supposed to and learning from our mistakes, but most of the people out there didn't have such lessons. Combine that with the iffy influence some individuals cause in relation to others, and you will get a grasp on why people crack your stuff. Sure, it's low cost, but for them, no cost is better than a low one. I could also lead this into the discussion of wants vs. needs, but I will let you form your own conclusions on that topic when combined with what I said earlier.4. Some people, after looking at the game, may just not want to shell out cash for something they'd play once and forget. This is in my case. While I can afford the price, I am not willing to spend money on something so, forgive me, simplistic. Again, it's difficult to appeal to all in terms of difficulty (I saw a post earlier on that said the game was too hard) but that is my case. I will not purchase what seems to me to be an over-glorified recording. I have heard the game being played, and hence feel like I am confident to assess it's difficulty when it comes to my skills. Thing is, this is almost worse than A Blind Legend, at least in my eyes. I dare say that it has a lot more action when compared to this, and in my mind, why should I pay for something less immersive when I could go grab a free game off the app store and get more entertainment out of it for free?I hope that this gave you more insight into how some may view your product. None of this is personal, I just call things out as I see them.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Hi thereI wish you all the best in your project. I liked Audio Wizards, I bought the iOS version and would definitely be buying the PC version as well when it comes out. You did a great job.And, as a fan of RPG games, I'm looking forward to your next game, for sure.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I'd be willing to buy your games in the future too. I really enjoed Audio Wizards. Sad to hear about Music Maze, I hope that project can return one day. I am looking forward to the auto battler.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Okay, I've picked up Audio Wizrds again after trying it a few months ago. I don't mean to be negative or anything, but for me at least, the tutorial just happens too fast. As in, a lot of controls are thrown at me and I cannot memorize them so quickly, nor the sounds the elementals make. I know, I'm not one of those super blind people who can play the most visual games ever with total confidence, but I guess this game just is too hard for me. Ah well, I'll stick with Dissidia Final Fantasy.  but I did buy the game, and I'd be willing to donate to My True Sound, and buy their games just to support them in the future.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I hate to hear the news about Music Maze, but I wish you the best of luck on all your future endeavors.Audio Wizards is a great game.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Hi:I bought this game for my iPhone a couple months ago .. great game. Personally, I don't think five uros is too much to ask. The problem is that may audio gamers are underage and either can't afford or are unaware of ways to purchase games on the app or play store. Plus, in some regions some app stores are not available--the U.S. store is not available in the Bahamas, for example. All of which will have an impact on sales. Also, is the PC version of the game going to abe made available only on Steam? Although Steam has made some small steps towards blind accessibility, it's still not the most accessible platform out there, so perhaps providing  a download in a store that's more accessible would be a good idea, in addition to using Steam.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I don't want to invalidate your experience of audio gamers not being willing to pay for games, because I'm certain it's true to some extent. But here's another interpretation that may help a bit.Audio Wizards is a great game, but it isn't really my thing. I'm more interested in exploration, strategy, and maybe sports. Sitting in a fixed location lobbing magical attacks, while a perfectly good game mechanic, isn't really my thing. I'm also not terribly interested in being led around a world either, so games like A Blind Legend quickly lose my interest.But as a developer myself, I know that the kinds of mechanics I'm interested in are more difficult to get right. So I certainly understand the choices you've made in creating Audio Wizards.I guess what I'm saying is, please don't give up on the market because of a single game.I'd buy Audio Wizards: Tower Defense.  Maybe while the wizard dude rambles on between rounds, you set up towers tuned to different elements. Maybe you could pop between them and toss out attacks. Touchscreen-accessible Tower Defense is something I'd pay for in a heartbeat, and definitely more than $5.If you don't make it, I probably will. Can't get the idea out of my head now. Certainly won't be Audio Wizards-themed if I do it though, which would be a disappointment since I think the concepts fit well.


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I am still living with my perrent and have nothing that I can give for you to help out.but here's a thing.I usually keep this for japanese audiogame, but this time.You did a great job with audio wizard, I really mean it, it's on the right track.yes it is simple, it's not a full size rpg or what so ever, but for me at least, it's adicting, satisfying hard to put down. it's been a long time I feel that way about game.I wish you good luck! 


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Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I don't actually know this game but I'll check it out. But we are a small market unfortunately, I'm sure any audiogame developer would agree with that, so I doubt your sales numbers are as a result of something specific to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Hi there, i have purchased audio wizards on android about a few weeks a go. and i like the game!All i can say is keep up the good work and don't stop what you are doing.I wish you the best of luck with the up coming projects!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_oliva via Audiogames-reflector


myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Hi dear audiogamers and friendsYear 2019 has been a very interesting one. It was full of challenges, but also of a lot of learning. Before it ends, I thought it could be a good moment to send you some updates and thank all of you for the support. I’m normally very open to tell about our company’s actions and thoughts, so this post includes good, bad news, and a little bit of criticism too.1.    TEAM. After losing last spring our main developer (who basically decided to leave from one day to another), we have found the desired stability we needed. At this moment our team is composed by five; Axel, Aleksi, Jani, Joonas and David. From January, a new programmer called Marko will join the team. Unfortunately, incomes are not yet enough to provide us a salary, but we try our best to optimize resources and time. Motivation is quite high, and we all row in the same direction.2.    AUDIOWIZARDS. Our first real game was successfully launched in September 2019 for iOS and Android. After 2 months we updated it with 5 new pretty challenging levels. In January, the game will be also available for PC through Steam. All the music in the game was composed by nine very talented blind musicians, and we have decided to make that music also available in Steam. More news about that in 2020. The game received very positive critics, but it didn’t reach the selling numbers we needed. We had invested a lot of time and effort in marketing, and the game was good, so the only clear reason for us was that most of audiogamers don’t want to spend even 5 € for a game, even though the game proved to be worth that price. This was a surprised, because it is common to read in the forums that the gaming community is tired of simplistic games, and that they want to play the same games that are played by sighted. We tried to do both, a complex game with nice music and sound effects, challenging tasks and simple but interesting visuals. Perhaps we are living the time of the “everything should be free”. Mobile gaming is saturated of free to play games including in-app purchases or publicity adds. We tried the other way, a quality game that costed 5 € but once purchased it was for you forever. It didn’t work. And it is a pity, because perhaps it could be true that the community is not ready to really take new developers in. I’m sorry about this terrific fact, but developers also need to eat, and if I can’t provide them a salary, sooner or later they will leave. How all this has affected us is detailed further in next points 3, 4 and 5. We also noticed some members of the community were sharing ways in the internet to make pirate versions of our game. Shame on you!!!3.    MUSICMAZE. We were developing an infinite runner type game for few months. The game included pixel art graphics and very professional music and sound effects. In the game you advanced through 6 finite levels and the final infinite, each level with a different atmosphere resembling desert, jungle, temple, catacombs and so on, while meeting the new enemies and collecting coins to earn XP and different collectables. Game mechanics were based in combinations of swipes and tabs. Last October, after spending quite much money and effort on it, we reached alpha-test version. Once we tested ourselves, we decided to cancel the game and stop its development in order to minimize losses. The game was not  bad, but based on the experience with games including a fix price of 5 €, we thought it was not a viable project any longer. Sure we considered to add in-app purchases and learn from this type of monetization model. But that was not the way we wanted to go because of ethical issues, e.g. our games are not casino-type-games where you need to pay to collect things. At this point, I take myself all the responsibility from this failure. I was not able to see in advance what could happen, and I actually maintain the development for few more months because of sentimental reasons, e.g. many people had been involved and I don’t like to quit and fail. End of the story.4.    FUTURE GAME. But the good games come now. We have started to work on a new game in the category of RPG-Manager Auto-Battler. Perhaps some of you ask what the hell is that, or ask for more info. We will answer those questions in the next months to come. If everything goes well, in 3-4 months we will launch a DEMO and offer interested players some kind of Early Access or Pre-Order option. The new game will be very ambitious, including graphics but fully accessible for the blind, originally developed for PC but if possible it will be migrated to mobile systems at some point. We are very far from launch yet, and actually we have not yet all the funding we need for it. If  you want to help us on our way, then jump to point number 5.5.    FUNDING and CROWFUNDING. Along the last months we talked with a series of investors. We told them there was a huge market